Remember the time Bill 'insinuated' Flowers was basically a
Submitted by Amanda Matthews on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 6:56pm
prostitute and the female Clinton creature just sat there letting him tell the lies? Maybe not. But it's one of my earliest memories of how those two shit stains on the American political system back, said in an interview that something was possible for him (grabbing a woman by the 'pussy') to do because of who he is. Well ere is shomething that the Clinton duo did do because of their position. They lied and they slandered a woman who, in the end, was telling the truth all along. I say they because she was there to give Slick Willie 'credibility'.
There's not a damn bit of difference between the three of them. None of them are worth the effort to spit on them.

I remember that interview.
They were polishing their "victim" roles. Ambushed by a conniving woman was Flowers.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Why do you post this? What for?
I remember that interview also, it was slimy from start to end.
The only "fun" I had to watch that again is to realizy that Hillary Clinton already at that time was very good at "nodding" in approval of something. She does it today all the more. In the end she did "sit there baking cookies" in a way, doing what good wifes are doing, standing by their man. So, what the heck.
I think it's unnecessary to regurgitate this.
I think it's necessary. It shows what the Clinton's think of
women. And as an added bonus, it shows exactly how damn far they'll go to ruin anyone in their way.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
sure, but we knew all that, right?
A guy who behaved like Bill Clinton as a President in the Oval Office has gone exactly that damn far and Hillary knew it, as did the American public. After more than 26 years to still fume over it ... is something I can't quite follow. It's history.
I remember the "I am not baking cookies like a little woman ..." and thought then that HRC had a psychologoical problem with her role as a woman. For sure she has one now, but I find it not helpful to pull this out of the hat, because it's stale and
so to speak nothing new we didn't know about. But that's just me. No offense meant, just my little cents of feelings about it.
Who knows where all of it will end. Left and right and center just know they don't want both these candidates. If one of them becomes President, I think it will bring a lot of undercurrent fury among a lot of people.
OK, I have
to step in here before this gets out of hand. Amanda, this is directed at you. And you've probably answered this before but I didn't see it. Here goes. What the heck is sitting, on what appears to be a child's head, in your avatar??? I've been wanting to ask you this and now seems like as good as time as any...
A toy helmet on my granddaughter. No one's ever asked what it
was before so this actually IS the first time I've told anyone.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
it looks like a deep-sea diving helmet.
OMG, give it up!
Why is it always about you - your feelings, your likes and dislikes, spilling all over the place? Plus you use people here to psychoanalize your issues, ad nauseum.
There are Millennials here, Mimi, who may not be as familiar as yourself with the merry escapades of Bill and Hill in the 1990s. Amanda has every right to dredge it up again because it is germane to the election. It reveals the hypocrisy of the MSM in their constant demonizing of Trump while giving Clinton a free pass for odious behavior.
ok, I am giving it up, was not aware I cross over like that,
sorry. And I was just asking Amanda, I never implicated she has no right to talk about it. Sometimes I forget how old I am and how foreign.
You did say
There was no need to regurgitate. That was a judgment and not an innocent question. And it probanly has nothing to do with your age.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
right, no, has nothing to do with my age,
but with my personal experiences from which I deduct certain conclusions that form the basis of my judgements. I do make judgements. That is not allowed? And I ask questions too, oh horror.
I will train my mind to restrain to do that in the future. I doubt it will work, but I can try.
but I am curious to know what my issues are that I psychoanalyze
I have to admit that. Thanks.
You are also forgetful ...
A month or two ago, HERE, you launched an essay or thread on your mental, emotional, personal history issues. Feeling very sorry for your plight, you asked us to give you online therapy. Remember?
you are right, a big mistake, obviously,
and you remind me now that you forgot that I erased that diary. Thank you for bringing it up into my conscience and the readers. You are good in pulling out of the digital archives things that are irrelevant for further discussions.
Yes, I feel very sorry for my plight, especially when people don't understand the tunes of my language. I will whine about it to the end of my days, but in private to not burden you with it. Are you happy now?
Please proceed whining about those women who resent your moralizing about their supposed whining about their own victimhood. If you repeat it a couple of more times, it certainly will work.
Now let's have a wonderful Sunday and a blissful Presidential debate.
I Ran Into a Millennial on FB Who Honestly Didn't Know That
Bill had been accused of rape on at least 1 occasion.
She had no idea. She wrote something about infidelity not being the same as sexual assault.
This stuff never really did get out there to the masses. The he said she said part did, but there was no historical perspective. This is now an historical perspective.
I, and not many of us here, need this historical perspective, and it is ugly and certainly not an answer to Drumpf's hideousness, but I think many people could be informed by a look at the Clintons from an historical perspective.
Hillary and Bill are no friends to the common man and no friends to women, regardless of what the TV says.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Millennials know how to google. I have no idea how to overcome
the "I don't know and I don't research, either" approach to voting. If all voters get is what the media currently tells them, if that, I just don't know how to counter that.
Got to Have a Proper Search Term or Question, Though.
The millennial in question did immediately google and get some info on the story -- good on her.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
She knew about his infidelities and she knew his name.
But, she took what she was told at face value and did not try to dig deeper. It's the wanting to know that is missing. Don't get me wrong. I don't blame her. I was her until 2008. I thought all I needed to do was help elect Democrats and the world would be better. Then, I happened to learn about the DLC and I have not stopped learning and telling other people since. I just don't know how to make things like that happen in a more widespread way. That is my frustration, not this one person. I understand her.
At a time that we're discussing Trump's treatment of women
in the past, I think it's fair to bring up Hill's treatment of women in the past.
We don't want either of them to be President, right?
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I remember that interview.
My feeling at the time is that Hillary knew Bill was lying. It became clear to me that Bill was just a tool to boost Hillary's political agenda. What sealed that was her eventual 'take the bull by the horns' attitude towards the Clinton health care 'plan'.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Of course she knew. Look at those dirty looks. For 24 years
these two have been lying and cheating (and if you're Clenis, screwing) their way through our body politic. And every time they've been caught either someone else was lying or whatever happened was 'private'.
Her Heinous and her camp have been, and are, sitting on all kids of stuff. Has no one paid attention to Trump all these years? He's ALWAYS been a lying low-rent buffoon. That's one of the BIGGEST reasons I can't understand why he's one of the candidates for the presidency. This garbage is not new, this is his life.
There's more to come.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Because he is their friend...
...and useful idiot. The bad guy to make Clinton more palatable.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It's all part of the game.
Ms. "I get things done" couldn't even get Democrats to
to buy into HeritageFoundationCare, while her husband was POTUS and head of the Party.
Interesting Isn't It
Howls of outrage from the MSM over Trump's crude and ugly remarks about women, but nary a peep about Bubba's friendship with billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender and notorious pedophile. Or about the "at least twenty-six" flights he took on Epstein's so-called "Lolita Express" private jet between 2001 and 2003, many after first ditching his Secret Service detail.
Of course, Bill's good pal Donald is implicated in this sordid business as well, having recently been accused of rape by one of Epstein's "girls". This story from the Daily Beast, dated 6/29/16, provides the salacious details about how these two charter members of the 0.01% club apparently decided that laws against forcible and statutory rape didn't necessarily apply to them.
And just what does it say about Madame Hillary's character that she chose to say married to such a despicable and disgusting character for so many years, and has in fact on countless occasions publicly and privately intervened to defend her husband against any and all charges, and to vilify, threaten, and impugn the character of his accusers? To quote a recent Tweet by Juanita Broaddrick:
inactive account
Jeff Epstein should have gone to prison for longer than 13 month
Again two justice systems for the rich and famous and for everyone else.
Did you see his prison sentence? 13 f'cking months but he got to leave six out of 7 days a week for "work release"!
Are you f'cking kidding me? Work release from prison for sexually assaulting underaged girls, 13 months and only 1 charge?
The charge for statutory rape is up to 20 years for most people.
And not one other person who flew on his plane or went to his island wasn't complicit in assaulting those young girls? I don't believe it.
Plus there's the fact that not one person was charged for not reporting on it?
Yes Trump is a sleaze and we all knew that. The tape that was released that everyone is upset about is from 2005.
And here's this term again for anything that makes the Clintons look bad.
What Donald did or has done is while he is a private citizen.
What Bill Clinton did was while he was the governor of Arkansas and the damned president of the United States!
Edit to add.
Was this really the reason why they only charged him with one count, or was it because rich people who have connections with powerful people don't have to pay for their crimes like regular people?
With all of the evidence they had on him I call bullshit that they might have lost their case.
And for God's sake, why in the hell would his plea deal allow him to only spend one damned day a week in jail?
Does anyone believe that they couldn't have won the trial?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Did you see this back when? Made me laugh.
Jeffrey Epstein: Sex Offender, Yes. Billionaire, No.
FEB 28, 2011
Just like the last time Epstein hit the headlines – when he was freed from house arrest in July – media outlets on both sides of the pond have described him as a “billionaire”. Because we here at Forbes are in the billionaire business, I feel compelled to point out, as I did last summer, that Epstein may deserve all manner of colorful descriptors (“sex offender”, “scum bag”, etc) but “billionaire” isn’t one of them. Here, from my last report on the matter, is why he’s never made the Forbes 400:
The source of his wealth — a money management firm in the U.S. Virgin Islands — generates no public records, nor has his client list ever been released. One known client, Leslie Wexner, billionaire founder of The Limited clothing chain, was widely believed to be his benefactor for years and the major source of his wealth: at one time, Epstein was listed as a trustee of The Wexner Foundation, and Wexner reportedly bought Epstein a $13 million New York apartment.
But once Epstein was charged with engaging in sexual activity with minors, Wexner dropped his old friend, replacing him with JPMorgan’s Dennis Hersch. Without Wexner’s backing, Epstein is almost certainly not a billionaire — so why is he continually labeled one in the press?
It may all come down to an accident of wording. When asked to turn over his finances to the Florida court in May to establish punitive damages, Epstein’s lawyers “agreed to a confidential stipulation that his net worth is in excess of nine figures.” The Palm Beach Post ran a story following this filing, deeming Epstein a billionaire, while nine figures makes him only a multimillionaire.
Only TFSM knows how he makes his money and how much he's got. One thing he's got for sure, he's got the goods on a LOT of people. Wonder if it's all written down somewhere safe. Just in case he needs it. Or for the historical record.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Read the link that mouselander provided
There are a lot of links to who else flew with him including one to his black book as well as other articles.
One article I read was that he got his plea deal was because he promised not to reveal the names of others that flew with him.
It also stated that Bill would ditch his protection detail and fly with Epstein.
I am beyond disgusted that he only spent 13 months in prison, which wasn't actually 13 months if he only spent 1/7 days in prison.
The members of DK are upset about the video of Donald from 11 years ago, but I haven't seen a diary there about Bill's sexual escapades or the fact that he was friends with a sexual predator.
If I mentioned that over there I'm sure I'd be told that he isn't running for president, Hillary is.
Good ole Hillary, the great defender of women and children.
Except for the women that Bill harassed, the ones that Hillary attacked, the 12 year old girl who was raped by her client or the women and children in Saudi Arabia who are stoned to death if they were raped and the children who are flogged or have their hands cut off if they are caught stealing.
Or the people who still support Obama even though he has continued PNAC's goals in the Middle East, support his invasion of Libya and haven't said a god damned thing about his helping Saudi Arabia destroy Yemen.
They just bombed a funeral and killed 125 people and wounded over 500 others. And they didn't just bomb the funeral, they did a double tap and bombed the people who came to the rescue.
And these people are sad because Obama's term is ending.
Many of them are people who joined that website because of the Iraq war, yet went silent when Obama continued it and started new ones.
I'm beyond disgusted with willful blindness or ignorance of his and her supporters.
And this f'cking election.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you
I don't know why any person would "vote" for these thugs.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
You're welcome and neither do I.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Me neither
And yet some misinformed, very smart people who are close to me can't get beyond the indoctrinated fear and short term goal of stopping Trump. It's really hard to say who would be worse for the World's future. I don't think Trump would have any support as President. The problem is, if the Clintons have the ring, they know how to use it for their own vanity at the expense of humanity. If only all the indoctrinated people would wake the f**k up and vote for Jill, we would be able to save our future. Jill might not do anything more than inform people about our real issues and she would already be one of the best modern Presidents.
Beware the bullshit factories.
It's not only that they lie. It's that they'll do anything to
grab power and money and do it without a second thought. They're barely people anymore, more like characters in a modern day version of MacBeth, sans remorse, that seems to go on endlessly. Too bad Shakespeare is not around to write the Clinton play.
If Shakespeare were around
to write the Clinton play, he would've been killed the night before the opening, while walking down Broadway at 3:30 A.M., with a bullet to the head, his wallet and phone still on his person.
And a typed suicide note in his pocket.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Act II scene 1
A guilt-ridden Hillary Clinton, prodded by her manipulative husband Bill, sets out to stab her rival, Jill Stein, but sees an apparition of a knife in front of her:
Beware the bullshit factories.
But who would try to rob Shakespeare?
I know the poor man was not robbed, but didn't the police say something like it was a robbery gone wrong (meaning, the alleged thief had to kill him for some unknown reason before having a chance to relieve him of his possessions).
Umm, that's just a theory or false
conclusion, which aims to get the perps off the hook.
Yes, I know. It's a hard concept to word with no
ambiguity, but that's what I meant in my prior post when I said "I know that the poor man was not robbed." How about, "I know the killer did not approach him to rob him, but didn't the police say otherwise?"
So, if Flowers is a prostitute ...
That would make Bill a "john", wouldn't it? Drawing conclusions and connecting the dots makes any argument circular instead of linear, which comes around and bites the accuser in the ass, no? Why can't the American people follow MSM propaganda to its natural conclusion and save us all?
Why? They're all wrapped in the big MYSTERY of our time...
Who Robbed Kim K???
How a dropped gemstone could give police a crucial DNA clue in their hunt for Kim Kardashian's jewel raiders
First of 5,100,000 results on Google
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa