
Why The Memo Is Irrelevant

These stories are just from Rawstory alone:

"As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller,” Gowdy wrote on Twitter. “The contents of this memo do not — in any way — discredit his investigation.”


What has Tulsi Gabbard been up to?

After reading the highly popular, slanderous diary on the GOS yesterday (note: substituting "she joined the National Guard so she could claim veteran status" for "served two tours of duty in Iraq" is just naked slander), I got curious about Gabbard's record.
The reason was several "sourced" claims about her voting record, which indicated she was Republican-leaning.

Two reasons for hope: decline of the petrodollar-fueled militarism and the pending release of FISA related memo

Hat tip to Ellen North for leading me to some of the best news I've seen in a long time: Ellen's comment links.

Few things have given me much hope about our nation's future and the course of world events lately. Yet two events, one allegedly occurring Feb. 2 and the other slowly evolving are producing that hoped-for result.
