
vignette with woodstock music


The sky is falling

it fell,


didn’t you receive an ice cold text?


Green leaves hug neighborhoods, forest streams

hiding views

of things dead

The sky is falling

on who,


everyone, sooner or later,

between summer and fall ...

love the fall


its colorful falling

collecting 'leafs' into piles of sameness,

Ice Cream

Marching down

the days before

pushed in dreams

of color...

Kindred of the poor

blessed in time and place

barefooted to cities of the night

taking flight

carrying Mother’s anger

and hating


a yoke of time, puritanical

Lifted, somewhat with age

infirmity at the door

wishing more delights



As I write, I worry about your futures

cause aspirations of two women, queens to be,

children of presidents,

Ivanka and Chelsea

dominate your playgrounds of artifical turf

lifted by money and the media it affords

seeping into the conscious of millions

overwhelmed by closets of red shoes

They may inherit the crown

Vegas bets so

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because, 6 heard that 7 8 9.

From the beginning, 6 pleaded with fellow numbers to celebrate the opportunity the first grade provided...

let's play

and play, 6 did

through universities, over continents

up mountains, down rivers

on stage-and-off in many languages

keeping on

enlightened more by hippie fashion and colors

6 soared.

Smoking the way into new 'oblivions' of the numerous