Quote: "The rebels will be our hope" (Chris Hedges)
No essay here, just reading and catching up with what was written the last couple of days. In this essay by Chris Hedges: Waiting for the Barbarians
Chris managed to post altogether 48 questions.
Is it mean to ask for 48 answers?
His last paragragh is what he sees coming for people like many in this environment.
There will be rebels. They will live in the shadows. They will be the renegade painters, sculptors, poets, writers, journalists, musicians, actors, dancers, organizers, activists, mystics, intellectuals and other outcasts who are willing to accept personal sacrifice. They will not surrender their integrity, creativity, independence and finally their souls. They will speak the truth. The state will have little tolerance of them. They will be poor. The wider society will be conditioned by mass propaganda to write them off as parasites or traitors. They will keep alive what is left of dignity and freedom. Perhaps one day they will rise up and triumph. But one does not live in poverty and on the margins of society because of the certainty of success. One lives like that because to collaborate with radical evil is to betray all that is good and beautiful. It is to become a captive. It is to give up the moral autonomy that makes us human. The rebels will be our hope.
Makes me cry. My son didn't deserve to grow up into these conditions.

The Rebels
Are alive and well, Many are right here at C99 !
I read this yesterday.
Being a rebel, myself, I sent this to my daughter, a fierce rebel, herself, and commented that my granddaughter, the young artist, will continue to carry our rebel torch, as we move forward. She us already joining the protests for Standing Rock. We must stand with the millennial rebels - they are the future that must begin the fight today.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
yes, Raggedy Ann, and kudos to your granddaughter,
the women rebels among the native Americans at Standing Rock are very, very courageous.
and so it has always been...
By their nature, they stand outside and hold the mirror for us to see ourselves. If we would only look...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Percy Shelley:"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of
the world."
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Chis Hedges is an important voice, but so depressing . . .
He's got it right.
Personally, I have to focus on hope though.
Sure hope it does not go all the way down like he predicts.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I remember once having a conversation with
someone at TOP whose writing I always respected and I asked that writer about Truthdig writer Scheer, because I understood the writer in question worked together with Scheer and knew him. I tried to figure out what the differences between Scheer and Hedges were and the writer in question said that Hedges is not the most cheerful of fellows and can induce depression in his readers and thus be a catalyst of losing hope. So, you are not alone to feel this way and might not like reading Hedges.
Since then I read Hedges and watch my own navel to see if he has the same effect on my "hopey feelings". He has a bit sometimes, but then I also feel it's Hedges own desperation and fury that might induce this style of writing. The example above is one of that. But he was just putting all the questions, which so many have, so eloquently out in the open and very much to the point that I thought I post this here. I don't get depressed reading him. I get depressed not finding answers to the questions he raises.
I think Al had a good answer. People accept a lot of things, if they don't know anymore how to change a condition. It's very hard to find ways to make changes in the legislature, which would help to change the social contract the government has with its people, if so many sacrifices and dangers and risks for those, who rebel or resist, endanger their livelihood and well-being.
Oh well, let's hope, the rebel spirit will spread in the general population. May be somehow through some miracle some important changes in the laws can be made to avoid the worst.
Chris presents the "worst case scenario"
I actually really really like Chris Hedges. I listened to a speech of his on YouTube a couple of weeks ago and thought it was incredibly insightful.
He gives us the "worst case scenario" and we need to hear it.
Just like Guy McPherson presents the "worst case scenario" on climate change. Hope it doesn't go down that way, but to see the big picture, it's important.
So we look at the bad side and say . . . "ok, what can we do?"
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
oh, wow, thanks for that link to his speech
I had read about his father being thrown out of his church, written by Chris Hedges himself, but have never heard him speak about it.
His voice cracking and all he said, says it all. No further comment.
I think it's not only a matter of "seeing the big picture"
it's a matter of having a close, real life connection with people, who suffer and whose voices will never be heard. It's important to understand how the corporate system of totalitarianism over the political representatives and with that of all of us (worldwide - what he says about their influence in Canade is true and it's happening in Europe as well) manages them to never have an impact. He says it somewhere in this speech, (I listened to it now in full), but there is no transcript and to find that sentence again I have no strength right now.
But pay attention to 46:10 to 49:32... "these corporate forces are systems of death" and the following...and for me the most important sentence ...
One of the most honest and also self-critical voices I heard so far. Thanks again for the link.
FYI - You might all want to watch this tomorrow, Dec. 1, 4pm EST
Thank you for your
Comments, insight, and the link. Hope I can find a video of it.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Acceptance. People accept things, they accept this
political system that keeps the oligarchy in power. To me the real rebels are the ones who reject how they are governed, not those who don't buy Nike shoes or refuse to shop at Walmart but still vote for the democratic party. The ones who want real freedom and justice and will not accept the choices forced on us by the rich, like Clinton vs. Trump. They reject this political system, the oligarchy and the establishment having that kind of power over their lives.
First Obama, then Bernie, then Trump. Next up, who? Booker? Warren? Chelsea Clinton? Michelle Obama? It will be the same old thing until we stop accepting it.
Hedges is right, there's danger ahead. Those wanting to give Trump, and purely republican administration, a chance are dead wrong.
yes. I think so too and agree /nt
No doubt that the republicans will fuck things up . . .
My only hope that the pendulum will save us. That we wake up before it is too late.
I am in favor of ignoring them (if possible) and fixing things locally, like some are doing.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I've come to believe that people accept things because
almost all of us really don't want very much. It takes shockingly little to satisfy most people. The thing is, when people are satisfied, most of the time they just won't do what you want them to do.
Chris is right,
things gotta get worse before they can get better. Witness Nodapl and the vets vowing to show up and be peaceful? I hope so.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
TruthDig? That's on "the list"!
It's clearly Russian propaganda.
Thank God for rebels!
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."