'The FBI is Trumpland' and Donald Trump's top FBI fanboy
In The Guardian: 'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say
Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited. [...]
The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”
The agent called the bureau “Trumplandia,” with some colleagues openly discussing voting for a GOP nominee who has garnered unprecedented condemnation from the party’s national security wing and who has pledged to jail Clinton if elected.
We should take anonymous sources with a grain of salt. But we’re talking about the same organization that actively tried to undermine the Civil Rights movement and the anti-war movement; the organization that ran an widespread, unconstitutional surveillance program called COINTELPRO; that surveilled and threatened Martin Luther King Jr, Charlie Chaplin, gay people and too many on the left to count.
So it isn’t too hard to believe that people in the FBI might act to further their personal political views.
And here’s the Daily Beast: Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
The man [Rudy Giuliani] who now leads “lock-her-up” chants at Trump rallies spent decades of his life as a federal prosecutor and then mayor working closely with the FBI, and especially its New York office. One of Giuliani’s security firms employed a former head of the New York FBI office, and other alumni of it. It was agents of that office, probing Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting of a minor, who pressed Comey to authorize the review of possible Hillary Clinton-related emails on a Weiner device that led to the explosive letter the director wrote Congress. [...]
“The other rumor that I get is that there’s a kind of revolution going on inside the FBI about the original conclusion [not to charge Clinton] being completely unjustified and almost a slap in the face to the FBI’s integrity,” said Giuliani. “I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents.”
Along with Giuliani’s other connections to New York FBI agents, his former law firm, then called Bracewell Giuliani, has long been general counsel to the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA), which represents 13,000 former and current agents. The group, born in the New York office in the early ’80s, was headed until Monday by Rey Tariche, an agent still working in that office. Tariche’s resignation letter from the bureau mentioned the Clinton probe, noting that “we find our work—our integrity questioned” because of it, adding “we will not be used for political gains.”
There’s a lot more in the Daily Beast article, including Giuliani’s links to Jim Kallstrom (the former head of the FBI’s New York office) and his long-time friendship with Louis Freeh (the former FBI director and the guy who appointed Kallstrom).
Kallstrom has called the Clintons a “crime family” and Hillary Clinton a “pathalogical liar” on TV. He’s also a Trump supporter and Trump has contributed over a million dollars to a charity he runs. Many of the NY based agents on the Weiner case used to work for Kallstrom. The interview with Kallstorm makes for interesting reading as he first denies, then acknowledges receiving information on active cases from current agents assigned to those cases. As you might imagine, that violates FBI policy.
As if this election cycle wasn’t nuts enough, alongside the resurrection of the KKK, American Nazis and assorted other reactionaries, the remnants of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI seem to be rearing their head as well.

Good point.
A very legalistic answer.
subir surely understands the distinction between the campaign and 'independent' expenditure groups (although as wikileaks reveals about CTR and the Hillary campaign, not so independent after all), and yet he resorts to CT pearl clutching to distract from the fact that he only answered half the question.
A simple 'no' would have been far more convincing.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You have way too much time on your hands
No, I'm not paid by CTR or any other political organization. I do volunteer for Our Revolution, which I understand from prior posts on this site is considered a Hillary front.
So are you here on unpaid assignment from Our Revolution?
I must have something better to do. Plus, I already voted.
Thx, though. It was fun. You all come back.
"The time is now."
stein - baraka
Paid Hillary Shills Are a Conspiracy Theory?
You don't mean that, do you?
There is zero doubt that people are being paid to represent Hillary in a positive light on Social Media, correct?
A direct question, asked and answered is hardly a conspiracy theory.
And not too long ago it was CT that the DNC was stacking the deck for Hillary. Now it is a legal defense because all those conspiracy theorists "knew it going in".
Your flip from Bernie to Hillary is hard to take, subir. When someone in your tribe switches allegiances and seems to abandon principles it is hard to take. That thing you feel about us not getting where you're coming from? Double it, and that's how we feel. You are the one moving against your previously espoused principles. I get it, and don't hold any ill will or lack of respect for it -- scary times -- but we're in the same place we were when Bernie was running. It is you who have moved, IMO, only because of Drumpfenfear, which is a media creation.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Yes, when you're accusing me of being a paid shill
I consider it a paranoid conspiracy theory. YMMV.
BTW, Bernie too has "flipped". And that has meant setting aside all the resentment he must feel about every dirty trick and partisan act employed to undermine him and his supporters. Yes, it bugs me, and it's not okay to dismiss it as politics as usual.
But I share Bernie's fear of Trump. I've seen him operate in New York for years, and there is no scenario in which I want him close to actual, real power.
I will still oppose Clinton on policy, but I don't oppose her candidacy. People are voting this week, it's time to get real.
Same reason I don't want Hillary to win. I've seen her operate.
For decades. And that's just her "public positions."
BTW, asking you if you are being paid when Mook put out a press release about paying people is not a conspiracy theory. Getting paid for services rendered is not a conspiracy. Nor is asking someone about getting paid to make pro-Hilary posts on an anti-Hillary board a conspiracy theory. At worst, it's a futile question because people who are getting paid never admit it.
FYI, trying to demean people with the term "conspiracy theory" is not effective.
Interesting That You Personified That Question Rather Than
answer it.
Do shills exist online and on blogs? Pretty simple question.
I never suggested you were a shill. I did suggest that your flip was weird, weirder than Bernie's IMO, although Bernie's flip was weird too.
Good luck opposing Hillary after she's got the keys to the whitehouse. We're going to get the worst of her policy... There's a reason she's not talking policy, she can't win there.
I think you are missing just how ugly and amoral the clintons are when it comes to civil rights. They executed a disabled person and threw the poor into Alan Greenspan's labor markets and called it a win. There's piratization of Social Security and TPP/TISA lined up and ready to slide through the Republican congress, and her sponsors are heavily invested in big oil.
Not seeing the potential damage to people of color from Hillary, her foreign policy, and her corporate kickbacks to political sponsors with the complete support of the political Establishment is a failure of seeing the big picture.
I'll be voting for Jill, Zephyr, & Robin because I can't lend support and legitimacy to such damaging public policy.
Good luck to you man.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
You Do Realize That You Are Caucusing with the Bushes, the
Neocons, the banksters, the MIC, and Big Oil.
Democrats have kicked People to the curb and are caucusing with those monstrous institutions. It's going to be near impossible to peddle your influence.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
"People are voting this week". A suggestion...
Those who like the President (and thus Hillary) should take inspiration from him by not actually voting but instead wait two weeks to see how it plays out.
i hate to break it to you, but the moment you have
voted for her, you have irrevocably voted for her policies.
your fantasy that you can have your cake and eat it too is mere rationalization for doing something you know in your heart is odious.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Speaking of paranoid conspiracy theories, more DKos trash
Dems must be pretty damn desperate, going after Jill. And playing dirty politics, again, which is the DNC/Hillary/Dialy Kos style.
Are you following WikiLeaks AT ALL, subir? Or just keeping inside the Daily Kos bubble? I wrote an essay yesterday, you should really take a look at it if keeping your integrity is one of your values (I had always thought that about you, but these days I'm not so sure). I know that the DNC are masters at propaganda and spin, it makes me sad that you've swallowed THEIR vile swill. It's just a different flavor than what Fox News puts out, but just as swilly. Anyway, here's the link:
A Timeline that Shows What You Most Need to Know about Emailgate - Obama, Benghazi, Coverup, Collusion, Bribery, FBI, DOJ ...
The same diary at TOP has them disbanding the FBI
Not even joking.
So this crosspost costs little to the author, and we should be grateful to observe what knots they have twisted themselves into to completely ignore the content of the leaks, what lawyerly spins they put on the motivations of anyone that resists the Clinton Cartel, and what they tell themselves to prop up their shaky morality.
I cant imagine anyone of rational mind supporting Trump or Clinton, so it fascinates me that a person who writes as well as the diarists produces such a blunt tool without expecting payment, if not for the effort at least for the discomfort of conscience.
I put a lot of effort into all my posts
I am more inclined to believe that subir is simply delusional, but I have been wrong before.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
So, what is the purpose? subir knows why this board was begun
and why people post here instead of Kos or something similar.
subir also knows posters on this board are well-informed. subir also knows these posts are contrary to sentiments of the posters on this board.
Does subir actually imagine that, of all the things we read, see and hear from professional writers, pundits and politicians, his or her post is going to make us finally "see the light" and vote for Hillary? If not, why do we keep seeing this kind of post from subir and others? I have a very hard time seeing any of them as other than trolling and/or delusional about their own potential effectiveness.
I asked him the same thing a few months ago.
Didn't get a reply.
Maybe you'll do better, but I doubt it. (Paid shills are loathe to admit what they are, and he is probably working under non-disclosure anyway.) A non-denial is certainly telling in any event.
Yet even if he is CTR (which I strongly suspect), I say keep him around.
He has a way of bringing out the best in this place.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
He is certainly...
cementing folks resolve around here rather than chipping away at it. But I suspect that our regular members are not really his target.
I'll accept a non-reply as an affirmative submission.
Shine on c99ers!
Congrats are in order.
You have been accused of calling him ctr shill.
Funny. He didn't object.
I also had a great time of explaining that he would not be banned here.
I will miss his often enlightening essays. But maybe he has caught election time fever. Maybe he'll come back.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Big Lie Has Popped for Us. It is Offensive to Hear Argument
based upon that Big Lie once it's popped like this.
That's where Drumpf's support comes from. Many, many people see through the Big Lie and argument coming from there simply does not resonate any longer. Too bad the Drumpf supporters are trying to substitute one Big Lie for another.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
No matter which of these horrible people wins, we're going to have a lot of very pissed off citizens in four years - left AND right.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
Your comment made me consider the possibility
that the fact that
will likely lead to further expansions of internal security measures (surveillance, data mining, militarization of local police) and further erosion of citizens rights to privacy and freedom from unwarranted search and siezure. Rather than being willing to recognize and address the justifiable complaints of the general population, our government instead will be working overtime to supress, rather than address our problems. Effecting meaningful reforms will become increasingly difficult. How convenient for the megalomaniacs among us.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the planet marches, at an ever increasing pace, toward an unrecoverable mass extinction event. Our species and most of our cohabitants are about to win one big Darwin Award.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
A Clinton win
will seal the deal. Most of the world will be wholly owned by gigantic corporations. When we think about where we can run, it is totally ironic that the best answer might be Russia.
The first rule of operative club.....
The *second* rule of operative club . . . n/t
Was your User Account hacked by the Russians?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The Guardian has been full-on Clinton and OMG Trump!
Consider the source and its alleged sources in weighing credibility.
Nor is it too hard to believe that people who sign up for careers in the intelligence community fall well along the conservative end of the spectrum but also have some old-fashioned notions about right and wrong, crime and punishment, the Constitution, and the rule of law. The same old-fashioned notions that have millions of people in this country outraged about the COI that follows the Clintons wherever they go, from Little Rock to the White House to the family foundation and its Clinton Global Initiative. COI that can't be attributed to the right-wing spin machine.
I admire your posts from elsewhere, subir. Must respectfully disagree with you on this one. Who knows? We may even learn a little truth about all this someday.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Wait, I'm confused.
Does Putin work for the FBI or vice-versa?
It was really quick indoctrination/takeover
Wasn't but a few weeks ago Comey was a true American hero allowing the coronation to proceed with just a minor hitch.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Comey fooled almost everyone!
But which time?
stein - baraka
Org chart...
Putin works for the FBI. Comey works for the KGB. It's the finest example of Russo-American cooperation evah!!
Apollo Creed versus Ivan, or Apollo-Soyuz?
Are we watching a fight, or a flight? Can’t keep up any more.
Yes n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Both, duh. (or Both, da.)
Georgio Tsoukalos
says it's Aliens!!!
(I'm ashamed, and a bit worried, I know that name)
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
(No subject)
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Occam's Razor
When all logical and ordinary explanations have been exhausted, the only sensible answer is alien invasion.
Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.
Kodos gets a bad rap
As far as I know he was never a Russian puppet.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Too bad the DNC had to coronate a criminal
Really made them vulnerable inconvenient truths emerging at inconvenient times.
Clinton emails speak for themselves,
regardless of the source of their leaking. The same can not be said about innuendo from unnamed sources in the FBI. There is an awful lot of BS being pumped out to distract from the actual content of those emails.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
The emails we have seen thus far show a pattern of unethical behavior and deception. I would argue that the Doug Band email to John Podesta clearly lays out a pay to play scenario in which Band claims to be the rainmaker for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
As for the FBI, in general, law enforcement personnel tend to hold very conservative political views, but what I do not understand in Subir's post here is how that is playing into the investigation. The investigation is being driven by the emails and other evidence just as the internal auditor's investigation did. In fact, I would argue that the previous FBI investigation was so narrowly defined by politics that it dictated the outcome.
Regardless, the real story may not be just classified emails, but the sharing of information with the Clinton Foundation as a way to enrich the Clintons personally while enhancing the approval of arms and other such deals for those who contributed to the Foundation. Again referencing the Doug Band email to John Podesta.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Out and out perjury is just sitting there, in the record.
Cheryl Mills, Huma Abadin, John Bentel have all been shown to have perjured themselves on when/if they knew about the server, yet where is the grand jury?
Bottom line, this all would have been dealt with years ago but for the Hillary campaign and the fully corrupt Mr Comey. For them to squeal now is beyond the pale.
About that family foundation...
The Dallas IRS Office That's Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
The post/articles explore why FBI agents are leaking
the details on an ongoing investigation (or even the fact that there is additional evidence). That is contrary to long-standing policy, and their political leanings are pertinent. The fact that so many close Trump supporters have strong professional relationships with the team investigating the Weiner case is germane. And it's important to remember the role the FBI has played in prior political events.
How Do You Know It is Their Political Leanings That is Pertinent
rather than what they know about the case from scrubbing the emails. Or from how the FBI perceives the actions of a high profile target wiping stuff clean and "losing" inconvenient emails in the midst of an investigation.
I could totally see a completely rational and principled response to leak given these details.
Contrary to the corporate media, there are real values and principles involved in professional life, elections, and politics. Isn't it possible that FBI leakers are more concerned with how terrible a precedent Hillary skating in to the oval office on DOJ and FBI capitulation to rich important person treatment than they are a bunch of mindless Hillary hating Drumpfenfolk?
Shit man, her emails are TERRIBLE! Her politics are TERRIBLE -- He's a racist misogynist! And then she recycled it again on Drumpf. She's ran the emptiest Presidential campaign in history.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Your claims as to their political leanings are one thing only.
You don't know what the political leanings of anonymous FBI leakers are, and you likely won't until they stop being anonymous leakers.
You don't know who they actually are. How can you claim to know their political leanings, and then claim that's pertinent information?
You go on and on about this still-active "vast right-wing conspiracy" (yeah, I'm old enough to remember that one), and then scold us for having "paranoid conspiracy theories"?
So it isn’t too hard to
That's better.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
So it isn’t too hard to
Even better.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I forgot
etc. etc. etc.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
No doubt.
So where does that leave you? Burn it all down?
I'd rather it burned than decayed. From ashes come the new arising.
Gangrene has the propensity to spread.
Cut it off and burn it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Moving that goalpost so far so fast can cause whiplash.
You're the one who implied that people with political leanings can't do their jobs properly, as though only the people who, in your view, harm Hillary have political leaning
Popcorn anyone?
When we have a battle between the old corruption enforcers and the new corruption enforcers in the FBI, we may either get some revelations or see one group becoming far more powerful than they were or both. Our government is corrupt beyond belief but these occurrences are making it believable. We knew the antidemocratic ploys of the Republicans, but Bernie turned over the rock to show us the slimy plutocrats and politicians running the Democratic Party and now the FBI is letting us see some of the political and governmental foot soldiers making oligarchy our form of government. The Defense Department should return to its original name of War Department, the Justice Department should be renamed Justiceless Department, the EPA should be called the Exploitation Protection Agency, and you can make up names for the rest of it. Let George Orwell be your guide.
Neither of the two major parties deserves any votes. "R" = "Reprehensible" and "D" = "Deplorable" (sans basket). Voting Jill Stein and down ballot good people is only the beginning. Trump is a fool, but if the oligarchy insists on Clinton we are headed for bad, bad times. So let's hope that "Trumpland" can make such a hash of Clinton corruption that it whimpers out of existence and that the electorate will then scorn the Trump "know nothings" to such an extent that they can accomplish nothing. I'm just hoping we can have a political revolution without bloodshed.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I love your comments! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I have no doubt that there will be bloodshed
here and abroad with Trump. In my view, it's far likely to be worse than under Clinton.
But I like your goal, and we will get there.
We will only know if we get there.
Subir, I have always liked your economic/finance posts. You are a good writer and quite knowledgeable. I usually learn something from you; however, your pro-Hillary posts are a waste of time with me and, I think, with the great majority of people here on C99. You see we have first-hand knowledge of the Democratic Party's and the Clinton's methods. As my Mother used to say, "Once burnt, twice shy." Please write on the subjects you're so good at and forget the proselytizing.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Trying to use built-up cred to lend some to theses with no cred
Because certain assumptions on which the theses are based are too obviously false, the attempt comes across as misguided, insincere, and disingenuous.
Reputation is annihilated (anniHillated?) without the desired effect. Yet another once-trusted source is discredited by its own effort.
I Agree. I've Lost Some Trust in Subir as a Voice, as I've Lost
trust with many bloggers I used to hinge upon. It's cool. I'm sure Subir's lost some respect for those of us who won't vote for Hillary. Different perspectives and whatnot.
I don't think enough people realize that the political world changed with this election, much like it changed with Obama in 2012, which lead to the purge reflex and devolution of dKos.
The Big Lie is busted. Business as usual is a death sentence, and many different political demographics feel that. Data and accepted facts are trailing indicators. Too bad so many smart people are completely reliant on them for validation and direction of their worldview.
Peace, lotlizard.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
This is true. In 2006 and 2008. the non-professional left
did all it could at the federal level. We changed the House and Senate in 2006. We elected Obama strongly in 2008, also giving him a huge majority in the House and 60 in the Democratic caucus. (yeah, yeah, I know, readers: Kennedy, Lieberman, give it a rest. It's played out anyway). And we knew we were not going to have those majorities again any time soon.
But, we got mocked by Rahm and Gibbs, got called "my friends on the left" by Obama, as though we were his opponents; he broke his own promises on ACA, FISA, torture and other things. He tried to extend the time in Iraq.
And he didn't do so many things he should have done. We got one deceptive action, wasted opportunity and insult after another. That was a break with the left of an unprecedented nature that he and his White House barely disdained to try to disguise. The PTB and shills were in denial about how fundamental that was. We didn't even believe it when his shills said his second term would be better--as if his own re-election was more important than everything else anyway! And we were right. Now, I'm supposed to be worried about his legacy? Why? Is he worried about mine?
For me, with a thirty-year old man with a great mind, a beautiful soul and a great sense of humor whom my family adored dead because he could not afford his AIDS meds, I was done voting for the more evil, more deceptive evil by March 2010. I'll never vote Republican, no matter which letter any Republican puts after his or her name. I'll vote for liberals. If none are on the ballot, I'll vote newer party candidates. If leftist newer parties all go out of existence, I'll write in, as unsatisfactory as that is.
The American people, in the face of big money & a hostile
media, elected a Democratic president with working majorities in both house of Congress. Barack Obama had to fall all over himself, and his campaign promises, to enact virtually nothing progressive...to propose virtually nothing progressive even...and the voters understandably didn't bother, and to the obvious relief of Barack Obama, let the Democrats suffer defeat after defeat in the mid-terms.
His legacy will no doubt show that he was the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
" I'm just hoping we can have a political revolution without
Very doubtful. Our government does not cede power or money to the 90% without a battle or at least being in fear a battle may be imminent, as when the anti-war, economic justice and civil rights movements were coalescing. The last time was Part D, but that was done more for the drug companies than for OASDI recipients who were hurting. If you doubt that, try asking the feds to give a cost of living hike on food costs or even to consider freezing all COLA as a cut to OASDI. They seem to have little problem making people ill with stress and poor nutrition.
However, our ability to have a political revolution with bloodshed is also very limited. Our people are too obedient and not hurting badly enough to risk death or serious physical injury; the country is too huge for the kinds of demonstrations they've had in, for example Paris; too many government employees at local, state and federal levels are armed and ready and willing to kill; and our every communication, indoors or out, can be monitored, along with our every move on streets and in buildings with public or private surveillance cameras. Plus, the left has no infrastructure to unite us, such as strong unions or even churches. Most of us hate weapons and violence and can't even defend ourselves if we're attacked.
In 1979 The Communist Workers Party was having a peaceful
march, in support of striking textile workers, when the procession was ambushed by Ku Kluxers and American Nazis and 10 were murdered.
Two jury nullifications by all white juries ended any criminal prosecutions but a civil suit was successful In addition to the monetary awards - and to me this is important - the jury found that the local police cooperated with the Klan and Nazis and totally failed to protect the peaceful demonstration.
So, anyone who is looking for established cooperation between law enforcement and hate groups, look back only to 1979 and Greensboro, NC.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
O, my prophetic soul!
As soon as I read the first sentence of your post, my thought was, are you sure they were all KKK and American Nazis? I don't think there has been a movement on the left that law enforcement has not infiltrated or tried to discredit. I realize your point was different; and I agree with your point, even though I am adding a different, but related one.
To be fair, increasingly, they are doing the same with the right. They want us all to head in the direction of No Labels, just one happy political party, like other dictatorships. After all, dictatorships are stable. And markets do best with stability and predictablity. And these days, being all about the markets is called "pragmatic progressive."
I read your post and did a Google search and finally under
"Greensboro Massacre" the Wikipedia entry named members of the KKK and Am. Nazi Party as those who went to trial as defendants in the criminal cases. So from that, I think I was correct in remembering it was members of those two organizations who plotted and carried out the ambush as established in the civil trial. If I read incorrectly, I'll be glad to edit.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I was not contradicting you about Greensboro, not
even a little.
I said what my first thought was and it was my first thought because LE has played that game so often. But I was not saying at all that you were wrong about Nazis and KKK participating in Greenboro. I apologize for my muddled wording. I never heard of that incident before and appreciate your recounting it.
I did not think that you were contradicting me at all but thanks
for the post. (Sometimes I need contradicting cuz I have the facts or the theory wrong). I wanted to add the G'boro incident because I would not be surprised if a similar thing is not unfolding now, but instead of private groups -KKK, the ANP - the police forces are eliminating the middlemen and are emboldened to act on their own because in our era police are not held accountable when they are in service to capital.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Sooner or later, all frequent posters will slip up, but you are
much better than most. All humans make mistakes, some more than others.
I would not put anything past, not only the police, but the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. And they can do both: create disruption, as I am almost 100% sure they did with OWS, and join and/or abet disrupters whom they did plant in the first place.
In fact, enabling and abetting people they planted inside a group of demonstrators makes perfect sense. It also makes perfect sense to abet people with whom they agree even if they didn't plant them. Either way, the goal is to make the demonstrators look bad, to discourage them, to make things difficult for them and, if possible, to end the demonstration. Not because the demonstration is going to move government, but because it embarrasses government. More and more though, government doesn't care. The disrespect and violence in blue cities to OWS showed that. Some of it on the East Coast and the West Coast matched Hoover and MacArthur with the Bonus Army.
Agree completely. It's well documented in some cases and
strongly suspected in others, that police agents infiltrate and cause a peaceful movement to appear to have a violent episode.
There's also the cases which seem to be outright assassination and Fred Hampton would be an example.
I also agree the government has learned not to care. The 1 million person demonstration in NYC against nuclear weapons changed nothing, for an example. Now with the concentration of media ownership into a few RW hands, reporting on events that might embarrass the government has become rare and, as we are seeing this election season, media is a neoliberal asset, first against Sanders, now against Trump.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Media United Against Trump this year is a tremendous tell.
Never seen anything like it in all my 70 years.
We almost always agree, but that is not why
I am such a huge duckpin fan. It's that I learn so much from your posts, for which I am very grateful.
Hampton must have been extraordinary. He was only 21 when he died in 1969, but had already been active in the Black Panther Party for four years and was Deputy Chair of the Illinois chapter Black Panther Party and, apparently, was feared.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Hampton (well worth reading the entire article)
The nuke demonstration in NYC is personal for me. Overnight, between Friday and Saturday that weekend, my mom passed very suddenly and much too young, in NJ. So, I remember clearly that traffic was horrific on highways of many states around NY.
Homeland Insecurity Department
The Unpatriotic Act
Beware the bullshit factories.
Risking to much reiteration, I'll say the FBI as a bureau is
important to Special Agents and other employees of the FBI. This protective feeling rates above any pro-Trump sentiment, in my view, with the agents.
Remember, the FBI brought down Republican Richard Nixon.
Let's never forget the FBI under the Hoover/Tolson duo let the Freedom Riders be beaten by Ku Kluxers; spread gossip about MLK, Jr; compromised the ACLU; worked with HUAC; and even had time to investigate The Kingsmen version of "Louie Louie." Quite an outfit all right.
As stated previously, the Director, FBI, does not set, for political reasons, boundaries for investigations again and again without pushback.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Nope, wrong again subir
“Let’s set aside Hillary Clinton as an individual and consider her as the perfection of a corrupt political system. As I noted yesterday, Politics As Usual Is Dead, and Hillary Clinton is the ultimate product of the political system that is disintegrating before our eyes” [ Of Two Minds]. “All the Clintons did is assemble the parts more effectively than anyone else. Now that the machine has scooped up hundreds of millions of dollars in ‘contributions’ and other loot, vested interests and corrupted loyalists within the federal government will do anything to protect the machine and its vast flow of funds.” Which is why Clinton’s public promises on policy are meaningless; we don’t know who her silent partners are. And that ties rather neatly into her incrementalism, which she frames as “I don’t want to promise what I can’t deliver” (but to whom were the promises really made?) More: “Cobble together a multi-million dollar private foundation, millions of dollars in speaking fees from big-money contributors, conflicts of interest, the secrecy of private email servers, pay-to-play schemes and corrupted loyalists planted in the Department of Justice, and the inevitable result is a politics as usual money-harvesting machine that lays waste to the nation, supporters and critics alike.”
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Google search turns up this:
At any rate, as I pointed out in my last diary:
The Clinton supporters were the same folks who spent eight years gathering enormous petitions on DailyKos.com denouncing the Republicans for using racist epithets to criticize Barack Obama. They'll be spending the next years denouncing the Republicans for sexist garbage about President Clinton Two while Clinton Two goes after the Green Party. We've seen this drama before, over and over again.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Oh the memories.
Remember this from the primaries?
The End of Black-Checking for Hillary, April 2, 2016
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Sorry about that
the clintons and sycophants are the epitome of the "do what I say not what I do" club. War under her, ok, anyone else nope and that's just the first example on that long list.
the clintons are to themselves as Papen was to Adolf, while the clinton supporters have nothing are nothing short of cult like.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I suspect that heart massage might be required in Clintonland.
I gave up reading The Guardian months ago. They're firmly in the Clinton camp with 'OMG Trump!' 24/7, and very little real, objective journalism about Clinton and her wheelings and dealings.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Tee hee
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Yours may just be the smartest reply on this thread.
Others of have been patient, respectful, analytical. What a colossal waste of time!
Here is the big clue- please review and process
There would be no problems, if Hillary would be fair, honest and transparent in her actions. Moreover, she would not have to worry about the FBI or any other government if she just did her job and followed the rules. However, that is not the Queen's style.
So please Subir before you post brain dead information, do us a favor and really think about it. You are not preaching to the choir, you are speaking to an enlightened community. If you want to have meaningful discussion, please bring something of value.
By the way, I am an easy going person and let others express their opinions but I can smell BS miles away. So please peddle it somewhere else.
In other words
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks snoop.
Now, do I steal it, or is that royalty free?
That would look great on any wall.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Isn't the military rank and file
largely pro-Trump as well? I know I've read that somewhere but don't have time to look for a source right now. If so, Trump definitely appeals to the law and order crowd which is not terribly surprising to me.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
I wonder if part of the reason they support Trump
Over the would be empress is that they don't feel like repeating Iraq themselves by invading Syria.
I looked at The Guardian article
Sounds like members of the FBI are having the same discussions all of us are.
"There are lots of people who don’t think Trump is qualified, but also believe Clinton is corrupt. What you hear a lot is that it’s a bad choice, between an incompetent and a corrupt politician,” said a former FBI official."
Gee, where have I heard that before?
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
Best way to support the troops and the vets is to listen to ’em.
I remember the Winter Soldier Investigation during the Vietnam War, organized by vets themselves.
In Israel, there’s the vets of Breaking the Silence, who struggle on despite increasingly severe repression.
Whom do the troops support? Seriously consider supporting whom the troops support.
Airline pilots are certainly "largely pro-Trump"
and most of them are former military.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I thought you were better than this.
You want to know why agents in the bureau don't like the Clintons? Maybe it has something to do with the at minimum five investigations that we know about currently. Want to know why they released the Marc Rich files the other day? Because their behavior was disgraceful. They have a long, long history of shameful and illegal behavior.
Those agents are sick and tired of having their hard work thwarted by political appointees whose only interest is in protecting the powerful few. Do you really think they are above the law or should be? Hopefully a day of reckoning is coming soon.
And one of the reasons the special agents don't want "their
hard work thwarted" is because they can't afford to be seen as a Democratic bureau or a Republican bureau. If that came to pass, the FBI would suffer whenever the party they weren't identified with was in power.
Politics at the individual agent level is important to realize just as it's important to realize that partisan agent can't afford that reputation: It's a potential career stifler.
I agree with this post.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Sure, some might be sticklers for the law.
But let's take Giuliani for instance. The guy was perfectly willing to lock up every black/brown kid in sight for jumping a turnstile but okay with community service for his daughter when she was caught shoplifting.
I think it's much easier for people to decide to rain down justice on people they don't like, and for some reason, a lot of people just don't like HRC, that includes a lot of folks in the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies who love the strongman message Clinton projects. So no, I don't believe it's about their deep desire to see justice done. Because there are a dozen fraud, tax evasion and assault cases that Trump's gotten away with and somehow they've found a way to set aside their disdain for law-breakers there.
Good lord!
You are actually suggesting that they are above the law. Man, you have completely lost it. They have committed crimes, why do you keep defending them? They are not being investigated because they are disliked, it's because they are constantly skirting or flat out breaking the law. These people are not worthy of your admiration or support.