Democrats are now the party on the right least when it comes to foreign policy.
Except for ageing progressives, Democrats have abandoned progressive foreign policies.
When a prominent Washington peace activist was asked recently to name the leading anti-interventionists in the Senate, he responded, “Rand Paul and Mike Lee,” both Republicans. Democrats are in the midst of a furious struggle over what they stand for and who is included in their coalition, yet on foreign policy questions, their silence is deafening...
The Democratic establishment’s record on foreign policy has been disastrous. Most Democratic leaders supported the war of choice in Iraq, the largest foreign policy debacle since Vietnam. They cheered the “humanitarian intervention” in Libya that has ended in the humanitarian horror of a ruined country, racked by violent conflicts, where the Islamic State is consolidating a backup caliphate. They applauded President Barack Obama’s surge in Afghanistan even as that war dragged on year after year. They touted the United States as the “indispensable nation,” demonstrating a predilection for military intervention and regime change that rivals that of Republican neoconservatives. Many considered Obama too weak and too wary of intervention, despite the fact that he left office bombing seven nations, dispatching Special Operations forces to more than 120 countries and calling for increased spending on a military that already consumes nearly 40 percent of the world’s military budget.
The latest evidence of this shift in the left-right paradigm happened Thursday.
No one was more surprised than Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) on Thursday when her language revoking the administration's war authority was unexpectedly backed by Republicans and added to a must-pass defense spending bill.
“Whoa,” Lee wrote on Twitter following a voice vote that pushed through her amendment to sunset the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).
Lee’s measure, which prompted applause when it was adopted in the House Appropriations defense bill, would revoke the AUMF eight months after the passing of the defense act, forcing Congress to vote on a new law in the interim.
As even congressional members pointed out, kids are dying in Afghanistan that were in elementary school when the 2001 AUMF was passed.
Whoa. My amdt to sunset 2001 AUMF was adopted in DOD Approps markup! GOP & Dems agree: a floor debate & vote on endless war is long overdue.
— Rep. Barbara Lee (@RepBarbaraLee) June 29, 2017
Kay Granger (R-Texas) was the lone lawmaker to oppose the amendment.
If this was the only example then it wouldn't mean much, but it isn't the only example.
Consider the question that The Nation asks: Why Does the US Continue to Arm Terrorists in Syria?
Tulsi Gabbard has proposed H.R.608 - Stop Arming Terrorists Act. A common sense, slam-dunk for Democrats, right?
It has only 14 cosponsors.
If you look closely, 8 of those 14 are Republicans.
What was the Democrats reaction to Gabbard's opposition to supporting terrorists in Syria?
This is a disgrace. Gabbard should not be in Congress.
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) April 9, 2017
People of Hawaii's 2nd district - was it not enough for you that your rep met with a murderous dictator? Will this move you?1
— Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) April 7, 2017
Then there is Trump's bombing of a Syrian airfield in April, and the overwhelming liberal Democratic support.
Basically the Democrats are at least as bad as Republicans, if not worse.
Beyond their support for the Syrian airstrike, top Democrats have disappointing records on issues of war and peace. Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer is a leading supporter of Israel, despite its illegal occupation of Palestinian territory. Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi also has a history of hawkishness in the Middle East, as documented by the Institute for Policy Studies. And Hillary Clinton, the Democratic standard bearer in the 2016 presidential election, promoted militaristic solutions to international issues as Secretary of State, as well as during her campaign for President.
Even Democrats like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders have failed to articulate a progressive foreign policy. During his presidential campaign, Sanders’s main foreign policy talking point was his vote against the war in Iraq. While he was less hawkish overall than Clinton, Sanders didn’t rule out continuing Obama’s drone program that has killed thousands of civilians.
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK, tells The Progressive that Democrats “have a foreign policy message that is pretty much a continuation of what George Bush had and Obama followed. It’s hard for them to challenge Donald Trump because they have a vision that’s quite similar. I think that the Democrats are really a war party, just like the Republicans are.”
...“The Democrats are never going to lead the progressive movement,” Bennis says. “The movements lead and demand of the Democratic Party that if they want support from the most mobilized, most conscious, and most committed component of their base, they damn well better include a progressive foreign policy vision.”
Obviously there are exceptions, like Lee and Gabbard, and the polls show that Dem voters are more progressive than Repub voters, but the Democratic Party doesn't represent its members anymore.

Wow, what an ass this Howard Dean ... I won't forgive that
totally messed up world in USAland's parties's landscape. Just can't believe it.
@mimi You mean Howard "The Hack
yes. sorry, I edited it, it's the Yee Haw man ...
all the worse. Have the urge to take my cowboy hat, a lasso, my horse and throw something around the Yee Haw man.
FEB. 4, 2016 AT 11:03 AM - The Dean Scream: What Really Happened
So what is a disgrace here. What is not propaganda in this video?
Go home Howard. You're drunk.
Both are war parties
Weapons are our bread and butter. Our violence (and ignorance) promotes our profit. Sadly we are as addicted to war as we are fossil fuels
And Sy Hersh had to publish his piece about T-rump's missile attack in Germany because they don't even want people to know what an evil war we created and are waging...
When will someone stand up and call out America as war mongers and profiteers....
oh yeah most people and countries around the world feel that way. We just don't hear or read it in the states.
Thanks gjohn for keeping us informed!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Small but notable exception
War is our rulers bread and butter. Our rulers violence and ignorance promotes their profit. Sadly, they are as addicted to war as we are to fossil fuels.
I'm sorry, but keep me out of this.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
We? I don't think so.
The 0.1%, most of whom wouldn't recognize an honest day's work if it bit their genitals clean off, sure. But ordinary working class Americans' only relationship with forever war is to do the dying and suffer the maiming. And, of course, to pay all those profits from our hard-earned money.
And our fossil fuel addiction is now being addressed, albeit far more slowly than it should be. And that slowness and reluctance goes right back to the same people who are making all the profits from violence, weapons and war.
Most Americans feel that way as well, but the micro-minority who profit from forever war are the same class of Americans who own our mainstream media; hence, "We just don't hear or read it in the states."
But "we" are not the same as those who benefit from the forever wars. The 99% only are hurt by them. We suffer, die, and pay, so they (the 1%) can profit.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The new propped-up normal?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
off switch
You're "preaching to the choir" here, riverlover. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
What I want to know is this: where's the "off switch" that we, the 99%, can use to turn the forever wars off. As I noted in this Comment:
The fact is and remains: "we" who supposedly own and control the US Government are in reality just as much a set of victims of these wars as those poor Afghan girls of whom you speak. Those Afghan girls have never known peace; unless you're over 80 years of age, neither have we. Our blood and treasure -- the 99% of Americans -- pay for wars so that our 1%er profiteers can save face.
In both cases, the latter -- the war profiteers -- are our enemies, and the enemies of all humankind.
-- Jefferson Airplane
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I'm pretty sure that Lookout didn't actually mean "WE.
"We" people who make up this website are against most of the things "they" do.
Breathe people.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
In like wise, I am more than "pretty sure" -- I am certain -- that Lookout realizes we're supporting her original points.
If there ever was any doubt about that, let this settle said doubts. We are in solidarity with Lookout, both in the realizations of the evils of forever war, and in the bitter disgust thereat as well.
My apologies if I came off as some sort of "grammar Nazi". Such was the last thing on my mind! I just know that if the ordinary working-class American people had any real say or any real information about this forever war crap, there wouldn't be the forever war crap.
And that's something I'm certain Lookout, you, and I alike are fully behind!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
If Americans are not the "We"
Why would they show up and vote for any US President?
By doing so, they condemn the nation and themselves to civilization based on savagery. By doing so, they confirm the legitimacy of the US war doctrine and they support its continued existence as the greatest threat to world peace. These voters breathe life into the US policy of international murder and mayhem in front of the entire world.
Anyone who votes for a US president, who is always a tool of war, is a "We."
A vote for Bernie Sanders may have yielded a few nice trinkets domestically — but would still turned a savage face onto the world it was destroying.
A positive counter would be to boycott the vote and let the world know that the US was occupied by an illegitimate government against the will of the American people. But US voters do not do that; they do not demonstrate any moral compass at all.
The establishment dems
really have it out for Gabbard. I'm pretty sure they will drop someone in with plenty of $$$ to primary her.
NeoDem Counterrevolution
Truman, 1952
War mongering nation set up for shock doctrine
War is the answer for how to be the "superpower" in the world and why not use same approach at home?
Naomi Klein wrote her book on the Shock Doctrine years ago and now has a new book out
She put up this video recently which should scare the crap out of you.
Our media and politicians and most organizations do not have a crisis management plan to respond to shocks
Naomi Klein: How to Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
That clip was shown on democracy now which continues with an interview
video and transcript at
@DonMidwest I intend to listen to
Thanks, don.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Naomi Klein's best words
ta da!
Our rulers are playing both sides against the middle.
Guess who the middle is.
Correct answer wins a week vacation in Washington DC.
Second place wins two weeks vacation in Washington DC.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Thanks gjohnsit. Excellent post as always. I found this essay
very much along the lines of your post: The Democratic Party’s Deadly Dead-End
I don't think I've read any essay lately that is so spot on.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
@ZimInSeattle I just read your link.
Thanks for it, although reading it makes me want to just hide under my bed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Gabbard is very popular here on Kauai
I live in Tulsi Gabbard's congressional district and can say she has lots of support across the political spectrum here. R's, D's and I's support her foreign policy from the small sample of people I associate with who are politically informed and active. Fortunately, my friends span many ideologies keeping me from falling into a mindset where I have a predetermined ideology from which to place a value judgement on a situation without knowing the context.
When your nominee for President is best friends with Kissinger
and no one in the Democratic Party, save a brave few, have any problem with that, when all the the elected officials of that party stoke hatred against a weak country that just happens to still retain ICBMs, when that same party looks askance at anyone demanding we forego our wars in the ME, accusing them of treason for meeting with the head of a foreign country beset by fundamentalist jihadi terrorists who behead our own reporters and support terrorist attacks in Europe, groups that our government and the Saudi's are funding and providing arms, when they pooh pooh airstrikes that kills thousands of innocent civilians, then yes, that party is to the right of the Republican party circa 1950 in terms of its foreign policy and red-baiting.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Hillary ran on creating a no fly zone over Syria
There's a diary on the GOS about how the Trump administration is letting Russia decide what to do with Assad, and the author thinks that this is a bad idea and he places all the deaths and refugees on Assad. The US is apparently blameless for anything that is happening in Syria.
I wonder how many Syrians would be alive today and in their homes if Obama hadn't agreed with the Saudis, Qatar and Israel and decided that he had to be removed from office? As always, our crap doesn't stink.
Amazingly, more than half of the comments are in favor of this action.
One comment stood out for its ignorance.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
@Steven D
I'd say 'off the wall', rather than 'to the right' - these destructive 'policies' represent pathology, not anything on a political spectrum, and my personal feeling is that we should quit essentially validating pathology as a legitimate political viewpoint by referring to it as though it is.
Actual conservatives conserve; they do not mindlessly destroy in the hope of personally gaining stolen treasure from the wreckage of the lives/governments/countries of others and that of the world itself.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
This basically says it all
it's this simple
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
It doesn't represent its members
because it doesn't need to represent them. Its members have no choice but to vote Democratic, because if they don't, then a Republican gets elected. Essentially they're running species of extortion racket: "Y'all better elect me... or else!"
1973 called and wants its satire of a marketing strategy back
— via the Hollywood Reporter
extortion racket
Interesting how oftener and oftener these days the (genuine) Republican gets elected anyway.
The racket is dying, along with the racketeers in it.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
None too soon, IMO.
Next we have one Party which is always in power as in
Nineteen Eighty-Four.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Dems will support any (Trump) war, but not him as CIC
Many republicans did the following under Obama: support his wars but attack him as an ineffective "CIC". Democrats will do the same. Support any war and then attack Trump as an ineffective CIC. Saw this when Trump lobbed 50+ cruise missiles at Syrian air fields. Democrats including Hillary supported it but then complained not enough dead Russians and destruction--that essentially, Trump blew it.
That Wash Post article is pure propaganda garbage
U.S. imperialism is actually "interventionism" and the U.S. being the "global policeman". This is the kind of garbage that while pretending to be against more war actually continues and solidifies the lies and false narratives behind U.S. imperialism. It completely ignores what those in control of our government are doing and blames it on "mistakes" and overreach, which is bullshit.
The further right the Dems go.....
The worse the Repigs will get.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Nothing new
* “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.” - Chuck Schumer, 2016
The establishment (leadership) of the Democratic
party works for the same people as the Republican establishment: Wall Street and corporate cartels, and the military industrial complex.
The policies of both parties are taking us in the same direction: corporate state fascism.
When it comes to voters, the Republican party manipulates its voter base by appealing to their "sensibilities," whether racism, xenophobia, or religions fundamentalism, in order to manipulate them in voting against their own interests.
Likewise, the Democratic party establishment tries to (superficially) appeal to the sensibilities of liberals, whether we're talking about multiculturalism, LGBTQ rights, "intelligent discourse," and social justice causes, but they stop (way) short of confronting and challenging the real power structures (financial/corporate cartels, and the military industrial complex).
In essence, this Chris Hedges quote perfectly describes this situation:
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
World War I Wilson
World War II Roosevelt
Korean "Police Action" and start of our involvement in Vietnam Truman
Escalation in Vietnam and environs - everyone from Eisenhower through Nixon
Middle East Mess everyone from Eisenhower through Trump, and counting
See also