The B.O.E. for Pres. Trump

Just speaking my mind...

Donald Trump never apologized to President Barack Obama over all that "birther" nonsense. Not ONE public apology.

I have been listening to Trump's bloated, self-important ravings since the 70s. He has always struck me as a spoiled rich kid (he is) with a limitless appetite for sucking down attention the way a black hole sucks down matter and light. In my opinion, he's a misogynist, a closet racist (or should I say a pretend not-racist?), and certainly a classist. He is the kind of bully that uses words just carefully enough to be able to make crude denials. And there is a point where an ego gets humongous AND fragile enough, that it shades into pathological, and Donald's got one of those. I think he really would be our worst President ever. -Even if the allegations of brutally raping underage girls are proven false.

OTOH, I'm from Michigan, and I'm just old enough to have watched my home state go from prosperity to poverty, from the best of the First World, to a patchwork of the Third, and largely due to NAFTA. We had a growing black middle class, and now we have a growing black prison population. Nearly all of it from Mr. Clinton's policies, which Ms. Clinton helped push. They and their friends helped wreck my state. Now Ms. Clinton wants me to vote for her, so she can - what? -Finish it off? -Or just spread the economic disease to the rest of the Nation? Not happening, not even with a gun to my head. I think SHE would be our worst President ever. -Even if the allegations of recklessly endangering national security, and US intelligence personnel, are proven false.

The Dems appear to have successfully blindsided, cheated, and denigrated Bernie, over and over, and he has finally thrown in the towel. The vast majority of super-delegates obviously DIDN'T really care about stopping Trump, since they didn't switch their votes to the candidate most likely to defeat said windbag. SO, we would appear to be stuck with the major-media-preferred matchup of Trump vs. Clinton.

After long, nauseating contemplation between those choices, I have come to the conclusion that Clinton may actually be the better choice, ONLY OF THOSE TWO, insofar as she will PROBABLY stick to conventional arms when she starts MORE needless wars on the far side of the planet, as opposed to nuking Canada and Mexico until nuclear winter ensues, and kills all life on earth.

If you have a reason why the leader of the "birther movement" wouldn't do that, especially if it was over an issue challenging his ego, please detail your reasoning in comments, and include your latest psychiatric evaluation.

I just think that we are stuck with Trump, because the major media networks will apparently forgive him any trespass, spin away his stupid, pan away from his most miserable blunders, and cover up every slimy, evil thing he has ever said or done in the past. And because most people still think it's news, and not entertainment. Meanwhile, said media have demonstrated a propensity towards Clinton-bashing that just won't quit. Not that I think they don't deserve it...

IMHO, "pulling the lever" for either one of the two probably-criminal heir-apparents would likely require a lobotomy soon after, so one could live a hollow semblance of a normal life. Without the constant screaming, and bashing one's head against a wall. So of course I had planned to write Bernie in, even if somebody must use white-out, or some "voting"-system daemon running in the background, to correct my "mistake".

Looking at this strategically, the Dems have screwed the pooch. With an absolutely brilliant combination of hamfisted election fraud, AND snot-nosed arrogance, they have driven away much of their traditional support (us), and now will try to scare us into supporting their candidate by painting Trump as worse than he really is. If that is even possible. And while he may be the worst CANDIDATE, what the Dems have not figured out is that they have become the worst PARTY. Yes, Donald is a dick, but as an entity, the Great Donkeys have finally succeeded in out-dicking him.

I may vote for Dr. Stein, even though I actually would have preferred Bernie. -Just for the satisfaction of getting into a screaming argument with some Dem that will tell me I'm voting for Trump, by so doing. -Just so I can tell anyone within earshot that I'm done voting for criminals, including the ones doing all that voter fraud. Jill Stein, because I was a Bernie supporter, so I must be a sexist. Jill Stein, the woman without any CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS PENDING. Realistically, she hasn't a chance, EVEN THOUGH SHE IS THE BEST REMAINING CANDIDATE, because the major media will black her out even harder than that other Democrat that was running; what was his name again?

So. President Trump. Better to just get on to the acceptance part of this little slice o' Hell. The tumor of ignorance, media-driven controversy, and scape-goating hatred has finally metastasized, and spread.

President Trump.

If I had a scrap of religion left in me, this would be the part where I say: God help us all.

Curiously, this confirms me in my atheism, since if there really were a wise, compassionate, just God running things, there would already have been twin lightning bolts descending from Heaven, into the major Parties' Conventions, and a blinding bright message in the sky saying "Election 2016 -- DO OVER!" But there wasn't. So...

President Trump. It makes my entire brain slump just to type the fucking words.

Quick experiment here.

President H.R. Clinton. Nope. Same result.

So. Trump.

And frankly, there is this part of me that can't really abandon my semi-Christian upbringing, and still wants to help the man. And most of the folks I have interacted with here at C99P strike me as basically kind and thoughtful. So I'd like to ask for your help in creating a meme, a movement, call it what you will.

I call it the Barack Obama Experience, or B.O.E. And I want it for Donald. I want to see Donald grow, mature, and evolve as a human being, don't you? Don't you want to see him challenged and improved by character-building events? I think we all want that. Or at least, doesn't he deserve more grey hair and wrinkles? And that's why we need to help Donald find out what it's like to be the First Black President of America.

There are two basic points to be enacted. Notice how much simpler this is than all those fancy "Progressive" three-point plans.

First, we work our asses off to get down-ticket socialists or socialist-sympathizers or even liberals elected. Or even Democrats. Or just anybody up to and including born-again far-right nutbars, as long as they promise that they will fight every single thing that Trump is for, every day, all day, regardless of their personal convictions. And if Trump does a complete 180 on any issue, they have to promise to oppose THAT, too. Ideally, we should be aiming for a Congress composed of 95% women and minorities, but we may have to settle.

Our yardstick of a suitable candidate must be whether they will behave like attack dogs trained to go berserk at the sight of blond-dyed hair. The kind of dogs that lunge snarling at the end of their chain so hard that it sounds like a plucked guitar string. If somebody asks "What about Donald Trump?", and any given candidate for Congress suddenly has the veins standing out on their face like ground-roots, and fills the air with spittle-flecked invective against The Donald, if said candidate seems to be near choking, trying to get all the insults out at once, they should have our vote. We need people in Congress that will reflexively and even mindlessly fight The Donald on every issue, even if he calls for World Peace and Free Beer. That's the easy part of enacting the Barack Obama Experience.

The second part of the plan is alerting every American citizen to the FACT that Donald Trump is not one of them! I think I have at least four years of rabid truth-seeking in me, how about you? I'll be working on the official pledge, and post it, but it's going to be hard, with all the foreign-controlled media on his side. And I'll be reasonable. If he can show proof that he was born here, and not in Jamaica, I'm sure the American People would all breath easier. If he can offer something better than the ludicrous forgery released to the press, years ago, claiming that Jamaica, a FOREIGN NATION, resides in New York State somewhere, well SURE, I'll accept it. If he can show us any proof that can't be dismissed with the most convoluted, paranoid, irrational theories, then I will happily offer to never publicly apologize, ever.

Are you with me? Can we duplicate the entire Barack Obama Experience for an entirely-too-likely President The Donald? -Or as I prefer to think of him, President Pumpkin? -All the blind-siding, unwarranted attacks, all the snide comments, all the snark, all the not-so-subtle prejudice, all the failure to respect him, or the office he holds? Can we support economic brinksmanship to oppose even his most uncontroversial proposals? Can we block every single appointment he tries to make? Can we sue him for waking up in the morning? Can we oppose and ridicule him without any concern for reality, for four long years? Can we do that? I think we can.

Oh, and by the way, he's a Hindu cultist. -And not one of those wholesome, hard-working, mainstream Hindus like you may live and work with. No, he's a member of one of those cults that was driven underground by all right-thinking Hindus, centuries ago. The kind of cult that would even pretend to be Christians to hide whatever nefarious business they were up to. The orange face-paint. Dead give-away.

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mimi's picture

United States into a psychiatric ward?

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mimi's picture

constitution, prescribe its usage to their patient and see, if the medication they prescribed worked to heal their patient. I remember in the good 'ol times this treatment helped the good Germans when they were too sick to heal themselves.

I am checking myself into a psychiatric ward now. It seems to be a contagious disease. Talking to myself ... heh, how crazy is that?

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Dr. Jill Stein for President.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

lunachickie's picture

started the birther nonsense in 2008?

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TheOtherMaven's picture

while Team Shill "merely" started a whispering campaign.

They both suck.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

is unlikely to result in a President Trump. Barring some major scandal or terrorist attack, I'd say Clinton has this election in the bag. I don't see how Trump can possibly overcome the many powerful institutions that are arrayed against him. So it's Clinton we'll need to be dealing with, not Trump.

Building some sort of a coalition to resist whatever neocon projects Clinton might initiate, should be the order of the day. If the Green Party can be strengthened to help with that, so much the better. It will take a lot more than just the Greens to do the job, but voting for Stein is at least a step in the right direction.

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snoopydawg's picture

Even if the allegations of brutally raping underage girls are proven false.

We DO know that Bill flew on Jeff Epstein's jet where he had a bedroom in it where he had sex with under aged girls and after he made a plea deal, he only went to prison for 13 months.
What was in that plea deal?
The co conspirators that had knowledge of these activities wouldn't be charged.
Think about that. How many times have we read about the FBI catching child porn predators and then letting the ones that are powerful off without any charges?
Bill had a duty to report the raping of those under aged girls to the authorities, yet he didn't.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Wasn't this started by Hilary: "I think he's an American?" with all her loaded implications in evidence in her tone of voice?

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Wherever you look, there are reported signs of increased hazard of MAD nuclear engagement - because the would-be global Corporate Empire of America is enacting hostile corporate take-overs variously involving Trojan Horse 'trade deals' taking control of the countries of the people of democracies and all of their resources, including 'human resources'; military attacks conducted or planned against poorer/smaller countries; and encircling countries big enough to defend themselves, and possessed of nuclear arms, with nuclear arms. There is no way those taken out in return fire will be only those responsible for this: North America and Europe, as well as targeted China and Russia, will become essentially melted highly radioactive glass while the rest of the world perishes of radioactivity and the collapse of food and oxygen production along with life on the planet under nuclear winter.

(Please note the year, this is older)

The ‘war’ word is being increasingly heard as Europe, Russia, China and the United States adopt provocative postures
May 28, 2015

Where Does Hillary Clinton Stand on China and Russia?

It's unclear how she would manage two of America's most important and complex relationships.

Steve Clemons Apr 14, 2015

In a recent Bloomberg View column on the policy positions Hillary Clinton will likely take in the 2016 presidential campaign, the veteran political chronicler Al Hunt included a head-scratcher of a passage on international affairs:

On foreign policy, she’ll take a tough line on Russia; President Vladimir Putin and the Clintons show a reciprocal animosity. She’ll call for more engagement with China and, to the consternation of labor supporters, she will back trade deals, but with some conditions.

I tend to cringe when relations are boiled down so casually with major powers like Russia, which currently boasts an arsenal of 7,500 nuclear warheads, and China, now a $10-trillion economy with attitude. Both countries are permanent members of the UN Security Council. Both are partners with the United States and other nations in nuclear negotiations with Iran. Both are rivals and competitors in other spheres. ...

Hillary's Foreign Policy Is Scarier Than Trump's

Clinton’s belligerent interventionism makes war—even nuclear war—more likely.
Ivan Eland

June 17, 2016

(Bolding mine)

Clinton and Trump: Nuclearized or Lobotomized? The Road to Nuclear War?
By Prof. James Petras
Global Research, May 18, 2016

... Mme. Clinton has remained an unrepentant enemy to the emerging independent Latin American governments. In search of vassal states, Clinton promoted successful military coups in Honduras and Paraguay, but was defeated in Venezuela. She proudly touts the death squad regime in Honduras among her foreign policy successes.

Mme. Hillary backed the death squad and narco-regimes in Colombia and Mexico, which killed over a hundred thousand civilians.

On the path to global war, Mme. Militarist has prepared to encircle Russia, stationing nuclear weapons in the Balkans and Poland. She promised that missiles would be placed in south central Europe and Ukraine.

Clinton raised the nuclear ante by hysterically claiming that the elected Russian President Vladimir Putin was ‘worse than ISIS’… ‘worse’ than Hitler.

Repeatedly threatening global war and actually making aggressive regional war should clearly have marked Mme. Hillary Clinton as unfit for the Presidency of the United States. She is politically, intellectually and emotionally unable to deal realistically with an independent Russia and any other independent power, including China and Iran. Her monomania is a course of violent ‘regime changes’, unable to evaluate any of the catastrophes her policymaking has in fact already produced.

Hillary Clinton was the proud author and director of the so-called US ‘pivot to Asia’. Clinton’s ‘pivot’ has led to a massive buildup of the US air and naval forces surrounding China’s maritime routes to its global markets and access to essential raw materials.

Clinton’s hyper-militarism expanded US war zones to cover Australia, Japan and the Philippines, greatly heightening tensions and increasing the possibility of a military provocation leading to nuclear war with China.

No US presidential contender, past or present, has engaged in more offensive wars, in a shorter time, uttering greater nuclear threats than Mme. Hillary Clinton. That she has not yet set off the nuclear holocaust is probably a result of the Administrative constraints imposed on the Mme. Secretary of State by the less blood-thirsty President Obama. These limitations will end if and when Mme. Hillary Clinton is ‘elected’ President of the United States in a process that the electorate increasingly knows is ‘rigged’ toward that outcome. ...

Obviously, countries/people will act to defend themselves - and if they are to be attacked with nuclear weapons, of course they will respond in kind and at the least not allow their attacker to treat them as a sitting duck and get away scot-free to do this to others, one at a time.

Neither Hillary nor Trump should be anywhere near public office! Too many years of crazed Republicans have inured Americans to lunacy in elected officials cheated into office. This has to stop now - or never.

Don't let the rigged primary which Bernie won be left as a 'done deal' as has become standard, always to be 'fixed next time' by the people using it to cheat their way into power.

Foreign governments will trust Bernie to keep his word and deal honestly with them - and with this going on, probably no other American running for the Presidency. Definitely not the pathological Hillary or Trump.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.