
Morning Greens Open Thread - September 8, 2015

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Aerial pictures reveal rampant illegal logging in Peru's Amazon forest

Only from the air is it possible to make out the scale of three illegal logging roads which have been carved into Peru’s eastern Amazon, while local authorities in the jungle Ucayali region seemingly turn a blind eye.

Huddled in a twin-engine Cessna 402, the Guardian saw as many as 20 lorries carrying tree trunks plying their way up and down three dirt roads, each estimated to measure up to 32 miles. Dotted by stockpiles of logs and workers’ camps, the roads led to barges on a dock on the Ucayali river, a major tributary of the Amazon, a few dozen miles from the regional capital Pucallpa.


The acid test was breaking out into an area in which it had no specific goals. It was just discovering what there was out there if you continued to move away from the norm.

It was a test. And there were people that passed, and there were people that didn't pass.

Open Thread - Monday September 7, 2015

Here's a quickie Open Thread for you 99%'ers to post whatever you wish. Today is Labor Day and for some it is also the last day of summer.

I will add some links as I come upon them. But for now, just post your news and views.

First up, from Think Progess is an article on some of the most important heroes of the Labor Movement.

This never, EVER happens on Wall Street

It's one of the oldest rules in the book: The Public is always wrong.

I've only been watching the markets since the mid-90's, but I've never seen this rule broken...until last month.

The rule of Wall Street is the same as the rule of a Vegas casino: if you look around the table and you can't spot the mark, then you are the mark.
Basically the game works like this.
