'The FBI is Trumpland' and Donald Trump's top FBI fanboy
In The Guardian: 'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say
Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited. [...]
The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”
The agent called the bureau “Trumplandia,” with some colleagues openly discussing voting for a GOP nominee who has garnered unprecedented condemnation from the party’s national security wing and who has pledged to jail Clinton if elected.
We should take anonymous sources with a grain of salt. But we’re talking about the same organization that actively tried to undermine the Civil Rights movement and the anti-war movement; the organization that ran an widespread, unconstitutional surveillance program called COINTELPRO; that surveilled and threatened Martin Luther King Jr, Charlie Chaplin, gay people and too many on the left to count.
So it isn’t too hard to believe that people in the FBI might act to further their personal political views.
And here’s the Daily Beast: Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
The man [Rudy Giuliani] who now leads “lock-her-up” chants at Trump rallies spent decades of his life as a federal prosecutor and then mayor working closely with the FBI, and especially its New York office. One of Giuliani’s security firms employed a former head of the New York FBI office, and other alumni of it. It was agents of that office, probing Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting of a minor, who pressed Comey to authorize the review of possible Hillary Clinton-related emails on a Weiner device that led to the explosive letter the director wrote Congress. [...]
“The other rumor that I get is that there’s a kind of revolution going on inside the FBI about the original conclusion [not to charge Clinton] being completely unjustified and almost a slap in the face to the FBI’s integrity,” said Giuliani. “I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents.”
Along with Giuliani’s other connections to New York FBI agents, his former law firm, then called Bracewell Giuliani, has long been general counsel to the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA), which represents 13,000 former and current agents. The group, born in the New York office in the early ’80s, was headed until Monday by Rey Tariche, an agent still working in that office. Tariche’s resignation letter from the bureau mentioned the Clinton probe, noting that “we find our work—our integrity questioned” because of it, adding “we will not be used for political gains.”
There’s a lot more in the Daily Beast article, including Giuliani’s links to Jim Kallstrom (the former head of the FBI’s New York office) and his long-time friendship with Louis Freeh (the former FBI director and the guy who appointed Kallstrom).
Kallstrom has called the Clintons a “crime family” and Hillary Clinton a “pathalogical liar” on TV. He’s also a Trump supporter and Trump has contributed over a million dollars to a charity he runs. Many of the NY based agents on the Weiner case used to work for Kallstrom. The interview with Kallstorm makes for interesting reading as he first denies, then acknowledges receiving information on active cases from current agents assigned to those cases. As you might imagine, that violates FBI policy.
As if this election cycle wasn’t nuts enough, alongside the resurrection of the KKK, American Nazis and assorted other reactionaries, the remnants of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI seem to be rearing their head as well.

Giuliani's a jackass (apologies to jackasses)--not the point
It's well beyond a matter of liking or not liking Hillary Clinton. That's a bit simplistic and unworthy of you. The reasons to oppose her--to be appalled by the idea of her in the Oval Office--are legion. I know that you know this. What she says and does, what she doesn't say and doesn't do. Her distant acquaintance with the truth. Her corruption. Her hubris. A record that betrays a lack of core principles. Demonstrations that she's beyond the reach of the law. The last one especially might disturb the law enforcement community.
Of course the law is applied unequally here in the Land of the Enslaved and the Home of the Cowardly. That's not news. Victims of Bill Clinton's pipeline to for-profit prisons courtesy of his crime bill understand that in a way that you and I never will. You know the people I mean, the predators Hillary said needed to be brought to heel.
Beyond that, she's dangerously incompetent. The harm she did as Secretary of State is not small--harm to multitudes of people in other nations and harm to our own foreign affairs. She takes no responsibility for anything negative and claims credit where it's not earned ($15 minimum wage, when she was barely for $12). She and her campaign and servile media are intentionally fanning the flames of a military confrontation with Russia, and all to divert attention from damaging wikileaks. Just one more demonstration of her unfitness for office.
Is it reasonable for people who've dedicated their lives to law enforcement to have strenuous objections to someone with that record? Oh yah. Millions of us do, too. They, however, have means to object that we lack. I feel compelled to applaud.
As to Trump, allegations about him are orders of magnitude less than allegations about Clinton, as Secretary of State and as an official of the Clinton Foundation. (But by all means, investigate him.) He's the warped acorn or sapling; she's the hardened poison oak that escapes the lumberman's ax time and again.
Do I support Trump? No. #ImWithDrHer. I do regard him as less dangerous than Clinton. And I find reasons to question the Justice Department's handling of investigations related to her and the Clinton Foundation. Sunlight is badly needed and long overdue.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
" I feel compelled to applaud. "
You really laid it down it. thx.
stein - baraka
Agreed: Hillary is the greater evil
and Billary? YIKES!
Why wont you admit
that you're afraid of Trump?
And please tell me why, in southern Michigan, I've seen no advertisements that showcase the accomplishments of Hillary Clinton. Why?
It's all about fear.
You're afraid. I understand that. The least you can do is admit it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Actually, Trump is trumpland.
The FBI was rightfully incensed that no charges were filed against her heinous.
You're hanging on to that fear factor, Subir. You poor dear.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Subir. Dude.
Do you give what flying damn about the content of the emails?
I mean, have you read any of them?
Do you believe it is wrong for them to be investigated?
What on earth are you trying to accomplish with your blog post?
Do you think anybody on this site will have a change of heart and support Clinton if they weren't already supporters?
You write like someone who doesn't care about truth as much as getting a paycheck. You seriously write like a paid Correct the Record shill.
You can't budge me on Clinton. I voted for Stein.
You could budge me in my opinion you are on her payroll.
I want you to try.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
subir doesn't any comment. I called him out on this last week
Or if he does its hours later.
But usually he just dumps this turd on the site.
The pretzlelized comments on this article on DK was what you would expect.
Without any proof they are buying the government's propaganda that Putin is interfering with the election. And that Trump is a Putin patsy. Where is the proof?
I'm amazed at how many people I knew who used to be against everything Bush did in the regarding the wars in the Middle East are okay with it now that it's Obama. Kerry and Hillary when she was SOS.
I saw are pro Iraq war diary there yesterday.
I could not believe first the diary's content and then the comments.
Today there was a diary about the previous Ukraine president and one of Trump's staff members being in the thick of it when it was out government with the help from Victoria Nuland that overthrew the government.
And Trump's friend had something to do with Putin invading Crimea and threatening the people to vote to stay with Russia.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Today we got a pinch hitter. :)
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Did anyone read the Ukraine article from tonight's EBs?
The diary on DK blamed Trump's friend for it.
Here is Robert Parry's take on it.
And just like what happened in Greece, austerity measures are just as brutal in Ukraine thanks to Obama and Hillary.
Our country is responsible for so damned much suffering and deaths and for what?
The Ukraine president told our 'special interests' no. You can't steal our resources so he was overthrown.
The same damn reason why Assad is being overthrown.
Are you aware that our taxes are being spent so that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries can get access to the Syrian resources.
And over 250,000 Syrians have died for this.
Tev. Wright was right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Repeatedly posting stuff where you know it is not welcome is
akin to repeatedly trespassing in real life. On the internet, it's usually called something else, though.
I didn't read it as a conversion attempt
I think we're just supposed to talk about the FBI. Subir's a good guy, let him hang out.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
He's free to hang all he wants...
But I beg to differ on the other part.
Anyone that is an apologist for a criminal and promotes a known warmonger with gallons of blood on her hands is hardly a good person in my eyes.
They are an enabler of further corruption.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
All the carefully-polite discourse
is meant to obscure the enabling.
It's the very definition of "mealy-mouthed", IMO, but calling it that makes it look less harmful than it can often be. Carefully-polite writing, careful to appear "measured" and "thoughtful", while spinning cynical hackery of immense proportion. This kind of scribing has gotten quite a polish in the last fifteen years, often by turns combining the ridiculous, the mocking, or the bullying with this massive bullshit push. Daily Kos is full of it, to give one example (there's still nothing else online that stoops quite to their level, IMO).
After a while, you can pick it out of an entire blog full of writers, quickly and easily. I swear to the FSM, I'm going to find a higher-education institution with a Master's or Doctorate program in "modern American propaganda". This kind of writing has its own chapter, and its own purveyors seem to be quite large of ego (shocking, I know....). They need to be identified and discredited, as often as possible. I'm pretty much done giving this one any benefit of the doubt. If it fits, it shits, and here we all are, in another pile of shit that fits.
About 33K employees in the FBI and
supposedly some anonymous persons told the corporate media propaganda outlet The Guardian that some are openly talking about voting for Trump! Therefore, the FBI is Trumplandia! Wow, I wonder if these supposedly real people heard it in the break room or what.
I work for a Federal agency, I won't name it. But it also has around 30K employees. I happen to know what most of the are thinking regarding this election. Most are openly discussing voting for Clinton so this agency is obviously Clintonlandia. I know because they're spread out in every state in the country, like the FBI, so its easy to get that feedback and make a valid generalization.
This must make us Steinlandia.
After all,, it doesn't have to be 100%, right?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Wouldn't it be nice
if we could all go to Steinlandia?
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
I think it's called Norway
or maybe Iceland.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
whatever that means
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
My grandparents were Norswegians.
or maybe Kokomo.
stein - baraka
Are people in your agency violating policy and possibly
the Hatch Act to take actions they know will influence the election? Coz yeah, if they are then we should definitely have a conversation about that.
I was just kidding, man.
I'm in HR.
But thanks for your effort here.
Where is the proof, subir?
It's nice to see you address a few comments
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You must have missed the memo on The Daily Beast.
A mouthpiece for the Party. Chelsea is on the board of its parent company.
stein - baraka
How you know the Hillary Clinton election is an “inside job”
All Ur FBI Are To Us Belong! Love Pooty.
If Comey is so awful, why isn't he fired?
President Obamacelot?
Loretta Lynxch?
You're not afraid of a little Comeydo Dragon, are you?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Nicely done, Elena
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The FBI Are Trying to Influence the Election
Generally, people in law enforcement favor Trump. The FBI is no different. People with authoritarian personalities are attracted to authoritarian leaders. Thus, it doesn't surprise me that operatives in the FBI are willing to undermine the election of Clinton, but not Trump. I think Comey's decision to release information about Clinton's e-mails several days before the election was driven by partisan considerations.
Funny, because HRC is well known for a nasty
authoritarian personality (see copious stories of interactions with those 'beneath her').
from a reasonably stable genius.
You may want to explain all
You may want to explain all of this to law enforcement, including the FBI, who are supporting the Orange Monster.
Why is my Hillbot radar...
beeping loudly after viewing your first few comments here?
About your Hillbot radar...
I'm not responsible for your malfunctioning equipment.
Has it ever occurred to you that not all Stein supporters view the world in exactly the same way? Are all Stein supporters supposed to march in lock step with each other on each and every issue? I have encountered the same problem with Clinton supporters and Trump supporters. Clinton supporters get mad or mock you unless you view the world in exactly the same way that they do. Trump supporters also get mad or mock you unless you view the world in exactly the same way that they do. And now I have encountered a group of Stein supporters who also get mad or mock you unless you the view the world in exactly the same way that they do. It seems social conformity is running amok on the internet these days....
For an ultragreen...
you sure have the Dem. talking points down pat.
Be careful with the insults around here, that's a big no-no.
It's silly season
Everybody's crazy. It'll be over soon enough.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Some of it
is "calculated crazy".
I don't think JtC's equipment is malfunctioning at all. Like many of us have remarked in the last year or so, such Bots stand out like a sore thumb when you know how to read them.
Sorry, but what am I supposed to explain
to law enforcement? The way Hillary Clinton treats 'The Help'?
from a reasonably stable genius.
So what?
Now any one who doesn't politically support the Demorat's and the Clinton Machine is somehow criminal? Since when did being a Republican make you unfit for being in law enforcement. Law enforcement in this country is the militarized goon squad for the inevitable rulers of the world. The domestic military storm troopers. We have a mockery of the law for a Department of Justice that is so politicized and crooked it's sickening. No representation whatsoever and a racist, classist unjust economic system. You are a neoliberal neocon and for all intents and purposes a Rethug along with the New Democratic party and the Clinton's. This sham of a democratic republic isn't the center of anything, it's fucking fascism and a danger to the planet and all humans. The tragic part is what you fear so much is what your supporting.
This is a duopoly an oligarchy where both sides are complicit and our entire political system is made up of nothing but criminals. Dueling global mobsters who have destroyed our system and the rule of law. The Clinton Machine puts Trump's grifting to shame as far as being a monster goes. Evil at this level has no lesser. Face it 'Were so Screwed-2016.' I think voting for either of these evils is disgusting as your giving your consent and are an accomplice in their crimes against humanity. Extort the vote says subir spread the fear.
Why would anyone vote for either of these horrifying candidates? Your whole argument is anti-democratic and fascistic. Talk about misplaced fear. I never read you at dkos and I do not respect you why would I? What's the point of coming to a non partisan/ non candidate site, and spreading bs. fear all over? You seem to me to be a fearful authoritarian who stupidly invests in meaningless identity politics despite all the information that's coming to light. I don't give a rat's ass who leaked the extent of their global criminality or why, they all including the so called 'left' are manufacturing consent for a monster psycho killer because Trumpism 'will kill yer family'. Jeeze get a grip. It's a duopoly and a this is a rigged circus.
The law and our system of checks and balances, separation of power is totally politicized has been since the bushies destroyed it and then Obama legalized abuse of power. As Putin pointed out we are a banana Republic. You expect people with a brain in their head to buy the absurd storyline's that the Clinton's and the Democrat's throw out to cover there arrogant nasty ass's? Talk about politicizing the law. They all need to go. Stop blaming people who refuse to give their consent to any of this farce of a system that is a threat to humanity and the planet. Spenser Ackerman, The Guardian and Bernie should be ashamed of themselves. What fucking cowards.
You also seem to be a follower of the persona personality of bent pols. Bernie said we should is an asinine reason to vote for anyone. Think for yourself and quit spreading your irrational fear and lies here.
how dare the FBI! Don't look at the emails themselves
I really don't see what the big deal is. Everybody knew the Clintons are crooks, accepting what amounts to large bribes from bankers and Saudis and other foreign interests. Everybody already knew that the primaries were rigged. Everybody already knew that the Hilary camp despises us.
It's old news! Therefore Russia did it or the FBI is politically motivated or Trump is mean to women. Well, the last is true, yeah.
It's pretty good comedy. The Hills people are unintentionally funny.
I'm not a 'Hills people.' I
I'm not a 'Hills people.' I voted for Sanders during the primary and I will be voting for Jill Stein during the general election.
There is no doubt in my mind, however, that the release of information by the FBI was deliberately timed to change the outcome of the election. The FBI is overrun with boot heads and fascists.
from a reasonably stable genius.
oh, you!
No, Hillary is influencing the election by her words and deeds.
The FBI are doing their job.
Just because a criminal is running for office does not mean that all investigations into their misdoings must cease.
You Clintonites really are reaching into the realm of idiocy with a defense like this.
I guess in your world if I robbed a bank the FBI would have to stop investigating me if I was also running for office at the time?
The lengths you people will go to make excuses and cover for improper behavior disgusts me.
You are not liberals, you are co-conspirators of a criminal organization.
If you were actually liberal/progressive every thing about Clinton's actions would be repellent to you.
But, "Go Bears" and all that. Your Team can do no wrong, its either bad refs or the other team cheated.
I guess it would be uncomfortable though if you really were a progressive with a conscience to admit to yourself that you have been working hard to elect what is a right wing conservative by virtually every definition.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
How sweet, you trust the FBI
The question is not what the FBI is investigating, rather it is the timing of their release of information shortly before the election, notwithstanding the Hatch Act. I don't trust the FBI, but I think it is touching that you do.
Also, I am not a Clintonite. I haven't voted for her in the past, nor do I plan to vote for her in the future. I guess people are more complicated than you realize.
Not a Clintonite
Funny stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
What's funny
is that you are attacking another Stein supporter. So the joke is on you.
I would hazard a guess that the joke
is on you.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You would be wrong
from the big picture...
Does not matter if you are a Stein supporter
If you are using all of Clinton's talking points and support her position, a psition which most of us disagree with, you will not get a pass because you state you are voting green.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Well yeah, the timing is weird,
especially the release of the old Marc Rich stuff. Why ? Theories abound. It may well be that the FBI rank-and-file hate the Clintons, who knows ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
If the FBI is Exposing an Establishment Darling Then Their
veracity seems to bump up in my view.
If the FBI were dropping stuff on Bernie, I'd buy your argument. But Hillary is not Bernie. She is an Establishment tool. All the powerful Republicans including the Neocons and Banksters are all in on her.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Everyone loved the FBI when Comey refused to recommend
an indictment.
Now suddenly the FBI, Russia, Julian Assange, Jill Stein ISIS and who knows who else is conspiring together to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect the Drumpus.
Would have made a great Onion article back before a Clinton supporter bought out the Onion.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Howdy, ultragreen. Don't think I've seen you around these
parts long? Nice name. Doesn't have much to do with Clinton's record. (With politicians, it's always a good idea to pay attention to what they do, not what they say. Her environmental record is not exactly reassuring to environmentalists.) Or, if I interpret your comments correctly, with the Green Party?
This here's an open range--the commons, if you will--and pretty much all opinions are welcome (or at least tolerated) if they're expressed respectfully. You will notice from the lack of large response to your comments here that this isn't Clintonland. Not Trumpland, either. Folks hereabouts tend to have better-than-average bullshit meters and expect thoughtful discussion and facts, not assertions like "Putin! Russia! Sexist!" Or sweeping generalizations.
But sure, plug away. Most of us would rather this not be an echo chamber, and it doesn't really seem to be, overall.
Helpful hint: You're gonna have to do better than this to get a positive reception. More content, more cranial involvement, just... more. Assuming that you care, of course. If not, well, by all means, proceed.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I'm not a Clinton supporter
I'm a Stein supporter. In earlier elections, I voted for leftist 3rd party candidates, not Bill Clinton, Al Gore, nor John Kerry, so my unhappiness with the 2 major political parties is nothing new.
Clarification appreciated. Many "a pox on both their houses"
people visit these parts. Took me too long to get there, but I finally did and took satisfaction in my recent #Demexit.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
if the fbi
had waited until after the election, would that have been better? or would we be hearing people complaining about how comrade comey is just looking to aid in clinton's immediate impeachment?
or would it have been better to talk about this once she's in office, once we all know we can hold her feet to the fire? and, of course, once she'd probably be capable of pardoning herself?
i feel like we're getting into "too soon!" gun control argument territory here. lol.
This whole thing is a puzzlement to me.
1) Why are y'all so worried about this now? Last I heard Hill's poll numbers rebounded to where they were before the Comey announcement. No harm, no foul.
2) If Comey wanted to destroy her, why didn't he file charges the first time, or at least say very little, instead of, "no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges"?
3) How does any supposed motivation of a bunch of or even one FBI agent(s) change the fact that she did or did not improperly use email?
4) If you don't want the FBI coming after you for doing illegal things, maybe it would be easier if you just didn't do them in the first place?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
comey has financial ties to the clintons
So if anything his motivation is likely more Clinton oriented. He probably saw the outright revolt of the rank and file who have first hand knowledge of the material, and wanted to a. maintain some credibility with them, and b. exert some control over the outcome.
Remember, the NYPD had these two weeks before handing them over to the NY FBI, and the NY FBI had them two weeks prior to turning them over to FBI proper. A lot of eyes have been on these, the information is out there, and Comey has little control over it.
It doesn't matter how many eyes saw it.
The FBI is not supposed to be in the business of influencing elections by releasing information shortly before those elections occur. They are not supposed to operate in a partisan manner. In this regard, Comey violated long-established protocols regarding the handling of this investigation. Also, whatever happened to the 4th amendment? Where were the warrants that allowed the NYPD, the New York office of the FBI, and the national office of the FBI to read Clinton's and Abedin's personal e-mails? We have an unreasonable search and seizure problem here.
I assume you're voting for Jill Stein?
from a reasonably stable genius.
If you're a Green Party supporter
why are you so worried about the dubious activities of Hillary Clinton and her very dubious courtiers?
from a reasonably stable genius.
You don't have to declare who you're voting for,
or take any loyalty oath. Some of us are suspicious because, after all, we know that there are actual Correct the Record paid trolls. Faith has been broken and people are wondering who they can trust.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I see you are a
jacker of all threads. You must be from TOP. That's their trademark. Welcome. Behave yourself.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I think Comey's in a tight spot
If he announces the investigation before the election he's accused of playing politics and I'm pretty sure he would be accused of playing politics if he withheld announcing the investigation until after the election.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Wouldn't withholding information as to Clinton's crimes be
Be influencing elections too? Are you concerned about the timing of the Trump case too? (I know, private matter v FBI but still, kinda convenient.)
Just curious, were you as concerned before when Comey specifically stated that had anyone else but Her Hienous done what she did there would have been sanctions? Were you concerned with her getting a pass?
Finally, the FBI did obtain a warrant to examine the emails. And I am asuming that Weiner's laptop was given to them voluntarily or pursuant a warrant.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I think you're wrong about the second part. They either had
a warrant to search Wiener's computer or he gave them permission. Everything on that computer is then open to the searchers, I believe. A warrant that would allow them to read everything on Wiener's computer, looking for sexting type messages, probably allows them to read everything on Wiener's computer.
I used to work in medical transcription. I would never have put patient information on someone else's computer. I would never have routed patient information through my personal email. I used VPNs and password-protected encryption as provided to me by the hospital I worked for. That classified information - or even government information that may not be classified, but that you don't want in the hands of our country's enemies - is not handled with the same level of care is appalling to me. Careless and reckless is right, at least. How many times did Wiener have to be caught showing his wiener before his wife acknowledged he has impulse control issues, keeping anything to do with her official duties well away from him?
In short, if Huma used Wiener's computer for State business, then she deserves whatever is coming to her. And if Clinton knew it, her too. There's no expectation of privacy on someone else's computer.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Former Asst FBI Dir James Kallstrom on Guardian article
and more. Claims DOJ has hindered investigation of the Clinton Foundation from the start (6 1/2-min interview):
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Wait. The D of J, whose head is Lynch? The Lynch who met on the
tarmac with Bubba, just to say hi, then recused not only herself, but the entire D of J, from Hillary's case, leaving it to Comey? Lynch who is a Democrat and who works for the POTUS, who is also head of the Democratic Party? Lynch, who might even want to remain D of J under President HIllary? That D of J is hindering investigation of the anointee since 2008 of the Democratic Party? I could not possibly be
lessmore surprised.Vote for me to stop Trump; vote for me to stop Hillary.
They both need to be stopped, so that's no help.
What happened to stuff like, "Vote for me because I am going to fix XYZ problems in the country/world."
The Democratic Leadership Council and the Clintons happened to it. They decided Democrats should be more like Republicans and got the rest of the Democratic Party on board. So, elections stopped being about making things better for our families and the world and started being about culture wars and how terrible things were going to be if the wrong culture warrior got into office.
I am not minimizing the importance of of culture wars. But that can't be all that elections are about--especially when both candidates are bigots. And btw, equal rights for people who are not plutocrats matter to me, too. Anyone else would have been prosecuted, but no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute Hillary? That's messed up. So is doing away with the Bill of Rights whenever and however government wishes.
Yes, you're right.
Unfortunately, identity politics works with humans, especially when they feel threatened. And that's what we've seen play out over the past few cycles. I think for the left to succeed, we have to recognize that and find our own way to leverage it.
Leveraging = promoting identification with some false division
Propagating false narratives that stigmatize, blame, and bully some or all of those on the wrong side of that division.
Framing any and all situations in terms of that false division.
Uh-huh. No thanks. Seen enough of that already.
Lies and deception are the enemy. They don’t become purified or hallowed merely because they are used for one’s partisan goal or heroine of the moment.
"Lies and deception are the enemy."
One could say they are the mark of the Adversary.
stein - baraka
"identity politics works with humans"
incurious, tribe-minded humans. uninformed humans, who are unwilling to do their due diligence investigating actual policy positions, who prefer to vote the color of their skin, or some perceived position of moral outrage. goes both ways, we're all unhappy about the white nationalist trump voters, yar? they've picked an identity based on some kind of socially generated morals as well.
because it doesn't take any effort. all one has to do is pick an identity, mcdonalds style. fries with that?
no, sorry subir, this is not convincing. i'm sure this argument goes over great with the fine folks at orangewater, but you're tossing pebbles at a tank here.
The Alt-Right is already running with that
They say the Left cheerleads identity politics for every other group, so all they’re doing is bringing identity politics to the beleaguered white (soon-to-be) minority.
I see identity politics not as the answer, but rather one of the evils that are killing us.
Leverage identity politics? That sounds a bit like letting the angry, bitter genie out of the bottle, conjuring up the White Witch as the strategizing dwarf Nikabrik in Chronicles of Narnia 2: Prince Caspian wanted to do, or getting wraiths to do one’s dirty work like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. “Temporarily” going to the Dark Side. How does that tend to end up in all the old legends and tales?
The elites have maintained their power
for well over a century by dividing their opposition through identity politics. When we learn to overcome those arbitrary divisions, and they have to face us all, they're going to have problems.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I enjoyed the mockery on this thread. Election Day is near,
though, so time is growing short. Was no time in posting more pro-Hillary nonsense ASAP.
Subir makes Clintonesque arguments.
I wonder what script his postings are coming from? Only a lawyer with over three decades of carefully-parsed public speeches, subpoena-slipping contortions, and threadings of camels through the head of a needle in the court of public opinion, could come up with postings such as these. Not just anyone could marshall the forces of officials high and low, the media, opinion makers, the powers that be, to escape the consequences of actions that play criminality so close to the bone, it appears that the gods favor this one person over all others to save, over and over again. Subir, drawing allusions to FBI behavior during the MLK-J. Edgar Hoover years, is trying to make us believe that that FBI is today's FBI. He also points his finger at two Republicans -Trump and Giuliani, and whines that they're not being investigated, so it's unfair to investigate Clinton. Not only does he deflect criticism away from Clinton this way, he renders Clinton's enormous crimes (treason, destruction of public records, lies, corruption, thievery, subversion of voting rights, racketeering) the equivalent of minor lapses of others. Clintonworld crimes are on a scale of magnitude not seen since Tammany Hall, and none of those dudes were running for president, nor did they have nuclear weapons.
And always so current.
He's uncannily skilled at anticipating the latest Dem talking points. Almost like he's clairvoyant.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
If you are not here on behalf of the Clinton campaign or dailykos, say so. If you are here because you are trying to back "the Revolution", say so.
Many of the folks here are not happy with Bernie either for dropping out. If you worked on trying to get people to return to his court instead of Hillary's, you might find your stuff more welcomed.
Admin (Joe and Johnny) have given you nothing but respect. You owe that more than flip and condescending remarks. Please go back to deadstate and post an anti-Hillary diary. I'll be the first to log back in just to HR you.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon