"I voted for Trump, so there!"
Quick hit.
This is all over the internet and being discussed. I'll give it the Big Al angle.
This is just one person in one place, but it's interesting how it played out and how it's being played in the media. Most are calling it a racist rant and siding with the black employees while some are defending the white woman.
What strikes me most is the statement, "I voted for Trump, so there. You want to kick me out because of that? Look who won.”
Not the first time that's been used since Trump has been elected. But this is a white woman saying it to black women. What's the inference in that statement? What does "so there!" and "look who won" mean?
It has to be that she thinks white people won because Trump won, and black people (and Mexicans, Muslims, Indians, Asians and anyone who isn't white) are going to have to deal with it.
There will be a wall, there will be lists, there will be ten million Hispanics ejected from the country, we will kill all Muslims, and black people will be put in their place. Fuck political correctness. We won motherfu (shut your mouth).
Like I said, it's one person who evidently has a bit of reputation in that area. But it's a sentiment surely kept by many Trump voters and supporters. Many think Trump is going to not only "make America great again", but also "make White America great again".
The parallels to Obama, the first African American president elected in 2008, are interesting as well. Many blacks held high hopes for the future of African Americans in this country with the election of the War Criminal Obama. It didn't pay off and in some ways Obama will leave the African American population in worse shape than when he started in 2009.
Many of the white Trump supporters, like this one blowing her racist top over a dollar bag, are going to be sorely disappointed too, especially those hoping for good jobs and a resurgence of the white middle class. Many white Trump supporters will be quite happy though having their chains of political correctness taken off, at least for awhile. The rich white people won't be disappointed either.
There's got to be a better way.

Scream at the top of your lungs "We built this".
Well done BA.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Are hard to give up when your whole life has been one big indoctrination camp.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
They certainly are.
Delusions and illusions. God Bless America, man.
Great comment
in one short sentence!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
After the woman kept going on and on
I think people should have stopped talking to her and just ignored her.
That point was after she told that other woman that she was going to video her child. The manager gave her more fuel to keep talking at them.
Instead of trying to reason with her they should have disengaged. There was no way that they were going to be able to reason with her. If they had ignored her then she wouldn't have anything to argue about.
At first I thought it was funny, but I now think that the woman has some type of disorder.
I learned that lesson with my stepdad. It doesn't matter what I say to him, I'm not going to change his mind.
My $.02
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Your .02 cents are always well worth it snoopydawg.
Tell you the truth, I couldn't get myself to watch the video. I just went from what I saw in the article. Like Steven said above, it's hard to get through a lifetime of indoctrination.
There are folks with really nasty temperments.
And the Media will do what they do in the modern days.
Hold them up as representative of groups that they want to demonize.
In the age of Cell Phone Journalism, anybody on their worst day can be the whipping boy for the entire internet, magnified and selectively edited by the MSM artists to make them look even worse.
Used to be this kind of thing was reserved for shows like "Jerry Springer".
Used to be.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Step right up to the Greatest Show on Earth,
non-stop coverage of everything from Trump's Tweets to Kardasian's Ass. And everything in between.
I do not watch TV, so no input there.
Is SR being covered now? Is it newsworthy now that there is snow on the ground to prove it's a North Dakota winter? Is Gatlinburg being covered? At least it might be raining there now, and the temperature has been moderate. Any more of FL under water?
About the only items of interest locally is the housing crisis, getting priced out of the rental market. And every day (but Sunday, no paper, and its owned by Gannett) the obits, to check if I knox anyone in there. Sadly, I do, at least once a week.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I watch TV but not any news or political shows,
zero, zippo, nada. I haven't for years. Not even the local news. A few times I've stopped on the channels and I literally can't stand it. Haven't done the paper in more than a decade.
It's an interesting thing. Once you know the truth that you've learned partly from the "fake news" sites you can't stand watching the real fake news channels. Because you know it's just fake.
In Germany, only the Right seems willing to confront the media
(their term for the “real fake news channels” is Lügenpresse, the lying press).
The German Left of today, in contrast, has neutered itself, especially on foreign policy, and more or less just echoes the media cartel and the grand-coalition government’s opinion.
Left and Green leadership is AWOL on opposition to NATO, war in Yemen, or the “Assad must go” line in Syria. Silent on Israeli or Saudi or Obama anything. Feeble on Erdogan’s emerging dictatorship in Turkey. Silent on dictatorship in Egypt or other places where the Arab Spring was smothered in its cradle.
Where are the “peace party” Greens of yesteryear? Nowhere to be found.
I remember when the German Left
used to be a big deal. It's as if they've collapsed. I'm guessing that they don't burn cars on the first of May anymore?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
It was going to be rough either way...
Most of the voters in the 2 major parties have been reduced to the level equivelent of a Rabid Faux News Watching, Breitbarf Reading Teabagger and worse...
They are living in a state of altered reality and their mouth spews vile campaign talking points without connection to the brain...
The rest of us will just have to get over it...
We are headed to where Louie Gohmert will be the most intelligent man in congress if these brainwashed minions don't stop sipping the Kook-Aid soon...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Nobody could have foreseen...
that despite whites being 2/3rds of the US population, they could still have an impact on elections. Demographics, you know. Thus Hillary's campaign focus on minority voters because they would ensure her coronation. After all, nobody would vote for that scary Trump guy, so white voters just didn't matter.
Minorities could swing an election if they voted as a bloc.
They don't.
People are trying to get all minorities of color to vote together by use People of Color, but I don't see it happening. (Sorry, but I think "POC" and "AA" are so disrespectful and de-humanizing, even if an African American or other person of color is using them).
The interests of Cuban Americans in Miami are not the same as the interests of Puerto Rican Americans in NYC or Mexican Americans in San Antonio or Arab Americans in Brooklyn or Dearborn. Heck, the interests of Christian Egyptian immigrants are not necessarily the same as Muslim Egyptian immigrants or Jewish Egyptian immigrants.
On the other hand, all humans need non-poisonous food and water, breathable air and shelter, whether they get them via jobs or social safety nets. And all of them want education and decent jobs for their kids and grandkids. However, neither of our two largest parties has exhibited much of an interest in appealing to voters on those bases, at least, not since our first DLC President was re-elected.
Government for all
We really need to get back to a government for all, not one that doles out gifts to special interest groups. I don't care whether the groups are corporations or unions, wealthy or poor, Christian or Muslim or atheist, black or white, women or men. If government worked so that everyone was treated fairly and equally regardless of the group they're in, I like to think a lot of that in-group/out-group mentality would melt away. The reason identity groups are at each other's throats is because they're all vying for attention from the Great Bestower of Gifts.
Look at health care. What could be more equitable than single payer. Everyone pays their taxes, and everyone gets insurance. Instead we get Obamacare that's nothing but a special interest goodie bag.
It's also why I'm against the BLM movement as it currently exists. I believe they've misidentified the problem, and therefore cannot possibly find the right cure. The root problem isn't that the cops are shooting black people, that's a symptom. The root problem is that black people are more likely to live in poor areas, and poverty and crime go hand-in-hand. And cops in general are too trigger happy, regardless of the color of the victim. Put those two facts together, and you end up with the symptom of the police killing an inordinate number of black people. Solve the problems that are universal: poverty and amped up cops and their us vs them mentality, and you'll solve the problems BLM wants to solve but without the identity politics and divisive rhetoric.
Or maybe I'm just naive.
The difference between Obama and Trump:
A white male bigoted President who says crude and ugly things breaks no barrier.
I voted for (and otherwise supported) Obama in 2007-08. I did not do that because of his race. I did it because I thought, of the entire 2008 field, from Hillary to Kucinich, Obama had the best shot in the general. My goal then was simply to defeat Republicans. History now backs me up on that score, but my goals changed as I learned more about DLC?Third Way Democrats.
I don't care how many lists are on the internet, Obama did not keep a lot of his important campaign promises. Still, I do not regret voting for him in 2008 because that barrier needed to be broken and I did not choose him for the wrong reasons. And, I still don't see him as being as evil as the Clintons, though all New Democrats are evil to one degree or another, IMO.
The female barrier needs to be broken too, as does the Hispanic barrier, the Asian barrier, the GLBT barrier, the Jewish barrier, etc. And, if a candidate comes along that I prefer to the rest of the field for any reason, I will eagerly and gladly vote to break that barrier, as I did with Obama in 2008, with Jill Stein in 2012 and with Sanders and Stein 2016. But, I won't vote based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc. alone. The job is too powerful to vote on any of those bases alone.