Trump's non-invasion of Syria
It is satisfying to be a contrarian and later proved correct. Two previous essays number one and number two dealt with what many feared would be an amplification of the not-so-civil war in Syria, portending to be the start of WW3. Syria well might be but I didn't think so earlier and my belief is strengthened by Donald Trump's assertion that "We are not going into Syria".
H.A. Goodman, a noted contrarian (who said in 2015 that Medusa would not win the presidency) also reports on Trump's non-engagement statement.
Explaining at a WH press conference Trump mouthpiece Sean Spicer re-iterated the Trump doctrine that the U.S. is not going to be the world's policeman. This stance is sure to enrage NeoCons, MSWM, and HillBots to the maximum. If Trump is after a new world order, it's not going to be done the Soros-Klinton way.
I am not a Trump apologist. His cabinet is probably the worst since, well, Barack Obama. His professed scientific beliefs are in line with the Salem Witch Trials. This is not an anti-Trump essay, however. In fact, in this limited case, I am pro-Trump. Interestingly about half of Trump's base is anti-war too. WTF has happened to anti-War Dems? AWOL or just plain deserters.
Part of my thesis is:
3. He sent a message to China: don't try my patience.
4. He sent a very loud message to Kim Jun Un: shape up fellow or get the vapors.
Xi Jinping got the message: massive Chinese Army posted on North Korean border.
With two carrier battle groups soon to be in the area (the Carl Vinson is already there and one has been diverted from Australia), KJU must be in serious frenzy. Drumpf has not made his dislike of N. Korea exactly a secret. They have nukes that could hit Japan and S. Korea, two of our allies. Syria has no nukes and has never been a direct threat to us. Word is circulating that KJU is working on a solid fuel missile which would significantly increase his missiles's range. Such a move WOULD be a significant threat to two of our major allies.
My contrarian view extends only in regards to Syria. No war there--except ISIS. I am not confident about N. Korea.

You're a contrarian?
Well hit me with a stick. Don't you dare.
I'm really tired of those who claim exceptionality. Everything is for our own good according to them.
Do as we say, not as we do. Look forward. Forget the past.
Well fuck that. It wont work.
This nation is truly condemned.
I, for one, am not. I will spit in the face of those claim to be exceptional.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It isn't exceptional to be a contrarian
@Alligator Ed Notable among those on
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
He killed six kids.
He illegally ordered missiles into Syria. He racheted up the tension with Russia, China and North Korea, he helped ISIS with the air cover, he continued U.S. imperialism, he proved he's a psychopathic killer and that the plan is still to break Syria apart for the Zionists. Trump is engaged in the Syria war and he's already in Syria, it's his now after being handed off from Obama, who started this stage of it in 2011. Actually it was started under Bush with The Redirection. And if your beliefs are strengthened by what Trump says, good luck with that.
War is Hell. Nobody wins.
Yes, 6 children died. But in the cold calculus of war, how does this compare with Albright's 500,000 dead Iraqi children? All life should be valued, including perhaps Hillary, but 500K is a helluva lot worse than 6. I wish she would join one of the refugee camps in Syria which she inspired.
Called it...
just before Trump's big fireworks show in the Syrian desert...
A big flash that covers up a big retreat.
In the old days, an out maneuvered army would first fire off a bunch of cannons and march around a little as a token show of resistance in order to 'save honor' before capitulating. Trump's 'attack' (which he told the Syrians about first) is a twenty-first century upgrade on this old pantomime.
Meanwhile, despite all of NATO's recent sturm und drang mobilizations in Eastern Europe Tillerson is now telling the French FM that supporting Ukraine isn't in our interests. Again, another phony military demonstration that covers our disengagement.
Me neither.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I gave up on following
this M.E. horse$h!t years ago. It's impossible to follow this acid trip without a scorecard, and nobody's got one of those. Why Americans aren't out in the streets demanding an end to Dubya's War on Terra tells me the oligarchy has done a damn fine job of making this war invisible to the masses.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
My proposed cure for this NeoCon subversion
This war isn't invisible. It's right up front where
everyone can see it. Unfortunately the average American attention span is so short they've already forgotten most of it before the next commercial finishes. That's why gimmicks like skewering babies on pitch forks is needed to focus their attention.
Libya? That's the company that puts vegetables inside cans.
Afghanistan? That's where we killed bin Leaden and freed the country.
It's not called the United States of Amnesia for nothing.
@CB I don't know why we
We WERE in the streets, in large numbers, protesting the war, and it didn't matter a damn. Then we put somebody in who was supposed to change these murderous crap policies, and instead he expanded them fourfold (with, I admit a bit of hesitation and some attempts to pull back in Syria, and an agreement with Iran, both of which indicate that Obama, despite his many evils, had some reservations about a shooting war between superpowers, because, well, he's not insane). But regardless of Obama possibly having a bit of compunction about starting a nuclear war, he did the absolute opposite of what we put him in to do. And that was after our large protests both here in the US and around the world had no effect whatsoever.
This isn't just partisan idiocy, protecting Obama because "he's our guy." It is that for the partisans, but since 2011/12, they are an increasingly small portion of the population, or even of the electorate. The reason "the people" aren't out in the streets is that they don't believe they can fucking do anything about war, that the US going to war is pretty much entirely out of their control.
If people within the military started refusing to fight--an extraordinarily difficult decision with a lot of horrid personal consequences--I think the people would rally behind them. Well, all the people except the partisans, who are horribly susceptible to propaganda, and would probably believe any dissident troops to be Putin's stooges.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
DemonRATic insanity was fine with Obama's and Killary's wars
@Alligator Ed Well, there's no
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The response to the veterans at Standing Rock
supports what you're saying CStMS, and I think Archambault must have received a poisonous little message -- reminiscent of the Convention shutouts -- from upstairs back east to tell everyone to go home.
@Creosote. Sorry, but I don
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Creosote. You're totally
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks for the history lesson
@Alligator Ed It was a
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks for the Scott Olsen links.
At that point there was no trustworthy C99% society to think with.
An Indian friend here tells me that some of the older Native leaders can be very conservative; that may have made sense at one time. The disconnect seemed to be proofed out both in the response the grotesque violence of the Corps, and in efforts by younger leaders like Chase Iron Eyes who I felt can read the real picture more accurately.
Call it a retreat; that's what it is
By the way, it does take guts to cross the Deep State.
I sure hope you're right
But I read that both Russia and China interpret loud chestbeating "demonstrations" as indications of weakness, not of strength. And that Russia had concluded that the US is not-agreement-capable, which is a very big deal. They will continue to go through the motions with us, but act on the assumption that we're totally irrational and undependable.
The link to the Saker is extremely valuable.
The differentiating behaviors of Russians and Americans in regard to toughness/bravery is very revealing. If Putin were as stupid as the Neocons, for which we are grateful that he isn't, you and I would all be crispy critters glowing in the dark.
There is a lot to digest in that essay because it is very well-considered. One thing I really liked was the Saker's belief that only Tulsi Gabbard can get us out of this mess. She has courage and knows war--which most of the cattle in Congress (and the WH) do not.
The Saker was a UN military analyst
A lot of his site analyses would take more background than I have, but he does seem very solid and perceptive when I do have anything to go on, especially on international politics and the Russisn perspective.
Here's an interesting discussion, also on our future, or lack thereof:
Thank you for the second link to Naked Capitalism
Yes, I usually skip videos
But Yves and Lsmbert are pretty trustworthy.
I also '...interpret loud chestbeating "demonstrations" as indications of weakness, not of strength. ...' and thought the missiles revealed weakness, of mind as well. As it certainly was, if he directly killed people and emboldened terrorists to kill however many more in one country either as a political strategy or to impress a visiting dignitary (edit: from another country) that he was a complete lunatic, or both.
But on the other hand, like Bernie, what he's dealing with are very powerful and ruthless lunatics and some very odd strategies might be required to avoid something far worse. Not that I ever could think murder of unrelated people ever 'justified' - but that's a theoretical wedged position between a rock and a hard place I'll never be in myself, thank goodness. I'd have no idea, myself...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
An alarming article, on private intelligence
groups, is out today, about all the odd people, with various personal agendas, producing and publicizing "open source" intelligence, which is often no better than gossip. But they feed it to Congress and the media, which has to jump without checking to avoid being scooped.
Thanks so very much for this link, which I wish everyone in the universe would read. It explained so much, which involves even worse insanity at its roots than I'd figured or would have thought possible...
I haven't even followed any of the links yet, but will have to re-reread the article, probably a few times, in part because the mind boggles so badly... but so much also fell into place as I read. This information might exorcise sites like TOP, if only those still inhabiting the place were capable of understanding... this whole ballooning lunatic mess of corruption has to be cleaned out of everywhere, how, I've no idea...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You are correct about lunacy
The US military is already in Syria.
I have lost count but it at least many thousands. Also to the missile strike was done by the Navy which was outside of Syria proper.
I do not trust anything that comes out of Trumps mouth.
True, the US is already in Syria
Unless Nikki Halley and Tillerson are freelancing
Also too.
Putin is not going to surrender Mediterranean port access
That depends on Assad being in power.
ps. I agree with your above comment as to what Putin will do.
Sevastopol was a huge loss to NATO
All the shit that went down in Ukraine was to gain the naval base in Crimea. With the permanent loss of Crimea, getting Ukraine as part of the EU is now next to useless. It will cost the World Bank/IMF untold billions to support that cesspit.
Crimea is now a permanent part of Russia. It will take a war to take it away.
NATO doesn't need Tartus. It has Souda Bay in Crete which can control any sea traffic to and from Tartus. Souda Bay is the only harbor in the Mediterranean that has docking facilities for aircraft carriers and submarines. Tartus would be next to impossible for Russia to defend.
Appreciate your info about Souda Bay
Trump's word is worth shit. He's not in charge.
We shall see
@CB Horribly, I'd rather he
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Obama was barely in charge. He had
the State Department with the Three Furies teamed backed by the CIA whispering sweet nothings in one ear and the Pentagon whispering the truth in his other (deaf) ear in the run-up to the Libyan war.
Obama had started to distrust the Pentagon after the surge failure in Afghanistan. We then started to see the CIA and Pentagon operating independently to a large extent inside Syria.
Foreign policy was not Obama's strong suit. He seemed very indecisive, especially when it came to that "red line". He just passed the buck. By the time Obama left office the military was in control of foreign policy, not the WH.
And as you've put out on this site
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The military say they are being prudent and being prepared
Unfortunately, being 'prepared' increases the likelihood of this option actually being taken in the future and maybe even a sign of what is already planned.
Just look back to 7 October 2001 and the start of the Afghan war. The UK was doing fully armed 'military exercises' starting 15 September 2001. How handy was this? BTW, it is now known that the attack on Afghanistan was planned well before 9/11.
I think Mattis and Tillerson are going to keep pushing Putin to see where his red lines are. They know Putin is extremely rational and not prone to knee jerk responses to adversaries.
Perhaps Mattis and Tillerson are rational
But neither Putin nor the lengthy list of other countries on the neocon hit list can afford to wait until the nukes are already flying toward them... the neocon intent has been long obvious and it cannot expect that these countries will not form a cohesive unit in hitting their attackers both home and abroad in a last-ditch effort.
And it doesn't take all that many of today's more powerful, if smaller, nukes to kick enough dust up high enough into the stratosphere to trigger a decade or more of the degree of global dimming and drought spelling disaster for oxygen-dependent life on a planet where the global life support system's already under for-profit attack and entering an accelerating death-spiral as a result.
Not that 'geoengineering' now officially underway won't produce a similar result... but the nuclear radiation from this suicidally murderous MAD scenario the Psychopaths That Be are attempting to initiate certainly won't help.
On the other hand, there's also the geoengineering's lucrative destruction of the protective ozone barrier between us and deadly radiation originating outside of the planet, while massively adding to toxic industrial pollution - for the purpose of continuing even more massive 'cost-cutting' industrial pollution - by perpetually pumping them into the stratosphere to perpetually shower down everywhere on Earth, while perpetually cutting sunlight (made deadly by this) required for planetary survival on a world they plan to doom either way for very short-term corporate-billionaire profit and power.
We're dealing with a relatively small number of appallingly ignorant, greed-blinded and reality-denying lunatics and their brain-washed/bullied/bribed/blackmailed lackeys and we cannot forget this. Reason has been shut out of their world-views and they function on 'might makes right' lawlessness, as they've long been permitted to do without repercussion. And with this comes the bizarre assumption that somehow, no matter what they destroy, they'll come out alive and able to enjoy a good life.
We know that not one word out of any of The political Parasite Class can be trusted, and aware people are going by their actions; this will include those in the target countries, and when that final line is crossed by the Psychopaths That Be - massing military and missiles on Russia's borders in the effort to begin MAD - and triggers their defenses, those countries with nothing left to lose - a condition which encompasses the whole of the living world, aware of this or not - will go all out and go down swinging as hard as they can. As we will all go down, because we failed to recognize the signs so carefully propaganda-distorted and concealed from us and to fight back politically when it was still possible to do so pacifically.
Putin is not a wimp to be bullied and is well aware of what's at stake, as are the leaders of the many other countries under threat from the Psychopaths that Be.
When Putin says that this maniac-imposed war will not be fought within his country's borders, he means it, which appears to be the case with, I'd suspect, the rest of the hit-list countries, like the rest of us, doomed anyway, and who would be better going down fighting in the effort to dispose of the threat at its roots.
And it will all be coming home to roost within the countries harbouring these psychopathic terrorists within government - while these would-be global-dominating lunatics count on being able to disable their victim's defenses to shoot vulnerable sitting ducks and surviving this themselves, no doubt, personally sitting it out within luxury bunkers.
The rest of us can count ourselves lucky if we're at a likely ground-zero...
Edited to add a missed letter, invariably noticed while waiting for the post to go through...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Feel obliged to add that it wouldn't be, anyway, something that goes for virtually all of the greed-blinded self-interests infiltrating government everywhere.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
amen brother
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I know how this sounds...
but I really think he notified Putin and maybe also Assad first, and that this is basically kabuki for domestic political reasons. It wouldn't be the first time US politicians engaged in bullshit in the ME in order to rearrange domestic politics to their liking. This strike gets the neocons and imperialist neolibs (hard to tell them apart these days) off his back.
The fact that more than half the missiles apparently fell on fields rather than buildings and people seems to me to indicate this. Then again, maybe my conspiracy theory is incorrect, because it would require at least part of the Pentagon to be AGAINST an escalation in Syria. I sure hope that's true!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Kabuki indeed.
notify the Russians.
They didThe Russians had already bugged out.
And the Syrians were able to prepare.
Of course, even if it IS all for show, the bombing has galvanized the anti-war movement (both left and right) in ways that previous actions have not. So while I truly think this is much ado about nothing, that 'much ado' is certainly a positive development.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
In the "law" of unintended consequences
The fact that
It's indicative that Putin is allowing Trump to save face.
Russia has electronic technology
that could have knocked out most of our missiles. They had made an agreement not to shoot at us, which is now discarded, so they didn't shoot that time.
The action was to test Putin's red lines.
I expect more 'tests' in the coming days. The US military knows Putin is a very rational man and is not prone to knee-jerk reactions. They are going to push harder and harder. Don't forget that Russia is now completely walled in to the west and south by the largest military buildup since the days of the Cold War.
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal Yes. I have read this
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
Or perhaps Putin is too canny to reveal actual defense capabilities to these civilian and defense-system attacking maniacs until absolutely necessary and allowed only a few (perhaps controlled?) missiles through to do a calculated degree of damage to the target as proof of this attack, thereby providing a path for peaceful resolution through international channels?
This possibility actually makes more sense to me. And in the event of more military mugging, I'd personally rather think of at least some of the remaining PTB-slated for-corporate-profit victims being able to maintain their people's/country's defenses rather than being militarily date-raped to death by these world-destroying psychopaths and their 'beautiful' phallic symbols of doom...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.