The Coup of the Democracy that Wasn't
Dennis Kucinich, Fox News Contributor, has come out warning that what some in the intelligence "community" are doing to Trump is "unprecedented". He claims that what's happening with "Flynngate" is a power play emanating from inside the intelligence community the result of which could determine our relationship with Russia and whether or not billions of dollars are going to be spent on a new Cold War. He said it's like a "Deep State" thing, some kind of spy vs. spy novel or game.
He admits this isn't new and points out the apparent sabotage of an agreement with Russia in the closing months of the Obama administration to create peace in Syria that was squashed after the U.S. military strike killed over a hundred Syrian soldiers, which ended the agreement. He says there was a deliberate sabotage of the agreement and it includes elements from the Pentagon and the intelligence community and infers it's about money and the military-intelligence industrial "axis".
He states that whether you're for or against Trump, the WH is under attack by elements of the intelligence community which are trying to elevate tensions between Russia and the U.S.
First of all, this isn't precedent setting, the CIA was directly involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, over 53 years ago. The CIA, elements of, was no doubt involved in the 9/11 attack. Remember the Church committee in the seventies. We could make a long list of other nefarious plots and actions taken by our intelligence "community" but that's another story. It may be precedent setting in how its playing out but we've known about rogue elements in the NSA and especially the CIA for a long time. The same with power plays within the government. Look up Smedley Butler some time.
However, this is now and it is serious.
But what does it change for the Serfs?
After reading an article tonight about this issue, I glanced at the comments and one caught my eye. The person said that Trump was our "last hope", that if he loses this fight with the Deep State, it's all over but the counting.
Ah, I hate attitudes like that. Pinning "our" last hope on one person is bad enough, but a narcissistic, sociopathic billionaire? That's plain sick. Go mail your boy or girl scout badges back to where they belong. That's what it doesn't change, it doesn't change the fact that the Serfs have got to rise up like a fucking Phoenix from the ashes and kick the Deep State's ass. Not Trump, not Obama, not Bernie Sanders and not Tulsi Gabbard. It won't get done unless the Serfs make it happen.
Ya know what, I think we're all being played, as usual. This is all a giant game meant to hide the big picture. They're good at that too, the intelligence "community" and the Deep State. Take us off in one direction while they go another. Make us think we understand the story when we really don't. It doesn't all add up, too many contradictions. The enemy (Russia/China) is always a factor and I don't think they'd be so blatant and out in the open with this without ulterior motives.
I don't believe the narrative about Trump seeking peace with Russia and Flynn being the sane one, while they seek to "Make America Great Again" by "greatly" rebuilding the military, starting a nuclear arms race and expanding the fake Global War OF Terror. The goal is still to rule the world, remain the number one superpower on earth by hook or crook, bombs or sanctions.
Those of us who know better have long known of the need to abolish the CIA and the NSA and completely reform and re-mission our intelligence programs and agendas along with our role in the world. This doesn't change that. Hell, even Schumer said openly that Trump better be careful or the CIA would get him. It's not even an open secret, it's just plain common knowledge. Everyone knows it but no one does a thing about it because they might be next.
I have to look past all this stuff because it really doesn't change what needs to be done.
Everybody's complaining about democracy. "Our democracy is a sham!, this makes our democracy a joke!" Everybody's saying it, everybody knows it, but we just keep moving along like there's nothing to see here. "Don't touch the big elephant, kids, it might bite you". Keep on voting for more and better politicians, demand paper ballots, end Citizen's United. Ignore that the system sucked way before electronic voting machines and a supreme court decision.
What all this does is provide more proof or evidence that we need a revolution in this country to take down the power behind the throne and end U.S. imperialism. Call it the Deep State, the Corporatocracy, the Plutocracy, the Oligarchy, the Ruling Elite, or the Illumaniti, whatever, they need to be removed from power and We the Serfs need to take over. We need to change our political system to give the power to the people. They maintain power through this duopoly system.
I was saying the same shit well before Trump and Flynngate.
How we do that is another story.

Agreed. N/T
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
The forbidden topic
I am amazed that people have not suggested that there is something seriously wrong with Trump's behavior, serious enough that it meets diagnostic criteria. My vote goes to unmedicated bipolar disorder. Think Howard Hughes.
My vote goes for he should watch his back.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
The peculiar thing about the notion that the MIC is out to
Funny, I've seen plenty of that.
I'm with you, Big Al. This shit needs to change, and the only ones who can change it are we.
But how? I don't even know what the necessary revolution would look like, or how it would organize. Someone in today's open thread suggested we all admit the futility of it all, and enjoy some Buds and buds while we can. That also seems attractive -- though obviously it doesn't effect what needs effecting.
I don't think it's futile but I wouldn't
The problem with revolutions is
that they are usually not well organized, or even organized at all. If the USA were to have a revolution in the near future, it would likely consist of several factions with radically opposed agendas. Since the liberal bourgeiosie is currently making common cause with the MIC in opposition to Trump, I don't see much hope of solidarity with that quarter. And then you'd have redneck militias to deal with, maybe rogue police forces, plus whatever urban black militants might come up with, and who knows what else.
It might be prudent to consider what resulted from Iran's Green revolution, or Egypt's revolution, or Syria's revolution, to get a foretaste of what an American revolution might entail. A revolution is more like a wildfire than a controlled burn. Once it gets going, there's no telling how far it will spread, or how much damage it will do, or what conditions will be like when it finally burns itself out.
Unlike the nations you mention, the US is uniquely prepared
for any 'revolution' within America.
The deep state has been preparing for this for decades. They are masters at starting and controlling these "wildfires". After all, they have been igniting them in dozens of nations worldwide since the end of WWII.
What other nation in the world has a Department of Homeland Security with a 2017 budget of $66,801,948,000? There are currently only two other countries that have an entire national defense budget greater than that, China and Saudi Arabia. Two thirds of all the countries in the world don't even have a GDP that is larger.
"You want a fucking revolution? Bring it on. Make my day. We are locked and loaded."
Um... well yes, there is that.
The Days of Rage in Chicago 1969
Despite efforts to recruit youth and promote involvement, participation in the "Days of Rage" demonstrations was not as broadly based as advertised, or as participants had hoped. About 800 Weatherman members showed up prior to October 8 and faced 2000 police officers. No more than 300 were left willing to face the enormous gathering of police a second time around[10] on the evening of Wednesday, October 8, 1969, in Chicago's Lincoln Park, and perhaps half of them were members of Weatherman collectives from around the country.
The Chicago police really beat them up.
Not the model to follow - punching bag for the cops.
I'm not sure either
That said, as far as organizing goes, if Bernie Sanders got you interested in socialism, then you might want to join Democratic Socialists of America. They've experienced a surge in membership over the last year and especially since the election, and there are many new chapters that have just opened or are in the process of organizing. A lot of the new growth is happening in the Midwest and the South, which I consider very encouraging. The DSA is pretty "big tent" as far as socialist organizations go, and even if the politics that DSA espouses is a bit too moderate for your liking, it is at the very least a great place to meet comrades.
I have an idea
This shit is bananas.
But I know what you mean. I used to laugh at people who put tape on their laptop webcams. Until I did it myself.
It is forbidden because it is nonsense, some sort of
hoodoo telephrenology. This is not how scientific medical diagnoses are made, for any type of condition, let alone the strange je ne sais quoi world of shrinkology.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
No brain left untested
The Cold War keeps a lot of nasty individuals rolling in money.
When it comes to these people it is important to ensure that this country is up to its collective ass in alligators. And they'll fight like rabid wolverines behind the scenes to ensure that we don't come along and start draining their swamp.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Local revolution is the first step
This seems to be somehow related to my recent short essay on Armageddon.
What I find surprising is how, in the midst of a war of extermination and massive destruction, in an area known for extreme religious and ethnic hatreds, the Rojava revolution has not only taken root, but grown to include all different ethnicities. Essentially a miracle.
A second small revolution is in Palestine/"Israel" with the Hand in Hand Schools.
I am not sure how in the USA where the vast majority have been brainwashed from birth, there could be a successful revolution beyond local levels.
From the Light House.
Rojava is a point of light in the gloom
I had not heard of the Hand in Hand schools, but just the name alone sounds promising.
It will be difficult to have a revolution in this country, but it was also difficult for other countries too. It won't be easy, and it won't happen without effort, but I don't think the chances are zero, either.
@Alex Ocana
I was hoping you'd show up.
Bolivia had courage as well as desperation; too many Americans have been raised on fear and division - but the desperation will break out. And I'm afraid it may do in (to say the least) non-productive riots giving the excuse for a military crack-down...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We don't need a revolution.
We're already in one.
The US government is at war with itself, and has been for a while now - for most of Obama's Presidency actually.
We're all just civilians watching from the hills and hoping we don't get caught in the crossfire.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That's my perception as well.
I think the whole massive superstructure is self-destructing.
The Deep State concept is difficult for the average person,
overworked and underpaid, then filling the void with over-consumption, which ultimately leads to apathy, to get their head around.
Scientist/healthy living guru/radical progressive Gary Null has been on fire lately on his show about the Deep State. Today was one of his best.
Traced it with examples dating back to even Thomas Jefferson, who wrote near the end of his life to the current president, that more than standing armies he "sincerely fears" the power of the Big Banks. Went through many iterations of the same thing, from other Presidents, including Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, JFK to many others privy, all alluding to the same nefarious nexus of power over government and all of our lives
The thing that really interested me today was his conversation with a food activist. They talked about how 98% of the food we take fro granted in our refrigerators and in the supermarkets get is all from global food monopolies. Nobody gets anything local anymore, which is a disaster in so many ways. And in terms of food, could lead to serious shortages and is already contributing immensely to climate change and resource depletion. It's a subject I think about a lot. Why is the garlic in my local supermarket, for instance, imported from fucking China? That makes no sense whatsoever. Fact is we've gotten so used to a privileged lifestyle of false abundance, low prices and easy access, all because our corporations monopolize resources and completely control the market. Another part of the Deep State.
Null really gets it. He's a wonderful humanitarian who presents the full spectrum of the kind of world we're looking toward. Highly recommend listening to his show on Pacifica Radio or online from the link above.
"Freedom" is the veneer for unbridled capitalism. When in fact it is a benign enslavement by monopolies, who literally control everything we eat, see, hear, buy and interact with, that is really going on.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Yes, this addresses the heart of the problem.
I's also note that nearly all US retail activity is dominated by corporate "chain" stores and restaurants. They've pushed most locally-owned enterprises right out of business.
i made that mistake.....once.
i mistakenly bought some of that Chinese garlic years ago. at the time it was a good deal, five bulbs for a buck, i think it was. when i got around to using it for cooking i noticed it didn't have the normal garlic pungency. had no flavor, either. it was only then that i looked at the bag to see it was imported from China.
i never made that mistake again. i live in CA and we are a major source of U.S. grown garlic right in our own state. i only buy U.S. garlic now. i try to do the same with most other produce but sometimes it means having to wait for it to be in season. i will occasionally relax my standard if i will be cooking the produce as i don't entirely trust imported produce that is to be eaten raw.
Agree, blue drop. It's not only tasteless but think of all
On a couple of occasions I confronted one of the buyers at the supermarket we no longer go to, for that and other reasons. I challenged him on the insanity of having to import such a staple, when within a 40 mile radius of NYC there are plenty of farms in Upstate NY, New Jersey and Long Island.
The more one pries into how we get so many things that we daily interact with the more troubling the picture becomes.
And for me it's as simple as recognizing it for what it truly is: the inherent failure of unbridled capitalism, and the fraud of it being relentlessly sold to us as a deity from which the purposely elusive American Dream is achievable only through a fabled "free market," which in truth is non-existent but a concentrated monopoly.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It's too late. Walmart has been bought by China.
"All your food are belong to us." It will be re-branded as Great Wall Mart.
Snarka snarka snarka! :-D
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Trump has to learn the presidency is just a front and his role
is to perform as front man. His job will be to pacify the proles while the real work of the deep state continues, unhindered with minimal oversight, in the background.
Look at how well Obama performed. It was perfect Kabuki theater from the very moment he stepped into office until the end as he left stage right.
Obama's legacy of destroying 6 Muslim states; Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia was not a mistake. These operations were a resounding success. It was something the US and its ally in the area has been working on for decades.
What's the next project for the deep state now? It is the dismemberment/destruction of Russia and containment of China. Their prime motivation is to ensure a uni-polar world with American and global elite at its head.
Trump has been walking along a dangerous path. History is replete with examples of what happens to those who so choose to do so.
I think, we, ahem, I, don't need intelligence,
you guys and gals make me feel dumb and you convinced me, I believe you, I am dumb, really, truely dumb. So I feel more comfortable among dumb folks, no intelligence needed. Just go away.
I read somewhere that a German former right-wing AfD fan has now turned to the Social Democrats and became a member of the (SPD), because Martin Schultz is 'our last hope'. Doesn't get more intelligent than this, no?
Ok, I give up. All you intelligence people play with me. Ain't going to happen. Have a nice day.I am mad as hell and don't take it anymore.

PS. I always wanted to say thank you to JtC for his textual smiley list, couldn't live without them.

For you, JtC.
@mimi I hope you're snarking?
I hope you're snarking?
Edit: or (says actual dummy over here, lol,) are referring to the US 'intelligence' service schemers rather than the many impressively brainy people here and are not again talking about not posting here anymore/for a time?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
If Trump Is Our Last Hope
. . . then there is no chance of a successful avoidance of a coup eliminating the Constitution. I have been waiting to see what means would be used to emulate the Enabling Acts which transferred all power to Hitler once he managed to get into a position of power. Duh Donald just might be bringing it on.
Could Trump have been intended to be the face of the cabal? Someone to keep us entertained while the Deep State took us down the road to Tyranny? If so, I'd fire the Casting Director for not coming up with a better star after such extensive auditions. Now, they have to replace him with someone else if they are to complete their takeover.
Another thought with no proof: could this calamity be the result of the Kochs spending almost a billion dollars to take over the governance of the US for their benefit? One can buy an entire warehouse of turncoats with that much cash! Just let Trump run his clown circus long enough for the public to turn on him and they won't do a thing to help him once the Pence coup becomes an overt reality.
I'd head for the lifeboats now that the Ship of State is going down, but I don't have enough money to buy a seat much less a life vest.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Personally, I don't think it likely that Trump would have been permitted the Presidency unless it was intended by TPTB. And I think the matching VP choices of both corporate candidates were suggested, as were their appointments. The problem was, of course, that the only people willing to go along with the insanity were themselves insane - and both are no proving unmanageable.
But if this is true:
Feb 17/ 7:45 PM
and if this continues, the grip of TPTB may wind up considerably weakened.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.