Phoebe Loosinhouse's blog

Where is the Democrats' Alternative Healthcare Bill, the So-Called 'Fix' for the ACA?

The healthcare bill presented by the Republicans, AHCP, is a monstrosity. The facts in this article by the AARP should be enough to make it DOA:

Healthcare Bill would increase premiums for people over 50

Inside the Hangar, the Experts Have Reassembled the Clinton Bus

Is it wrong of me to confess that I have enjoyed the countless articles reliving the shock and horror of the election, with everyone recalling exactly when they became personally aware that the Clinton campaign bus had stalled on the tracks with the Trump train bearing down on it at full speed?

Why Did Both Bernie and Trump Resonate with Voters and Why Is This the Key to Future Success?

The first question in the title isn’t all that difficult to suss out. The weft in both men’s narrative tapestry was that neither was beholden to Big Money, one because he was too rich to be bought off and the other because he was too ethical. One touted using his own money and the other touted using only small donor money.

When Even Symbolic Resistance Is Too Much

Quite honestly, at this point, the Democrats have nothing left to lose. Given that fact, you would think that a Party in such extremis would finally throw caution to the winds and take out the desiccated and expired metaphorical gunpowder they have been saving lo these many years in coffee cans in their backyards.

Coal Miners Reveal Democratic Malpractice

In a fit of pique and rage, the prominent owner of a prominent theoretically liberal Democratic blog has announced that we should all be happy that coal miners are losing their benefits because Fuck them, they didn't vote for Hillary and now are reaping what they sowed, untreated disease and lingering death.

Inside Insiders, Inside Outsiders and Outside Outsiders

Which one are you - an Inside Insider, an Inside Outsider or an Outside Outsider? This questioned was inspired by reading a transcript of a Democracy Now conversation between Amy Goodman and Cornel West which prompted a flashback to my college sociology class and the concept of coalition triads.

Here’s the snippet of discussion which started this whole train of thought:

Time To Gird Our Loins For The Coming Austerity War

The full phrase is girding your loins with truth and putting on a breastplate of righteousness before going into battle for a just cause. That sounds like good advice to me; we're going to be standing in the full brunt of a storm of truthiness in the near future as TPTB and media elites 'splain to all the Little People why we can't have nice things like healthcare and retirement with dignity.

"Market Based" Healthcare Solutions : A Future of Leech Farms and Barber-Surgeons

Let's be clear about one thing - Obamacare sucks and the Democrats failed on a phenomenal scale when they attempted to modify our "uniquely American" system of keeping for-profit insurers at the center of our healthcare system. Ever wonder why our system is "unique"? Because almost every other sane country in the world has realized that "profit" and "healthcare" cannot co-exist in the same space.

"Fake" News and the Censorship Rabbit Hole

In casting about for explanations for Hillary Clinton's historic and unprecedented loss, the media elites have seized upon a new villain - the Great Unwashed were the unwitting dupes of sinister propagandists who infiltrated the rubes' minds by means of The Book of Face. Vile Hillary untruths took root and overpowered the simplefolks formerly natural inclinations to accept spoonfeeding by established corporate news sources when determining for whom to cast their vote.
