
Transgender Day of Remembrance - 2015

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The blood runs thin
In the dark settings
the dangerous regions
where the ragged people
attempt to assemble themselves
people building meaningful identities
unwanted anywhere uptown
And when the blood spills
into the bleek gutters and rickety dwellings
those identities are so often
then erased
stolen in the night
just like the bodies of the people
who strove to own them

On this day we remember those lost souls. We remember their names, and try to summon memories of those who chose them.

Transgender Awareness Week -- Bathroom Break

The recent spate of stories about the transgender teen in Palatine, IL has, among other things, drawn some real exhibition of lack of understanding...one might even call it ignorance...on the part of some of those commenting. It's the sort of thing one might expect to find from the right-wing commentariat rather than at Daily Kos.

It has made me question whether the 11 years I have spent posting at DK have done anything good whatsoever.

Tuesday's Editorial at WaPo An Illinois high school’s tragic discrimination against a transgender student serves a couple of necessary purposes beyond what I have written or what Kerry Eleveld has written about the situation.

First of all it will be read by more people. Secondly, it includes some facts previously not mentioned.

The writer begins by decrying the fear-mongering, which is good. When it comes to trans people, the Fearmongers Shoppe is always open.

The Fearmongers Shoppe, serving all your phobia needs since 1947.

Here's your Thusday OT

So much information and noise that we all take in. Hard to sort it out. I listen to a local community radio station called KBOO here in Oregon every night while I cook. I have listened to it for years and it has gone through many changes. It carries Democracy Now and a lot of local as well as syndicated lefty? shows. I have noticed that it is more and more taking on the sound and some of the pov of NPR which is the next station on my local dial.
