Drip, drip, drip, drip: Hillary's incontinence--make that a double!
Like emails, Medusa's physical woes are a gift (/s) that keeps on giving--in this case involuntarily. What is double incontinence you ask? Okay maybe you didn't ask, but I will enlighten you anyway. Double incontinence, when applied to bodily functions, means the lack of control of urine and bowel--it's a twofer.
First, some pictorial evidence suggesting the existence of this malady--which I admit is speculative.
There are many more images available on the Internet--e.g., Google images. No folks, that is not a snake in her britches. This object is seen on many pictures of Medusa's rainbow of pantsuits. Check it out for yourselves.
Now, for all posterior posterity to see is a sign parents of young children know well--but this one is in an expensive outfit:
Sorry, gentles, there is just no polite way to describe this blob, if we are to maintain any semblance of PC. Even I am at a loss to describe poopy pants in a genteel fashion.
Ewww! How gross! Yeah, but some aspects of homeostasis are plain unpleasant.
A little more about incontinence, which can be confusing. (And if you think this is confusing wait till next essay which give scientific evidence to support my admittedly speculative comments). The following description applies to with bowel or urinary bladder incontinence.
Incontinence simply means lack of control. Getting away from sphincters there is emotional incontinence manifested by inappropriate laughter (or cackling)--or sometimes involuntary crying.
The next bit of definition is not well-understood by many people, unfortunately including physicians.
Incontinence can mean loss of retentive control. For instance, urinary incontinence--but actually that term as usually used only applies to one type of urinary incontinence, and should be better termed "involuntary urination". The other form of urinary incontinence is urinary retention, which means inability to empty the bladder. So think of it like this": Urinary control is kinda like a garden hose. It can be locked in the open position (involuntary urination) or in the closed position (urinary retention).
The same analysis also holds true for bowel control. When the "hose" (lower alimentary canal) is locked in the open position, you have fecal incontinence ("poopy pants"). When the hose is locked in the closed position, you have obstipation (which is a way of saying very, very bad constipation).
Now, as much as I am often fond to say Hillary is full of shit, the actual opposite is true--she can't hold it in.
Another adage, "being full of piss and vinegar" is only partly true. The vinegar is retained but the piss runs down her leg.
I hope you enjoyed your little primer on the nether works of human physiology.

You realize we can't un-see these photos, yes?
Is there a mental Bleachbit?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Well, if you want to be gross
then perhaps the fecal incontinence is due to Trey Gowdy tearing her a new one. That would also be somewhat explanatory as to her frequent pained facial expressions. She may be on her way to an ilieostomy bag.
The thing that should be questioned most is the alleged defibrillator vest. i mean, that's far more of a concern than a pacemaker or her need for diapers/catheters/etc.
If i were a betting man, I'd wager she's going to stroke out and in the not too distant future.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Rec'd your comment but there are implantable defibrillators
that are not externally obvious. Stroke? Maybe. Might be something on the order of status epilepticus (continuous uncontrolled seizures)
I've heard she wears a
I've heard she wears a bulletproof vest, which is pretty likely. If I were her I'd assume people were wanting to shoot me more or less constantly too.
"Nothing's wrong, son, look at the news!" -- Firesign Theater
Are there not operations for these conditions?
The pink suit picture would have been some time ago, no? She seems rather slimmer in the photo than she does now.
Diarrhea can happen to just about anyone for many reasons. Embarrassing but not necessarily a sign of serious illness. And she might have sat on a chocolate kiss.
The catheter, OTOH, that looks to be for real. This whole campaign is getting weirder and weirder. Does Bill think he can just take over the govt. like Mrs. Wilson is said to have done?
Mary Bennett
Quite some time ago, I would think
She's traveling with Bill, which she seldom does any more, and she's wearing a tight sheath skirt, which she never does any more.
Another possibly-innocent explanation to go with Nastarana's, is accidentally sitting down where some kid had left the remnants of their chocolate ice cream. Ewww....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Speculative--you bet and I don't rule anything out
Someone wrote here on c99 that Medusa hasn't worn a skirt for over a year. Slimmer then than now, well that Depends (pun intended). As far as sitting on a chocolate kiss--first of all she never flies anything but private jets; secondly a chocolate kiss would never get on her rear-end because there are so many ass-kissers in the way.
Weight gain & cankles
Explain no skirts.
Hillary used to wear skirts in the 90s & you could really see her cankles. If one were feeling charitable one would admit that swollen ankles are common when flying. One is not inclined to be charitable when a Clinton is involved.
The cankles are made worse by the fact that Hillary tends to gain weight, even back in the 90s. She famously lost weight during the Monica Lewinsky scandal when she supposedly took her frustrations out on the treadmill.
I honestly can't remember if she started wearing pantsuits while still in the White House, but her uniform while running for the senate was a navy pantsuit with a pink sweater for a feminine touch. Vomit. The pink was so obvious.
I agree that the catheter looks real
As does the defibrillator vest after looking at the pictures of the vest on the website.
I haven't heard that she has heart problems, but if she is wearing a defibrillator vest then I would think that the heart problem is severe.
I'm also more concerned about the TBI and her unusual head movements.
I have stated that my TBI problems affect me more when I'm stressed out and I'm not running for president, I'm just a normal Josephine.
If her health problems are more severe than we know about then Bill is going to be running the country, not Kaine. Wasn't that the agreement that Kaine accepted? That Bill will have more power than the VP?
And to think that we could have had Bernie instead.
I can't wait to see how Hillary's supporters turn on her after puts up to 70,000 troops in Syria after she creates the no fly zone and she starts the war with Russia and privatizes SS.
Too bad for the rest of the people who were smart enough not to have voted for her!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
minions turning on her? Somehow I don't see that happening.
More likely they'll cast blame like their goddess does.
1. Bernie (for running and weakening her)
2. GOP
3. Bernie supporters (for being mean)
4. Russia
5. China
6. Any ME country except Saudi Arabia or Israel
7. OK, everybody and everything except Hillary
Or they'll try and rationalize it
1. SS was insolvent! She had to do something!
2. Better to fight them over there than over here! (the old dudya defense)
3. She's smart! She knows what she's doing! Calm down!
Or they'll do the old standby when all else fails
1. You hate women!
2. Sexist!
The sheep at top will never ever admit to clinton doing something "wrong"....
Clinton's minions won't have
Clinton's minions won't have to make excuses for her, as they'll be blown up/irradiated along with the rest of us in that spiffy little 'limited' nuclear war with Russia and China Obama's setting up all Ready for Hillary and Her Royal Coronation. The Clintons will, no doubt, expect to be be quite comfortable in their luxury bunker, at least until the air supply runs out or something glitches.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Not very Presidential, but I
Not very Presidential, but I have to admit that I see this as rather sad, even if fitting. Evil is always shitty, even if not always literally...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
apparently I am the only one that finds your
repeated discussions of HIllary Clinton's health issues inappropriate, especially considering with what kind of enthusiasm you describe in detail "pissy shit" issues.
Gosh, I really try to be supportive of this site, but some things make that really, really hard.
How can you be so cruel?
Have you no decency, Sir? Why don't you take at least the images down? You drag down this site to a lowly tabloid online media outlet, which thrives on Hillary Clnton hate. Or do you believe that your medical expertise will cover up your inhumane ways to trash a person, because she has health problems? Her health issues have nothing to do with politics. And frigging people here speculate about her "stroke out". Man o man, disgusting.
You know I think to do that is the same as being an ass. I think something else will stroke out soon and that is this site and finding people who fund it.
Great job, Alligator Ed. I am sure you made all our day end in a wonderful one. /WTF
Not to be rude Mimi...
But it takes a lot more effort to write a long, negative comment in a Snarky essay about a person many of us utterly despise than it does to just skip it.
Is it a tad "Blue"? Maybe, but so what?
A normal persons health status is of course a subject that should be treated as privately and personal as the individual wants it, and with a modicum of respect as well, but NOT when that person is attempting to become the HMFIC and is a lying. thieving war hawk douchbag. (Yes, I have a bit of venom issues myself.
People are free to write what they want here within very limited guidelines and we are free to read those peoples writings, or not, based on our own opinions of the quality of what they have written in the past.
If I read a book I don't like I don't write a long, insulting letter to the author, I just quit buying his or her books.
If there is a writer that you don't like here it is much easier to skip what they write than to bash the person with ad-hominem attacks and making comments about bailing on supporting the site as whole based on the fact that there may be a couple people on it you don't mesh with.
Personally I would rather read something that I don't like every once in a while and have an open forum than a neat, but sterile place.
But then again, I am a borderline absolutist when it comes to free speech and expression.
I know this comment is from two days ago, but I have been tied up and hadn't been on so getting caught up.
I encourage you to try to remember Tim's Rule, Because the Net is dark and full of errors... (I just couldn't resist working in a Game of Thrones reference, lol)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The audience has a right to applaud
Boo, be quiet , walk out , fall asleep. Why are you attempting to censor Mimi for Booing? I Boo these types of grasping at straws essays.
Booing is fine, the ad hominem's? not so much...
I am not trying to censor, just saying we should keep things civil.
Attack the merits of the argument, not the person.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Let's just say that the author sets the tone.
The only rule on this website is DBAA. That's the only rule. In my book, this diary fucking crosses that goddamned line.
I left a few comments here yesterday expressing my extreme discontent over this diary and some of the comments. This is pretty blatant sexism to me. The comments were eaten when JtC righted the ship.
So ... I don't know. The diarist wasn't exactly civil, and there are millions of reasons to not like Hillary Clinton based on a million different things other than her looks, her dress, and her supposed incontinence. In fact, I think you missed a comment yesterday where another poster told us here of his/her own incontinence issues. It made me sad, and I'm sure the commenter felt even worse.
It's the lack of humanity and the lack of compassion in this diary that upsets me the most. This diary is not worthy of this website.
I think that's all I can say about it or I will blow a gasket.
I miss Colorado.
Let's just say that
I disagree with you on the merits of the actual discussion. I express my own displeasure at the seeming attempt to poison the well of discussion with the childish references to bodily function, and IMO that part has to fucking stop, real soon. But beyond that, we must have the discussion.
Why? I know you'll ask. I hear what you're saying, but consider this--all the illegal cheating shit she and her minions at the DNfuckingC have done, and she's been doing, JUST THIS YEAR for fuck's sweet sake, that have been documented and discussed over and over and over again? Nobody is doing ANYTHING about that. She's still in the race, Bernie is still out and we are still fucked as long as this is the case.
As far as I'm concerned, we've been reduced to this out of necessity. If people are so somnambulist that they'll do nothing about actual lawbreaking, then we have got to make a big to-do about the fact that THE WOMAN IS NOT PHYSICALLY FIT TO BE POTUS. In several demonstrable ways, from the looks of things.
mimi, what self-proclaimed anonymous "Dr. Ed"
has helped turned this site into is why I've delayed making the monthly donation I'm committed to this month.
I want no part in supporting such rank ... words fail me.
Let "Dr. Ed" generate all those clicks JtC likes to boast about. I am extremely close to joining other pre-DKos-March-invasion c99ers and just letting the "refugees" have the damn lifeboat.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
The fecal photo is a fake
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Forensic comparison...
Too bad my dead computer with the image forensic program died on me... this could be either 1) a bit of a brown smudge added in Photoshop, or 2) a bit of photoshop cloning repair.
I used to use the software to debunk IDF claims to Palestinian "knife attacks"... let me see if I can find the program again.
I do think since this is being discussed by millions all over the Internet, that having a discussion here is OK with me. I would like to keep it to facts and forensics though...
Here is an online forensics site... have fun please.
From the Light House.
This post is disgusting and ridiculous
While you can at least pretend that your "concerns" about her brain have some relevance to her fitness for office, this sure as hell doesn't. It's childish and this kind of personal attack actually is sexist. It is an embarrassment to this site to have this posted here. So much for talking about issues. Why bother when you can just make 3rd grade level personal attacks. Sad.
Not sexist
I would never vote for someone who has a bunch of health problems. Frankly this country is a mess. The last three presidents have turned gray very quickly while in office which speaks to the extreme stress of the job. It is no place for someone with a bunch of health issues.
I felt the same way about John McCain and successfully talked a number of friends out of voting for him based on his age, past history and Sarah Palin. He had no outward signs of problems.
What agreement?
Snoopydawg, there is an agreement that Bill gets "more power than Kaine"? Could you please explain how we know this, or refer me to where it is discussed.
mimi, normally, I would agree with you, but 1. the Clintons have subjected our country to an unprecedented spectacle of vulgarity, greed and selfishness for decades now, they brought this kind of criticism on themselves, and 2. we are entitled to know the state of health of someone who might become president. We are also entitled to know for sure who might be running the executive branch should she become incapacitated.
Mary Bennett
Nastarana I have looked for that agreement
But I'm unable to find it and I didn't bookmark the article., sorry. It was something I read a month or so ago.
I searched for the agreement but couldn't find it, but I think that the article stated that if Bill didn't agree with Kaine he can override his decisions.
But since I can't find the article to back up my statement maybe I should delete it?
But here is a great article about how slimey Kaine is as Hillary's VP pick.
And apparently Obama was thinking about choosing him as VP but went with Biden instead.
Anything Hillary has promised about being more progressive is proven to be a lie after she picked Kaine as vp. We all knew it but here's proof.
Dog help us if they get in office.
And at one time Kaine was very critical about Hillary's email server and also about Bill and his sexual escapades.
Funny how his thinking was changed after she picked him.
He was pro TPP, anti bank regulation and other ideas that we expect the republicans to support, but after she picked him he changed his mind and now is against those issues. He too will say anything to get elected.
Many people know about Hillary's positions on foreign policy, the TPP, the banks and Kaine fits in with the Clintons quite well.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.