The extraordinarily important role that EMOTION plays in politics...
In an essay I published yesterday, I argued that The Issues---as important as they are to us---are not quite as important in a general election campaign as knowing how to respond to the all-out effort that will be made to assassinate your character.
Quoting an analytical tract I wrote back in 2004, I stressed the importance of understanding the 'Swing Voters' who determine the outcome of every general election. Today I want to focus on the method of communication that is needed in order for us to 'connect' with these people and win their votes.
The key thing to remember about the Swing Voters (and...well, all low-information voters, for that matter) is that they typically do not have the kind of education that is necessary in order for them to understand the issues in any depth.
What usually happens is they will first listen to a Democrat/Berniecrat explain the issues to them and find that they agree with what they heard. Then, the next day, they will listen to a knowledgeable-sounding Republican explain the same issue from their perspective and will find themselves agreeing with that person's criticism, as well.
They simply do not have any basis upon which to evaluate what they are hearing, which often sounds like 'mumbo-jumbo' to them. What these people rely on to help them decide on which person to vote for is their reading of the emotions that they are hearing expressed. They may not understand all the big words or the references that are being made, but they do understand emotion when they see it expressed.
This highlights an important fact re: their dispositions. They are looking/listening for something they feel they can trust. When they hear 'academic-sounding' explanations given by a candidate in a careful, sober tone, they automatically become suspicious of what they are hearing.
In contrast, when they hear a candidate express some emotion, they tend to assume that what they are hearing is spontaneous, and therefore inherently more worthy of their trust.
This, of course, explains much of the widespread perception that Bernie Sanders is uniquely authentic. It's an impression that is due almost entirely to his habit of expressing a lot of emotion when he explains the political landscape to his audiences.
It is indeed one of THE most important aspects of his fundamental appeal.
Unfortunately, the Swing Voters' reliance on displays of emotion makes them vulnerable to manipulation by clever politicians and cunning strategists who have learned which kinds of emotional performances work best .
It is really no mystery why every successful Republican office holder you see is quite practiced at expressing a lot of emotion from behind the mic, usually of the negative sort, which they use to 'define' their political opponents in media reports.
Anger, outrage, scorn, ridicule, mocking laughter...all of it deliberately intended to affect the perceptions of the Swing Voters out there who are trying to decide which party seems more threatening to them.
Group Identity Is Everything.
When an all-out effort by the Republicans to assassinate the character of a political opponent succeeds, it is essentially because they have set up a group identity choice in the Swing Voter's mind that favors them.
They are always asking the Swing Voter: Who do you want to identify with? Us "Good People?" Or those bad, stupid, corrupted, lying 'typical politicians' who hate America and want to make us vulnerable to our enemies?
This group identity element is of the utmost importance, for it is THE key to getting voters to select your party on all the down line choices.
You cannot win control of Congress without successfully defining the opposition party in the minds of the Swing Voters in a negative light.
A reformed Democratic Party (or any third party you can imagine) can only wrest control of the national government from The Oligarchy if its members are able to create an image of The Republican Politician in the minds of Swing Voters that they will not feel they can trust.
Here are some of the sections I wrote on this back in 2004:
Like it or not, the only way Democrats can win against the modern Republican Party is by defining them as a group that is [morally] defective and threatening. (When the Bad Guys do this, we can accurately describe it as "demonizing" your opponent.)
Swing Voters will vote for the Democrat if they end up with an image of The Republican Politician that they find threatening. Unlike the Republicans, [economic progressives] do not need to fabricate any Republican character flaws out of thin air in order to define them effectively. We simply need to point out the truth.
Our goal must be to define The Republican Politician as a shrewd, cunning, deceiving, manipulative, mean-spirited, Con-Artist who willfully and gleefully assassinates the character of any innocent victim who stands in his way. We need to describe them in this way with palpable emotion.
In terms of basic, overall strategy, Democrats need to constantly remind themselves that IT'S NOT THE ECONOMY, STUPID! IT'S THE IMAGE CAMPAIGN!
The Issues? Yes, they still matter. You and I know that they are THE most important thing at stake. But when it comes to winning an election that Swing Voters will ultimately decide, the economic agenda you are pushing must be presented in a way that ultimately serves to define---with strongly-felt emotion---the Republicans in the minds of the Swing Voters in a way that they find threatening to their well-being.
Any time a [Berniecrat] candidate speaks out on an issue like the economy, or the environment, or foreign policy, final comments should be made that refer to the Republican politician as a scheming manipulator, a threatening deceiver. We must make our logical points on the issues, but then we must always bring it back to the image of The Republicans that we are trying to establish, the scary image that reflects the truth of who they are.
From this perspective, we can see that Democrats have been showing far too much respect for Republican politicians. If Democratic nominees always show respect for their Republican opponents, on some intuitive level voters will wonder why. "Well, if they really believe that Republican ideas & actions are worthy of respect, then why are the Democrats even running against them? Could it be that Democrats are actually not very authentic people?"
Swing Voters who have been voting Republican recently have come to see the Republicans as deserving respect partly because of the respect that Democratic politicians have shown them. Of course, if you are meeting your opponent face-to-face at a debate, you will want to be courteous to show that you were "brought up right." [must always] make it very clear—in moderate but detectable ways—that you do not respect your opponent because you do not respect her agenda or her methods.
Yes, show graciousness but feel condescension. Be sure that you intently communicate your fear of the damage that these people can do to America...It is important that we model the disrespect that Swing Voters should be showing & feeling for Republican politicians. Be superficially polite, but make sure that your fundamental lack of respect shows through. Show your disrespect more conspicuously whenever you have an opportunity to address The Audience directly.
Yes, it is true that Swing Voters are [understandably] turned off by a continuous exchange of angry charges and countercharges between the two parties, but the only other alternative for Democrats is to allow the Republicans to constantly savage them with impunity.
The emotions we need to emphasize to the Swing Voters?
Democrats need to understand the importance of showing Swing Voters that they fear Republican rule. The more apparent it is to Swing Voters that a lot of Americans are truly scared of George Bush & The Republicans, the more they’re going to wonder if maybe they should also be afraid of him. (Typically, [children] first learn to fear things they didn’t fear previously after seeing fear in the faces of others.)
Some Democrats might think it would be better for us to emphasize our anger, but we need to be aware of the ways that this can backfire. We do not want to be characterized as "Angry People" who are always angry [in a threatening sort of way]. Voters need to see that behind our anger is a real fear for the well-being of the American People and for America’s reputation around the world.
We should never be reluctant to show our fear of Bush, but we need to make it clear in our tone that our fear is appropriate and that our anger is controlled & justified.
[To understand why I make this point] think of the many times when the Republicans have accused Democrats of "hating America" or of "hating George Bush." They make this charge to evoke an image of people who are imagined to be inherently angry and who are therefore a threat to 'us normal people.'
Now think of how that image changes if---when we are accused of hating---we point out that people only hate that which they fear. Whenever we are accused of hating the Republicans, we need to keep repeating to the media that no, it is fear that we feel. It’s our best defense.
We want the Swing Voters to see us as people who fear the Republicans, but we also want them to see that we are also brave enough to take on the threat. Like the sergeant said to the private in the foxhole, "Everyone's afraid, son. But we can’t let that fear stop us. We still have a mission to carry out."
We are afraid and angry. We just know that we must oppose evil when we see it. Verbalize fear. Show courage.
Any doubts as to how the Republicans would try to depict Bernie as an Angry Radical?
One more bit on the use of fear and anger in a political campaign:
In the final weeks of the 2004 campaign, many Democrats complained that the Republicans were using fear tactics to win the election. It was kind of an odd criticism to be voicing, given that political campaigns have always been a contest between competing sets of fears throughout history.
[Keep in mind that] even when we are motivated by hope, the key emotion that inspires us to act with a sense of urgency is our fear of losing the thing we are hoping for. Indeed, people are optimally motivated to support a political campaign when they are inspired by fear of a lost opportunity.
Yes, fear is the one emotion that is strong enough to motivate people to go out and vote who have never voted before. (If your big thing is getting out the vote, keep this in mind.) The ultimate truth of political competition is that Swing Voters always choose a particular candidate or party because they fear the consequences of having the other candidate/party in office, the one they didn’t vote for.
The problem with fear is not that politicians use it to inspire voters; the problem is that some politicians create fears that are irrational or unjustified or exaggerated. When such fears are used to intentionally mislead citizens into voting against their own best interests, then the use of fear is unethical.
In contrast, if the fear that politicians inspire is legitimate—and their intention is to alert voters to a danger that they can protect themselves from—then the use of fear is virtuous. What Democrats need to understand clearly is that Swing Voters can be persuaded to fear either party. Right now, too many of them fear The Democrats more than they fear The Republicans.
They will return to their identification with the Democratic Party only after they have been persuaded that it is The Republicans whom they ought to fear, not the Democrats. It is the Republicans who are not like them, who are simply looking for yet another opportunity to play them for fools.
Hillary's Winning Message
... to swing voters: I'm going to screw you, they're going to screw you - but they're going to screw you worse!
inactive account
Well, not quite that...
...but she will try to demonize Trump in every way she can. The only problem for her is that she is so incredibly vulnerable to Republicans depictions of her as a disingenuous politician who lies every other time she speaks.
Speaking of Hillary, did you notice how her clever campaign to assassinate Bernie's character was done almost entirely through expressions of negative emotion toward Bernie's ideas (disgust) and his followers (outrage, scorn). Expressions of negative emotion worked for her just as she intended (kept the primaries close enough for her to essential steal).
James Kroeger
Connecting with Swing Voters and other low-information adults
Connecting with Swing Voters and other low-information adults.
My first suggestion is to get off your high horse, and quit talking down to a demographic of which you are so obviously superior that you know NOTHING of them.
I'm very sorry to be antagonistic... but your first two paragraphs would lead most to believe you are an arrogant, pompous, ass.
The best way to connect with anyone, any group, any species is to first, find their level of thought and concern, empathize, and then you may understand why they will just roll their eyes and walk away when you assume your air of superiority
You apparently....
...know nothing of me.
Perhaps some day you'll actually take the time to read the thing that you have denounced with such bitterness...
Oh, and you might want to note that at no point do I every disparage or insult or in any other way dismiss those whom I have described as 'low-information' voters. It is an observance of fact; not an excuse to criticize people for being uninformed.
I'm an educator; not someone who ever blames the uninformed for their lack of knowledge.
James Kroeger
Assuming that swing voters
are 'low information' or vote against their own interests is what the corrupt Third Way Democratic machine does. Fear the Republicans doesn't seem to get voters swing or 'low information' to the polls since Obomber's empty pocket full of hope. People's bs meters are on full tilt and using the tactics of the establishment Dems. is not going to work. I know a lot of people who are indies, non voters or swing voters and they are not low information they just don't believe either party is working in their own interests.
I fear the Democratic more then the Republicans and I'm not low information or voting against my own interests. The more real information I acquire the more fear does not move me. It's distressing to me to hear Bernie catapulting the fear of the Hairball and the RW. How is this 'be afraid' not a contradiction to his 'political revolution' that millions of voters, lot's of them 'swing voters' responded to because they already knew and felt Enough is Enough. This kind of framing and meme is insulting to anyone with a non-washed brain in their head. It's why people do not trust either party with good reason.
It's extremely unethical to use these tactics to get people to vote Democratic imo. because instead of their best interest's it promotes a dubious lesser evilism that is based on nothing but fear and misinformation. Why would converting the frightened misinformed people who do vote Republican to swing to the corrupt complicit Democratic party be in anyone's interest?
Well it would be in the Democratic establishment and the oligarchical collectivist's interest. So your saying that voting for the Dems. and their candidate The Mad Bomber who Cheney thinks is the cat's meow is not who they ought to fear? Why should they return to the Democratic party after decades of being played for fools? Hopefully none of the voters you seek to manipulate will fall for this bs.
Enough with the frightner's of mass deception. Enough with promoting lying to people who you feel are low information. This is identity politics taken to a level that is unbelievably arrogant not only unethical but is not what democracy looks like.
Well, I guess I can say...
...that you are wrong on almost all counts re: your perception of what I am talking about here.
This is the kind of statement that convinces me it really would be a waste of time for me to try to bring you around to some clarity of perception re: my thesis.
It does appear as though you have incorporated a number of basic hopeful assumptions re: the composition of the electorate that have little to do with reality.
All those people out there, all those working class souls out there who have voted Republican for decades, are not like you.
They haven't viewed non-Republicans with disdain simply because they haven't heard Bernie's hopeful message about helping those who work for a living.
Your determination to find something in my words that runs contrary to Bernie Sanders' cause, or which you can portray as supportive of the Third Way's cynical methodology, is truly mystifying to me.
James Kroeger
Didn't we go through this yesterday
in regard to the insistence that "Swing Voters" are still a Thing?
See, James--I simply don't think they're a Thing anymore. Beyond that, a lot of people are really waking up to "emotional fear based politics" because they know it's bullshit now and many realize further that it's always been bullshit.
So why on earth would we want to cling to the old paradigms? Because as well-written as this is, and as true as it might have been at one time, I think that this primary season has rendered it--along with a lot of other "conventional wisdom"--completely obsolete. Sorry, I know you must have a lot invested in it (time, wisdom, etc.), but shit happens. Between Bernie and the Dumpster, they've turned American politics on its pointed little head and spanked the hell out of it.
Well, LC, a lot of people may be waking up to the fact that they dislike 'emotional fear based politics', but what I think you're going to discover is that the number of people who can/will be so enlightened is fairly small. The vast majority of people who have the right to vote understand almost nothing about politics, and could generally care less.
What tends to hide that fact from us is our personal experience with the people we know in our own social relationships (including those via the Internet). There are gains to be made, for sure, but the methods that succeeded in rallying all/most of the politically active Left to Bernie's cause simply are not going to continue to work with all the other social groups out there.
The people who rallied to his side were ideally open to his particular message, but beyond that basic core of support, the gains were more difficult to come by, especially when he and his supporters started to face the very still headwind of Clinton's character assassination tactics.
All I'm really trying to do here is alert some of Bernie's younger supporters to some of the big picture challenges that must be faced as we seek to take on the national political stage.
I certainly hope that it has not been an utterly futile effort.... :/
James Kroeger
Not sure I agree. Good discussion topic, though.
I'm not sure if I agree with this. Feelers aren't exactly a rare breed in politics. Before this election, I didn't see Bernie that way at all. I've always liked him, but I was surprised that he was able to connect with people so well. Even now, I'm only able to see him that way when looking at him through the eyes of others. But that's what I think is unusual. There is a balance in the way he communicates that allows him to connect easily with different types of people without saying things in a bunch of different ways. But I'd still stop short of assuming that's the most important thing. Combine a very high degree of integrity with even one important aspect of the presidency (foreign policy, for example) and you can get people from all across the political spectrum to take a serious look--Especially at a time when honest folks to our right should be able to see that a sharp left turn is required to correct course.
Before doubling down on group identity, I also want to better understand the degree to which Bernie's lack of group identity contributed to his overall appeal. If he had always carried the Democratic brand name, would people have seen him differently? Would it have taken longer for people to trust him? Perhaps a more important question is whether or not he would actually be different?
Pretty much agree...
Well, Bernie did lack a particular kind of group identity, having been officially an Independent for decades, but he has always made it clear that his identity is with the average Americans who work for a living, IOW, those who are not part of the corporate elite. When you think about it, there is no mistaking that he is promoting a particular group identity (The Rest Of Us).
Perhaps his use of emotion from the podium does not account for the entirety of his appeal to his current fans, and it is probably true that it has not been solely responsible for the general perception that he is authentic, but I think there can be little doubt that his expressions of emotion do underscore the sincerity of his message. I believe it is a major plus for him.
James Kroeger
Sounds like it came straight out of FSC's playbook (below)
Hey, no thanks. Fear mongering is despicable--regardless of which side does it. (IMO)
Not to be contentious, but I would think that this strategy, employed by a Grifter like FSC, would totally backfire--especially, this election year.
Full disclosure--me and mine can't/won't vote for FSC, even if Wild Horses were to drag us to the polls.
Which, they couldn't do!
Have a good one!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Bernie is a Democrat he says he is voting for HRC
He is pumping out fear of the Hairball in order to get Hillary elected. Getting the Republican voters to swing Democratic will simply get The Mad Bomber elected. It will also keep corrupt neoliberal, neocon endless warriors in power. For me and many that is just as intolerable having the Republicans win. The Dems sucked as the loyal opposition and they sucked worse once they won the majority beginning in 2006.
I'm no longer a Democrat. I want them gone. There are many working class R's like me in the fact that they have been played for fools for decades. Voting Democratic at this point will not help those who work for a living anymore then voting Republican. Bernie's message has nothing to do with what the Democratic party's agenda and policy is about. Us not them and enough is enough.
Plenty of 'working class' people in both parties are afraid and angry with good reason and both parties play on this fear. I find plenty in your words that run contrary to Saunders cause just as I find almost everything that the Democrat's implement and work for to be contrary to Bernie's message. Even the so called progressives the Dems. elect fold like cheap tents when push comes to shove. The Mumbo Jumbo from the Democrat's progressives included makes no sense to this liberal. It's just a pack of lies, propaganda or as the pols like to say parsing and memeing. It's kabuki. Y
Playing on peoples emotions with fear or anger because they are not like me is not very democratic is it. Maybe instead those of us from the R's and D's and indies should channel that righteous anger lose the fear and take this corrupt criminal duopoly down using Bernie's message as a rallying cry.
Low information my ass I think it's misinformation on both sides. They both stir the culture war pot to divide and conquer. I'm no longer a partisan as you can see. They may be not like me but I do not trust a damn thing the Democratic party says or does with good reason. Identity politics is the monkeys paw and it needs to stop as both sides mean people and the planet harm.
First diary of yours I've read, now I'm exhausted
I'm a very curious canine, and since you started off with "In an essay I published yesterday ..." I had to go and read that and all the comments, and all your other pieces here and all those comments, and, of course, I had to go poke around ( is a blank page, by the way).
My first thought was when reading the headline I thought, "Duh, everything most humans do is emotional!!" Really. From what they wear and what they have for breakfast to when they go to bed and what side to fall asleep on while in bed (or on their backs, or face down, or hanging from the rafters.)
So, now thatI know you are an actually thoughtful commentator I am going to suspend my drive-by "Duh" comment and expound on my thoughts. I understand having an attachment to a football team. When I grew up in South Carolina I was a Falcon's fan, and when I lived half my life in Boston I was a New England fan, and now that I'm back in SC I'm a Carolina Panthers fan, but I truly don't understand the mentality of USA #1, or always betting on your team without considering the actuality of the strengths of each team.
And I can see that you've pissed people off here, partly for repeating your thoughts about swing voters, partly through your rhetorical technique, partly for referring to some voters as low information voters, or whatever. But I think, from reading much of your writings, that you are genuinely sincere in trying to figure out ways to influence [political] reality.
Everybody is always emotional, to some extent.
In your third through fifth paragraphs you act like people are actually listening, but I don't buy that. The vast majority are just team players, rooting for the Falcons, or the Patriots, regardless whether they cheat or even have a chance. (I see this as people believing they are choosing between the macho-team spirit or the rational-team spirit, both claiming they have good reasons to choose the "get tough macho team" or the "rational get things done team" while I think their delusions of rationality are flawed to begin with, much less the validity of their perceptions or the sincerity of the two teams projections ...)
There probably are swing voters, but I think they are few. As one commentator said, I think the vast majority (like me) are simply disenfranchised and don't usually vote, though they tend to lean left or right. (This year, voting for Bernie in the SC Dem primary here in SC was the only time I've voted in a government level election, ever! [I'd voted for Editors at work, but that's another story.] In SC or MA it never mattered, why bother. But for Bernie, in the primary, it was my honor.) Anyway, as Diomedes77 pointed out in a comment on a previous article, he and I and many others are way to the left of Bernie, yet find him acceptable.
Here's an image mocked up and used in a comment at a different article, Both parties have moved right while most voters have moved left, and it is also apropos here:
![median independent.jpg](/sites/default/files/user%20images/median%20independent.jpg)
As comments here in this thread get to, perhaps this is all a waste of time. When I was an undergrad and study Political Science I determined that our two-party system was mucked up and felt we should move to proportional representation or instant run-off elections. While that is true, I soon realized fighting for rational electoral politics was a waste of time. Above, another esteemed poster argues that ensuring that votes are actually counted is of utmost importance, before strategies and issues. From one perspective, that is true. (If you are concerned which evil may be the slightly lesser.)
In the end, there is much that needs to be done, and I just wanted to pop in and say "hi" and hope that we see each other again and can work together someday. (This article is aged at this point and so this comment is basically a PM to you at this point) Often times I feel that commenting online is just an emotional catharsis and we are all just spinning our wheels and making ourselves feel significant. Anyway, I've rambled and spewed enough for now, and am really a bit exhausted and must be leaving, but also remember there are always lurkers and occasional posters and/or voters out there reading our words.