Concerning Bernie's Delegates
I can't sleep,still upset about the fracking crap in the Gulf. I just caught this on Facebook from Billy Taylor,he said to pass it on.
I apologize if this is already known, but I don't want it to get lost .
How low will they go?
I just posted this to my status update. Seemed fairly serious.
Hi Folks. Fairly important notice here, and due to my settings, my posts are restricted to sharing only among rfiends, so if you could re-type this and pass it on to as many Berners and Berner delegates as possible, that's be fantastic.
I just read a warning posted by a woman in the FB group 'Bernie Sanders for President-Alaska'
She stated quite plainly that the DNC can pull the credentials of any Bernie delegate associated or presenting themselves as being with 'Bernie or bust' or taking part in the suit against the DNC.
The DNC (will not/may not) replace the Bernie delegate if this occurs. It further provides the DNC a way to thin out Bernie's delegates.
She goes on to state that the action is probably a violation of rights of free speech, but if delegates fall prey to this action, the resolution might not occur before it is too late, and Bernie would potentially lose another delegate. He's already short.
She says to let others take on these roles, instead of Bernie's delegates. And she asks those delegates potentially affected by this action to clean up their social media accounts, to cover their tracks.
She adds that some Bernie delegates have been told, misleadingly or inaccurately so, that they are required to vote for Hillary on the 2nd vote. She states this is entirely false, and that at no time can a delegate be told they cannot vote their conscience.
It seems the games never end, eh?
Thanks muchly,
Can you provide the link, please.
There is a lot, lot more on this at K4S.
Someone also makes the comment the original post is from June 19 and appears to be from a legitimate source.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
sorry about that
it was on facebook. See if this works.
" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "
This is culled from the comments:
Suggestion - get a new gmail address and give that as a contact address.
This is the verbaige that says delegate must support eventual nominee (I think)
Call for Convention 2016 (page3 IIb)
My own thoughts:
IANAL! but I really don't see how this can be a First Amendment issue.
I would go the new email and no other contact info route if that is possible.
I think that the original writer of the note is overreacting - especially re the advice to clean up social media.
The original facebook poster should have made a copy and pastable version of this available somewhere (eg a forum somewhere) on the web and linked to it.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
This is standard language
The county precinct chairs where I live were sworn in last night for the 2016-2018 term, and our oath uses very similar language. I have no idea what my position will be on this statement once there is a nominee, I will need to re-read it at that time. I may need to reconsider whether I can fill the roll if I do not actually support the nominee. The oath I took says we can be removed if we publicly support a candidate who is not the nominee of the party. A lot can (and will) happen in 3 weeks.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
It all looks pretty much boilerplate.
Wait and see seems like a good strategy and things may well look very different in three weeks.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Oh, the irony...
It's only OK when a Clinton does it. Nice how the establishment only demands unwavering support when it's for their anointed one.
I wonder how strictly this rule would be enforced were the tables turned. If by some miracle (indictment) Bernie received the nomination, it would be delicious to watch Hillary's delegates squirm as they would then be required to go "Bernie or Bust" themselves. Sorry, not sorry, Hillbots. Them's the rules!
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Of course
enforcement is the real issue.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Which is why I worry for the delegates' safety if they don't fall in line as "required". Exactly what sort of enforcement does the DNC have in mind? I think Vegas was a teaser, a test run if you will, what with that line of cops -- and the subsequent chair throwing myth/smear.
And we're supposed to be scared of Trump?
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Yeah? Let's look at that again.
She's NOT the nominee yet. She won't be until the convention (barring intervention from FSM), so they're breaking their own rule. I'm shocked, SHOCKED!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
take a lesson from the Clintons - LIE
Seriously - who says you have to tell the truth?
really - seems this is about as enforceable as the Platform