
The heats on

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On my way home from the farm. Everything growing just fine. The 4 or 5 inches of hay mulch is holding in the moisture nicely.
Getting up there to water once a week is working out.
I have an automatic watering system going at my home garden, so no worries there.

The Weekly Watch

Just Say NO! to Peace

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This week the NATO warmongers gathered in DC to rattle their small ineffectual sabres like petulant children led by a blithering idiot. Neil Oliver suggested this week that these leaders reminded him of the sorcerer's apprentice in Fantasia, when Mickey gets carried away with the use of magic to do his chores...but things quickly get out of hand. (Fantasia - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Part 1), (Part 2). (Part 3) posted below...3 min)

In this analogy, who is the sorcerer that comes in and straightens out the mess?
Putin, Orban, Trump,...?

The least important election in my lifetime

Today's assassination attempt pretty much sealed it. We are getting a Republican trifecta. This might be the end of the "safe state" system, the system that has dominated American Presidential elections since 1992, in which the West Coast and the Northeast are (D), the Plains states and the Deep South are (R), and everything else is a tossup.
