We need to demand realignment, not a third party.
I think we ought to be referring to our ultimate goal as that of "realignment." "Third party" is the phrase the Establishment to denigrate our cause and pronounce us as insignificant. Ideally we should want the Green Party to be a second party; the Democratic Party will be the other national party, absorbing the Clintonites and the establishment Republicans under one banner (hint: they're already doing this now).
Clinton's Candidacy Will Unite The Corporate World
In this projected arrangement the Republicans will be a regional party, like the American Independent Party was in 1968, and pretty much advocating (as they do now) what the AIP advocated in 1968, for an audience comprised mostly of the former Confederate states (and perhaps Kansas and Utah). Here it should be recalled that the AIP's Presidential candidate, George Wallace, carried five states in 1968: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia.
Awhile ago I put out a diary titled We Need An 1856 Moment, in which I suggested that we needed a Presidential term like the one that happened in 1852-1856, in which America started out with two major parties (Democrat and Whig) and ended up with three (Democrat, Republican, and American (Know-Nothing)). For the record, the last American Whig Party convention convened in 1856, and its membership concluded with an endorsement of the American (Know-Nothing) Party's candidate for President, ex-President Millard Fillmore.
A realignment is going to need a cause. It took the Abolition movement to cause the realignment of 1852-1856. The cause of the 1852-1856 realignment was slavery; the cause today is neoliberalism.
For now, then, the Green Party is a mere "third party," destined to fail in a "two-party system." With realignment, the Green Party becomes a party in transition to a different, more meaningful two-party system, in which the Greens (or whichever party replaces them should the Green Party be inadequate to the task) become America's second party.
Sticking with a "realignment" goal is important because in growing a new party, Americans will have to clear up numerous misconceptions about what people are doing in voting for candidates who are neither Democrats nor Republicans. No, we are not just venting, yes, we already know that Stein is very unlikely to win this particular election, no, we are not really Trump supporters. The idea of promoting realignment is that, for once, those of us who do not support Democrats or Republicans can abandon our defensiveness and say what it is that we really want.
A significant minority of Americans know nothing about the Green Party, nor about Jill Stein, and aiming to exploit this general lack of knowledge are people like Allen Clifton, who has "10 Questions I Would Like Green Party Supporters and Jill Stein to Answer."
Of the ten questions Clifton asks, #1 merely repeats an old canard about Ralph Nader, which Jim Hightower corrected well. #2 forgets that Al Gore was a neoliberal and that Al Gore's promotion of the climate change threat has been almost entirely in the realm of getting people to admit that anthropogenic climate change is real without any idea of what to do about it. #6 is just a name game -- start with Howie Hawkins and Carl Romanelli, they're my favorites. #7 is about Clinton's claim to be "qualified" -- Clinton has repeatedly shown that she's qualified to do harm to people, and so we can hardly expect Jill Stein to do worse. #8 is a trivial complaint about Edward Snowden. #9 is about Supreme Court justices, and if we are expecting Supreme Court justices to save the day for us, then we have failed. #10 is about Bernie Sanders, who may do as he pleases.
#3, #4, and #5 are the questions Clifton asks which will allow us to get to the meat of the problem.
#3 illustrates the author's obsession with "lesser-evil" voting. Game theory may pronounce "lesser-evil" voting to be a better option, but the problem with "lesser-evil" voting is that, over time, it does not prevent the greater evil from winning the day. Gopal Balakrishnan:
On numerous occasions since the 90s the left has rallied to a center-right candidate to ward off the far-right and the results have been disastrous. Not only is the far right strengthened by bolstering its credentials as the only real opposition force to the establishment, the left is drastically weakened at the expense of the center-right.
#4 Supporting the Green Party now is not about immediate winning. Rather, if Jill Stein gets 5% of the vote, she gets FEC funding, and if Jill Stein scores a 15% rating in polls, she gets an invite to debates. Supporting Jill Stein is about party-building.
#5 Realignment is about making the political class do something productive for the body politic. The Democratic and Republican Parties can no longer do that by themselves, as evidenced by the Obama administration's record. They are, essentially, reduced to this:
They need a realignment, whether that be through the Green Party or some other such entity. The Republican Party will fade into the shadows once the Democratic Party is denied the power to revive it from time to time.

You realign to the left, mimi
It won't be easy. But all those things you've listed are what are finally causing more and more Americans to wake up to our plight. Just as over the last 40+ years, the parties have realigned to the right. If you'd asked a progressive back in the 60s if they thought it was possible we'd be so far right today in the Democratic Party, they probably would say it could never happen, too!
The idea that as more and more people wake up and get pissed, the will align with a more progressive agenda and party, whatever it may be. Parties DO die, although it seems impossible right now, nothing stays the same forever.
Now, of course, without fair elections, it's hard to say if this can go down without massive unrest... we'll see. But sooner or later, on our present course, things are going to get bad enough that the peons have nothing left to lose.
Especially since there are no fair elections
To me, that rather means that we really have little to lose anyway. If it's fixed, it's fixed, and it doesn't matter how many candidates get a leg up and/or over in that case. So we have to just do it.
IMO, if enough do, the fraud will become so obvious that it can't be glossed over.
I think you are right
I find myself thinking circular and repeatedly coming back to the need for real media - the sheeple have nothing but the corporate propaganda to base their ideas. Ask the average person about the TPP or Jill Stein or NATO's activity on Russia's border. Most never try to learn, but even those who watch a newscast will have never heard of any of these.
Election fraud compounded with media disinformation and distortion and distraction, and we are in a helluva mess.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Haikukitty, parties do die, when you can get rid of the
politicians, who represent the parties in the House. Do you see any resigning voluntarily? Do you see you can vote them out in time? I don't. And if it should happen, it is too late for thousands or millions of people. And moving to the left doesn't mean you get rid of corporate powers. Have you realized how "green" and how "peace promoting" their ads are? So that they can go on their activities promoting anything but "green and environmentally sustainable and protective policies" and anything but "peace promoting", but rather go on in their "war supporting" activities?
I know how "left" we were in the sixties and beginning seventies in Germany. Look where we are now in Europe? All entangled in the same corporate power shit games. The problem is that since the internet's communication powers have made it to the last corner on the globe, all that shit is global.
So, the dependence is global and the coup is a fait accompli globally too. What's the difference between a "left" slave or a "right" slave to the so-called "jobs creating, for-profit corporate profits and their power over you"? You are a slave no matter where you stand? Do you know how many poor people in the world want to survive and have a job? It's the corporations who "deliver you the dream of a job, if you work hard and play by the rules". Of course, it's them, who make the rules.
I don't see that left and right still has the meaning it had in the sixties. Those times are bygone. Actually I have the feeling people long for those times and try to re-create cold war-like situations. Cold war is over. Russia is as entangled and driven by corporate profits to deliver their people a job s and a heated shelter as well.
Nowadays some newly elected politicians can't even wait for the day where they can send their little drones equipped with dirty nuclear bombs to send remotely to any corner of the world, where they see an imaginary enemy and threat. Welcome to the courageous fighters for security and inequality and injustice.
So mimi, are you going to erase the last part of your sig line?
I won't give up. I hope your doom and gloom are temporary.
Suppose Bern does not run as President under any party label. Then we support Jill. Suppose Jill wins the majority of the electoral votes and becomes President. Yes, this year.
I'm sure she will, in many cases, caucus with the Democrats in Congress to achieve her agenda. Certainly those who want to be seen as progressive will side with her, and given her success and Bern's, progressive would be the new political fad. But the success of the Greens in putting in a Green President will see many down-ballot candidates signing up to run as Green in the future. Especially if she fund-raises from "the little people" as successfully as Bernie has done. This will break the myth of "you can only win by appealing to the corporate donors".
We can win. There are a lot more of the 99% than the 1%. We just need to figure out how to craft a message as powerfully as the right wing.
If I'm misreading you and you do still want to change things, then let's talk solutions.
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I agree, elena - I get despondent but can't give up all hope
Although the machine grinds on, there ARE signs of an awakening. And even though we might lose this round, there is always hope for future change.
Whether it's naive or not, on my better days, I can't give up all hope, because what's the point then? At least if we are working to effect positive change, our time isn't wasted, whether or not we prevail.
And I always keep reminding myself of past changes that have happened over timespans that would have been thought impossible. The loosening of the Church's stranglehold during the Renaissance, the fall of Rome, the fall of the USSR. All of those things probably seemed unlikely at best just before they happened - I do remember how quickly the USSR fell apart and the wall came down. The others were before my time.
But the point is, when the PTPB's opposition and control is at it's most visible - is sometimes right before things drastically change.
Thanks, HK! It does seem to me too that many people have
awakened (and honestly, I can't get despondent when I see your avatar - the insouciant pootie - ha!).
You make an interesting point - when TPTB are most visible is when things are about to change. Is that generally true historically? I am not enough of a historian to know. But it makes sense that visibility may create pushback. I certainly hope so!
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I honestly don't know that it's true across history, Elena
Although I know of a handful of examples where once the weight of the PTB became too heavy handed, things have rapidly changed. Of course, that PTB heavy-handedness can also last for centuries first, so....
But there is something to be said for an upsurge in contrary viewpoints becoming more prevalent, even though the PTB tries to repress them, prior to a drastic shift. Maybe I'll do some research this week! If I find any interesting examples to make us all feel more hopeful, I'll post an essay.
How long do you want to talk solutions?
Somehow I have a life to live, can't talk or read several hours a day in front of my laptop. Makes me sick. So, yes, I will give up.
I listen right now to the RNC coverage of PBS. I feel like I am from another planet. I don't care anymore.
I need to stop listening. David Brooks looks like he wants to jump from a bridge. He made even a remark like it during the day.
Where do you watch the RNC. I don't want to listen to the commentators. Just the raw speeches in full. oh. nevermind, I was so disturbed that I forgot about C-SPAN.
Do what is right for you, I only make suggestions.
I'm not watching the RNC raw. It's too long and boring. No wonder you're left feeling gloomy! I'll post at least the funny commentators each afternoon or evening as I run across them, and everyone is welcome to add to that whatever parts they like - be they RNC clips or commentators or completely different topics.
I believe in the old, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right". Attributed to Henry Ford, Norman Vincent Peale, and several philosophers throughout history. It's been true often enough in my life that I see no reason to quit now. If we all do a little something better than we did before, the world will be a little better place, and those little things build to big improvements. That's how I approach things, FWIW.
And now you have me sounding like an effing motivational speaker.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
A political realignment is indeed overdue.
The year-long Baucuscare fiasco of 2009 demonstrated beyond all doubt that the system, in its current state, is too bought for reform.
To halt the move toward RW gangster-state (or colony of foreign corporate-fascists), & thus make the course-correction to true social-democracy, we 1st need to drain the swamp on the Potomac — & that has got to mean thinking like an actual MOVEMENT rather than a bunch of atomized, self-absorbed side-shows that "3rd parties" have a history of becoming.
All people have to do is just VOTE for The Other
whatever it is, at least for this year. Just do it.