Phoebe Loosinhouse's blog

Glad You Mentioned That!

I see that Dems are suddenly galvanized by the concept of Russian hackers intruding into the DNC servers and subsequently allowing the fruits of the hack to be published and disseminated among the great unwashed, whose unsophisticated naivety will naturally cause them misinterpret the day to day pragmatic business of auctioning off the boards and directorates of government institutions to the highest donor and see sinister manipulations in the Escherish financial structure of wiring money to

IMO this is a seminal moment in modern American politics

Bernie Sanders has unloosed the liberal genie from the Democratic bottle it had been confined in and it's refusing to be recorked.


(I know this isn't an essay, simply an observation, inviting your comment and discussion as to whether we are finally at the threshold of instituting Change We Can Believe In (For More Than An Election Pandering Nano-Second)

The Convention When Dems Are United? Or the One When Dems Are Untied?

Don't you love it when you stumble across a read where the author is so thoroughly on your own wavelength that you feel comforted in knowing that, in fact, you are not alone and that other sentient beings are reacting to the same stimuli you are responding to in exactly the same way and drawing the same conclusions?

The Democratic Party Schism Is Well Represented In The Blogosphere

This will not be a revelation to anyone I imagine, but the clear choice presented by Bernie Sanders as opposed to the pre-determined candidacy of Hillary Clinton has effectively finally fractured the Democratic Party in general but very specifically in the blogs that were most representative of the "little people" rank and file Dems, both of the liberal bent and those of the DLC/pragmatic bent.

Hillary campaign at crisis point - why no press conference?

This is a pretty simple question.

The US, the media and the upcoming election have been thrown into turmoil due to the press conference of the FBI leader James Comey, who pretty much made the case that every defense HRC has raised about her her email use are, to put it mildly, not correct.

New meme alert

I heard this a couple of times on different networks with different talking heads so I gather it's on the latest talking points release:

Americans don't care how insane/narcissistic/racist one candidate may be or how much poor judgement, indenture to entrenched interests or possible corruption the other displays - they ONLY CARE about which candidate will help them and their pocketbook the most.

Are People Being Distracted From a Larger Issue?

Hillary has always been the presumptive nominee, that was the whole point of lining up all the superdelgates in advance of any primary in the first place - to clear the field and scare/warn off any upstart who might think they had some chance to run in an open election like we were a Democracy or something. It was/is Hillary's turn, most qualified person to ever run in the history of the world, a "historic" ceiling breaking nomination, yada, yada yada.
