Thursday Open Thread 8-24-2017
Why go to the effort to obtain high quality foods. Taste, health, support local growers, trying to reduce dependency on corporations or gardening as a hobby. Some of the benefits are personal many of them are also global. Food and beverage choices at home, in restaurants and as snacks provide you the opportunity to make small multiple impacts day after day.
The main message for this week is read the ingredients on the food you are using. It may not be what you expect. I am finding a number of foods I have used for years now have extra ingredients. The choice is change products or start making it oneself. For example, it is hard to find a corn tortilla to cook without gar-gum. Most of the 50lb bags of masa flour at the restaurant supply store have it pre-added to the flour. The tortillas with gar-gum will mold in my fridge. The ones without simply dehydrate and are good for months, just need to add water. What else is changing?
How the food is grown
States are passing legislation to remove local control of agriculture techniques and supplies
Nearly every seed-preemption law in the country borrows language from a 2013 model bill drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The council is “a pay-to-play operation where corporations buy a seat and a vote on ‘task forces’ to advance their legislative wish lists,” essentially “voting as equals” with state legislators on bills, according to The Center for Media and Democracy.
Commercial grain crops and soybeans for bio-fuels, animal feed and human consumption are the major crops in the great plain states Agriculture run off is creating an annual dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.This year the dead zone grew to 8700 square miles.
A new report lands much of the blame for the dead zone at the door of modern industrial agriculture. America’s addiction to cheap meat, fed on corn and soy in vast indoor factories, comes at a high cost in human health problems and environmental destruction. None of these costs are paid for by the companies that produce the meat and feed, such as Tyson, Cargill and ADM.
Agriculture was very different before the second world war, when animals were mostly kept outdoors. Cows grazed on pasture and rangeland, while chickens and hogs rooted over fields, supplemented with food and crop waste. Chemicals were little used.
What is in the food.
Preservatives and additives are added to make food taste predictable, provide eye appeal and have a longer shelf-life. The food company controls a majority of the information provided to the consumer.
Here’s a shocking fact about your food: A company can decide for itself that a chemical is safe to use in food and doesn’t have to tell the Food and Drug Administration, the agency charged with protecting our food supply. If that same chemical was used to make a tennis racket, the company would have to notify the Environmental Protection Agency, giving the EPA the opportunity to review it for safety.
Your sports equipment may be safer than what’s on your plate.
Senator Ed Markey recently characterized this flawed process as “a self-graded take home exam that industry doesn’t even have to hand in.” That means the food we serve our families contains hundreds of chemicals whose identity or safety is unknown. The process is a massive exploitation of an exception in the 1958 Food Additives Amendment for ingredients found to be “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS), which was originally intended for things like olive oil and vinegar.
Food companies use additives to flavor food, enhance its color, prevent spoilage, and more. It includes chemicals used in packaging and food processing equipment that may get into food and covers more than just the ingredients listed on the label. Of the 10,000 or so additives, about 1,000 have been deemed by companies in secret to be generally recognized as safe.
We are still learning new information about one of our oldest preservatives. High consumption of sugars is implicated in contributing to mood disorders. One assumption has been individuals with mood disorders crave sugar. Which came first craving for sugar or mood disorder? This study looks at the question.
In our study we were able to exclude potential ‘reverse causation’ as the reason for the observed link between high sugar intake and low mood. Over years and decades, it could be that those susceptible to depression tend to increase their sugar intake. This group may tend to report higher consumption at study baseline even in the absence of depression at the time of the questionnaire, while having an increased risk of future depression compared to other participants
Products change, read labels when you buy. I was going to make some ice cream and started to buy some Darigold Whipping Cream (my bold)(homemade spoon the cream from the top of the non-homogenized milk).
Tracking down food sensitivities can be tricky. Did the strawberry Darigold yogurt cause gas because of a lactose intolerance or the inulin added to provide a creamy texture. (my homemade yogurt: 1 qt milk and 1 T yogurt for culture and 12 hours at 90 degrees, not as thick as commercial)
Inulin is indigestible by the human enzymes ptyalin and amylase, which are adapted to digest starch. As a result, inulin passes through much of the digestive system intact. It is only in the colon that bacteria metabolise inulin, with the release of significant quantities of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and/or methane. Inulin-containing foods can be rather gassy, in particular for those unaccustomed to inulin, and these foods should be consumed in moderation at first.
I quite eating salmon in restaurants and at banquets years ago due to farm salmon. Now one is at increased risk for eating genetically modified salmon without a choice.
Tons of lab-developed salmon was sold in Canada last year without any packaging labeling it as a product of science, and the company that created and raises the fish, AquaBounty, won’t release the names of food distributors it sells to.
Farm Report
This past week was about the sky. Forest fires are within 30 miles and the smoke has been coming and going.
Clear skys
Smoke created dramatic sunsets.
Watched the eclipse from the front yard.
Yesterday and today I have spent most of the time indoors with windows closed. Visability is less than a 1/4 mile.

Now I can see the appeal
of breatharianism.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Are some of those white balls sheep?
As I reported yesterday, two PV farms will stay rural with sheep mowing the fields under the panels. I hope the sheep approve.
Trying another food delivery service. Disappointing. But plant-based. Many more ingredients I don't have at home.
I have a follow-up appointment with the orthopedist who did surgery on my foot. Still swollen since March. I do not react well with metal implants. May ask for an undo. Undo on arm is on hold. I can't be one legged and one armed. Each alone is frustrating (challenging).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sheep natures lawn mowers
As long as they do not use the solar panels as scratching posts. it should work fine. I use a few around the house, barn and orchard for weed control. Anyone who eats bark or rubs on buildings is banned to the pasture.
This has been along ordeal for the fractures. It iwll be a tough decision to decide to remove the screws or not. The swelling is an issue, but so is the complications and recovery time for a surgery. Don't know if you remember this from the beginning of the year. AlligatorEd did a great diary on elective surgery and what to consider.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I always learn so much from you.
Sorry for all your fires. We are indoors with windows and doors closed because it is cold. High of 66 today. Stiff wind coming in off the lake expanding and taking away beach along the shore. Right now it is mostly cloudy, suppose to clear as the day goes on.
I would like a pill as a food substitute. Don't have to shop, don't have to cook, don't have to clean. Probably would be healthier than what most of us buy and eat out of the stores.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It is the cleaning and shopping
I spend the effort avoiding. It may take more time to grow or raise the food, but I don't have to drive and walk around the markets. As time goes by my cooking has shifted to dishes that use the fewest dishes to create.
With access to the lake shore, do you boat and fish? Fishing is just an excuse I use to get out onto the water.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Real Food
A couple of years ago I read her book about her family's return to eating real food. My parents basically lived by these same principles. It's all about cooking from scratch, and if you buy food at the store, make sure no more than 2 ingredients are listed. She also talks about how vegetable oils are processed with chemicals. Lard (especially organic lard) is better.
I wrote in some earlier comment somewhere about how sad it was for me to drive about 600 miles through Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota and see extreme monoculture. Only corn and soybeans are grown. What is that doing to the soil? Off the beaten path in South Dakota I discovered a concentrated area of factory farms. My cousins, who are farmers in SD, said no local farmers do chilckens, hogs or dairy anymore.
On a personal note, I am racing these next 4 days to finish my August plantings. Some seeds will be started indoors.
This time of year it is impossible to locally find traditional seed starting trays in stores, so I am making my own. Plastic bins with a metal grate on the bottom for drainage. Rolling my own pots using paper towels and a can of kidney beans. Will put them on a plastic shelf with grow lights on every shelf.
My 3 big mistakes last time were:
Might post more later about the maggot farm and fodder growing efforts - they are still under review and revision.
As always, thanks for the great essay and wonderful photographs.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Kidney beans
Damn. Just looked at the ingredients on this can of kidney beans I am using to roll my plant pots.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
mega farms are spreading through the rest of the world
So sad.
Clever pots, let us know how they work. Impressed with your efforts at trying different methods to grow foods. Our climates are so different. It was down to 38 degrees one night last week. My next goal is to save the garden from the first significant fall frost (below 26). Then the the weather warms up until mid-Oct to the first week of Nov for the next significant frost.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks. I hope to order and soon plant some
perpetual spinach chard. We already do rainbow. We do use canned beans and stuff, but also, when life permits, dried beans - ingredients: Beans. The closer you get to full on scratch cooking the fewer additives you consume.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
@enhydra lutris Hey e l didn't know about
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Grow outside or in a container.
I planted mine over a year ago and it is still producing.
Perpetual spinach bought at Bountiful Gardens. The pot is 12" filled with low humus soil from outside. This years fall pots will have a better soil mixture. When using in a recipe the leaves do not shrink as much as regular cooking so the small harvest of a few plants has been sufficient. Might be a good plant for warmer climates, less likely to bolt and will winter over in zone 7 and higher.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
LiDAR Veg Map

Mapping program shows Sonoma County vegetation and habitat in a new way

cabbage worm off the lettuce under the microscope
a.k.a. inch worm
efficiently destructive pest
wonder if they're nutritious
good luck
What we should all wish for.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Micro-climates add such diversity to an area
Great mapping project. Hopefully it help preserve the diversity.
Thanks for sharing.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Cool map
Very interesting project!
I wonder what a similar map of my area would look like?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Morning studentofearth...
can't breathe looking at the smoke, hope those fires go away soon.
Been cooking from scratch for years, rarely eat out, can't afford, nor do i find prepackaged, portioned food heated in modern restaurants appealing and like you write, who knows its real contents?
In summer, i purchase food from a truck farmer, he's become a friend and gives me deals on blemished goods; going with the flow, some weeks, i have lots of tomatoes, sometimes lots of squash and so on.
Having to look far and wide for apples this season, using a couple of trees about 20-miles-away as a late freeze took out the blossoms up high in our community.
Purchasing healthy food is a financial challenge that i'm sure millions endure and with 'Bernays' marketing' blasting away convenience over substance, i doubt the markets change.
I so enjoy your morning threads, many thanks!
Restaurants = processed food . . .
Any restaurant that is a chain has the same processed crap as fast food now. We have a couple of local restaurants that seem to cook from scratch. They are so superior. I actually like Waffle House too. You see them cracking the eggs, cooking the meats, and hashbrowns right on the grill in front of you. Don't know about their other foods, but at least breakfast is real.
How cool that you are able to buy right from a farmer.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Access to seasonal produce how fortunate
Some of my favorite recipes were designed to use up the excess supply that occurs at different times of the season. Hopefully the apples you find are keepers and last you for several weeks. My only apple tree is a transparent and only last a few days after picking. Growing-up my folks bought a place with existing apple trees. One of them had the most awful apples until after the first freeze. They sweetened up and secreted a wax after picking. They would last until May the following spring in the root cellar. Slightly dehydrated but still make great pies, cobblers and apple pancakes.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
(No subject)
Been cooking for my kids for years now.
I find that I like extremely simple, yet filling and tasty dishes.
For those who haven't read it, "The Joy Of Cooking" is my go-to recipe book. Extremely basic, but most of the instructions are pretty open, and you can make do with a lot of different things, if you're willing to experiment.
I'd much rather shop at New Seasons than Grocery Outlet or Winco, but unfortunately, price is very much an issue. I can fill a cart with 100 bucks at either of the latter, and the former might get me 2 or three bags.
Farmer's Markets are great when I get the chance, but the hours are terrible, since I tend to have no transportation on the weekdays, and my weekends are usually booked.
Speaking of which! 3PM Lucky Lab, 10th of September PDX C99 meetup! Will do an official announcement tomorrow.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Given a copy of Joy of Cooking for graduation
Stretching those food dollars is challenging. We are fortunate in Oregon there is no sales tax and businesses that cater to businesses will also sell to the public. Have you ever visited a Cash and Carry there are several in the Portland metro area. I spend at least 60% of my grocery dollars at the location in Bend. Purchase need to be made in cash or a credit card. I am not sure if they take a debit card.
Another option is Food-4-All. There is one located on Powell about where Portland addresses turn int Gresham ones. In my local one they do not over saturate the vegetables with water to increase weight and quickens spoilage once taken home.
If no surprises I will see you on the 10th.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good day, SOE~~~
Sorry I'm late - work got in the way! I want to add that carrageenan, which you listed found in the whipping cream, is also found in ice cream, some yogurts, some sour creams, some sour cream dips, etc., is EXTREMELY bad for us!
Here is a little info about it from Dr. Weil:
Stay away from it!
Thanks for the great eclipse photos!
Have a beautiful afternoon, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Late is relative - It is now dark
and I am just getting back to writing.
Thanks for the link on carrageenan. The more I read, I become more adamant about not wanting it in my food.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.