You can't help but chuckle.
While I have a real life of quiet notoriety (I'm not kidding when I say there are certain rooms where people are obligated to stand when I enter) I suppose most of my readers are familiar with me through my internet presence under the pseudonym ek hornbeck and involvement in Daily Kos.
Not that it was ever official, indeed Meteor Blades wonders to this day who I am.
When (rarely) I attend Netroots Nation (née Yearly Kos) I go by Roger Murdock, airline pilot. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!
I have people who like me, mostly because they misunderstand my work, and those that hate me with a passion. This is a fairly true story- I spent a night in the ICU stabilizing before surgery. You can hear the nurses at the nursing station and to my surprise they were talking about Daily Kos and me specifically. Alas I was only the second most despised person in that conversation and I would have put it all down as a hallucination (not that I was on any interesting drugs mind you, but I had lost some blood) except that they reiterated it at the next shift change.
Good to know people are paying attention.
The first time I was suspended it was because I accused Barack Obama supporters of being Good Germans if they approved of his suppression of the Abu Ghraib torture photos (still suppressed despite court orders). The second time it was because I correctly called Denise Oliver Velez a rapist apologist when she defended one of her sycophants who had abused another member and personally and from a position of authority as a Front Pager belittled in the process that member's painful exposure of her personal experience as a victim.
I regret nothing.
Both my suspensions were administrative since my mojo (community standing) was unassailably off the charts. After the first suspension they begged me to come back which I reluctantly did, after the second I offered to buy them out. Daily Kos hemorrhages money faster than I did when I went to the hospital and the only thing that keeps it going is Markos' far more successful sports blog, SB Nation, and his media partnership with Vox. That's what keeps him in Bösendorfers folks, not your contributions.
Which is why he cares so little about his members. User content is a nuisance to him and as a consequence has become progressively (about the only progressive he can claim and not in a good way) more difficult and participation has tanked. I wouldn't give him one thin dime for the site today.
Now you may well ask if I'm a seething cauldron of resentment and hurt and though that may be your perception I'm happy to be shed of the work (5 franchises plus occasional pieces). It's no secret I have multiple sockpuppets to circumvent the one diary a day rule (conveniently dropped as activity dwindled to embarrassing levels) as well as several family accounts I gave as gifts. I see what I want to which is not much, haven't even visited in about a year.
And yet, schadenfreude. It gratifies me to see stories like this.
Democrats struggle for unity as protesters swarm Netroots convention
by Dan Roberts, The Guardian
Sunday 17 July 2016 12.00 EDT
The surprise walk-out of protesters from a conference of US progressives in St Louis this weekend forced the cancellation of its panel on “translating millennial votes into power”. But here was more vivid testimony. Despite Sanders urging his supporters to back Hillary Clinton in an official endorsement a few days earlier, the energy once captured by his campaign – and beyond it, in the Black Lives Matter protests – appeared already to be slipping out of the hands of Democrats.
Hands Up United – a group born of anti-police violence protests in nearby Ferguson – brought both the Netroots convention and surrounding freeways to a standstill, accusing the largely white delegates of becoming “occupiers” in the “disunited States of America”. “Mic check, mic check,” they chanted, in an echo of the Occupy movement that used voices in the street to amplify its message.
Across the corridor in another unofficial Netroots spin-off, a different group of activists were plotting to do the same on a bigger stage in Philadelphia, where the Democratic party is holding its national convention in a week’s time. Democracy Spring is planning non-violent civil disobedience on a daily basis, scheduling sit-ins and mass arrests until the party promises to scrap the system of super-delegates that so enraged Sanders supporters during the long and bitter nomination contest.
Organisers of Netroots – which was set up in 2006 to celebrate internet bloggers “gathering virtually in the new public square” – put on a brave face despite being upstaged by events in real public squares.
“The progressive left is in the ascendence in this country,” added Keith Ellison, one of the few Democratic congressmen to back Sanders but, like many leaders in Washington, now sliding reluctantly behind the Clinton campaign.Despite the official optimism about post-Sanders unity, behind the scenes, the mood is described as “subdued” and the movement as on a knife edge.
“For many progressives, and Democrats in general, it’s a wait-and-see moment around [Clinton’s] vice presidential pick,” said Stephanie Taylor of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), who called the imminent decision “a proxy for what we can expect from her administration”.
Despite some recent gestures toward the Warren and Sanders wing of the party, progressives are nervous due to Clinton’s refusal to budge on trade, where the Obama administration has been trying to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement through Congress.“There are very powerful corporate interests who are very strongly opposed to blocking TPP,” said Taylor. “It’s the ugly reality of corporate capture that we are seeing.
“If Clinton picks someone like Tim Kaine who voted for fast-track, that – combined with the glaring omission of TPP from the Democratic platform – will depress energy and will be an anaemic choice,” she added.
“We can’t take Donald Trump for granted. He can attack Democrats from the left now on trade unless we shore up opposition to TPP. In a moment that is so populist in this country, we don’t want to leave doors like that open.”
The wrong choice of vice-president could quickly kill the delicate spirit of unity, but the PCCC is resigned to the fact that the kind of the civil war seen in Britain’s Labour party between populists and centrists might still be warranted.
“It’s a fine line because you don’t want civil war, but it’s important for progressives not to be taken for granted,” said Taylor.
Kai Newkirk, campaign director of Democracy Spring, said Clinton’s new promise to introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse the Citizens United ruling on campaign contributions was only a tentative step toward reform.“It’s awesome. It’s totally dope that we are going to do that. We can feel that they are feeling the heat,” he told a group of activists, clicking their fingers and waving “sparkles” with their hands to show agreement.
“These are all good steps, but we are pushing for something more: to get party leaders as well as her to give up superdelegates as a sign of good faith.”
To underline what is at stake if campaign finance reform is not tackled head-on, other progressive candidates explained how rigged the system has become.
“The day job of most congressmen is to be a sycophant: telling jokes to rich people and becoming royal court watchers gossiping about the dreams of the wealthy,” said Zephyr Teachout, a recently nominated Democratic candidate for New York’s 19th congressional district who is following the Sanders model of relying on small donations. “Two people can equal my six months of fundraising with one stroke of a pen.”
Like a younger version of Warren, Teachout is all too aware of the dangers of letting the Sanders movement drift away from mainstream politics.
“People are extremely angry and shut out and numb, and our job is to grab that before people totally get numb and drop out,” she added. “Don’t you dare give up. We need to fight for a democracy that we have yet to achieve.”
“Sanders ran the most successful progressive campaign in the last 50 years, so it gives us hope that the Democratic party can still be the home of progressive values,” said Alan Grayson, who is running against the Florida Republican Marco Rubio for the state’s crucial Senate seat.“Our democracy is not quite dead yet,” added Grayson. “We are not at the point where the oligarchy has everything it wants … the Sanders campaign is a sign that we are doing something; that there is a possibility that we can have a functioning democracy in this country.”
But not everyone gathered at this fast-fragmenting coalition of progressives in St Louis was so sure.
“We live in the age of Ferguson,” warned one of the uprising’s most charismatic leaders, the Rev Osagyefo Sekou. “The occupation of public space, the rejection of traditional leadership and calling into question systems that previous generations sought to become a part of.
“The age of Ferguson demands that we ask a different set of questions,” he added. “Much of it is not going to happen in electoral politics; it’s going to be young people in the streets. I am not saying don’t vote. I am saying vote and. Voting is not the end goal. Voting is harm reduction.”
So Denise, Meteor Blades, Markos- are you listening or is it more of the Neoliberal Technocratic Dictatorship? More of the "I Got Mine" entitlement or... I don't know... democracy?
But I've grown out of my ramblin' ways
I left that road so far behind
Now I know, oh baby
I got mine
I got mine
Oh baby, I got mine
So much so, I didn't get much sleep
Rock and roll hustle all the time
Now I know, oh baby
I got mine
I got mine
Oh baby, I got mine
I got mine
I got mine
Oh baby, I got mine
Next Netroots is in Atlanta in August 2017. I'm trying to persuade TMC this is a bad idea.
(Of course it's cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma)

Vent Hole
Just wanted to say thanks for
Just wanted to say thanks for the post, the points, the staunch defense of what you know to be right and the Black Keys video - which I've just cut off by by hitting reply, dammit... Do hope all health issues are sorted out, btw, and that no nurses at any time ever administered any excessive enemas to express their dislike of your DKos postings.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
That's a whole different thing.
You have not lived until you're in the Operating Room for a Colonoscopy, excuse me, lower Endoscopy, and the last thing you hear before you go under is- "We should use the BIG one."
As far as Enemas go, Nurses have their own agenda. Shit in a hat before you leave or we won't let you go.
Now in this particular case it was a problem because while the Doc kept wanting to "advance my diet" the kitchen kept sending up clears. I started complaining the moment I was conscious but for 3 days they ignored me. On the day of my discharge I pointed out to the Doc that this would be a problem and he assured me it would be taken care of, but I had to negotiate with the Head Nurse in order to get my ticket out.
apropos - livin' on chicken & wine -
livin' on chicken & wine
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Drat, yet another 'this video
Drat, yet another 'this video is not available'. I've never seen that exact text until recently, but getting it a lot just very recently...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Plays fine for me...
are you using some kind of script blocker for your browser? I use NoScript and there are 3 different scripts that I have to allow to get the tubes to playback.
Sucker born every minute?
Did anybody with 2 living brain cells actually fall for Clinton's constitutional amendment against Citizen's United nonsense? Have they forgotten that an amendment starts in Congress (currently controlled by Republicans) and needs a 2/3rds vote in both Houses and that it requires 3/4ths of state legislatures (2/3rds of which currently Republican) to ratify it? Even under the best circumstances, a wildly popular amendment has little chance of passage (only 27 out of 11,000 attempts). This is such a meaningless gesture with such little chance of success that one really would need to be a sucker born yesterday to support Clinton because of it.
The Constitutional Amendment Process
Of 11,000 attempts to amend U.S. Constitution, only 27 amendments have passed
When I heard about that last night, I felt personally insulted.
As if we would be stupid enough to fall for that obvious act of pandering. If anything, the amendment "promise" is representative of everything else she's said, in that she has no intention of following through on any of it. I do not judge Hillary by her words, but her actions, and so far nothing has shown me that she's anything other than the same neoliberal warmonger that she's been for the last 25 years.
It's on par with the plank concessions
She can promise whatever she needs to promise.
None of it, whether the concessions on the planks to Bernie, the amendment, even Warren as VP mean anything unless the leadership and rank and file are committed to it.
Rank and file senators/congressmen choose congressional leadership. But until rank and file is changed, angered at leadership, leadership stays. Leadership must be committed to something to make it happen. They have to lead.
With HRC at the top, nothing will happen, only tokens. Incremental tokens. Follow that with Chuckles Schumer and Nancy "No way single payer" Pelosi, and not much happens.
HRC can and will promise whatever is needed to get elected. She will only deliver on what his convenient or profitable.
That is why Bernie wants a revolution, the old guard must be replaced with a new guard that will lead where we want them to go.
At least as president, with coattails, Bernie could have forced something through, strong armed leadership, embarrassed them with the bully pulpit to get something done, while awaiting the next round to further shift the rank and file of congress with the goal of replacing both congress and its leadership.
HRC will not do that. No way, no hell now how. She can even promise stopping TPP rush, but then as president make some small face saving changes and pass it.
No, nothing HRC can or will do will do anything progressive.
The only thing she can do for us, is keep the SCOTUS from getting too crazy. She will not appoint particularly good people, she just will not appoint obviously evil people. Simply more neoliberal wolves in sheep's clothing. They will preserve most social issues, while sacrificing everything else to corporations. But at least abortion won't get that much harder, and gay marriage will still be legal and we might get the VRA back.
At this point all we can probably do, is let her promise and then hold her feet to the fire, and publicly make life hell for her and hers in the court of public opinion. Continue to work to replace congress, and make it nearly impossible for her to get re-elected by having a true progressive primary opponent expose (even more) her hypocrisy and failures as president.
She's going to have fun if she makes it to the Oval Office. It will be a never ending barrage from the right and left.
That is some consolation, I suppose.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
The thought of Hillary trying to do bully pulpit now.
More than 80% of the country would ignore. Bad timing, bad voice (and bad attitude) for the resta us.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"She can promise whatever she needs to promise"
Yes edg, people actually DID FALL for the constitutional
amendment that Hillary said that she'd start on within 30 days of her election. I reported on it yesterday that there was a diary about it and the bots went wild.
They said that she has always been trying to get money out of politics.
Or they wrote that it was because of her that it was passed in the first place and that's why she has always been against it.
Some did acknowledge that it won't happen overnight and might take a few years and one poster wrote that it might take Decades but at least it shows how progressive she is.
I used to question them why she was taking money that came from the CU decision and was told that she had to in order for her to become president. But once she's president then she will work to reverse it.
I'd remind them that was the excuse people gave Obama for his FISA vote. They said that he had to vote for it (even though he had promised to filibuster it) and then when he became president then he would start dismantling it. But what did he do instead? Why he expanded it just as many people said that he would.
And remember that she said that single payer or universal health care would never, ever happen but now she's saying that she's for the public option.
So the answer to your question is yes. Sadly
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hadn't heard a word about any of it.
I don't expect a thing from the professional left except half-ass capitulation like "the most progressive, non-binding platform ever". They have careers to pursue, you know.
Sorry for the edit, but it is typical me.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You didn't miss anything
basically ponies and unicorn farts for self proclaimed pragmatists
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
And Phoney Baloney Jobs.
My time in Michigan has come and gone and while I may address it in greater depth I did publish this-
Not Michael Moore’s House which I think I cross posted here (I have a problem with it because my original photography doesn't show up in my Seamonkey browser).
It would not have been possible to visit, my time was much more constricted than I originally planned.
The good news is that TMC really enjoyed the trip and since so much of my agenda had to be abandoned it's distinctly possible that we might head back next cherry season (hate them myself, but she likes them just fine).
Hi ek,
Yes, you posted your not Michael Moore's House essay here, and I did read it. I don't know where you were in Michigan, but I was gone and up north while you were here. Did TMC get to see her cows? I'm not a fan of Michigan cherries or the north western side of the lower. Too many people. Yep, maybe next time. Give tmc my best.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I surely will.
Next time will be more of a scenic trip. We saw plenty of cows and spent a good deal of time at Niagra on the way back. Now that I've explained what Greenfield Village is about she's at least pretending an interest (I have mixed feelings, Emily broke her tail bone there) and there are all sorts of natural wonders and Petoskys!
My Grandmother was big on them.
This weekend we are headed to my family's Lake House where Emily's High School friend also has a Summer place and her husband is keen to crush me in Euchre. Good luck with that, I'll have TMC as my partner and she's really good at games (though she's never played).
I can't wait to see all your great Euchre skills.
Euchre is my husband's family. Pinochle is my family. You ain't played cards until you've played cut throat double deck pinochle. That's 31 cards just in your own hand with three in the kitty. Euchre is for sissies. You're are going to need all the help you can get.
Have fun at the lake. Weather has been perfect for it. We are leaving to go back to our lake house tomorrow. Really loving retirement.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
31 Cards?
Might as well be playing Canasta.
I'll read up, you betcha.
Loved canasta decks for solitare.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Petosky stones are art of nature.
I have 3 or 4, not collected myself. Middle western upbringing to understand.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Not that hard to explain to outlanders. Fossilized Coral, thick on Lake Michigan beaches unless picked clean by rockhounds like Grandma. She had her own rock polishing setup and I have tubs of them (unprocessed).
I retain a rock polisher
and bags of fossils which I refuse to subject my earth-sense and hearing to. We kept the little bugger outside on the porch. Still annoying.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Having just bought 4 lb Pitted cherries (Montmorency?)
I want the pits removed, price was right, and I froze in 1 cup bags.
ICU story is hilarious or delerium. BTDT, hard memories that could never have happened. Good news, daughter is a nurse, she will be happy to advocate until pulling the plug herself.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good for you.
I only buy pitted Kalamatas because I feel the pits infuse a sour taste.
As I say, true enough. I'm glad you think it was funny, I'm happy I didn't give them my business card.
The view from the ICU is spectacular (if a little slot like, I spent most of my awake night concentrating on the nature scenes/lite classic channel because it was dark and the remote was on the counter across the room while I was strapped to the IV) and they have these marvelous beds that will practically sit you up if you convince the Nurse.
The really hilarious thing is that after my procedure they kept me in post-op for about 4 hours before releasing me to general population because the ICU Doc had to sign off. When he finally came in he was trailing a line of all the ICU Docs like little ducklings and let them poke and prod me to make sure I was actually alive which I think surprised most.
Don't do Kos anymore
Past history.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
As you have read, me either.
But I know enough anyway.
In that circle which is obligated to stand I found, much to my continued amazement, people would come and tell me all sorts of things- whether I wanted to know them or not.
I don't even consider myself a particularly good listener.
Bravo, Robert Hornbeck!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I knew I loved you for a reason, ek
I knew I could smell the panic of the Pragmatists from all the way down here in Florida. Thanks for reassuring me that my nose isn't quite failing me yet...
Happy to bring it to your attention.
Don't get banned on my account, I'm really quite over it.
ek, pretty sure kos
sold his interest in Vox Media. Just fyi since you mention it in your essay.
I can't find a link in the news, but he did a diary at DK about it late last year or early 2016. I don't want to go to DK to look for it there.
I hope he got a lot of money for it.
I'd say it was the only thing he cared about but I was willing to put a too generous amount on the table and he snooted me.
Yes, he did sell his interest in Vox.
Bob Swern wrote a comment about it a couple times, and Markos did eventually write a diary wherein he said he sold his shares, and paraphrasing, he had enough money... something, something.
although I think it was not that long ago that he wrote that.
here it is
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'll take your word for it ;)
I read it at the time. One time is more than enough.
Wow, December 21, 2015. Time flies. I would have sworn he wrote that only a couple months ago.
Read your pronoucement and outing while on the phone
with # 1 son. Who is in aviation. And agrees that liberals shield. He is not a pilot. Did you like your crew chief mechanic on your rides? He did sign-offs, and knew his butt was on the line, too.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Stinking UI. Reply here-
R. O. G. E. R. M. U. R. D. O. C. K.
I even have an autographed first edition by Krugman to prove it.
Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off.
L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er.
Request vector, over.
Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324.
We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?
Tower's radio clearance, over!
That's Clarence Oveur. Over.
Roger, over!
You called?
What did you call me?
I called you a taxi.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
And we wonder why they blame crashes on pilot error. Son desired (moment of weakness) a job at NTSB. That might have been vicariously cool for me, but another offer came along. Now working for an Airline based in Dallas in internal QA.
I only had small charter flights twice. Pre-9/11, great views of T-storms and runways.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Only those near-death-and-back find it funny, I see.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Why the hell are all of these organizations
Afraid of everybody's delicate sensibilities? Go for the civil war; it's the only way these issues are going to get hashed out.
One nice thing about the American Civil War
…it doesn't have to be restarted, with an elaborate lead up.
It never stopped and the issues are exactly the same, but on a larger scale, thanks to the Slave-Owner's Constitution.
The world would have been so much better off if the US had been divided into two nations long ago.
I have often thought this myself,
particularly lately:
i missed the fireworks...
...that led you to get banned. i was mostly a lurker. in hindsight, i can't believe i stuck with DK for 12 years. thanks heavens for his March edict to finally get me away from that site. as for the DK offshoot, Netroots Nation, i think it has lost any useful purpose. i never attended but with easing passing year it seems to have lost its will. maybe it was always intended to herd the progressives behind any Democratic candidate for president.
as for this --
who do they think they're kidding? a progressive pick for VP will not alter my view, nor others, of a Clinton presidency. a progressive VP will not make Clinton progressive. they have to understand we can see through that. you may as well keep the VP in a dark closet with duct tape over their mouth.
schadenfreude. i hope to be able to enjoy that all the way to November. DK, the Clinton campaign, the Democratic party, the whole conniving caboodle.
Clinton's VP pick tells us one thing -
whether she and the party plan to stab liberals in the back (Warren, Brown) or the front (Kaine, Booker and the rest). We'll be stabbed either way. For one thing, Warren and Brown already endorsed the neoliberals, so they're pretty pointless people except for their kabuki roles. But it will be interesting to see if the party goes on pretending it gives one flying, infinitesimal damn what we think. I'm betting they don't care at all and will sneer as they tell us so. But we'll see.
Twain Disciple
If Clinton picked a Republican as VP
…I'd have to reconfigure my analysis of her soul. An honest act of ethical disclosure on Clinton's part would scramble my data.
Much as any definitive proof
Much as any definitive proof of her having any soul would scramble mine...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.