
Some Sanity by way of Stephen Cohen’s 'Russiagate or Intelgate?'

‘The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a “Russiagate” without Russia but also something darker: The “collusion” may not have been in the White House or the Kremlin’, the beginning of his Feb. 9 analysis was published at thenation.com, and picked up by rt.com.

The Continuation of the Project for a New American Century


Back in September 2000, the neocon/Zionist think tank, Project for New American Century (PNAC), published a 90 page report called "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century." PNAC was founded by neocon/Zionists William Kristol and Robert Kagan and included many of the neocons that infested the Bush administration starting in 2001.

The Weekly Watch

Thwarting Peace and Democracy at Home and Abroad

The horrors of our foreign policy have been haunting me this week....along with the media promotion of the war machine. Lots of hand wringing about the budget, DACA, and the market, but not much discussion of our illegal presence promoting an immoral war in Syria, nor Yemen...nor Palestine. No, it's seventy six new nukes in the big parade, and a hundred and ten drones flying right behind. And let's get this straight, we shall not tolerate peace on the Korean peninsula, nor allow the Iranian nuclear agreement to stand. But wait, there's more...we have to shift our attention to China...and of course, big, bad Russia. Why? In order to protect “our” interests. Yeah, right. Well, we are promoting our brand of democracy in the Americas...recognizing fraudulent elections in Honduras and ignoring fair elections in Venezuela. This is nothing new...it just seems to be on steroids.

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Berners Elitest? No, We're the New Deplorables

Clinton famously called Trump supporters "deplorables." As ugly as that usage was, you rarely see it used much these days. Instead, the drones of the "Resistance" are focused on demonizing anyone who supports progressive candidates.This includes numerous stereotypical takedowns in social media. A typical example is a recent Medium post by S. Novi, (real name unknown) entitled, "Elitist BernieBots and Crats Refuse to Acknowledge Any Facts."
