Phoebe Loosinhouse's blog

Hillary's Email - So How Did That Work Exactly?

In my perusing of the latest articles concerning the great email debate, I happened upon 2 that seem to provide a cumulative insight into some portions of the issue that haven't really adequately been covered.

First, let's look at this supremely succinct commentary/opinion from Investor's Business Daily:
The Open and Shut Case of Hillary Clinton

It's Official. Hillary thinks you are stupid and can't read and

have a poor retention of facts.

This interview is one unrelenting insult:
Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Email Scandal Saying "It was Allowed"

Clinton explained why she did not cooperate with State Department investigators, despite repeatedly saying she would talk to anyone, anytime about her emails.

Today is a great day to see who remains to play an uplifting hymn

while the Hillary ship sinks.

I recommend noticing who the die-hards are who keep pro-claiming "nothing-burger" or "Colin Powell" while the Hillary ship slides below the surface. They are the ones you never have to pay any attention to in the future.

Better How?

The Potemkin facade of the Democrats being the higher minded and more ethical Party has toppled over and revealed the shoddy framework and underpinnings of the structure that claims it represents the best interests of the citizenry. 2016 is a pivotal year since this is the year that we finally learned:

1. The Democratic PTB don't feel the actual voter has any part in selection of the candidate -

When Leaders Reach the Right Conclusions For the Wrong Reasons

I have noticed recently that a fundamental economic principle, ROI (Return on Investment) is fast becoming the underpinning of our national political and legislative debate. Simply put: Anything that provides a good return on investment is a thing worth doing, anything that doesn't provide a good return is not.

That leads us to our first question - Good return for who?

Compelling -" Bernie Sanders Is Currently Winning the Democratic Primary Race and I'll Prove it to You"

Twofer - Trade Pacts Actively Kill "Buy Local" Employment Efforts And Thwart Clean Energy Initiatives

Here's a good example of how messed up these "fair" trade treaties are. Recently the WTO ruled against India who was attempting to implement a plan to create a green economy by bringing jobs to the masses through the installation of domestically produced solar panels. The complaint was brought by the US who argued that the "buy local" component of the Indian plan discriminated against US solar panel producers

Scheer & Frank Discuss The Democrats Shift Away From Income Inequality

Stumbled over this discussion between Robert Scheer and Thomas Frank over at Truthdig: Scheer and Frank talk about Democrats shift away from addressing income inequality It's an audio but the transcript is provided.

I would say the major takeaway is that a triangulating centrist Democrat President is more effective at delivering Republican policies than a Republican President.
