Trump considers bombing Assad, regime change
Tillerson on Assad: "Clearly with the acts that he has taken it would seem there would be no role for him to govern the Syrian people."
— ABC News (@ABC) April 6, 2017
It looks like one of the few good things about Hillary losing might be about to get thrown under the bus.
President Donald Trump has told some members of Congress that he is considering military action in Syria in retaliation for this week's chemical attack, and recognizes the seriousness of the situation, a source familiar with the calls tells CNN.
The source said the President had not firmly decided to go ahead with it but said he was discussing possible actions with Defense Secretary James Mattis...
"These heinous actions by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated. The United States stands with our allies across the globe to condemn this horrific attack and all other horrific attacks, for that matter."
Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham issued a joint statement Thursday calling for military action, recommending an international coalition "to ground Assad's air force."
Ah, yes. The infamous no-fly zone.
The New York Times reported that in 2012 General Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified that imposing a no-fly zone in Syria “would require as many as 70,000 American servicemen to dismantle Syria’s sophisticated antiaircraft system and then impose a 24-hour watch over the country.”
And this was before Russia got involved.
It was also before the jihadists lost in Aleppo, thus leaving Assad the dominant military power in Syria.
It now appears that regime change is being planned.
"The process by which Assad would leave is something that requires an international community effort both to first defeat ISIS within Syria, to stabilize the Syrian country to avoid further civil war and then to work collectively with our partners around the world through a political process that would lead to Assad leaving," Tillerson said at a news conference in Palm Beach, Fla.
I wrote an essay about this possibility six months ago and it still applies:
While Global Nuclear Annihilation tends to get your attention, there is someone even more committed to the Assad regime than Russia that the American media seems to have forgotten about.
While some morons think we can bluff Russia into backing down, and that is possible, there is zero chance that Iran will back down....
Iran has lost hundreds of Qud soldiers, including generals, thousands of proxy soldiers from Lebanon and Iraq, and billions of dollars that they couldn't afford to spend in order to prop up the Assad regime.
Iran started sending thousands of their own soldiers to Syria to fight four years ago (in response to Washington arming the Sunni rebels), and they doubled down on their support this year.
Iran's commitment to Syria dwarfs Russia's.
Iran is ALL IN for Assad. They not only won't back down, they can't back down. The fate of the Iranian regime rests on the fate of Assad, and that means they will do whatever it takes to keep him in place, including risking war with us.
So while the politicians and news media focus on whether Moscow will back down or not, consider if Moscow does allow us to invade Syria. How will Iran react?
Velayati, who is an adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, said the US has suffered a defeat in military campaigns both in Afghanistan and Iraq and a third adventure, in Syria, would hand Washington its third defeat — a more stinging one.“If the Americans take military action in Syria, it will be a suicidal action; and their third [military] defeat in the region after Afghanistan and Iraq will be a stronger defeat.”
To be fair, most Americans are not aware that we are losing in Afghanistan. Nor do Americans realize that we left Iraq in 2011 with our enemies unconquered.
Now think about what it would be like being in a ground war with a nation three times the size of Iraq.
Wait, you say. Who says it will be a ground war? Why can't we just bomb them?
The answer is simple: Obama deployed 5,000 American troops to Iraq. It already is a ground war....
I sense a "Blackhawk Down" moment in our near future.

Iranian diplomat: We have no exit strategy from Syria
are we ready to go to war with Iran?
no option to Assad
Well, ya know....
The one good thing we are hearing is that Trump has not yet decided on any response, but is going to meet with his advisors re: what to do. If it was Hillary, she would already be announcing her No Fly zone and the dispatching of additional carrier task forces.
Nothing seemed more certain than an escalation back when Obama decried Assad's supposed use of chemical weapons against civilians, but didn't happen. (As explained by Seymour Hersh)
We all know that Trump is being advised by the warmongers on his team (Mattis) to order up an escalation, but Trump has a history of keeping his own counsel, at least to a certain degree.
Stay tuned...
James Kroeger
our hypocrisy is too much
I saw T-rump talk about the Syrian horror...babies dying. He failed to mention the 200 civilians we killed last week in Mosul, nor the mosque a week earlier with another few hundred, nor the children we killed in Yemen, and on and on. We have no outrage for the true guilty party.
Iran is an interesting piece of the puzzle. Chomsky commented about Iran this week. (4 min)
Thanks as always for your insights!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Selective outrage has always been
an essential part of war propaganda... or pre-war propaganda, as the case may be.
Sounds exactly what Obama and co. were trying to do.
Iran knows that if Assad goes down, Syria goes down. It's in their best interests to try to not let that happen. They don't have much choice right now but to help Assad but as Zahrani indicated, Assad could turn his back on Iran with an agreement with Russia and the U.S. and Israel. Notice how Zahrani mentions Israel, not Saudi Arabia.
Based on the false flag they just pulled off, it looks like the Trump admin is trying to make it's move. Dumb fucks of the highest order.
Trump is a barely-literate ignoramus
who doesn't know what the fuck he is doing, or even why he's doing it. I doubt that The Donald has ever read a single book cover to cover in his entire life. This now-exalted Donald, this intellectual dolt, is at the moment in way over his head -- to the extent that he has surrounded himself with right-wing ideologues who are far more knowledgeable and competent than he is, or can ever hope to be.. Resulting in Mr. Wonder-Hair being hopelessly manipulated, outnumbered, and dominated by his intellectual superiors on the far right.
Trump is something of an idiot savant with an enormous ego. He knows what he wants for sure, and he is accustomed to getting what he wants. But he has no idea whatsoever, nor even much interest, in what it might take to get what he wants as a POTUS -- other than to destroy the neoliberals, and what little remains of the American Left along with them.
Donald Trump is in fact fairly representative of what US foreign policy has long been generally -- which is to say greedy, thoughtless, cruel, exclusively self-serving, and more often than not, blindly stupid. Trump is Us, pure and simple -- stripped of the faux-humanitarianism of "third way" Democrats.
WWIII proponent Rick Perry now at NSC
With Steve Bannon suddenly removed from his seat at the National Security Council and replaced by the full-on religious nut case Rick Perry, I doubt there's much discussion of a dialog with Russia there.
Check member CB's post showing heavy American military equipment on the move - toward Lebanon, it seems.
I've posted a copy of my response to you
in this diary. I think it will be flown directly into the new airport at Kobani - not by ship to Lebanon. Of course, after the initial strike, some of the material could be shipped in to attack the southern parts of Syria through the Golan Heights.
Just waiting for casus belli
Planned last summer. There is a huge amount of desert camo painted military equipment now in Romania at the Cincu airport.
From my post:
Yup. Not looking good. Seems we have lived this nightmare
before not too long ago.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Maybe the warmongers don't want Iran to back down.
The 900 pound gorilla in the region would love that scenario. They've been wanting that very thing since the end of the Iran/Iraq war. I can see BB rubbing his hands in glee at the very prospect of such a thing happening. It would set fire to and destroy the entire Muslim dominated region of the MENA while Big Daddy Warbucks spent untold billions in lives and treasure protecting the bastard.
Tillerson: 'Steps Underway' to Depose Assad
It's beyond belief that this supposed chem attack happened
This is infuriating that people are falling for this.
The timing is the key
Obamacare repeal dead. Tax reform failing.
Oh lookie! Evil foreigners that are killing their own people before we get a chance to kill them. How dare they!
This was not Trump's decision
Trump is not in charge. He is now under the complete control of the Deep State and will kowtow to their wishes. Obama learned a lot faster. He most likely understood within weeks what was required of him.
The Deep State was/is connected to Hillary by the crotch so they were prepared to put their plans into effect upon her crowning.
I'm thinking that this false flag was a good way to reset the Trump presidency's attitude towards Russia and Syria. It gives him a face saving reason to walk back all his previous rhetoric during the election.
Trump Says Idlib Chemical Attack Won't Be Tolerated, Attitude to Assad Changed
I still believe the US military is staging something in Romania. All that equipment will eventually get to Syria in support of partitioning the country as per the original plan dating back decades.
The fuck's he talking about?
they've been trying to "regime change" Syria for six years now! Does Tillerson think he's got a brand new 5-year-Plan or something?
He has to sound like he's in charge
Regime change and war programming is prepared years in advance so they are available 'off-the-shelf' (as was the Afghan and Iraq wars were).
Trump and Tillerson have now been fully co-opted by the real power in Washington. This WMD shinola from Syria just gives them a face saving way to get with the existing program. Regime change in Syria or any other nation does not come from the politicians. They are just the front men. They come from the MIC, CIA and the related powerful
stinkthink tanks and foreign interests that infest the US capital.There is no true democracy in America.
Absolutely true. All of it, and then some.
Will there be Shock and Awe?
Its high time for Americans to deliver another good dose of Shock and Awe to somebody. It would give a boost to our flagging self-confidence, and help to Make America Great Again, just like the President says. There's nothing better than taking over a foreign country, to make Americans feel Great for a while. Plus we could finally get to show that punk-ass Putin just who's gonna be the Boss of this planet, and it sure ain't him.
That's exactly what is being discussed
Oh crud
These people are deranged.
America is being led by a real-life Insane Clown Posse, and the media are cheering them on. I feel like I'm living on Desolation Row.
It's hard to take isn't it.
Yeah it's hard to take.
But it's been long a-building, and it should come as no surprise to long-time observers of the evolution of America's political landscape. Still, hope dies hard.
Any of this sound familiar?
“The whole thing is broken”
The article is originally from The Automatic Earth under the title “Any of this sound familiar?”, but I like the way the version linked above puts key passages in boldface.
I'm no expert
But I sense with Iran sticking in Syria, Russia will likely be very unwilling to allow a defeat of BOTH Syria and Iran in the event of their failure to ward off U.S. invasion; that would lessen yet again their buffer of allies in this world. I sense a quite real possibility Hillary and her bots may finally get their hot war with Russia.
Hate to say/type it, but one can only hope Russia and Iran quickly starts decimating U.S. incursion so people will finally start to 'get' that our past decades of pummeling mostly defenseless countries with relatively little loss is not the reality of WAR against these capable 'foes' that have been constructed out of thin air for the propaganda consumers; the Russians and Iranians have been paying attention to this theater for quite some time and they undoubtedly prepared to make this real, because they have long since figured that in the end, this kabuki was probably going turn real for them any second; it was only a matter of time before the noise turned a corner.
The Internet strikes back!
Trump should talk to this guy:
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.
1:14 PM - 29 Aug 2013
1,834 1,834 Retweets 1,826 1,826 likes
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
April 5, 2017U.S. Air Force
April 5, 2017
The Russian Kalibr cruise missile has a long range, can evade countermeasures, can accelerate to mach3 before impact, can track a moving target and can swarm a target. Variants can carry tactical nuclear warheads.
All these quotes are from Western media. In addition,the Russian Mig31 is a proven cruise missile hunter. It's the fastest combat plane in service today and can track, catch and kill cruise missiles.
The only way that the US can do anything in the Syrian theater is with Russia's acquiescence. A direct conflict with Russia will result in huge losses of equipment, including US warships on the bottom of the ocean.
This is the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Saddam has WMD, crap all over again. The US is going to have to prove to Russia that Assad really did order the use of poison gas or Russia will get to demonstrate her very potent state-of-the-art military hardware. The US never goes up against an equal opponent, preferring the low cost (to us) of bombing the hell out of third world countries.
The US retired nuclear warhead Tomahawk cruise missiles, Russia did not. Russia has a policy of first nuclear use in the event that Russian assets incur overwhelming hostilities. That's step one, and you know what step two is. I can't believe that our politicians are such complete and utter idiots.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I don't have any trouble believing it,
unfortunately. We are not only underestimating Russia's military strength, we may also be underestimating the degree of of sheer stupidity common among America's ruling elite.
Agree, although I don't give as much credence to
the Deep State turning Trump after he was elected as others do. I read an article (at GR, the fake news site I think) that made the case that Trump and his staff are the deep state, just another part. It depends on how one defines deep state I guess. The author's assertion was that it is those who work behind the scenes to affect government policy, from the thinktanks and institutions, to corporations and banks. So Trump et all were always part of that, the .01% that controls basically everything.
But you're right in that it does give Trump, and his staff, a way to change tune. Weren't they just saying getting Assad out was no longer a priority?
Good info on the military in Romania. Yep, looks like they're going for it. Which makes sense in their minds, it's been over five years, new administration, they need to proceed to Iran, they want to finish the job.
Trump has been castrated. He has no balls anymore.
A post by Brandon Turbeville:
Moon of Alabama has some interesting news
The US is truly the world's greatest...
Yes, by all means let's invade Syria to save John McCain's al quaeda headchoppers holed up in Idlib from a premature meeting with their 72 virgins.
Personally, I think it's all a big bluff. At least I hope so for any number of reasons - not the least of which because I truly think we are going to get our asses royally kicked.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Airstrikes imminent
maybe tonight