They admit culpability. The system was rigged.
Good ole senate minority leader Harry Reid admits that they all knew the primaries were rigged in the favor of the queen.
What took him so long to tell the truth he says they knew? Seeing how the word is being floated so easily amongst those who fear the truth....
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she’s always been good to me. I like her just fine,” Reid said. “I know she’s tried hard, but as some people probably know, I thought Bernie deserved somebody that was not critical to[ward] him. I knew ― everybody knew ― that this was not a fair deal. So I’m sorry she had to resign, but it was the right thing to do. She just should’ve done it sooner.”
I rarely post anything from huffingtoncompost, but this one is getting legs on other sites as well.

NOW they admit it, when it's far too late
So will they admit it when the waters rise and the crops die and the trees burn and they're gasping for oxygen that is no longer there. And it will be far too late then too.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The same harry reid
who manipulated Nevada primary/
that harry reid...
tho, nothing as bad to me as when Robert McNamara "apologized" for war in Viet Nam. Tho possibly the Clintons will match that level of hubris, if they haven't already. Top Secret government documents, too dangerous to national security to be released so members of Congress can read them? Close, maybe, cuz we don' tknow yet who really DID read them... Putin, can you hear us?
I can't even to get some of my neighbors to admit it. And many of them have had to replace their water wells in the last couple of years. I find it highly unlikely most of them give a shit. More than one has told me they're going to die before it gets too bad even if it's true.
Am I sick to hope they go away sooner?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The movie “Interstellar” — without the convenient wormhole … n/t
Obama's turned into Oprah.
And YOU get a Pardon... And YOU get a Pardon... And YOU get A Pardon... EVERYBODY GETS A PARDON!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Actually, Oprah famously
Actually, Oprah famously stood up to industry for people's right to safe food and to having information about their food.
Has President Obama?
When Mad Cow Disease was being covered up and people placed at risk so that cattle could be more cheaply, if unnaturally, fed on whatever other dead animals would otherwise be simply a profit loss:
She won. But this was an industry effort at enforcing a new law against defaming agricultural products, rather like the law against people documenting cruelty to animals in factory farms. And a demonstration of how some people/companies will sue others in the hope of recovering losses which would anyway have occurred.
The TPP and other 'trade bills' Obama and Hillary are pushing turn common law and common-sense on their heads in this manner by unconstitutionally transferring the power of law from the people of involved countries to corporations and billionaires so that non-billionaire people and countries exist only for maximizing their anticipated future profits, which they are to be obliged to produce in any manner, including through law-suits in an off-shored corporate/billionaire-only law court where the public interest has no standing, which may be for hundreds of millions or hundreds of billions of dollars per case in which some protective law is thought to potentially produce reductions in profit, as with limits on industrial pollution or safety regulations for food, products or work-places.
It doesn't matter how many human resources sicken and die, or are maimed and die, because there is a surplus of those.
Voting against corporate candidates and billionaires likely to profit from this would enable a much better chance of survival, not to mention democracy.
Edited because: I am The Typo Queen, plus missed a couple of little bitty words during sentence reconstruction.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yep, unconstitutional and TREASON
when the corporations have more say in what they can do in this country than our governmental agencies.
I just read Obama's speech from last night where he passed the torch to Hillary. He goes on and on and on about how she is the one to continue his legacy.
Legacy? What legacy? Tell me what he has done to help the people in this country from falling further behind. Income inequality has gotten worse on his watch, many more people are relying on government programs than any time since they first rolled out.
Here is a tidbit of speech. Read it carefully.
"Change is never easy and never quick. Of course it isn't if you aren't working on it. Dear Mr. President, the people gave you 8 fucking years to fix this country's problems and you pissed them away.
The auto industry workers made huge concessions when you saved the auto industry, but the owners came out on top, right?
Your health care reform is a POS because you gave the insurance and drug companies everything they wanted and now some people are paying more for their insurance premiums then they are for their mortgages and STILL can't afford to see a doctor because their deductibles are too fucking high.
I noticed in your list of accomplishmet there isn't much about what you did for the middle class in this country, nor did you mentioned that you continued to piss away money on the failed war of terror that has seen the number of terrorists being higher now that when you entered office. Could that be because your administration is creating and funding them? I think so. And isn't it nice that our troops spent years in Iraq fighting against the AQ group that you are now funding in Syria to help you overthrow Assad? I think if I had seen my friends killed or injured by them or had a family member killed by them, I would be rather pissed that they are now fighting alongside our troops. But that is what is so great about our media. If people didn't read alternative websites, they will never know what you are doing.
Hey, how is that build up to war with Russia coming?
Face it, you accomplished exactly what you were seElected to do when you came out of nowhere and became president.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So it's like this huh?
I saw it happening. I thought hey, that's not cool. Everybody thought the same thing. That's not cool.
Well I have a message for Harry Reid. If you witness corruption in government and YOU don't do anything about it. YOU are not fit to govern!
The people, united, will never be defeated.
He saw the corruption
... because he was elbow deep in arranging it. Bye Harry. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I say don't forget what Bernie and the rest of us
have been thru this primary season. The next election when ANY of these Hillary Dems come up for re-election, make sure you speak what happened here loud and true... and have the proof in Harry's words as well as emails, etc., in case anyone "forgets." Make their elections all about Corruption with a capital "C". I don't care where they stand on any other issues. If they're willing to be party to thwarting our most basic American duty, then they have no business being anywhere close to a government office!
So the whole primary was all just a big fundraising scam.
Thanks Harry. Got it.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And that right their sums up why it's time for US to resign....
From the Democratic Party.
They think they can cheat progressives out of an election and then we will still line up behind them because after they got caught they said, "So sorry, my bad."?
They can eat a bag....
I don't support those that fuck me over.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
You got that right!!!
Ok, this is so weird.
Last evening we had family over for our son's birthday party. My 76 y.o. MIL comes into the kitchen and asks if I've seen the convention coverage. I say not much, because it's all a sham. Did I hear Bill speak? Hillary? No, I reply, I wouldn't waste my time. Bernie? Yes, some of it. In regards to Bill: Yes, he is an excellent speaker, I say. His delivery is excellent, but what he says is awful. (Weak point, I know!) Oh, you should like her VP pick though! No, I don't. He's for the TPP and worse yet, he's a union-busting corporatist who is in favor of "right to work" policies. ***Note, her son, my husband, was lucky enough to be hired into a company in early June that offers full benefits. We haven't had benefits of our own through employers for 7 years! He's a member of a union for the first time in his working life. He's been working out of town since then and will be leaving for Minneapolis on Sunday for 2+ weeks. This hasn't been exactly easy on me.
So I'm not saying my MIL is stupid, because she's not. But she used to be a reporter for our local paper, a fairly large paper, so she's all about language, how to use it, and more importantly, how to dig for details to the story! I would think she'd be more informed, but she's got cable so I guess she's getting propaganda'd.
Oh, but she's an independent she states. I say I wouldn't support a Dem if they cheat and lie (quickly summarizing HRC's past) and why would I???
She declares: well, I'm not going to talk to you about this anymore! Ok, I say, I didn't bring it up-you did!
I got a high five from my husband.
Co-workers, family, etc., just gotta love 'em still...or tolerate them as is my case.
Alphalop, I wish I had the courage to tell her I don't support people who fuck me over. But that would've spoiled the party possibly and got me in hot water with my husband. But that seems to be my one thought this morning!!!
Thanks for letting me vent!
Edited: forgot to remove "eom" in subject. Forgot to add I told her I would not be voting Dem this election or anytime in the near future.
So, you screw Bernie and his supporters...
And you expect us to vote for your candidate?
Where is the logic in that? Talk about Hubris.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
So thats the Credo
among pols, Let the best cheater win, that explains why they let Bush steal the election and did nothing except blame Nader.
So true. Democrats could have blamed the Supreme Court, right?
But that would have raised unpleasant questions about why Democrats voted to confirm corrupt, venal justices. Not only that, but also going out of their way to help them, like when Joe Biden helped Clarence Thomas defame Anita Hill.