Monday Morning Open Thread
Monday Morning Open Thread, 10-05-2015
When this posts I will be camping on an island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. I will worry, but not too much, about how this is being received. Once I wake up and get up and have coffee and let the cats out, that is. I could assign topics, like "Aleister Crowley and Anton La Vey - compare and contrast" or "You are the eyes of the world - discuss among yourselves", but that would defeat the purpose of an open thread. I might even get to check in via 'phone, but that remains to be seen.
Today, it is also World Teachers Day and Neil De Grasse Tyson's birthday.
On this day in 1966 there was a partial core meltdown at the Enrico Fermi demonstration nuclear breeder reactor. Just another manic Monday, I guess. Nothing to get worked up about, that's for sure.
A haiku about getting out of bed and going to work on Monday morning, for those of you who do:
no no no no no
no no no no no no no
no no no no no
Escobar from 10/02/2015 - nice short read:
A Syria/Berliner ensemble: Escobar | Asia Times
Mississippi John Hurt
Little Milton
Ah well, another cycle begins, and you can't fight it or hold it back

Morning folks...
Sorry about who ever made the first comment in this OT. I logged in this morning and noticed that el had duplicate OTs so I decided to delete one of them. One had a comment and the other didn't, I had to guess which one was the one without the comment and it looks like I guessed wrong. Gulfgal and dancingrabbit were the only two logged in in so it was a comment by either of the two. Sorry 'bout that.
That was me
I wondered what happened to my comment.
I will try to replicate it now. The rain has stopped here and we even are seeing the sun for the first time in over ten days. The ground is soaked and we cannot walk in our back yard due to the muck.
When I got up, I went to check on the weather for South Carolina which has been getting pounded by massive amounts of rain from a stalled system.Based upon the radar at, the system is still hanging over South Carolina and parts of the North Carolina coast. I have been particularly disturbed by some of the comment I have read over at dkos concerning the disaster that is happening in South Carolina. The partisans at Team Blue seem to think that the folks being devastated by this storm deserve it because the majority votes the wrong way. I am going to be very emphatic about it. Wishing misery upon people due to a natural event is not liberal at all. It is petty and disgusting!
Meanwhile, I am battling computer problems due to my having spilled a small amount of tea on my laptop keyboard.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Friend in Dresden killed her MacBook Air w/ coffee < 1 month ago
Sending positive vibes your way and hoping the patient makes a full recovery.
In the meantime, here's Jonathan Coulton with a love song to a laptop.
When my older Mac book had problems
It was sent to Apple and they put in new parts, motherboard and other things and charged me $400.
I thought that was a good deal.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That seems to happen if you edit a post
After it has posted or even after it has been scheduled. I'll have to see if I can chase the old one down and kill it next time. On my tablet in the delta, so I'll probably start the dishes and then wander off in search of birds. Good morning to ya.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good Morning, Monday Morning Blues to me
is everyday morning blues.
Lately I wake up with a strange feeling in my stomach. It't hard to not to go to work and having time to think what you should do. Especially if you don't know how to do what you think you should do. Hmm.
I realize, if I had still a labtop or may had one of those expensive phones (with high costs for high data packages) that let you read the intertubes and your email, I would stay in bed and read all that stuff that doesn't change anything.
For the time being I can witness my own "withdrawal" symptoms. I am to decide if I get rid completely of all TeeVee. I may still watch a couple of minutes France24 or some other public stations. Is it worth it to pay for it, if I could organize myself to watch it online?
All I know that I am definitely not the type, who could work from home in any fashion through the intertubes online. I want something else. I hope I cut away from all of it. I really would like to work on a project that doesn't involve a computer or at least is not based on working online with the computer. Am I strange?
Holla, all have a good day.
PS I wanted to ask JtC how one can get the news feeds he had linked here in the first week or so and then decided to take it off, because it's too much for the server to function smoothly. I am planning to revamp my computer and organize myself differently. But I guess I procrastinate on that week after week, because it's not that easy to do and I am server illiterate.
re: TV
We basically got rid of ours over five years ago. We got rid of satellite and there are no local stations, so we do not watch network tv at all. We kept our tv set and use it to watch movies that we check out from the library.
When we decided to get rid of it, it took me about three weeks to withdraw, mainly because I miss watching sports. It took my husband a little longer because he watched a lot of network programs in the evening, but neither of us regrets cutting the cable. Our house is a lot quieter and far more peaceful without the constant noise from the tv in the background.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
hi mimi, you can get the feeds...
by subscribing to the various news outlets rss feeds. some folks may feel that their twitter feed makes the rss feed redundant.
oh, thanks ... seems so easy ... I am so out of everything ...
..that has to change too.
Asia agrees to TPP
We are screwed
See haiku above regarding this news
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good mid-morning! You take the cats camping with you?
Beautiful photo.
I started the day trying to figure out what happened in the Blue Jays first inning against the Tampa Bay Rays, yesterday. I had missed it as I tuned in to the top of the 2nd. The score was 0 - 9 for the Tampa Bay Rays. I thought it was my eyesight at first. 9 runs in one inning? Well, this morning there were two articles in the Globe & Mail (Canada's national paper) about that inning. To sum it up, the Jays had a veteran pitcher Mark Buehrle whose arm gave out as he started to pitch. Then there were two errors in the infield that led to 9 points for the Rays, only 2 of them were "earned." But the veteran pitcher got a standing O from both teams and all the fans as he slowly left the mound. It explains why the Jays didn't seem to care that much about losing the game big time. 12 - 4 and many fans left the stadium early. It seems everyone loves this guy. Lots of metaphors here, about aging, about knowing when to quit, about doing your best to the very end, about how love conquers all.
Good luck Mark Buehrle!
To thine own self be true.
Yeah, they love camping and even have some
favorite locales, or so it seems. We bought a small travel trailer specifically so they could come along, or that's what we say.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Air France workers let executives know how they feel
Meanwhile, in the Land of the Free… need I finish?
As for any unrest inspired by social movements like #OWS or even #IWW, rest assured that in our country the DHS and your local anti-#BLM militarized police will be there to nip it in the bud.
Turkish and Russian jets standoff