A Look Back: Sept 11


As the U.S. News Media continues to program and reduce the American people into subservient, obedient, fearful, Military-loving, War-loving, flag-waving sheep (now also legally robbed of their civil liberties), over the 9/11 event -- it is important to have an Independent look back at ... just what we were told, who was protected, and how most of the public was completely duped.

I. What did not happen:

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgrunnLcG9Q width:700 height:500]



II. The Guilty Parties:

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuJXX2HMlo8 width:700 height:500]


III. Beneficiaries; Where to Look:

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znfa6OMy_pQ width:700 height:500]

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bondibox's picture

A dozen of the seal team members who found OBL died in a helo crash?
That's whack.
These videos went way past the usual "something fishy about the collapse" CTs. Knowing what went on in the attacked offices really is eye popping.

All the silver stream whistleblowers had a meeting at 8:30 a.m.?

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

lotlizard's picture

Reportedly, some 46% of people polled don’t know (no longer recall) that a third skyscraper, not hit by an airplane, collapsed on 9/11.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

IIRC, someone was put under heavy suspicion, and killed himself - only for it later to come out that he probably didn't do it.

There have been analyses of Building 7 that state that it was heavily damaged by falling flaming debris from the North Tower - with pictures that show as much. Also, the building's sprinkler system was inadequate to start with, and damaged to the point of ineffectiveness, which meant the fires could and did spread uncontrolled. Naturally, none of the "911-Truthers" believe this, preferring to cling to their claims of planted explosives and controlled demolition.

Can explosives be rigged with silencers? It has been claimed that sufficient planted explosive to bring down Building 7 - to say nothing of the Twin Towers - would have blown out the eardrums of every person within a half-mile of the site.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Big Al's picture

like it was being demolished, flat as a pancake. Right. There have been studies that show the studies you're referring to are bullshit.
So there we are, stuck in the middle of a bunch of studies.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Flaming debris started fires inside and out, which could not be fought with the broken sprinkler system and the low water pressure they had. The building burnt out from the inside.

Nobody wants to believe that nineteen lunatics could wreak so much havoc - it "had" to be bigger than them, involve more people, be a Ginormous Government Conspiracy. Because otherwise one has to face the facts that Random Shit Happens, and Shit Can Happen To Anybody.

Ask Chelyabinsk about Random Shit - they've gotten more than their share.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

This is NOT a building "falling down from fire" or from "structural weakening".
It is a steel and concrete building that is being pulverized and blown into tiny bits of dust before your very eyes!

Fire doesn't do that.
Anyone with a set of eyes in their head can see that (who is honest).

Over 2600 Independent Architects and Engineers have scientifically totally disproven the nonsense spouted by the well-heeled NIST (which is aligned with the U.S. government....hence their ".gov" URL).

Try learning what actually happened - see: Architects and Engineers on 9/11



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TheOtherMaven's picture

Your noise-to-signal ratio is so far off the charts it's out past Alpha Centauri.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Rm6ZFROmc width:640 height:480]

Anyone with a brain knows this was not a building that simply just "burned down".
It is obviously, obviously controlled demolition (free-fall speed, symmetrical collapse).


Watch the damn video, and stop protecting the corrupt Establishment!!

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Rm6ZFROmc width:640 height:480]

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snoopydawg's picture

"Let's pull it" after he was informed that they couldn't get the fires under control. If there weren't explosives in place then how could they "pull it"?
And I don't believe that a building that is on fire would collapse in its footprint.
And as stated in the second video, the steel structures were built to withstand heat up to 2,700 degrees and jet fuel only burns at 1,300.
And DC is the most protected airspace in this country, yet the 4 planes flew for close to an hour or longer, yet not one jet was scrambled to intercept the planes? Plus the pentagon is protected by a missle defense system and as the plane was turning that was the best opportunity to shoot it down.
Where were the engines and the normal wreckage of an airplane crash one usually sees including the plane, seats and luggage.
The second video is very informative if you want to know about building 7

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

TheOtherMaven's picture

as in "pull them out", get them outathere because it's a lost cause. The firefighters were pulled back, weren't they?

What is not in dispute is that BushCo jumped at the chance to start their long-desired wars against Iraq and the American people.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

technical analysis of the towers' collapse comes from this group architectural and engineering experts. These are well respected, knowledgeable, and experienced professional people, whose concern here is with facts, not theories.
Personally, I have no doubt whatsoever that 9/11 was an inside job. However I don't claim to know exactly who was responsible for it, or how it was done.

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[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afUS_58XC5I width:640 height:480]

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snoopydawg's picture

This video has firefighters and other people saying that they heard explosions going off while they were in the towers way before they came down.
You seem to be belittling "9/11 truthers"
The explosive noises would have been covered up by the sound of the towers falling.
Have you looked at any of the evidence that the 'truthers' base their claims on? If not then how can you come to that conclusion?
Edit to add that my comment is for The Other Maven.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Watch the video again ... dear...


[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-wXcJA-et0&feature=youtu.be width:640 height:480]

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argue the points and drop the personal insults, for intellect's sake.

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lotlizard's picture

not from Iraq, as mysterious government source(s) supposedly leaked to ABC News.

The case of some U.S. government employee (whether it was Bruce Ivins, the FBI-targeted suspect who committed suicide, or not) using U.S. government anthrax qualifies as an “inside job” to me.


The 2001 anthrax attacks remain one of the great mysteries of the post-9/11 era. After 9/11 itself, the anthrax attacks were probably the most consequential event of the Bush presidency. One could make a persuasive case that they were actually more consequential. The 9/11 attacks were obviously traumatic for the country, but in the absence of the anthrax attacks, 9/11 could easily have been perceived as a single, isolated event. It was really the anthrax letters — with the first one sent on September 18, just one week after 9/11 — that severely ratcheted up the fear levels and created the climate that would dominate in this country for the next several years after. It was anthrax — sent directly into the heart of the country’s elite political and media institutions, to then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD), Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt), NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, and other leading media outlets — that created the impression that social order itself was genuinely threatened by Islamic radicalism.

If the now-deceased Ivins really was the culprit behind the attacks, then that means that the anthrax came from a U.S. Government lab, sent by a top U.S. Army scientist at Ft. Detrick. Without resort to any speculation or inferences at all, it is hard to overstate the significance of that fact. From the beginning, there was a clear intent on the part of the anthrax attacker to create a link between the anthrax attacks and both Islamic radicals and the 9/11 attacks. This was the letter sent to Brokaw:

This is next
Take Penacilin Now
Death to America
Death to Israel
Allah is great

The letter sent to Leahy contained this message:

We have anthrax.
You die now.
Are you afraid?
Death to America.
Death to Israel.
Allah is great.

By design, those attacks put the American population into a state of intense fear of Islamic terrorism, far more than the 9/11 attacks alone could have accomplished.

Much more important than the general attempt to link the anthrax to Islamic terrorists, there was a specific intent — indispensably aided by ABC News — to link the anthrax attacks to Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

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Cassiodorus's picture

The original 9/11 happened in 1973 in Chile and was supervised by Nixon and Kissinger. The Pinochet regime thus installed through massive violence was intended as the incubator regime for the global neoliberal regime which rules the world today.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

RantingRooster's picture

He's published a new video series that breaks down the "9/11 suspects".

It's pretty gosh darn, well Shok interesting. As I've mentioned before I don't believe the "physics" in the NIST report. I don't really believe in CT Secret , I am more into the CA, conspiracy analysis Pleasantry , to determine if a theory holds water or not, make sense? ROFL


I'm sure the news this weekend is going to be all "patriotic", the propaganda will be overflowing, gushing even, and Mrs. Clinton will be like "I...9/11, and I...9/11 and on 9/11...I ....Wall Street are my constituents and I... 9/11...."

15 years on and very, very few recognize it was an actual crime scene that was wiped clean of any evidence.

It is illegal to fly a plane into a building. Scratch one-s head

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

TheOtherMaven's picture

that not only the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), but also the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (SEI/ASCE); the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE); the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC); the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH); and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY); were all willing to prostitute themselves for a government coverup. All of these organizations contributed to the investigations.

That's a bit much to swallow, innit?

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Funny how you just love to always defend and protect the most corrupt people on the planet .. innit?

Wake up: This is NOT a building "falling down from fire" or from "structural weakening".
It is a steel and concrete building that is being pulverized and blown into tiny bits of dust before your very eyes!

Fire doesn't do that.
Anyone with a set of eyes in their head can see that (who is honest).

Over 2600 Independent Architects and Engineers have scientifically totally disproven the nonsense spouted by the well-heeled NIST (which is aligned with the U.S. government....hence their ".gov" URL).

Try learning something for once that is not just spoonfed to you by the mouth of the corrupt Establishment (you're bosses I presume) - see: Architects and Engineers on 9/11

Also, declassified documents prove that "Operation Northwoods" was a similar Pentagon-CIA hatched domestic terrorist attack plan --- that was stopped by President Kennedy once he learned about it.


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TheOtherMaven's picture

yet you persist in bullshitting me with Towers 1 and 2 - which are NOT BUILDING 7.

I was talking ONLY about BUILDING 7.

THIS is why nobody knows SQUAT about what happened on Sept 11 2001 - too much MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION, MISAIMED CROSSTALK, and just ranting NONSENSE.

Its ALL noise now and NO signal left at all.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

We also know that no steel frame buildings in all of World history (doesn't matter which one) have ever collapsed due to fire.

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RantingRooster's picture

any government organization, ya feel me. Not a single concrete and steel building has ever, in the history of human kind, ever, been pulverized into dust like WTC1 &2, or collapsed for that matter, from a fire like WTC7. Period.

I spent 6 years as PM for major engineering outfits (structural included), and at the root of all of it, is physics. Period. Physic doesn't lie, the laws of motion and thermodynamics don't all of a sudden change one day and revert back the next. It just doesn't happen. Unless of course you "literally" believe in the bible.

The (expletive) Iraq war was based on lies, that almost (99%) of every major newspaper, TV show, Cable news network, radio program, MSM internet sites, in the country was touting the LIE as the gospel.

The only popular TV person to really question the war, Phil Donahue, was fired for it! How many got fired for repeating the lies of the GWB administration, failing their 1st duty as journalists?

That sends a message to others, and they back off, and keep their jobs, and paychecks...

We have over 2000 water systems in this country leeching lead into peoples homes, but our "government" won't do (expletive), but hey, we got half a trillion for making war and maintain something like over 1000 military installations, exerting our global hegemony over the planet and it's people, while it burns from record temperatures, cause by climate change.

We have elected official that don't even believe in climate change! Let that sink in...

But you think questioning the (expletive) up physics used in the NIST report valid, based on what? Just because some government organizations say so?

Where is the "EVIDENCE"? Oh, gee, there isn't any, because it was hauled off, and NEVER analyze by any of those organization you site. So why would I believe them, who never analyzed any of the evidence, over real physics?

Does that not compute to you?

But hey, if you want to believe that few guys armed with nothing more than box cutters, can cripple the world's only superpower, who spends more on toys for their military than the top 10 nations combined, I reckon what ever floats yer boat, but I'll never be convinced with anyone touting bad physics as form of proof, which, all of those organizations you site, do just that, support bad physics. They support a LIE, just like all the other people that 'fall in line", keep their cushy jobs, and their pay checks.

You see what Obama does to whistle blowers...

No offense, but are you smoking some of that Wacko tonight? Please share, will ya....

RR Drinks

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

snoopydawg's picture

On all 4 planes? They might have used them in the plane that crashed if that information was relayed through the phone call before someone said "Let's roll". Wasn't there some questions about whether the phones would have worked at that altitude?
Then there's the molten steel pouring down the sides of the building before it fell, plus as another person mentioned, huge amounts of steel and other objects were blown out at a great distance and as the building was falling you can see explosions going off on the floors below.
I wonder how many people who label people conspiracy nuts have ever bothered to look at the evidence and the videos before making the claim?
As for how much it is costing us for the illegal wars, here's a website that shows the amount of money being spent each second.
It takes less than 7-8 seconds to spend $100 dollars.
I can imagine a lot of other things that money could be spent on in this country and its citizens.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

TheOtherMaven's picture

'Nuff said.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Did NOT work on airliners then. They didn't roll out cellular nodes on passenger jets for ANOTHER TWO YEARS!
Cognitive Dissonance much?

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

bondibox's picture

Tell that to Peter Hanson's father, who spoke to his son on the phone as it slammed into the south tower.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

you can look up the tech aspects yourself. The fact that American Airline rolled out inflight cell service with great fanfare two years AFTER pretty much says it all.
Now could he have been on an inflight radio phone with a credit card? Sure. Not looking for a pie fight. Everybody sees what they're ready to see.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

mimi's picture

"clean-up", ie hauling away of the steel debris, because they had equipment to do so. I don't remember when the first started to pour in, but I remember that my son was there around four days later. Looks like the military helped to get the steel pulled out of the mountains of debris and helped in the effort to truck it away and the explosive residues then couldn't anymore examined.

But as I didn't know that back then when it was happening, I never "examined" it and just saw the first video, which were of similar quality than the one the user "native" showed in his comment, years later (may be it was the same, but I can't say that for sure - I think this one has been updated or is another one of the ones I saw - but it too had a lot of interviews of engineers in it). I had then a question about it, because pretty much physics and chemistry is what I believe in more than anything else, I got a warning on TOP and had a short exchange about it in pm with Meteor Blades about it, because I was not aware of the "ruling" on TOP to not ask questions about 9/11 back then. I dropped the questions I had like a hot potatoe and never went back. I also never forgot it.

The discussion that will be in this thread is to me nothing but an exercise by some powers behind the curtain to watch our reactions. A couple of people push memes or an agenda in here, I think. I don't know and I don't even like to bother with it. It just turns me seriously off.

I have no interest whatsoever to discuss 9/11 and look at manipulative comments and videos about it. It's over. It's just there to bring up trauma again. I don't need that.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Nothing will convince those who want to believe it was a Ginormous Government Conspiracy, that it was anything but a Ginormous Government Conspiracy.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Something you always conveniently and deliberately ignore.

The posted photos prove that all of these buildings were pulverized and blown into tiny bits of dust, and collapsed into their own footprint at free fall speed (the speed of gravity itself).

1. Fire does not do that. Never has....Never will.
2. Numerous eyewitnesses at the scene on that day reported multiple explosions going off. Video footage shows this to be true.

Go back to DKos (or to your CIA bosses) -- where you can live in your make believe fairy-land where the government is pure and honest, and Banksters are pure and honest, and wealthy powerful people never do any harm to society -- because that would be a "conspiracy" wouldn't it?

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full of holes, it simply does not stand on its own. It doesn't even come close to standing on its own. It is not the case that we want to see a vast Government conspiracy, it is that a preponderance of evidence points very strongly to one, and we refuse to disregard this evidence. God knows, by choosing to squarely face the facts of what happened, we have not made it easy for ourselves.

No, we do not want to see a conspiracy, but unfortunately for us, we do see one. Obviously, you and many others do not. Your interpretation has been officially sanctioned - in fact it is the official interpretation - while ours is the object of widespread ridicule and scorn. It ain't easy being a truther. It's not at all comfortable, and it's not something one becomes for the fun of it.

To recognize, or to admit, that our own Government could do what we think it actually did, would be to severely damage, or even to destroy public faith and confidence in its very structures and intentions. That is why the truth of what happened cannot be revealed, why it cannot be discussed publicly, or be granted any claim to credibility. This has nothing to do with an honest assessment of the evidence, it has to do with the survival of the State itself.

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You have to call them out, and hold hold them accountable.

We have no choice, and there will be no "public faith" ever again, and we can never get away from this crippling perpetual global War Crimes agenda without first doing this.

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if not impossible, given the depth and scope of the conspiracy. And assuming of course, that there even was one. So no, I'm afraid we'll have to live with the Official (bullshit) Story for the foreseeable future. We can however, effectively criticize the resultant programs that 9/11 initiated, and the reasons for which this horrendous crime was committed. We can also keep track of the individual suspects who are implicated in its execution.

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We're not stuck with just criticizing the after effects (War policies).

We can publicize all the evidence and eye-witness statements available, and criticize the actions and non-actions of government agencies and administration officials that day. We don't have to accept false history. Jeb Bush was unexpectedly taken down in part because of Trump's 9/11 critique against the Bush Family.

False History = False Wars (and bankruptcy, oppression, mass-murder, totalitarianism, chaos).
They go hand in hand.

There can be no liberty or freedom if False History is ever accepted by the public.

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Alligator Ed's picture

The first two videos are fairly convincing. But to me, the most convincing was the third video which did "follow the money". About 5 years ago I got interested in the 911 Truth movement. Many of the points raised in the first two documentaries here were previously made, but they were obfuscated by some real wacky ideas about a thermonuclear-based detonation system emplaced in initial construction of WTC 1&2. Stuff like that made, at the time, the whole subject unpalatable. But, back then enough evidence had been produced about the ability of various thermite compounds to almost surgically disrupt metal building beams. I remember seeing a few small scale demonstrations of the process which worked amazingly fast. I don't recall how noisy it may have been. Other videos at the time discussed a few of the localization of the plane impacts to specifically destroy certain locations, particularly at the Pentagon.

But to me the most telling documentary follows the money. This aspect was never as well-described in most 911 Truth documentaries as in the one posted above. What strikes as truly strange is the general in charge of air security around the Pentagon gets promoted to Chairman of the Joint chiefs of Staff within days of his incompetent (or collusive) management of the Pentagon fiasco. Uner any ordinary circumstance (although this was not an ordinary circumstance) the commanding officer would immediately relieved of duty and subject to court martial.

Let's assume this is true, and now with the money video I am more inclined to believe so, what will happen to the perpetrators? Nothing. Not a damn thing. When things as simple as Clinton's grossly illegal behavior get swept under the rug, there is no way in Hell that the American people will get justice.

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MarilynW's picture

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To thine own self be true.

See former Sen Bob Graham talk about the 26 classified 9/11 pages on Saudi Arabia.

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MarilynW's picture

They didn't support him financially. That's according to Lawrence Wright's "Looming Tower"

Bin Ladin also used money [money from al-Qaeda fund-raising and his own money] to train operatives in camps in Afghanistan, create terrorist networks and alliances, and support the jihadists and their families. Finally, a relatively small amount of money was used to finance operations, including the approximately $400,000–500,000 spent on the September 11 attacks themselves.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

I have watched The Real News Network's interviews of Senator Bob Graham. I did not find him convincing. I don't agree with Paul Jay's suspicions about the Bush Administration "that there was a deliberate attempt not to know" either.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture

was the right thing to do. Everyone with any power or influence fell in line with the government narrative that Japanese-Americans posed a mortal danger.

It was a time of crisis and hysteria. People did the convenient thing. It took decades before anyone in authority was willing to admit the government’s case had been based on lies.

After the “new Pearl Harbor” on 9/11, it was no different — no one who wanted to keep their position was going to stick their neck out challenging the official narrative.

“The AFAWNHPE (American Federation of Authorities Who Never Have to Provide Evidence) endorses the official story, so, no, I don’t have to provide any links, case closed.”

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lotlizard's picture

It actually might be rather nice inside this basket, if it’s anything like the Water Rat’s #BasketOfComestibles in The Wind in the Willows, . . .

“What's inside it?” asked the Mole, wriggling with curiosity.

“There's cold chicken inside it,” replied the Rat briefly; “coldtonguecoldhamcoldbeefpickledgherkinssaladfrenchrollscresssandwichespottedmeatgingerbeerlemonadesodawater——”

“O stop, stop,” cried the Mole in ecstacies: “This is too much!”

“Do you really think so?” enquired the Rat seriously. “It's only what I always take on these little excursions; and the other animals are always telling me that I'm a mean beast and cut it very fine!”

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"I hope this doesn't mean the end of freedom in America".

So much for hope.

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lotlizard's picture

Consider this 1993 article about Osama bin Laden in The Independent, in light of what we would be told only a few years later.

Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace
The Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now uses them for large-scale building projects in Sudan. Robert Fisk met him in Almatig

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It's too bad Henry Kissenger didn't get to chair the investigation. He would have asked how office fires led to molten steel and underground fires that couldn't be put out. He would have investigated the airline stock trades in the preceding week. He would have remembered his high school physics class that covered gravity, acceleration, and resistive forces. He would have insisted Bush and Cheney spoke separately under oath openly to the public. He would have admired the skill of a Cessna-trained pilot able to execute a 270 degree circling descending glide path to find the pentagon auditor's office with a tiny hole and no debris. etc. etc. It's too bad Henry Kissenger wasn't allowed to clear up these and a couple two three other unanswered questions early on. Now it is so confusing and there is so much noise and it is so long ago and Our government would not could not do it because truth is not lost in the fog of Tonkein USA USA and we must look forward to north woods not back to the time when online surveillance will find all those paranoid Russky commies trying to feed the hungry not with a bang but a whimper.
btw, I see the Kaepernick disease is spreading to high school...

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MarilynW's picture

My latest is the book "The Terror Years: From al-Qaeda to the Islamic State" by Lawrence Wright

The truth is, they knew, the CIA knew there were terrorists in the USA years in advance of 9/11 and they refused to share their intelligence with the FBI.

My thoughts after profound sorrow was that the retaliation for this will be enormous. And it was, still is.

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To thine own self be true.

riverlover's picture

again and again. It still pains me partly because of the immediate roll-out of fear, fear, fear, encouraged by the government and the press. everything happened in fast mode. And yes, it makes no human sense that someone willingly killed thousands of people live, on TV, to do a US version of Shock and Awe. They got it. So did we.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Qt6a-vaNM width:640 height:480]

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lotlizard's picture

National Security Alert: The Pentagon Attack (2009)

Aside from the collapse of WTC Building 7, a major achilles heel in the official 9/11 version of events is the tale of a passenger airliner hitting the Pentagon. The following independent investigative documentary may offer some key insight into this incident, and — depending on whether you believe its findings are credible — may even prove beyond a doubt that no Boeing passenger airliner struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. To date, it remains one of the most compelling presentations illustrating what happened, or more precisely, what did not happen on 9/11. Watch:

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