political economy

Riley and Brenner's astonishing piece in NLR

C99% readers, I don't know if you caught Dylan Riley and Robert Brenner's piece "Seven Theses on American Politics" over at NLR. But it's important. It's important because Riley and Brenner are willing to admit what others don't, which ends up with a revelation of how pathetic the current situation is.

Liberals and the left fail to notice - and celebrate - the intellectual death of conservatism

Faced with Trump's populist seizure of the Republican Party, establishment conservatives and libertarians are trying to redefine republicanism to exclude anything other than market capitalism.

What is a republic?

At some point in 2009 or 2010, as I watched the political and economic catastrophes of Barack Obama interposing himself between the banksters and "the pitchforks" unfold, I was reading a book on the history of American industrial technology. The Introduction included a discussion of the republican political thought of the Founders. Those two or three paragraphs launched me into researching American history, to answer two questions:

What is a republic?

Robert Kuttner reviews new biography of Karl Polanyi: Unregulated Capitalism Ends in Fascism

Ever since I found that they had no interest in learning about, let alone organizing against, the dirty money behind Wall Street and leveraged buyout in the 1980s, I have not had much respect for Marxists and communists.
