Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Revolutionary Violence: A Practical Matter
When you mention revolution, most people’s thoughts tend to scenarios that begin with pitchforks, proceed to guillotines, and end up in the Gulag. No doubt there are revolutions that have ended badly, betraying the people for whom they were putatively staged and directing violence at them rather than the overseers of the regime that made revolution necessary. Usually the blame is preemptively laid on those who recognized the need for revolution in the first place, while the pre-existing regime, its violence, and its long-term destruction escape responsibility, as do its aspirants and its dupes.
I rarely quote cold warriors for their valuable insight, but when John F. Kennedy said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”, he largely spoke the truth. (Not lost is the stunning irony that this statement came from a leader whose work was done on behalf of the capitalist imperialism that set off so many violent revolutions.) Regardless, when life becomes materially or spiritually intolerable while promising to get worse, when faith in institutions dies, and a large enough percentage of the people will have no more of it, the contemporary political and economic culture must go. Because Capital continually short-circuits and undermines the more peaceful means of revolution, like the major parties’ use of sham primaries, the method and sequelae of the current political and economic culture’s passing becomes not just more violent, but harder to predict and control.
Capital then lays blame on the revolutionaries.
I often imagine what revolution would look like in the United States and other sham democracies. In line with Chomsky’s famous dictum, we have the appearance of free debate and free elections, but it all exists within a narrow range that the mass media never allow us to exceed, one that protects Capital without remorse and takes great pains to paint alternatives as impossible, unworkable, and foolish. No one who threatens Capital will be allowed near the levers of power, not even a mild reformer and ostensible Social Democrat whose “political revolution” was nothing more than a return to a version of welfare state capitalism that hasn’t existed for decades.
We must also remember that while capitalism’s mass media are exercising their control of the acceptable range of opinion, capital also shifts its image in ways that create an easily digested narrative that presents Capital and its agents as progressive and fair--if we would only do capitalism right!--personified by both our current president and our inevitable Democratic nominee. For the lazy, the bought off, and the ignorant, it works like a charm. Amazingly, the notion of giving a Black or female presidential candidate the bludgeon capital uses to impoverish and kill countless women and people of color, both at home and abroad, represents progress to millions.
But to be successful, the coming revolution cannot be violent, despite the immense violence of the bourgeois government. I say this not as a pacifist, but as someone who recognizes that violent revolution against a nation state with the power of the US is impossible. To correct Kennedy’s formulation, making peaceful revolution impossible makes violent resistance inevitable, but successful revolution will depend, as always, on a accurate reading of the zeitgeist, successful organization, and the foolish assumption on the part of enemies that they are too smart and powerful to loose.
There is much debate over the presence of guns in our society, and how, at least from a conservative and even a few leftist perspectives, guns protect us against possible tyranny. This point of view is unrealistic.
It's as simple as this: the flick of a proverbial switch will shut down the financial and transport systems; place roadblocks or lob a few bombs onto roads, bridges, runways, etc. No food. No gas. Our thin line of NRA patriots will be busy trying to keep the canned goods in their basement and the gas in their trucks from being stolen by other NRA types that there will be no time for revolution. Should armed revolutionaries gather and the government doesn’t want to get too violent too fast, there is an interesting sonic weapon known as the LRAD, designed to deafen anyone who approaches it. I'm told the LRAD itself won't kill you--not the common version--but it will damn sure make you think twice about showing up again. And it doesn't take a grain of gunpowder.
Then there's the Active Denial System, aka "heat ray", a putatively non-lethal device that will cook you like a microwave oven would, since it operates on the same principle. (It's non-lethal assuming you run away...and the operator doesn't want you to fry, assuming s/he knows what s/he's doing.
Again, no bullets, yet. Rest assured, the government has plenty when the LRAD and “heat ray” are not longer effective.
Did I mention the US Government has decided it has the power to say who is a terrorist, who is a threat, and that it has detained thousands of people without charge and murdered many of them?
To understand when and how revolution is possible, we must think in terms of what tactics are likely to work, and which tactics are strategically futile (but not always useless). This is where we encounter the necessity of planning and practicing peaceful revolution. We have no choice but to plan being non-violent, since violence would provoke an overwhelming and fatal response. All we do is effectively transparent to them. The Surveillance State was not built at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars to resist a relatively small number of militants from abroad. It’s just too big. The reality is that domestic resistance is a far bigger threat to the ruling class and a far harder one to stop. The Security State was built to stop a popular uprising against the ever increasing impoverishment and the discontent of the middle class and the working poor, something that could be catalyzed dangerously by effective resistance from the poor as an example the ever more restive middle class might take to heart.
In my opinion, the only action that will alter the behavior of the plutocracy is civil disobedience on a scale that significantly disrupts corporate cash flow and promises to do for so long that it becomes worth it to them to make a deal. Even at that point, I see a 50% chance that the government will be "stimulated" by the same plutocracy (and please note this is the same state/corporate partnership that worked to destroy Occupy Wall Street and put elderly Quakers under surveillance) to declare martial law and use anti-terror laws to imprison the movement's leaders and as many other activists and protesters as possible for as long as possible.
How that civil disobedience could unfold and who is likely to participate will be my next piece.
Crossposted to GOS

The French seem to have the gist of it
Which side will tap out?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
MJT, please put in a ACM tag to get it to display properly
add "Anti-Capitalist Meetup"
I looks like some good soul
Has already done so. Sorry about not getting in the first time.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
as usual, some reactionary trolls posted some provocations over at TOP... more interestingly are they Hillarists or goopers or...?
Aren' They The Same Thing?
Hillarists & GOP'ers?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
6 of one....
Ahhh fuck it....
I am so over them, their duplicity and their embracing of corruption.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"...more interestingly are they Hillarists or goopers..."
Doubt they themselves care, as long as the think they're shitting on leftists. Not a huge difference today.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
they did get someone to respond which is what they wanted
so much for community moderation, just tired of idiots who don't even read the story
ignoring right-wing trolls
Wondering if we should state that ignoring trolls is preferred and to leave issues like this to the admin of the group? So, whenever we put up something contentious, should we write a preface on top that we can agree on content?
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
trying to share on facebook
but the share thingie is not working. Can someone else post this to the ACM group there and on my facebook page if your share is working? I was able to tweet it, but not share on fb
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
of course
and the moment after the posted the above it works ... rolling my eyes so much that they have gotten stuck in my head ...
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
here is what I wrote to the guy that responded to them
Ignoring the trolls is the best thing, we hope that they will crawl back under their bridges instead of interrupting our discussion. The piece is a good one, let’s go talk about it elsewhere and leave them to their snarling at people trying to talk about important things that are beyond their comprehension.
Isn't it lovely how annoying I can be by making fun of them ...
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
I kind of enjoying sparring with
trolls at TOP now and then on ACM diaries. They are so ugly they're cute sometimes. But it's nice that this is a place for an intelligent discussion.
It is fun annoying the goldfish
I used to do it. But then I realized they were only goldfish.
Nice to see the ACM here...
I agree that it will take a large scale action. I wonder if or when enough Americans will even begin to understand that.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I have always dreamed of a nation-wide
and all inclusive sick day. Or week. Or month.
Anybody seen Michael Moore's documentary, "Where Do We Invade Next?", it actually shows how women in Tunisia simply selected a day, and stayed home. 90% of Tunisian women stayed home. The country froze. The Iman in government stepped down.
Even he said, it is up to the husbands, not government, to dictate to women how to behave.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
when was there an actual US national strike
Now would be a good time.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A National Strike no
But there were periods of extended strikes in certain industries and others went out in support.
There are many days that I wish both the US and UK were more like France where people can organise to do a walk-out across sectors.
"Hegel noticed somewhere that all great world history facts and people so to speak twice occur. He forgot to add: the one time as tragedy, the other time as farce" Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
... yeah, and after the strikes went on for a while
the U.S. oligarchic capitalists (including the sainted Rockefellers) ordered their goons to kill the coal miners --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Bravo MrJayTee
This is a great essay and addresses the real problem with revolution's that are symbolic and driven by political elitist's so called lefties or progressives within the system. It's a quandary. Most people with a unwashed brain in their head do not like this shit that's going down. They try hard to blame it on the enemy the Republicans. By now it's obvious that it really is a vast RW global conspiracy perpetrated by the duopoly of R and D's here in the US. There is no left, no right, no center all that jazz makes no difference as it's cooked up. It means nothing.
'The pump don't work as the Vandals took the handles'. So what are we going to do? The real enemy is savvy enough to reward and elevate the 20%? at the top who get to live a great lifestyle. They are rewarded generously for their professional, entrepreneurship and responsible contribution to Axelrod's 'world as we find it'. As long as this class? does not suffer the effect's of this Brave New World that they call inevitable it seems impossible to mobilize enough civil disobedience to make a difference.
I have read Chomsky, and other people like Chris Hedges my whole adult life and yet I end up saying yeah your right but what the fuck are people supposed to do? They have the problem down but offer no solution. They all also seem to make a good living off being academic ivory tower liberals who are clueless about how to stop this shit.
So thanks for writing about this elephant in the room. Revolution nonviolent style. What does it look like and how can we people globally to affect change without the outmoded guillotine or pitchforks. One thing I do know you aren't going to get any change by supporting the lesser evils or being afraid of letting a real change occur. Scary to contemplate a different world but hey change is good and it's why we humans have evolved this far. Why be afraid when it gets to a point where even your precious lifestyle is about to be gobbled up by the vampire squid? The unknown looks pretty good to me.
The main problem with armed revolt
as I have said before, is that the Establishment has more and bigger guns. That's why they are in power.
A successful revolt would have to include something that the Establishment couldn't deal with, like setting yourself on fire [which I do not reccomend]. In the US, it would have to be something they couldn't shoot you for. A nation-wide version of the "blue flu" is one possibility. Making every election a contested one is another possibility. And there are others.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The day all workers simply
shut off the alarm, roll over and go back to sleep is the day our government the realizes they are completely, totally FUCKED without our participation.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Anti-capitalist forum. Splendid. Well-written also
Mr. JT, you indeed have written a perceptive, though perforce, limited analysis of the situation. Available space (or as the new terminology would have it, "bandwidth") would simply not allow adequate amplification of your ideas. Two topics are identified about revolutions:
1. The futility of physical force in engendering the needed social change.
2. The necessity for organization of a successful revolution.
French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. And there's the rub--the Equality part. As George Orwell so aptly put it in Animal Farm: "All creatures are equal, but some are more equal than others". It is not in the nature of the human species to not strive for greater success than others. The double negative is intended. Society will never be based on equality of having (i.e., possessions, power, etc.). But a just society must be based on compassion for one's fellows--not an easy task. Sometimes the needs of an individual are in conflict with the needs of a society, not because the individual is greedy, immoral, or corrupt--but achievement of equality in the presence of limited resources becomes difficult--increasingly difficult the more the resources are limited. This theme should be expanded upon by more-gifted writers than myself.
Two great Revolutions occurred in the Western Hemisphere in the past 500 years: "the Glorious Revolution" in England which occurred without wide-spread bloodshed; and the American Revolution. Both Revolutions were achieved with a relatively small amount of bloodshed as compared to many other notable, recent Revolutions: Russia 1917, Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution, French Revolution.
The analysis of why some relatively peaceful revolutions succeeded requires scholarship. I offer no theories here.
The second part of Mr. JT's essay is how to organize the Revolution. This concept is a misnomer, a misconception. Let us think about the precursors of life (no, I am not talking about the Big Bang). Let us take as givens: the presence of a planet at a distance sufficiently far enough from the Sun where water is generally not frozen; the presence of an adequate supply of atomic elements as would be necessary to support life (e.g., oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sodium and a bunch of appropriate anions. Then, here is the mystery of life (attribute the occurrence of this mystery to whatever you will: God, Jupiter, Allah, the Sun God, etc. For whatever reason, these elements self-assemble. Amino acids, which form proteins, some how learn to link up with one another to in fact create proteins. And so it goes, layer upon layer of increasing sophistication.
Ouch! you say, too damn much chemistry here! No, an important in how the Universe works--and we are part of the universe, both as individuals and as social assemblages. For whatever mysterious reasons (take your pick: Aristotle's prime mover, the God of Israel, Beezelbub, etc.), like it or not, we are all subject to these laws.
Okay, okay! What's this got to do with Revolution? The point is as simple as it is complex: There will not be a Revolution because of one group's unmet needs. The 99% is a heterogeneous mixture, with plenty of commonalities. It will take a sufficient impetus to foment the Revolution. That impetus will affect the different constituencies of the 99% differently. But, just like global warming, we are all subject to the stimulus to revolt--critical mass will be achieved. Revolution without some semblance of unity will not succeed peacefully. The aims of the societal upheaval will not be neatly codified in some sort of Robert's Rules of Revolutions but will self-organize from its component elements.
I await Mr. JT's future exploration of this topic. One issue I have with the title is that Revolution cannot be generically considered to be anti-capitalist. In this country it certainly will be. But consider other cultures, where different origins have been responsible for Revolutions: theocracies, oppressive monarchies, and so on.
Oops! Wrong Thread
edit: this comment moved to correct thread.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
The way to do this is to eradicate the whistle blowers-
Silence the wiki leaks , jail the snowdens, expose anonymous, presage the Courtney mannings, boycott the Glenn greenwalds- whatever we do, we mustn't join these "traitors"!
There's violence, and then there's violence.
Don't waste any time worrying about whether people will accuse you of violence - they most assuredly will. (I have a brother who calls Greenpeace terrorists). Peaceful protest will be called violence. Blocking trucks or railcars transporting deadly substances or machines will be called violence. Saying negative things about crazy people will be called violence. Exposing election thefts will be called violence. Moving your money to credit unions, and out of the bankster palaces, will be called violence. Oh, and everything and it's dog will be called terrorism. We should concern ourselves rather with what tactics will work, both short-term and long-term, and to hell with the hypocrites decrying our violence. I don't agree with those people who say violence is never the answer. Sometimes, it is.
I'm inclined to think that there will be plenty of violence in the future. I don't like it, but I don't think anyone should just lie down and take it from the reactionaries.
Exellent essay. Thank you.
Very well put and sobering.
I support non-violent revolution as well. Democratic revolution. Peaceful revolution. Guns are not the answer, as you correctly put it. They would be met by overwhelming forces that would render them as gnats, and countless innocents would die for nada.
Steve Fraser's recent book, The Age of Acquiescence, is important in this regard. I highly recommend it. It's not a perfect book, but the majority of it is enlightening, and very well researched. It shows how America once had a vibrant anticapitalist resistance, with frequent strikes, which led to sympathy strikes, and so on. American history shows we were not always so compliant, docile or accepting, and the author tries to sort out why our resistance was so much stronger and more intense in the past. To do so, he sets up a comparison between the two Gilded Ages.
Again, I think it's a good read in combination with the above (excellent) essay.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
Thanks for reminding us of "The Age of Acquiescence:
The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power." I've been meaning to pick this up.
Here's a couple of interviews/speeches with/by author Steve Fraser:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks for the videos (nm)
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
This essay is worth reading, and re-reading.
I look forward to your next essay as well.