Introduction to the meme wars: Kekistan

Inspired by a citation from gjohnsit's essay "the rise of the dirtbag left", I felt obliged to introduce you, dear readers to the (implausible) state of Kekistan.

Here is my comment from the thread following his article:

Kekistan was invented by Sargon of Akkad as a way of trolling the SJW, PC, DNC AND Trump factions.

“Anyone on the left with any independence of mind has experienced this backlash,” says Nagle. “People will look back at this period as a moment of madness—if it ends. I feel like there’s much more of an exciting, funnier left-wing culture emerging around people who are critics of it. That’s not a coincidence. You can’t be a puritanical purger and have a sense of humour.”

Enter a new culture of the online left. It’s a reinvigorated wing that’s simultaneously anti-alt-right, anti-PC and anti-SJW, anti-centrist and against liberal-democratic line-toeing. It’s a movement that uses many of the tactics of the online alt-right—humour, memes, Twitter trolling and open animosity—while remaining committed to progressive leftist ideology. It’s sometimes called the “alt-left” or the “vulgar left,” or the “Dirtbag Left”

Now the alt-right has been credited with inventing Kekistan, Normistan, Cuckistan when actually they highjacked the concept to representing exactly this quote :

simultaneously anti-alt-right, anti-PC and anti-SJW, anti-centrist and against liberal-democratic line-toeing

The heart of Kekistan is shit-posting (knowingly making stuff up just like the MSM), ridiculing snowflakes and SJWs.

For more on Kekistan see:

Sargon of Akkad's explanation of Kekistan.


Kekistan explained to Joe Rogan

Memes are fashionable because a lot of time, they succeed. Shit-posting has been a practiced black art by hobgoblins such as CNN for quite awhile. It is only now with the rise of Alternative Media, that new, non-establishment memes have arisen.

A typical establishment meme is that any Democrat who voted for Bernie was sexist. The memes propounded by #NotAllPepes (the non alt-right commandeered version) relating to Pepe the frog are distinctly derogatory of political correctness, identity politics, social justice warriors and lots of my personal favorite targets too.

To further enhance you knowledge of related ethno-tribal conglomerates are the Cuckistanis, effectively enthralled with the Status Quo as Truth, and those hailing from Normistan, mainly people who do not have a clue (and how numerous is that nation!)

In order to further your education, dear c99ers, I will present to you the Kekistani flag and a high energy performance of Shadilay, the Kekistani anthem.

No need to stand:


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Lookout's picture

is it really that easy? The dirtbaggers need a place of our own.

dirtbag pepe.jpg
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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”