Ice Cream
Marching down
the days before
pushed in dreams
of color...
Kindred of the poor
blessed in time and place
barefooted to cities of the night
taking flight
carrying Mother’s anger
and hating
a yoke of time, puritanical
Lifted, somewhat with age
infirmity at the door
wishing more delights
“Everyone screams for ice-cream!”
Waiting at the door
so much more
what’s in store?
Sleepless thoughts
piercing blood-pinched skin
of molestation
How many more
drinking lemonade in the gold-plated shade
rigging democracy and right
muddying canvases of delight
turning the blade
Banning books
swinging from a tree
missiles sent for victory
Shove the mother in, burn
turn the blade
Buttons, bumpers, robo-calls
can't feel
ice-cream under the feet
so sweet
Grasses hold it there
for all to eat
before it seeps, it weeps
of ice gone bye.

Good touch smiley.
I reminded of the beatniks.
edit for spelling: I'll take that compliment
The followers of the playwrights: Osborne, Tennessee, O'Neill, Miller, Logan and many more;
foundation for Woodstock, the fifties, most impressive underground thinking in the day.
I wish I could remember the title of a beatnik movie: poetry versed in a black and white spotlight, camera looking down on stage; a moving piece to me to this day. Better than Playhouse Ninety.
Good to see you, thanks for reading and most for giving a damn about it all.
edited to add.
What a beautiful voice you express your thoughts and wishes with
I found this line particularly arresting. In one sense the image imparts to me a feeling of something idyllic and uncomplicated; that of enjoying the modest and refreshingly sweet taste of fresh lemonade, in the golden light of the sun. In another sense, because of it's meaning in context of the poem, that idyllic image sours in its darkened space.
Your poems are so bitter-sweet and very satisfying to read. Thank you smiley.
Great album, janis b, Pure Imagination...
Bitter Sweet would make a great song for a good movie and it's cover makes me want to go, travel. Thank you.
Important art for our time
Your poems are so much more than words. They always do something to the inside of me. I appreciate you and your work.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Smiling back at you mhagle...
your thoughts warm my day. Thank you.
Perfect phrasing.
And for those like me, suddenly kicked back by more than one disability at a time: why have I not bought ice cream in maybe six months? Such a complex but simple pleasure there. TY
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
oops, reply below in comment, riverlover
***** Five stars for this lovely poem
and many thanks!
Sunset Over English Bay (Vancouver, BC)

To thine own self be true.
MarilynW, you have the greatest palette...
always love your colors and work, keep 'em coming!
edit for sp
Good afternoon riverlover...
i feel you; some days it's just hard to go. Hope your mending foot heals fast and you have a treat of ice cream soon. Take good care and thank you.