The Meth Pipe Of His Mind

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Just when you think the rampaging brain syphilis of Mad King Kleaglewig cannot get any worse, he chunders forth some brain-gone madness unseen outside or even inside the most high-security asylum on the planet. As tonight in his twitlers he all-caps declares pardons issued by Joe-must-go null and void. The meth pipe of his mind has informed him Joe-must-go didn’t actually sign the pardons, didn’t even know anything about them, and therefore they don’t count. He cites to no authority for this, but as he is a fascist dictator, he doesn’t have to—the only law, is Kleagle law. He listens but to the voices from the KFC bucket, and the murmurings of his micromember. Which urge him on—“Do it! Do it!” And then, he does it.

And, as has been seen over the past two months, there are shit-tons of good germans v2.0 out there ready willing eager able to “follow every order, however ridiculous.”

Today, the French asked for the Statue Of Liberty back. Tomorrow, together with 132 nations as co-signers, they will propose at the UN the US be redesignated Nutball Nation. This resolution is expected to pass unanimously.

Except. For the Kleagle's veto. As, he, vetoes, all and every, even remotely ranging, within, the sane, and the decent.

Kleagle. Delanda est. United States. Delanda est. And. For all time.

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I have two questions for you:

What do you want to happen to the guy I call The Orange Fart Cloud in response to his fascistic activity as POTUS?

How's your effort working out for you?

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.