The President Addresses Gun Porn Convention

Our "Protect the Beautiful Syrian Babies with Bombs" President addresses those whose soul joy in life appears to be salivating over the latest weapons designed purely to kill other human beings, you don't need the latest hardware designed for military use to shoot a stag. Night vision goggles and sophisticated scopes are basically what I call cheating, I have even more problems with long guns equipped with silencers.

At Least 78 Child Shootings in 2017

The U.S. has one of the highest reported rates of unintentional child gun deaths in the world. And Everytown research indicates that the number of incidents involving death and injury are significantly underreported.

Funnily enough I have no problem with gun ownership, I own a couple of small bore shotguns for hunting wildfowl. I have also no problem with proper regulation and registration of firearms, I also believe that licences should only be provided to those that have undergone serious training and background checks. I come from Vermont after all where guns are pretty much part of the decoration. Personally I hate the idea of concealed weapon permits as I want to know which asshole has a gun and who to then avoid. Weapons in bars, schools and everywhere else in-between seems to me to be thoroughly bad set of ideas.

The whole conversation driven by the NRA has reached such insane levels as it is impossible to have even the most basic conversations about gun safety. We have gotten to the point in some states where shooting someone else doesn't even require the minimum of proving a threat to life and limb. They looked at me funny, they were brown, knocked on my front door and anyway I wanted to, seem to be enough.

Oh I know, freedoms!!!! Memememememe MINE!!!

Bullshit, how about responsibility towards other human beings? It is not just about you.

I often wonder how many of the claimed "accidents" with guns were intentional, even subconsciously. Leaving a loaded weapon lying around, cleaning the weapon when someone else is nearby are pretty irresponsible/criminal actions in themselves. My recurring nightmare is being in an area with many "good guys with guns" and one gun is accidentally discharged especially where there is alcohol involved.

As for the ammunition do you really need hollow point and armour piercing bullets to go hunting anything other than human beings? Oh I know, the evil State is lurking in your bathroom fully dressed in body armour just waiting to take your freedoms away. Do you really need enough ammo to start a small war in your neighbourhood, my next door neighbour gave me a funny look!

You are most likely to be murdered by someone you know - Of the 14,831 murders in 2007, about half of them were murdered by someone they knew (acquaintance, family member, romantic partner, neighbour or work colleague) and only about 1,900 victims were murdered by a stranger.

So I recommend wearing full body armour, carrying 2 pistols and a couple of long guns for every family, neighbourhood, workplace and high school reunion. Remember to remember where you hid your ammunition/weapon caches around the neighbourhood/work, you never know when the next full scale civil war/family feud/downsizing is going to occur. Be prepared.

The discussion about weapons has gone so far off the wall as it is impossible to have a reasonable discussion about them from the President on down, it's insane, it is also purely American.


Let me know when sanity returns.

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Mark from Queens's picture

there are serious background checks, no access to high-powered automatic weaponry, etc.

Guns are a bane on modern American society, constantly conflated with some bizarre RW libertarian fantasy of rugged individualism, protecting oneself and family, and other zany ideas like protection from big guvmint.

As far as I'm concerned the 2nd amendment, which may have made sense 200 years ago but absolutely doesn't now, has its origins in appeasing the Confederate states so that they could arm their terrorist "slave patrols." It's gotta go. How many more senseless murders is it going to take before we do what Australia did, and then never had a mass shooting spree ever again, when the government acted swiftly 20 years ago to ensure another mass murder gun spree was the last one (and it was)?

In some countries that allow gun ownership, such as Italy, you must take classes on how to assemble and care for a gun, and then is legally mandated it be kept disassembled while in the home of its owner.

Most of the lies and myths the odious, bloodstained NRA tells and is drowning up to its eyeballs in, are dispelled in the following video. One of the other great hypocrisies in this debate is how few cops come out as anti-gun. You'd think of all people they would be the first ones to line up against them. But no, like most everything else these inveterate liars are about, they're mostly NRA members. Not too bright.

Guns With History

It's really a shame I only have access to this iPad this morning, because for some reason I can't copy from YouTube the embedded link so folks can click on it right here to watch and not leave the page.

It's one of the more powerful short videos you'll ever see challenging the myths of gun ownership and the cult of power behind it.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens

and regulations on who, what, when, where, and why. I am totally opposed to carry unless there is some real reason to do so. People are too stupid to walk around willy nilly "packing heat".

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

riverlover's picture

@Mark from Queens like a striking flint. Now, I look in horror at some offers like this:

The top of the line Saint 5.56 AR-15 is one weapon every American needs to own. Today’s sponsor at The Concealed Network wants to give you a chance to win one for free, see below…

Always Safe, Always Prepared

Frank Mitchell

This is a lethal firing machine.

Today it’s FREE.

The Concealed Network is giving away 3 Saint 5.56 AR-15’s.

It fires ammunition at lightning pace, and it’s pinpoint accurate.

You have a chance to win 1 free here. Don’t let this SAINT slip away.

(Their contests change quick, sign in now while it’s still live.)

...I live in NY. How is this legal anywhere? Know your enemies, I guess. My neighbors seem to be into fireworks, and current dog doees not care.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

gulfgal98's picture

I do not own a gun and have never shot one.

Owning a gun should be a privilege requiring licensing and training just like driving an automobile. Guns are meant to kill things and they should be treated as something that is regulated as such.

I actually have no problem with licensed hunters owning a gun. I believe that hunters are probably among the most responsible gun owners in this country. I read once that most hunters are in support of some sort of gun regulation since hunting itself is already regulated and often requires gun training courses before a license is issued. Further most hunters have been taught in hunting courses that if you cannot make it with one shot, you have no business shooting multiple times at your target.

Sportsmen requiring more than seven shots at anything simply need more practice, he said, and they can practice changing clips while they’re at it. Hunter education programs advocate one shot, one kill, in the field.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@gulfgal98 very keen conservationists.
The again I avoid a certain type of "hunter".

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@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98

I would object to someone taking my guns. I do not own any AK47s or other assault rifles. Those should not be allowed - not even for cops.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

@dkmich but all guns should be licensed and registered. Automatic weapons have no business in the hands of either the police or civilians. Are you opposed to licensing and registering of guns?

I admit that as a non-gun owner, I may not understand what the issue is. I tend see it as being responsible gun owner which means licensing and or having to take a gun safety course. Similarly, my dogs are registered and vaccinated not allowed to roam because it is both the law and I am a responsible dog owner. If I was worried about someone breaking into my home, I would have an alarm system before I would purchase a gun.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

PriceRip's picture

          Anyone that says they need anything more than a bolt action hunting rifle, a small caliber side arm, and a shotgun is a lying liar who lies.

          Oh! and I almost forgot, those that so prevaricate are cowards, as well. Most field biologist and conservationists that I know are hunters, so my perception is skewed by my interactions with the more sane and stable segment of our society.

          As usual ... your mileage may vary.

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@PriceRip Growing up we had two rifles though. A .22 Springfield open sight for the occasional cottonmouth out of range of a shovel, and a .222 bolt action that had a scope. We had a 30.06 for a few years, but it ruined too much of the meat. With the .222, not one of us ever had to use more than one bullet for a deer.

The dumbasses that paid to hunt on our place though? Eye-roll. On more than one occasion, we would hear them shoot, they would turn up near dark and pretend they hadn't, we would go out with a dog and find the deer. Disappointed a few coyotes I guess. I graduated to shooting with a camera at around 17 years old and haven't shot a gun much since.

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Azazello's picture

was secretly hoping for a Clinton victory. There was a huge spike in gun sales after Obama was elected and there may have been another one had Hillary won. Meanwhile, in my little corner of the world, a wildfire has burned 47,000 acres of rolling grassland. The fire was started by an off-duty Border Patrol agent target shooting at exploding targets.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

PriceRip's picture


          Spring burns, as opposed to fall burns, look worse than they really are, in part because there is no follow-up snow cover to obscure the view. Source, I ran "lead torch" in a burn crew for several seasons. -- signed, The Artist

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riverlover's picture

@PriceRip I had never thought of that with prairie restoration. No wonder so many are underground or are in the scattered trees. Near water courses.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

PriceRip's picture


          Depending upon the season (most years the spring) we would scare up voles and then in the thermals we created these prehistoric creatures would swoop down and feast upon our four legged cousins. Occasionally, a pair of coyotes would streak by, snatching a "to-go" treat, nearly tripping me and my crew in the process.

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Azazello's picture

The most destructive fires usually happen in May or June before Wet Summer sets in around the 4th of July. We had a fairly wet winter this year so there's lots of grasses and undergrowth ready to go up, fingers crossed.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

PriceRip's picture


          The multidimensionality of climate make a huge difference. When I speak of effects of fires I should be careful to specify location. The effects of various burn dynamics in central Nebraska are not the same as the effects of those swame dynamics in a different location.

          Spring burns work well here because that is our "wet season". But spring burns are best when we are trying to control certain species.

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CB's picture

Used kerosene flame throwers. The areas were pre-selected and soil moisture/weather conditions had to be within certain specs. We always ensured any animals had open escape routes. We were trying to replicate nature in a controlled manner.

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PriceRip's picture


          Our inspiration: lighting strikes during light rain storms. My personal best was the day a gentle rain made it safe for the entire crew to go home early.

          Some of the early fires took me past midnight to be sure it was safe. After about 25 years (1980-2005) we were able to stop for the most part. Much of the sanctuary no longer needs our rather aggressive (sometimes a bit heavy handed) manipulation. Now we can enjoy the fruits of our labors.

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gulfgal98's picture

@PriceRip prescribed (controlled) burns are done regularly as a method to prevent wildfires and to promote wildlife habitat. It also promotes the growth of the wire grass which is a wonderful habitat for birds. My home county (Leon) in Florida is probably one of the most aggressive with the use of controlled burns because of the location of the Tall Timbers Research station there.

Tall Timbers was originally set up as a bequeath from a large plantation owner to develop a research station for promoting the use of fire as a way to maintain ecosystems.

The history of Tall Timbers begins with Henry L. Beadel. The Research Station was originally his hunting plantation. Beadel had no heirs, so in his will he left his land and resources to create “a fire type nature preserve … to conduct research on the effects of fire on quail, turkey and other wildlife, as well as on vegetation of value as cover and food for wildlife, and experiments on burning for said objectives.” On February 7, 1958, Tall Timbers Research Station was established and Beadel’s legacy began.

I recommend going to the Tall Timbers link and scrolling through the photos there. Fairly far along in the photos is a beautiful photo of the long leaf pine/wire grass community in the fall after a prescribed burn in the spring.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

PriceRip's picture


          Michelle Smith lights the fire followed by the after photo, nice. BTW, that was my "job" and it never felt like work.

          When done properly, the proof is in the photos, resiliency can be inferred by the diversity of the community. This ecological truth is so often lost in the various disciplines. Without diversity there can be no resilience.

          I love it, thanks for the link.

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detroitmechworks's picture

I'm not by means the best with guns, but I know how to use them. It was my freaking job, and I was a designated marksman for my squad. (Qualified as a Sharpshooter and so I got the nifty ACOG as opposed to the crappy peep sight everybody else gets.)

I'm VERY aware of how dangerous the things are and how much destruction they can inflict. If I never have to pick up a gun again in my life, I'll be happy.

Sometimes I think we should do the Tibetan Monk thing when it comes to implements of destruction. Make people EARN the ability to cause damage and make them very aware the entire time of exactly how dangerous what they are doing is. For years.

The irony is, everybody applauded the mentally ill not having access to guns. Many of those who were banned from owning guns were former military, who are the people who have the most info about how dangerous guns are! It's not the crazies who are in the system we need to worry about, IMHO. It's the ones who brood away in silence.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

... when Obama would come, any day, to grab their guns, and yet, every single gun remained ungrabbed, but now, by golly, Hair Cheeto will tell them the eight years of tyrannical gun grabbing will stop! Though with 300 million plus guns in this country, it would take lifetimes to grab them all, but Hair Cheeto will stop that using only the power of his tiny hands.

I have to go with Bob Alexander (who writes "A Moment With Bob" for Mike Malloy) on his assessment of our dying nation. Having fled to Canada, he said, "If I were still in the US I would have died of dehydration brought on by projectile vomiting."

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I no longer listen to Malloy. His attack on people refusing to vote for Hillary was nasty and plain OTP. He is entitled to his vote, but not mine. Besides, he is getting old and forgetful. Reminiscing, listening to his daughter, and always asking his wife to tell him what word he can't remember was a bit much without the nasty attacks.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

earthling1's picture

If the weapon is capable of taking out a kindergarten class in seconds, it should be banned. Period.
As an aside, I read sometime back that 62% of LEO injuries or deaths were either accidentally self inflicted or by fellow officers.
Live by the gun,
Die by the gun.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

karl pearson's picture

In 1977 during an annual convention, the NRA changed primarily from a gun safety organization to a Republican political operative. Simultaneously, Democratic voters in the South, which has always had a large gun/hunting presence, were becoming Republicans in response to Nixon's "Southern strategy". In 1980 the NRA gave its first ever presidential endorsement to Reagan.
Here's what happened during the 1977 annual NRA convention:

More than a thousand angry dissidents showed up at the annual convention. Many wore orange caps, and communicated by walkie-talkie. As they sweltered they insinuated that the old guard had turned off the air-conditioning. By four in the morning, the dissenters had voted out the organization’s leadership.

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orlbucfan's picture

Talk about a double curse, and man, how this country has paid for it!! The NRA is a nauseating corporate joke! Not sure if hairballed brain knows how to handle a firearm? Does he? (no snark) I am all for banning assault rifles, gun registration with teeth aka serious enforcement, required training and insurance as we do with cars. I do not own guns per my personal beliefs. I live in a downtown urban area, was a victim of robberies decades ago, and now own and adore Doberman Pinschers. My dogs are not attack dogs, but they are an excellent visual deterrent to amateur thieves/lowlife. Very interesting topic. Rec'd!! Smile

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

gulfgal98's picture

@orlbucfan if you want to get a guard dog to protect you home, get a schnauzer or two because they will bark at anything. And the last thing a robber wants is to have attention called to him breaking in. A barking dog is a good deterrent, IMHO.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

are secondary imo, Illegal guns are a far greater problem especially in areas like here in Chicago. What I am not hearing is how do we get rid of illegal guns other than a once a year $100 visa card no questions buy back. The real issues as most of us well know are jobs, education, and social safety nets, without these things crime will continue to get worse and so will the need for guns for those that use them to commit crimes and for those that think they need them to protect themselves.

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@pro left Quite a few at $1000. Who would turn one in for $100?

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

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every single weapon in this country, in my opinion, is an absolute joke. That said though, the PTB COULD do it if they really, really wanted to and I think anyone who actually thinks they'll hold off the big bad government with any weapon is pretty much insane.

My father fully believed that if everyone was armed and all the criminals knew it, there'd be no crime. Yeah, sure, uh huh, except what if that criminal had a bigger gun? He had something like 15 guns, many of them collectors items, Colts, etc. He and my stepmom ended up selling them, had a friend take them to a gun show I imagine, although who knows. He wanted my sister and I to take them but she had kids and did not want them in the house. I lived in a really small apartment then and had no place to put them, so off they went for sale. There are times I wonder though what he would think of this gun nut country now? Would he see the fallacy of his opinions? Would he see his beloved NRA for what it really is? Maybe if he was sober he would, but a drunk dad would probably be a rabid Trump voter, as he was for Nixon and Reagan.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

@lizzyh7 The whole country would be Dodge City.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.