No clue how accurate it is, but people are saying that HRC is going to show up at the end of Bernie's speech, just like Obama did at the end of hers in 2008. If that happens, all hell will break loose. I predict that there will be massive boos and walkouts. This is a very different situation from 2008, where the legitimacy of the candidate is in question and the delegates haven't even cast their votes yet. It would be a completely tone deaf move to make, which is why I wouldn't put it past her.
I think I will rest my eyes (ears, for sure). See ya later!
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
While it would be unfair to directly connect Secretary Hillary Clinton to her husband’s deplorable record on immigration, it is fair to say she cannot link herself to her husband’s popularity and presidency, while being free of criticism of his record on immigration and the border. This is especially true when Clinton, as first lady, worked against progressive immigration policies and in support of damaging ones.
In anticipation of this massive exodus of farming communities, the Clinton administration implemented the deadliest immigration policy in American history. “Operation Gatekeeper” dramatically increased border enforcement along the Texas and California borders, driving immigrants toward the dangerous Arizona desert. Sold as a “deterrent” to border crossings, these “border security” measures not only ignored the humanitarian crises in Mexico and Central America, but created the deadly policy of sealing off the traditional border crossing points and pushing people to dangerous terrain, resulting in over 6,000 deaths, and many more thousands missing.
President Clinton’s 1996 IIRIR law set the stage for the criminalization of immigrants, the indefinite detention of immigrants, the growth of private prisons, the concept of self-deportation and the use of “secret evidence.” IIRIR also created of the notorious section 287(g) that funds the racist local law enforcement and detention made popular among immigrant bashers by Sheriff Joe Arpiao and intellectual allies like Kris Kobach.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
but their votes least for a few months every four years.
0 users have voted.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
it is for people trying to crossing the border into this country.
There are groups that leaves caches of water so people don't die from dehydration and the video shows how border patrol agents destroy them.
The video is 48 minutes long but well worth watching.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I was just telling my sister up in Canada about how many die in the desert every year as they are pushed to cross farther & farther east to escape the upgraded technology meant to stop them. Now the technology is no longer needed as the desert takes its own toll of "crossers" & those who do try are helped along by humanitarians that provide water & food caches for them through the treacherous & deadly paths they follow. Then I told her about the murderous fucks who search out & destroy the lifeblood reserves of food & especially water, not only to thwart the "crossers", but to murder them since after all, they are just dispensable "brown people".
There is a place in hell for those people, & I do hope they get there soon, since eternity starts the moment they arrive.
I shall send my sister the provided link.
Thank you.
a Hillary groupie from way back. Didn't run for office until she got permission from the Clintons. Now she gets a convention spot as a reward for loyalty.
I campaigned for her run as a U.S. Representative. Gun-loving Blue Dog turned librul from Rensselaer County, NY, who was literally appointed the junior senator from New York by one of our many scandal-ridden, one-term governors when Hill left the senate to run for prez. She's an ass-kisser who worked for white shoe Manhattan law firm. Had similar career trajectory to Clinton's, without the constant scandals.
Multiple diaries about Bernie's supporters of course l
One person wrote about how terrified she is if Trump wins and of course, it's an echo chamber in the comments.
Many are saying that if Trump wins it will be Bernie's and his supporters fault.
I'm sure that picking one of the most corrupt, mistrusted and hated candidate wouldn't have anything to do with the results, right?
People had the chance to elect the opposite of Hillary and that includes the DNC and most of the Democratic Party.
Instead, they threw that chance away .
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
...that if they don't want Trump to win then they had better make damn sure that Clinton gets more votes than Trump. it isn't up to us, it up to them. if they are in the blame game then they would have to blame every independent voter that doesn't vote for Clinton, not just disgruntled progressives, so that doesn't fly with me.
Don't forget the "white privilege" canard. All the while failing to realize that Hillary is also white and privileged.
0 users have voted.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
There is no life and conviction in most of these speeches. None of them sound credible.
Check that, Al Franken's speech right now has a little life.
I'm wondering though who this person people are talking about who is dedicated to helping "other people" who aren't billionaires. Hillary Clinton isn't it.
with her explanation that to incorporate Bernie's platform before the convention was the best thing ever could happen to the people. Apparently not all agreed with her.
I mean the first time an angry reaction apparently on the floor with Bernie supporters making noise.
What is happening now? Paul Simon singing? To distract? I don't get it. No, that's not funny. Was that planned? OMG.
"I was a Berner but now I'm voting for Hillary because I'm not like you. You're ridiculous. Why am I for Hillary? Because you must be for Trump or a Russian. You're an Q#$^%%&. That's why I'm for her. Anything you have to say about her being a hawk pales in comparison to Jill Stein and her anti-vax views and everybody knows those who like Jill Stein are ex-Bernie supporters who like Putin."
Is there something in the air, infectious agent, prion? Or just a surrender switch in the brain?
In other news, I have to get my car in$pected (NY wants my money) and further get my actual on my head hair cut today. And dog gets her ovariohysterectomy on Thursday plus her RFID. Fun times.
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
at least on my computer, while my other browsing has been normal.
About 150 logged in , but who knows how many lurkers there are? I remember that GOS used to slow down at times of great political impact, so maybe that's the case here as well?
0 users have voted.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yes, really struggling here too. I got a server problem page a couple of times. Other times, just really dragging and slow. Sorry to say it, but I have a backup tab to another site open in case we go down. (Video currently at top of page.) I want to see Bernie's speech.
Hope you're having a good evening, geez, in spite of the festivities.
I watch for a couple of minutes and then shut it off. I've been watching the crowd outside and Reading what the people are saying there. Here's a video of a woman warrior who rocks.
What is this crap that America will rise . Trump said we're in the shit can, Obama said we're not, now Booker wants us to rise. What a perfect example of the Peter Principle.
What is this crap that America will rise . Trump said we're in the shit can, Obama said we're not, now Booker wants us to rise. What a perfect example of the Peter Principle.
What he did to the school system in New Jersey alone should disqualify him from being a serious contender in a real democratic country. I just can't wrap my head around why any person with an unwashed brain considers these creepy Third Way Dems. to be any kind of lesser. Fear? If so it's delusional and misplaced.
I can't remember any European event where politicians would talk like that. Booker outdid himself.I watch this like an alien who landed on a planet and is just flabbergasted about all that noisy "speeching". Propaganda ueber alles.
Nobody seems to understand why Bernie's delegates are so pissed and why there's coordinated booing by so many people. Even Cenk and Ana don't seem to get it, although Jimmy is getting floor updates directly from delegates who are getting pissed that they're being told to shut up. I bet that the establishment will freak out when people start booing Elizabeth Warren. People have been waiting to give her a piece of their mind for a month.
It's amazing to me that they don't think that the mood of Bernie's delegates extends outside the convention, or that a majority of the people who voted for him feel the same way. They think it's just isolated to some radical fringe or something. They're all in for a rude awakening in November.
Does she really want the children of this country hear her curse the SS people? Does she really believe all the praise she's heaping on Hilary? Hard to believe. Nauseating, actually. Someone I've always looked up to.
Watching Michelle now. Losing respect for the Leaders, the visible persons in our government by the second. HOW MUCH BULLSHIT ARE THEY GOING TO FORCE FEED US. Booker, Obama... Goddamn I am disappointed in what IS NOT THE GREATEST NATION ON THE EARTH...sorry to be yelling, but my dogs are worried about me... YES!! WE ARE FUCKED
Okay team, here's today's challenge. This is the message. Sell it. SELL IT!!!! Like you've never sold anything before. Make the judges feel like even you believe the lies you are telling. Blot the past two days out of your mind and sell it.
it ends up sounding sexist. In 2016 it should not make a difference "that a woman can be president of the US." If men and women are equal, it should not make a difference.
to fall in line and vote for Hillary. It's been happening all night, and now Michelle Obama is doing it with her whole "Hillary didn't pack up and go home" stuff. Do Democrats think that they'll get votes by poking the bear in the eye? The entitlement on their part is unbelievable.
We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you.
Hillary Clinton should not be allowed
near small children. They're too young to know when an adult is lying to them.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Rumor has it that HRC is going to pull an Obama.
No clue how accurate it is, but people are saying that HRC is going to show up at the end of Bernie's speech, just like Obama did at the end of hers in 2008. If that happens, all hell will break loose. I predict that there will be massive boos and walkouts. This is a very different situation from 2008, where the legitimacy of the candidate is in question and the delegates haven't even cast their votes yet. It would be a completely tone deaf move to make, which is why I wouldn't put it past her.
when is the Clinton campaign going to get it...
...through their thick heads that 2016 is not 2008.
I am already weary of happy-together stories, just past 8
I think I will rest my eyes (ears, for sure). See ya later!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Mexican children/abuelitas were killed by Clinton's wall
during the 1990s....
In a follow-up story:
From OP-ED: On Immigration We Can’t Trust the Clintons
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The blood of brown people means nothing to the Clintons.
It means nothing to Obama.
It means nothing to the Democrats.
It means nothing to their voters.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
True, their blood doesn't...
but their votes least for a few months every four years.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
In this article there is a video about how dangerous
it is for people trying to crossing the border into this country.
There are groups that leaves caches of water so people don't die from dehydration and the video shows how border patrol agents destroy them.
The video is 48 minutes long but well worth watching.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I was just telling my sister up in Canada about how many die in the desert every year as they are pushed to cross farther & farther east to escape the upgraded technology meant to stop them. Now the technology is no longer needed as the desert takes its own toll of "crossers" & those who do try are helped along by humanitarians that provide water & food caches for them through the treacherous & deadly paths they follow. Then I told her about the murderous fucks who search out & destroy the lifeblood reserves of food & especially water, not only to thwart the "crossers", but to murder them since after all, they are just dispensable "brown people".
There is a place in hell for those people, & I do hope they get there soon, since eternity starts the moment they arrive.
I shall send my sister the provided link.
Thank you.
I`m already against the next war
this Gillibrand lady sounds like Dodie Stevens
of "Tan Shoes and Pink Shoe Laces" fame.
"I got a boy and his name is Dooley
He's my boy and I love him truly
He's not good looking, heaven knows
But I'm wild about his crazy clothes"
these people are really awful. Absolutely unbelievable.
She is
a Hillary groupie from way back. Didn't run for office until she got permission from the Clintons. Now she gets a convention spot as a reward for loyalty.
Mary Bennett
Gillibrand, the Blue Dog
I campaigned for her run as a U.S. Representative. Gun-loving Blue Dog turned librul from Rensselaer County, NY, who was literally appointed the junior senator from New York by one of our many scandal-ridden, one-term governors when Hill left the senate to run for prez. She's an ass-kisser who worked for white shoe Manhattan law firm. Had similar career trajectory to Clinton's, without the constant scandals.
I looked at what is happening on LOF
Multiple diaries about Bernie's supporters of course l
One person wrote about how terrified she is if Trump wins and of course, it's an echo chamber in the comments.
Many are saying that if Trump wins it will be Bernie's and his supporters fault.
I'm sure that picking one of the most corrupt, mistrusted and hated candidate wouldn't have anything to do with the results, right?
People had the chance to elect the opposite of Hillary and that includes the DNC and most of the Democratic Party.
Instead, they threw that chance away .
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
8 years
They had eight freaking years to find a presentable, reasonable non corrupt person to succeed Obama. And its' our fault if Mme. Hill can't win?
What LOF stand for?
Mary Bennett
8 years
They had eight freaking years to find a presentable, reasonable non corrupt person to succeed Obama. And its' our fault if Mme. Hill can't win?
What LOF stand for?
Mary Bennett
LOF is little orange footballs.
Insiders joke.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i've been telling those people AND my partner...
...that if they don't want Trump to win then they had better make damn sure that Clinton gets more votes than Trump. it isn't up to us, it up to them. if they are in the blame game then they would have to blame every independent voter that doesn't vote for Clinton, not just disgruntled progressives, so that doesn't fly with me.
Don't forget the "white
Don't forget the "white privilege" canard. All the while failing to realize that Hillary is also white and privileged.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Ok, Al Franken plays the comedian of the kabuki show
at least something to be somewhat thankful for, a couple of minutes at least, though he is a clown who makes you cry, if you listen to him.
At least
Fraken used to be funny.
Now he's a joke.
Another one of those more and better democrats.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
These speeches sound almost like hostage videos.
There is no life and conviction in most of these speeches. None of them sound credible.
Check that, Al Franken's speech right now has a little life.
I'm wondering though who this person people are talking about who is dedicated to helping "other people" who aren't billionaires. Hillary Clinton isn't it.
Is Al Franken drunk?
If I had to play
along with all this bullshit, I'd be drunk off my ass whether I was With Her or not.
very funny
no, skilled clowns are always very sober /nt
I'm not funny when
I'm sober, either. But to be fair, I've written some fair-paying words in my day while having indulged in some kush
I don't find Al Franken skilled, though, if you were referring to him. I didn't get him in his SNL days either...
The sativa works wonders for me.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
OMG Hillary is raffling herself off for "likes"
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I was very uncomfortable
with staging Anastasia Somoza to contrast Trump's despicable reaction to the disabled.
Sarah Silverman
What a disappointment! I don't know what to say. Is nobody capable of standing by their convictions? Jeebus!!!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Sorry, double post
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Sarah just got ridiculous!!!!
Then Franken just got ridiculouser. Bridge over troubled waters? Really?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Troubled waters
Kinda an apt metaphor, doncha think? Also, the bridge is collapsing.
Sarah Silverman thought she did something smart
with her explanation that to incorporate Bernie's platform before the convention was the best thing ever could happen to the people. Apparently not all agreed with her.
I mean the first time an angry reaction apparently on the floor with Bernie supporters making noise.
What is happening now? Paul Simon singing? To distract? I don't get it. No, that's not funny. Was that planned? OMG.
Despite both of them being very successful
comedians they did a pretty shitty job and handling hecklers.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
these converts never address substantively
"I was a Berner but now I'm voting for Hillary because I'm not like you. You're ridiculous. Why am I for Hillary? Because you must be for Trump or a Russian. You're an Q#$^%%&. That's why I'm for her. Anything you have to say about her being a hawk pales in comparison to Jill Stein and her anti-vax views and everybody knows those who like Jill Stein are ex-Bernie supporters who like Putin."
Sounds like one of those
conversion diaries that kept popping up at TOP.
Talk about ridiculous. The only ones who belived they were real, were already converted.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
They were assimilated.
Is there something in the air, infectious agent, prion? Or just a surrender switch in the brain?
In other news, I have to get my car in$pected (NY wants my money) and further get my actual on my head hair cut today. And dog gets her ovariohysterectomy on Thursday plus her RFID. Fun times.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I am for a Russian, a Latvian, an Arab, an Israeli, an African
...for everyone, really.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
redacted - double post /nt
Is this server screwing up? ...
Or maybe my ISP? it's taken 15 min. just to sign-in and post.
8:41 @ save.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
I'm no expert.
There are 150+ people logged in right now, They might be watching the convention using the live stream link on this page.
I'm switching to the direct YouTube link in hopes it will take some of the stress off the caucus99percent servers.
Hope it helps.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Me too, sorta .......
Shut down everything but c99 and tuned in c-span on sat. Still getting big delays. This reply (time stamps) is good example.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
twitch is a great link to stream.
I did get long delays, ending with “500 – Internal Server Error”
three or four times — around 10 or 15 minutes ago.
It's been somewhat slow since this afternoon
at least on my computer, while my other browsing has been normal.
About 150 logged in , but who knows how many lurkers there are? I remember that GOS used to slow down at times of great political impact, so maybe that's the case here as well?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Hi geez.
Yes, really struggling here too. I got a server problem page a couple of times. Other times, just really dragging and slow. Sorry to say it, but I have a backup tab to another site open in case we go down. (Video currently at top of page.) I want to see Bernie's speech.
Hope you're having a good evening, geez, in spite of the festivities.
Hey LadyO, good to see you too, let's hope it doesn't turn to
fistivities. ;}
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
Try twitch
I can't watch it
I watch for a couple of minutes and then shut it off. I've been watching the crowd outside and Reading what the people are saying there. Here's a video of a woman warrior who rocks.
Me neither
Hope for something not completely depressing, but only find awkward, trite and depressing.
Thumbs up for the Claudia Stauber video.
Seems like we are all crying.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Booker is the worst . . .
Wall Street and Neo-Conservative. Charter schools. Big money Dem who does nothing for working people.
I dislike Booker more than ever.
What is this crap that America will rise . Trump said we're in the shit can, Obama said we're not, now Booker wants us to rise. What a perfect example of the Peter Principle.
I dislike Booker more than ever.
What is this crap that America will rise . Trump said we're in the shit can, Obama said we're not, now Booker wants us to rise. What a perfect example of the Peter Principle.
Maybe the worst,
I will take your word for that, but that speech sounded like he is planning to run for president himself in 2020 or 2024.
Mary Bennett
Another lesser evi, evil pol
What he did to the school system in New Jersey alone should disqualify him from being a serious contender in a real democratic country. I just can't wrap my head around why any person with an unwashed brain considers these creepy Third Way Dems. to be any kind of lesser. Fear? If so it's delusional and misplaced.
Lots of pretty words, little substance, and nothing to make me
ready to vote for Hillary.
Yeah, you guys got stories, unity this and that, Hillary is awesome, yeah..
The time for unity was before you shafted progressives in general and Sanders supporters specifically.
As I type this, Chants of WARHAWK going on in the background.
Yeah, I see unity happening... /s
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
It's all a well directed setup for Michelle Obama
Will Bill Clinton go onstage and hug her? Uncaring minds want to know.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Bill gave a golf clap for Hillary.
Jeff Weaver, how depressing
Oh my, did Americans always talked so much?
I can't remember any European event where politicians would talk like that. Booker outdid himself.I watch this like an alien who landed on a planet and is just flabbergasted about all that noisy "speeching". Propaganda ueber alles.
Can't help it. This is sicko.
Didn't Hillary Clinton say something to the effect of
The Republican convention was great. They spent more time talking about me than they did about their platform.
I think tonight alone, Trump's name has been mentioned more times than Clinton's was during the ENTIRE Republican convention.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
The idea is to have Bernie speak when people are sleeping
If they do this right, Bernie will speak around 11 pm eastern. Terrific and typical.
It's ok for the West Coast people (like me) but wow....
You nailed it Shah!
Can I borrow that crystal ball for a minute?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Everyone in the media is so clueless, including TYT.
Nobody seems to understand why Bernie's delegates are so pissed and why there's coordinated booing by so many people. Even Cenk and Ana don't seem to get it, although Jimmy is getting floor updates directly from delegates who are getting pissed that they're being told to shut up. I bet that the establishment will freak out when people start booing Elizabeth Warren. People have been waiting to give her a piece of their mind for a month.
It's amazing to me that they don't think that the mood of Bernie's delegates extends outside the convention, or that a majority of the people who voted for him feel the same way. They think it's just isolated to some radical fringe or something. They're all in for a rude awakening in November.
Chant in background to Warren's
speech was "We trusted you."
h/t @kgosztola
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Michelle: Hillary Clinton has never buckled under anything
in her life ...
could that be a problem?
I suppose TPTB believe that Hillary will get a big bump
from this convention and will just keep on climbing after that. So they will cling tightly to their darling Hillary.
I don't understand why so many people are willing to put so much at risk just so they can embrace Hillary Clinton.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
t's really hard to hear Michelle Obama praise Hilary
Does she really want the children of this country hear her curse the SS people? Does she really believe all the praise she's heaping on Hilary? Hard to believe. Nauseating, actually. Someone I've always looked up to.
Michelle sure can't mention
Bill being in the White House as she talks about examples for kids to watch. Wonder how long it will be before the first scandal.
Watching Michelle now. Losing
Watching Michelle now. Losing respect for the Leaders, the visible persons in our government by the second. HOW MUCH BULLSHIT ARE THEY GOING TO FORCE FEED US. Booker, Obama... Goddamn I am disappointed in what IS NOT THE GREATEST NATION ON THE EARTH...sorry to be yelling, but my dogs are worried about me... YES!! WE ARE FUCKED
It's like the "American Idol" of public speaking.
Okay team, here's today's challenge. This is the message. Sell it. SELL IT!!!! Like you've never sold anything before. Make the judges feel like even you believe the lies you are telling. Blot the past two days out of your mind and sell it.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Michelle is genuine and people are willing to follow her
I don't agree with her over her judgment of Hillary, but she talks much more convincingly her heart out as a mother that Hillary ever could.
Michelle is quite strong here. Man, I do believe she can't wait getting out of the White House.
redacted - double post /nt
Too much emphasis on gender
it ends up sounding sexist. In 2016 it should not make a difference "that a woman can be president of the US." If men and women are equal, it should not make a difference.
To thine own self be true.
I'm sick of these subtle jabs at Bernie supporters who refuse
to fall in line and vote for Hillary. It's been happening all night, and now Michelle Obama is doing it with her whole "Hillary didn't pack up and go home" stuff. Do Democrats think that they'll get votes by poking the bear in the eye? The entitlement on their part is unbelievable.
Not so subtle
But I agree that they are entitled. Warren is talking now. Total sellout. She says the system is rigged and then says vote for her highness.
Jab back.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Trump's lawyers' letters are on their way to Warren
She cannot defame him like that and not be sued.
To thine own self be true.
So much propaganda, so little time
It's very hard to watch this shit!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
the people from NPR are more disgusting than the puppets from Fox at the GOP convention
the people from NPR are more disgusting than the puppets from Fox at the GOP convention
wait...they're not putting on Warren tonight, are they?
'cause where's Bernie? Maybe he'll talk at midnight eastern.
she is on now
We trusted you.
We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted you.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I hear you, WaveyDavey-
and now in my words to Elizabeth:
F*ck you.