Pneumonia or not pneumonia--that is the question (paraphrasing Mr. Shakespeare)
I am posting an article here by Nina Illingworth with the full knowledge that some may find this offensive. So, like the motion Picture Rating Board I rate this article NFTS (Not for thin-skinned).
Ms. Illingworth likes the F bomb as much as Henry Killinger liked dropping cluster bombs on Laos. But let that not detract from her story. I did write about the paradox of Hillary's pneumonia and her oh-so rapid recovery
From this article, the take-away messages are these:
Hillary can't even get her lies straight
She was irresponsible in not taking her physician's advice
If she truly had pneumonia, she got better faster than the speed of sound (cough, cough)
Viral or bacterial, you don't get in the face of a 5 year old exposing the innocent child to your infectious agents (one of which is most certainly infectious bullshit).
To paraphrase David Axelrod, "antibiotics can cure pneumonia--but can't cure bullshit". And this is exactly what the majority of the public believes about Clinton--that they can't believe anything about Clinton.

Nobody else here is "carrying far-right water"
so please cease the insulting insinuations of others on this forum.
Well, ok then
I haven't noticed you pushing back in previous posts here speculating about her possible health issues, but I've largely avoided those myself so maybe you have been doing this all along. I'm not a fan of the diagnosis-by-video essays, and have said so a few times.
But this recent incident is different. It was not just her making a silly face at the convention or a coffee shop. It's not photoshopped pics, or making fun of her clothing choices.
On Sunday, something happened that was serious, and that has not been adequately explained. And the obvious efforts to lie about it and cover up the truth is concerning.
It doesn't require armchair doctoring or remote diagnosis to see that something isn't right here. And that the Clintons and their campaign are lying and scrambling over it.
At best it's another demonstration of their terrible judgment and reflexive dishonesty. And it seems likely there is more to this and it's going to continue to haunt the campaign.
I don't support Trump or the Clintons. I don't want either of them in the White House and won't vote for either of them. But I think there's a real chance now that Hillary will lose, due to her terrible judgment and inability to tell the truth, if not actual health issues. And honestly, I won't be sorry at all to see them lose. Good riddance to them. They deserve to lose at this point. They really do.
I agree health is an
I agree health is an important issue, I'm not so sure we would agree on the seriousness. I have dealt with dehydration a couple times , it really does sneak up on one. There is just a lot of misperceptions, misunderstanding, and a whole lot of blowing way out of proportion. I would agree that this is serious political problem for Hillary as the Right wing will pounce all over it and not let up, do they really need help from Stein progressives?
Anyway I guess we would disagree on which will be worse in the whitehouse Trump or Clinton. I feel we might get a few positive crumbs from Clinton as they think they can fool us with crumbs. I am pretty certain Trump will be all pain.
That's the trouble, we *don't know*.
Trump is essentially an unknown quantity, as he hasn't been in politics at any level before and has absolutely no track record. We only know what he says he plans to do, and we don't know how much - if any - of it he really means.
Clinton has a track record, and it's very long, very ugly, muddy, and bloody.
The last time this kind of choice came up, during the Democratic primary in 2008, the voters rejected the known quantity for the unknown one. This time the known quantity is even more known and even more repulsive - while the unknown quantity is a total blank screen.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I couldn't agree more with every word you said, CS.
I, too, was less than convinced by the dumb face at the convention or even the jokey head bobbing at the coffee shop. But when I saw the 911 video, I said, wow, it's true... something is seriously wrong.
And I agree w/ every word you said after that, as well. It is time for the Clintons to get off of the stage, for good.
Yeah, we're Trump supporters...............
You might want to run back to Dead State and report your findings.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Edit. Apologies. the
Edit. Apologies. the accusation of being a trump supporter was uncalled for.
"we don't need arm chair doctors"
We need doctors who will tell the truth, after detailed EXAMINATION of Clinton's brain, neurological studies, blood tests, and all done by a IMPARTIAL trained neurologist.
Expect Alligator Ed would volunteer - sorry AE, we gotta keep this as neutral as possible.
WTF would anyone believe what ever has been said about Clinton? Who was the woman in blue walking with her, taking her PULSE, having Clinton squeeze her hand, a common test for a patient with PD, as we know.
Why was Clinton wearing, for the first time we know, Zeiss blue anti-seizure glasses? They aren't available in the USA, yet, so she must have gotten them from someone in Europe. No body else on 9/11 was even wearing sunglasses - look how DARK BLUE the Zeiss lens Clinton is wearing is.
None of this is going away. The polls are CRASHING down on what's left of her head, and giving "pneumonia" as an explanation for what looked like a seizure, total lack of control of mobility, as soon as she stopped leaning on the cement pillar, before she tried to get into the van. Clearly not "fainting" - too much seizure like movement of her body.
I would recuse myself from examining Medusa
Pneumonia or not, I would get physically sick to bed in the same room with. Secondly, I would laugh so hard at her bullshit, paramedics would have to pick me off the floor.
Today's from RealClearPolitics:
General Election:
4-way (Fox) Clinton +1, (CBS News/NY Times) Tie, (Rasmussen) Trump +2
2-way (Fox) Trump +1, (CBS News/NY Time) Clinton +2, (LA Times) Trump +6
Colorado Trump +4
Iowa Trump +8
Michigan Clinton +3
Ohio Trump +3
Missouri Trump +13
Virginia Clinton +3
North Carolina Tie
Arkansas Trump +28
Wasn't this going to be a Clinton landslide a few days ago? She still probably has the electoral college sewn up. Still, I'm seeing a lot of Trump there.
I just wish they could both lose.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
It's possible they *could* both "lose"
by neither one winning 270 electoral votes. But it would have to be very clear-cut, or we'd have the Supreme Court horning in again (all of their promises that Bush v. Gore was a one-off to the contrary).
Such a situation is supposed to be decided by the House of Representatives choosing one of the three leaders - but the House has never done such a thing since 1824, despite two subsequent problematic instances.
In 1876 (Hayes v. Tilden) the House punted to a "select committee" (5 Reps, 5 Senators, 5 Supreme Court judges) which "determined the validity" of electoral results from three disputed states and awarded them all to Hayes - along party lines.
In 2000 the Supreme Court jumped in pre-emptively and halted the recounting of votes in Florida (a full, impartial recount much, much later showed that Gore HAD in fact won the state, but by then it could not possibly matter).
Flying Spaghetti Monster only knows what they would come up with this time.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Arkansas, Trump +28
Now that's funny!! No one knows the Clinton's better than the people of Arkansas!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
her campaign says some dumb stuff...
And using the excuse that her staff has to remind her to drink enough water because she often gets dehydrated was REALLY the wrong spin for the campaign to come up with.
An adult who isn't responsible enough to drink her daily allotment of water, but is somehow responsible enough to run the country?? Voters aren't dumb enough to buy that.
She should post her
CXRs online, I suppose, to make y'all happy.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
SK2, I can agree with that statement.
Peeps, SK2 is correct here. Let's not diagnose from a distance. Disagreeing with, or doubting, a particular differential diagnosis is one thing, but replacing that with another one from a distance is just not done.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Thanks for the link.
Agree with GulfGal's evaluation. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I didn't mind her swearing at all. I bookmarked her. Will definitely read more of her posts on her site.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Here's some more, from Jimmy Dore.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
That woman has a big tell.
And her phoniness is just beyond sickening.
Reminds me of our CEO who took over, she would smile and talk like a Kindergarten teacher to all of us while she explained we weren't having our hours cut. No, silly ha ha ha. We are just returning to the original hiring date schedules.
So if we worked ourselves up form a 24 hours a week to 36 hours after 8 years of working here and we come in the next day to find we are working 24 hrs a week ... that's NOT cutting hours??
You're so cuuuute. Ha ha ha. No not cutting hours just a return to the old schedule.... and if you speak about this to customers we'll fire your ass.
One main reason I quite after 10 years.
I hate lying liars.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hey Janet
I know what your talking about here as I frequented the business your talking about. In my defense this company took a while to turn into a monster. Sure it's handy, right down the street, but still why do I give them my business? I quit as a customer after giving them my custom in all the forms they have assumed since Natures which started out as a co-op started.
vulturecapitalist market dudes from CA now own them. I pitched a fit the other day in New Seasons cause they do not carry any longer whole grain, tortillas. I was ashamed of myself it was not the fault of the employee I was venting to but who now owns this fake so called progressive unhealthy store.The employee's who I love, say better then 'Whole Paycheck' that owner is a worse. I now buy the bulk of our food at People's co-op in the SE. NS is only 8 blocks away from us but it is light years away from anything I want to give my money to.Yup
the past two years, that place has gone downhill fast.
It's what happens when you build something successful.... you get swarmed by the corporate elites.
The were supposed to carry local. But they are too big for most local vendors now.
I'm so thankful I no longer have to slave there.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
you can see her simpering from the freeze-frame before you hit play.
I can't watch that, I'll throw shit
That was a great video
So enjoyable I watched it 2X.
He hit on all weird things that indicate they are f___ing lying about everything.
And DJ is so right. It is offensive the way the campaign spokeswoman smiles ear to ear as she lies to the interviewers face.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I like this guy Jimmy Dore.
I've been watching him for a couple of weeks now since he started showing up in my YouTube feed.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Wheels Up. Hellery Leaving White Plains Airport
So far so good. We'll see how she looks in a few hours at the NC rally.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Talks with press on da plane today
For about 30 secs
We learn she loves the teevee show Madame Secretary. That is all. Hahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The appearance of Personable Hillary. Oh boy!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah. So upbeat. Acting like her campaign hasn't spent
the last 3 days lying to the press.
From the twitter "She is wearing drapery from a Ramada Inn."
Funny cause it's true.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
OMG, seriously?
Well? They TOLD you she was fine. No evidence of any of these things. Because she watches TV! So STFU and siddown....
It's over...
PS the more I watch
the beginning, the more I wonder who literally choreographed it.
The new haircut (was color different too?), make-up, the fake smile. Sure did look like it was set up.
Was that Hillary on uppers, or was that
the same/another body double? Once that question has been raised, it isn't going to go away.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Nina Illingworth does it again. Razor logic!
First - People! Read this article by Nina Illingworth!!!
Second - This isn't some claptrap emanating from right-wing nutsville-land. Nina Illingworth is no right-wing parrot.
I've read Nina Illingworth before, and what has stood out to me is her clear, no-holes-barred logic. This piece is classic Illingworth and if enough people read it and follow her cites and links, Hillary Clinton will spend the remainder of her days relaxing in her favorite easy chair ... at home, where she belongs.
Those of you using the various social media outlets, please share Nina Illingworth's column! My guess is that Google has already taken measures to negate searches for her blog site, if not many references to Hillary's ill heath ... especially those hitting the center of the target like Illingworth's.
two best parts
"If Clinton had just passed out from mere dehydration (despite the very scary looking jerking motions we see on film) – is that any way to treat a sixty-eight year old woman with pneumonia who just (violently) fainted while waiting for her car; to throw her, bent almost completely in half, into the back seat of a waiting security van “like a side of beef?” Would pneumonia and a simple fainting episode in any way, shape or form justify manhandling the future President of the United States on a NYC public street like that if all she needed was the air-conditioning and a cup of fucking water?
If Clinton was so dehydrated that she literally fainted; how the fuck was she back on the road a mere hour and a half after the episode? Every medical journal in existence will tell you that sufficiently severe dehydration (the kind that would make you pass out) requires immediate medical attention; we’re talking a visit to the hospital here, not chilling out in your daughter’s apartment for an hour to retouch your fucking make-up. Remember, Clinton wasn’t just “kind of dry” folks, she was supposedly so dehydrated it made her violently pass out for fuck’s sake – none of this makes a lick of goddamn sense whatsoever."
My daughter is very thin and very athletic and has to be super prepared so as not to get heat stroke. It's DAYS to recover from heat stroke and dehydration. She found out the hard way during a dance camp that you have to take care and prepare. Now she is super careful because she knows heat exhaustion or heat stroke are not silly little things.
Thanks for the link. I like the writer's "fucking" style
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Nina is not an M.D. but she can smell B.S. I am now convinced
that HRC has advanced Parkinsons.
I don't agree with his politics, but he is an M.D., and he makes a very thorough case for his conclusion.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Apparently it's not easy to tell bacterial pneumonia
from viral, according to this doctor:
This comes from a mainstream medical newsletter, MedPage Today, and it's the second time I've read that this week (about it being very difficult to tell if pneumonia is bacterial or viral). So when Dr. Bardak says unequivocally that it's bacterial and not contagious, I wonder how she knows that. Could it be she knows it's aspirational, possibly related to a more serious condition? Or is she just covering for HRC, so we can't say she was irresponsible spreading germs around?
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
But, but, but
the "not contagious" part blows the "it was going around Clinton campaign HQ in Brooklyn last month and almost everybody there got pneumonia" and Chuck Schumer's claim that he too had pneumonia recently. Man, can't they even stick with the best lie out there to get her through October?
Ooopsies, you're right about the contagious part,
that doesn't fit with the previous lies. Damn! They must be praying Trump does something to knock this story to the back pages.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
But, but, but
the "not contagious" part blows the "it was going around Clinton campaign HQ in Brooklyn last month and almost everybody there got pneumonia" and Chuck Schumer's claim that he too had pneumonia recently. Man, can't they even stick with the best lie out there to get her through October?
HRC's doctor says aspirational which means Parkinsons or
brain injury. That may also explain HRC's reluctance to drink water. Someone from the secret service has already leaked the fact of her very serious illness and suggested Parkinsons.
Aspirational pneumonia is a leading cause of death for Parkinsons.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
The doctor's statement I read
The doctor's statement I read on this past weeks health situation, clearly stated Bacterial pneumonia. Do you have a link to the doctors statement that states it was aspirational pneumonia.
Thank you for posting this AE.
I had actually already read Nina's piece yesterday, but I am glad you posted it here. I have been a fan of Nina's for many months.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Here are links to the replays (NC Rally + Press Conf)
NC Rally speech (Full) (len 23:45)
Press conf NC (len 10:08)
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I just saw Twitter pix of the event.
SRO in a HS gym. Were tickets being sold?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
More like
given away.
Perhaps they were paid to show up?
I just caught the last few mins.
It's over now. She did a 10 min press conf afterward then skedaddled.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
A month and a half ago...
They couldn't get enough "Paid Actors" to fill the seats...
And Now...
Everyone wants a chance at their phone capturing the next viral video of Hillary twitching and doing a face plant...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Good point
sad but true....
Here's a pic of the NC rally today. About 300 people.
With 23 min speech + 10 min press conference, she was visible to the public for about 30 mins today. And the press conf ended abruptly. I wonder if she ran out of gas.
To see larger size, right click and pick View Image.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
There are probably about 5 genuine voters there
aside from the press, staffers and local sad-sack Dem operatives.
She got out of bed for that?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Stupid double post
Delete at will.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Bill has good instincts
Yesterday I wondered why, if they were just going to make something up, they didn't go with the flu instead of pneumonia.
They got him back on message, but I think Bill had the better idea.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
You'd almost think he was trying to undermine
her campaign.
Dehydration........ In.........................out.
Pneumonia...........In.........................out...................... oh wait, back in.
Who believes any of this? (Dehydration and Pneumonia don't account for the complete loss of control and rigidity seen on Sunday.)
from a reasonably stable genius.
Lots of people with the "flu" get secondary pneumonia
and then, like Kermit the Frog they just disappear beneath the lilly pads.
That happened to me.
First the flu, then pneumonia. I was out of commission for weeks with pneumonia and it took many months to fully recover. I wish I had the recuperative powers of Hillary Clinton.
There was that article yesterday AND one of Chelsea saying
YESTERDAY that she didn't know her mother HAD pneumonia.
How do they expect us to swallow this crap when the family isn't even kept in the loop to repeat the lies?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Flu's not dramatic enough. You need something both extreme enough to explain the collapse, but that would also account for her walking around a big, public event right before. Nobody strolls around with a bad case of the flu. They were pushing "walking pneumonia," remember?
So are they just admitting at least one of them is lying, that Bill and his wife are strangers now, or that it's BILL who is mentally compromised -- even though Hillary has said she's putting him in charge of the economy.
One of those things must be true.
I read Nina's article and really agree with these two separate comments she made:
And this is why it matters:
Colin Power concern over HRC health in 2015
More information on l-dopa
There has been some discussion about whether or not Hillary has Parkinson's and the effect of l-dopa on her (possible) condition. For anyone interested, here is a write-up that explains about this medication:
Did anyone else notice
how the secret service men carefully blocked the cameras while Swillery is hustled into the van? Like that was their job.
On to Biden since 1973
actually it is their job.
A retired SS agent analyzed the scene and said that is a practiced procedure called "collapsing on the protectee". A tactic designed to sheild the protectee from threats. In this case, it happened to block the cameras.
Essay on it here
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Probably because the cameras *were* the threat,
as they might (and as it happens two or three did) capture something detrimental to Her campaign.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
they perfectly blocked the "threat"- the cameras. They knew exactly where the cameras were all along, as if the cameras were shady looking individuals with odd bulges in their pockets.
On to Biden since 1973
Gary Byrne has a great description of that "ballet"
brilliant description of the "ballet" - they've been trained, have done this before
also, the mirror image video is VERY GOOD
This doc thinks it's Lewy Body dementia
Comments From M.D. Zadeh
Hi Mish
It looks like you got two doctors commenting and now you will have a third. While I don’t disagree with the doctor’s opinions given what was presented, I think some of the facts presented to the public are in question.
Let me go over some basic things. When you have a blood clot in the brain, the biggest danger is that blood flow to that section of the brain is cut off and brain tissue dies; that is a stroke. If there is a blood clot causing symptoms and the clot gets dissolved or breaks away such that blood flow is not permanently interrupted, that is called a transient ischemic (without oxygen) attack or TIA or mini stroke.
However, there are also very small strokes that destroy brain tissue at the microscopic level. Those are called lacunar infarctions and they often result in a type of dementia called vascular dementia. Not to get too technical, but vascular dementia also is overlapped dementia and Parkinsons of Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s.
I think people pointing to Parkinson’s don’t get what Lewy body and vascular dementia are: forms of dementia with Parkinsonian features that wax and wane depending on blood flow. If there is diminished blood flow to the dopamine producing parts of the brain: Parkinson symptoms can occur but vanish once blood flow is restored. Hilary wouldn’t have gotten through the election campaign with full blown Parkinson’s, but she could have gotten by with hiding early vascular/Lewy body dementia IMO, and that is what I suspect is going on with her.
The thing I have told people is once you have blood clots gumming up your brain, things don’t get better. This is a progressive problem and as someone who has extensively studied coagulation, the notion put out by HRC’s staff that you put someone on blood thinners, the clot dissolves because of the blood thinner, and a person has a full recovery is complete baloney. A disruption in blood flow to the brain is going to be followed by continued disruptions in blood flow, and I know of no treatment to stop it in a case like HRC’s that involves smaller blood vessels.
When you have a neurovascular issue causing dysphagia (difficulty swallowing which is what causes her to cough), seizures (the reason for the staff caring around the Valium or diazepam pen), and weakness, those are REALLY bad signs. IMO she is a ticking time bomb to have a major and debilitating stroke.
With Hiliary’s “pneumonia”, a doctor saying so is completely inadequate. How was it diagnosed? Was an acid fast stain done? Were mycoplasma titers or cultures performed? What was the level of cold agglutins? Furthermore, if HRC was diagnosed with mycoplasma or walking pneumonia, why was she allowed to come in contact with a child when this disease is known to be contagious? And what did her chest x-ray look like? She should have had one to be diagnosed with pneumonia.
Bear in mind that when you have weakness with pneumonia, it usually is due to dehydration and causes orthostasis (dizziness when getting up). If HRC were going from sitting to standing and needed support, I could buy the dehydration/pneumonia story. But she was already standing and then went limp. That is most likely a neurological problem not a hydration one.
People should be clamoring to see the chest x-ray and lab results for HRC. To me the most damning finding would be a normal white blood cell count, a negative acid fast stain, normal tiitre ratio of cold agglutins, and an infiltrate in the middle lobe of the right lung. That would be strongly suggestive that HRC has aspiration pneumonitis due to dysphagia from an underlying neurovascular issue and that the walking pneumonia diagnosis was pure bunk. But I would be shocked if we see the lab or X-ray results.
Bottom line though is I said HRC had serious medical issues to someone a month ago, and recent events have fortified that opinion. If the Dems handle HRC’s health issues as a conspiracy or a malicious Trump plot versus truthful full disclosure, IMO they are giving the election to Trump. For the Dems to win in November, they need to get a new candidate yesterday.
Joseph Zadeh
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Yesterday was in July.
Dumb DNC, did not notice.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Dumb DNC
What's the new password? -s-
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Wait a week or two
and we'll get it from Julian Assange.
But they'll still blame the Russians
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Involvement of middle lobe of right lung *confirmed*
by Dr. Bardack, after chest X-ray (per official statement). Very insistent it was "non-contagious", but no information re any other results. So unless someone subpoenas the test results, that's all we're getting.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
these are the clintons
subpoenas don't matter
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
chest CT was done apparently
Just wanted to add that there was a chest CT showing right middle lobe pneumonia, per her physician's letter:
he doc mentions her allergies
and then her coughing but never stating, maybe insinuating that the allergies cause the coughing. I wonder what allergies she has, as I grew up with some allergies and my children have different allergies but none
of these allergies has ever caused coughing, I truly wonder what allergy she has that causes the coughing.
"She was advised to rest, put on a short course of antibiotics and continued
on her
allergy medications for an upper respiratory tract infection in the
setting of her seasonal allergies.
Over the next several days as she traveled, her
congestion worsened and she developed a cough."
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Agreed, there is more to this story.
Good point. My allergies irritate my sinuses and give me a post nasal drip, clearing of the throat but not a cough like she gets.
Hillary doesn't tell the full story to anyone. Maybe she hasn't disclosed everything to her internist? Maybe she has another physician on the side who doesn't disclose letters to the campaign?
Clearly she has another condition that she is not telling about, obvious to anyone who has watched the non-MSM video from 9/11, whether medical background or not.
Thank you for sharing this
Thank you for sharing this link.
Very thorough summary of Hillarys health care. I wish I could get a summary for my mother like this one every year from her doctor.
Excellent comment but the link has problems in text
Conditions which are truly compatible with visual evidence, and about which my essays made little notice (upper brainstem dysfunction) or no notice (Lewy Body Dementia--LBD). Upper brainstem phenomena including coughing and syncope (fainting) are seen in an unusual disorder called multi-system atrophy (MSA). One of the infrequent symptoms of MSA is a parkinsonlike tremor and gait disturbance. Blood pressure fluctuations from normal (depending on what is "normal" for the particular individual) to low (Note these clots are more likely if taking anticoagulants (blood thinners). It makes zero sense to me that Hillary would be on any blood thinner for her prior clot. They either resorb spontaneously or are removed surgically via a bore hole in the skull, but blood thinners would make them worse. I feel this is elementary to MD’s. It seems to me she likely has some other undisclosed problem.
The person who wrote that paragraph mistakes the treatment for which the diagnosis was made. HRC most likely did not have a subdural hematoma (SDH). She did have dural sinus thrombosis. This being her third thrombotic event (besides two in the leg) constitutes sufficient and in fact standard of care use of Coumadin or other anticoagulant. In the case of DST, current treatment includes either IV heparin immediately or IV tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), followed by coumadin.
Without reading the entirety of the link, while HRC may have some PD-likie symptoms, they are far too mild to be causing the degree of difficulty she is now experiencing. I still think HRC suffers from right frontal lobe disease resulting in partial seizures plus urinary incontinence. Once again, I refer you readers to link 1 and link 2.
Remember how prior Presidents disclosed their colon health?
Reagan in 1985:
Bush in 2007:
Well said, Nina. Well said.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
One of The Cult's first responders
over at TOP (actually two of them) rushed out the news that Hillary doesn't sweat, quoting an interview where she answered "name a weird thing about yourself. Both went immediately to the top of the reclist. But then somebody must have realized that made the dehydration story even less believable, so nobody has cited that since.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
That explains everything!
Here's another "collection"
This is a pretty fair chronology gathered from known information. Also, it appears that she has been traveling with a rolling hospital for some time; saw a video a couple of days ago that actually showed a real ambulance in her entourage. Obviously, nothing to see here....
UPDATED: Hillary's health is not a conspiracy theory, the coverup is wide
Wikileaks has released a 2013 email from Huma Abedin to Hillary Clinton which contains a FOX News article titled “Hillary Clinton’s Blood Clot Treatment And The Need For Privacy”. The article describes Hillary’s diagnosis of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis and her possible treatment options.
“In fact Secretary Clinton’s neurologist at Columbia, who I heard from yesterday, is a top national expert on strokes, brain clots, bleeds, and head trauma. She couldn’t be in better hands. Her condition, Right Transverse Sinus Thrombosis, is a fancy term for a blood clot forming in one of the main sinuses (a drain) of the brain. This clot can lead to brain swelling or a stroke, and it is certainly life threatening. However, in a situation where it is found incidentally and no symptoms have been exhibited, the risk is less because the brain’s venous system may have found another way to drain while the clot is in the process of being dissolved…
SNIP…Why did this clot in the brain occur in the first place? Studies have shown that head trauma, which followed Secretary Clinton’s faint a month ago, is one likely contributor, along with the dehydration that she probably suffered from a gastrointestinal virus a month ago and the associated diarrhea. Though the mechanism of a clot in the leg is more generally linked with immobility, there have been reports of venous clots in the brain occurring after prolonged sitting on planes.
Since she suffered another blood clot in 1998, she now requires a hematological work-up to make sure she doesn’t have an underlying tendency to form blood clots in the first place – known as hypercoagulability. If she does have that tendency, she will require a more prolonged or even permanent course of blood thinners, as well as an investigation to make sure there is no blood-thickening malignancy. This work-up cannot be completed until she is off Coumadin, which interferes with some of the results.
Blood thinners are likely to be successful in Hillary Clinton’s case, and she can look forward to a full recovery with the help of her careful devoted physicians. Her illness is a reminder to all of us in the media, journalist and physician alike, that health care is primarily a private matter, not a time for lurid interest and certainly not a time for political criticism.”
Trump's medical letter.
Trump has ponied up a letter this week from his internist of 30 years. Two pages here:
Good news! Good news!
According to an article in The Guardian, U.S. Edition, Hillary claims to be "fully recovered" from pneumonia, after just four days of rest, during which time she reflected on what her campaign means. Isn't that a miracle? A 68-year-old woman, whose doctor said it would take six to eight weeks to recover, feels great after just four days! Unless, unless, could it be that Hill recovered so quickly from pneumonia because she never had it in the first place? Bring on the "real" news conference and debates!