Before you think about violence…. think!

Some comments to my latest blog said I was wrong for talking about non-violent resistance. My own history includes training to be a USMC officer including how to kill with my bare hands. That training changed me forever. I do not want to kill another human being for any reason including “self defense”.
At my age it is a lot easier to talk about my own death for it will not be too long before it comes. My non-violence goes back over half a century. I was ready to die rather than kill back then
For those who don’t like my position I suggest you do a real serious reality check about our present situation.
What the Marine Corps taught me had many facets. The most primitive reality is that once you engage another hum an in the situation where one of you will either die or be seriously wounded you have no easy way out. There are more. Another fundamental reality is that the side with the better organization and fire power usually wins.
Marine Corps doctrine was intensely tied to mutual responsibility for your comrades. In turn you knew you could rely on them. One consequence of this was that retreat was forbidden. If you were to hold a piece of ground you held or died trying.
In spite of all this Marines have lost battles and died fighting.
What does this have to do with violent resistance? It has everything to do with it. Let’s do a superficial reality check.
Who among us has even thought about how to train people for violent encounters? Who has the knowledge or skill? The Fascists have been doing this for years. How good they are I do not know. They surely have an edge on the unprepared.
This seems to be word unknown to the left even in the political sphere. Meanwhile we have documented history of right wing organizing going on for decades.
Fire power.
Do I need to say anything?
One of the easiest ways of defeating an enemy is to lure them into a trap they are not prepared for. We see this plan unfolding each time there is an encounter. The stated goal of many of the right wing groups is to start a race/civil war. Violence on our part is taking that bait.
I don’t think I need to go on. I’d like to hear some of those who advocate giving up non-violent resistance comment on this.

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No wifi and a poor cell data connection and having to do it on an iPhone is tough.
Add in the difficulty of trying to be precise in my thoughts and ideas that swirl ever faster and, well, I'll get there .

Stop These Fucking Wars

peace(working on it)

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

detroitmechworks's picture

But I'm Army, so I too have been face to face with it.

Fascists rely on the exact same tactics that, shocker, the cops use. They line, up, have shields and blunt implements, and march forward to scatter and disorganize resistance.

The Phalanx is an old tactic, and extremely useful against disorganized people. However, it's vulnerable as hell to any organized unit that flanks it. Of course, the Right Wingers and pigs are depending on their standard tactics of betting on NO organization among their enemies.

I do not advocate the kind of violence that the virtue signalling protestors want to engage in. They advocate frontal assaults and "Bashing the Fash!" They're gonna get slaughtered as we have already seen. The Nazis will run them down, smash their heads, and all the while claim that the left started it, which GUESS WHAT, they often did. I get that you want to hurt them, but what is being advocated is pure insanity.

If you MUST go to war, you fight to win, not to show that you're fighting. War is not pretty, and I strongly advocate against it, but if there is NO other option, I fully intend to fight extremely dirty.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

thanatokephaloides's picture

I don't think anybody reading these Essays wants violence. I most certainly don't want it!

But anybody who doesn't fear that that violence is coming isn't paying attention!

Really, socio-political change comes only two ways: the ballot or the bullet. And the 2016 Presidential Election, especially the "Democratic" Party's dishonorable antics therein, showed the American People that the ballot has failed, that elections now result the way the richest Americans desire, regardless of what actions the rest of us take.

And we've now had a foretaste of the inevitable consequences at Charlottesville, Virginia over the past few days.

To paraphrase Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman: Yes, me worry!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

That would be judgmental. It is more disagree than like. If you and others are willing to be injured, lose family, or die, who am I to tell you it would be wrong.

Me? Mine? Not a fat chance in hell, and if I'm not willing to do it, I certainly can't ask or expect it of others. Do I appreciate the history of unions and 60s protesters who brought us a respite to the greed and horror? Yes, I do; but ... it is Deja Vue all over again.

We are better educated and have more tools than our parents and grandparents ever had. There has got to be a better, less dangerous way.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mhagle's picture

Make dirt not war!

. . . and then shared a video about the ecological restoration of the Loess Plateau in China. Wow.

Can't go the violence route.

And wetterau just posted a short essay on going "Towards Beauty."

I think there is a theme here.

Maybe the left should focus on ecological restoration projects that also benefit communities.

No one is thinking about this right now, but we are currently turning agricultural America into a Loess Plateau. When Big Ag fails, and it will fail (being completely dependent on mined fertilizer in Western Africa - which will run out), we will have the empty dust bowl fields of the Loess Plateau.

We need to start reversing this trend. I would very much like to take the family farm in Iowa (80 acres), and return it to it's former splendor and go a step further by making it into a food forest. There are numerous natural springs on the property that were tiled. Don't know what my siblings would think of that though!

This is what I am trying to do here in Texas.

What about a movement to create food forests everywhere . . . whether they be rural or urban?

Sure . . . we run progressive candidates, but the work of the people is to grow food. Annuals, but as many perennials as possible.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

@mhagle Hi Marilyn, I replied using the blue button, but it disappeared somehow. Anyway, 80 acres, what a treasure! I think that unbalanced societies are best righted from the bottom up. When enough people act every day in small ways to make their lives, homes, streets, and gardens more beautiful, the country will heal itself. The frightened greedy & powerful who are willing to lie and murder to avoid change will melt away like snow in the spring. All we need to do is stop playing their game (success, celebrity, etc.) and play ours.

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snoopydawg's picture

but what I have seen happening at too many peaceful protests is cops in their riot gear and they bring military equipment and this is what creates most of the violence.

Look at what happened at the DAPL protests. Those people were protesting very peacefully, but that didn't stop the police from bringing their military gear and equipment to use against them.
I don't know what frightened the cops so much that they needed to drench the protesters with water while the temperature was well below zero.
This was just sadism under authority.
Remember one woman was shot by a rubber bullet and was at risk of losing her arm.
What did those protesters do to have to be met with so much violence?
They sang songs and chanted. This must have been very frightening and scary to the cops.

The DAPL protests were overseen by TigerSwan, a private mercenary company. They were able to illegally invade people's computers so that the cops knew who to target.
These protesters were unarmed as were the OWS and BLM protesters, but both were brutally broken up by the cops who were following Obama's DHS orders.

Look at what happened yesterday at the Nazi protests. There were many people who brought their own guns and military equipment to it. Look at how the cops reacted to them. They did nothing for over an hour while people were getting hurt.

Does anyone think that if the BLM protesters had guns that they would be allowed to protest for over an hour? Hell no. They would have been treated in a very different manner.

So I'm all for peaceful protests, I just don't think that TPTB will allow them .


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

I really think that the powers that be dont realize the atombomb anger that is simmering in people who were defrauded of their money,principals and vote by the DNC in the presidential primary's in 16.This is the kind of Anger that burns the guts out of the honest,moral men and women that BELIEVED That their own party would NEVER VIOLATE this countrys most precious responsibility that being FAIR&FREE ELECTIONS.The CORRUPTION unleashed by Clinton,Wasserman Schultz,Brazile sickens me,they should ALL be breaking rocks at LEAVENWORTH.I dont believe in ANYTHING anymore

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snoopydawg's picture

The biggest strike in US history was broken up by the railroad owners.

Eugene Debs and the Kingdom of Evil

Here's a small taste of it. I hope that people will read take the time to read this.,
We saw what happened to the OWS protests and protesters when they threatened TPTB. Obama's DHS worked with mayors all over the country and they were brutally broken up. Chase gave the New York police department almost $5 billion for fighting back against the protesters.

Debs burst onto the national stage when he organized a railroad strike in 1894 after the Pullman Co. cut wages by up to one-third but did not lower rents in company housing or reduce dividend payments to its stockholders. Over a hundred thousand workers staged what became the biggest strike in U.S. history on trains carrying Pullman cars.

The response was swift and brutal.

“Mobilizing all the powers of capital, the owners, representing twenty-four railroads with combined capital of $818,000,00, fought back with the courts and the armed forces of the Federal government behind them,” Barbara W. Tuchman writes in “The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914.” “Three thousand police in the Chicago area were mobilized against the strikers, five thousand professional strikebreakers were sworn in as Federal deputy marshals and given firearms; ultimately six thousand Federal and State troops were brought in, less for the protection of property and the public than to break the strike and crush the union.”

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

I saw mention that the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville at one point created a defensive "turtle" with their shields.

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