
Surprise! The Revolution Just Started – with the Delegates.

Take a look at this bit of innovative democracy:

With a little less than a month remaining until the start of the Democratic National Convention, a coalition of individuals and several groups has launched an effort to stop Hillary Clinton from winning the party’s nomination. Their goal: allowing pledged delegates at the convention to vote freely for the nominee and not be bound to to the former First Lady.

Delegate Counts as of 27 March, 2015.

This is from BloombergPolitcs. The graphics are very good. If you float over the states which have already had primaries, you can see the splits.

One complaint: I would like to see the same totals graphic without the Super delegates included. Otherwise a nice presentation.

A Word Of Warning For Caucus States

I attended my precinct caucus in Minnesota on Super Tuesday. In fact, I was a Bernie Sanders Caucus Captain. Bernie took my county, Hubbard, with 55% of the vote, compared to Clinton's 45%. At our caucus, delegates to the county convention were chosen. Last Saturday was the county convention.