My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
I'm with you, Ellen
From:Interesting: Bernie did NOT nominate Clinton by Acclamation
TracieLynn Mon, 08/01/2016 - 06:57pm 0
you beat me
From:Saying goodbye to what was once an old friend
TracieLynn Fri, 07/29/2016 - 07:42pm 3 Sat, 07/30/2016 - 12:41pm
Heartbreaking, Robyn
TracieLynn Sat, 07/16/2016 - 02:28pm 0
Funny about Ralston
From:Various items I read on Twitter
TracieLynn Tue, 06/21/2016 - 08:51pm 1 Tue, 06/21/2016 - 08:54pm
save yourself
From:Various items I read on Twitter
TracieLynn Tue, 06/21/2016 - 08:47pm 0
Definitely agree they all are
From:Caucus Critters: Moondae Moppets: Rainbow Edition
TracieLynn Mon, 06/20/2016 - 06:51pm 0
I'll contribute
From:Caucus Critters: Moondae Moppets: Rainbow Edition
TracieLynn Mon, 06/20/2016 - 06:13pm 2 Mon, 06/20/2016 - 06:40pm
Thanks so much!
From:Live blog Bernie's Speech 6/16/16
TracieLynn Thu, 06/16/2016 - 08:48pm 0
From:Senate Dems Freaking Out!
TracieLynn Thu, 05/26/2016 - 10:12pm 0
From:In a 1989 Article for the Harvard Crimson, Bernie Sanders Asks for an American Glasnost
TracieLynn Tue, 05/03/2016 - 08:23pm 0
He, once again,
From:In a 1989 Article for the Harvard Crimson, Bernie Sanders Asks for an American Glasnost
TracieLynn Tue, 05/03/2016 - 06:29pm 0
Great work, JtC!
From:Important Announcement - Replies Notification Rollout
TracieLynn Fri, 04/22/2016 - 06:39pm 0
Where my Mom and Step-Dad live,
From:News Dump Wednesday: More Recessionary Headwinds
TracieLynn Wed, 04/13/2016 - 01:14pm 0
Good for you
From:So... I'm gearing myself up to phone bank...
TracieLynn Wed, 04/13/2016 - 12:59pm 0
Having lost my brother
From:BlueEyedAce2 from dkos is gone
TracieLynn Thu, 03/31/2016 - 04:26pm 0
The cats
From:Rachel was smirking tonight
TracieLynn Thu, 03/31/2016 - 09:32am 0
She's always good
From:Rachel was smirking tonight
TracieLynn Thu, 03/31/2016 - 09:28am 0
If I still lived
From:Extended Susan Sarandon interview - Hear her words in context (Previously: Well, this may well get me banned over there)
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 03:31pm 0
That's probably more likely
From:Kos's Daily Attack on Bernie's Campaign
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 03:25pm 0
From:Kos's Daily Attack on Bernie's Campaign
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 01:08pm 2 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 05:09pm
I've been unemployed
From:Kos's Daily Attack on Bernie's Campaign
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 01:01pm 0
I noticed
From:Kos's Daily Attack on Bernie's Campaign
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 12:41pm 1 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 01:00pm
Caucus Critters?
From:Kos's Daily Attack on Bernie's Campaign
TracieLynn Tue, 03/29/2016 - 12:32pm 6 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 07:48pm
House buying
From:News Dump Tuesday: Stock rally is almost over Edition
TracieLynn Tue, 03/22/2016 - 05:07pm 1 Wed, 03/23/2016 - 12:07pm
I saw Brain wrap
From:Things Unseen/Unheard at the GOS/TOP
TracieLynn Tue, 03/22/2016 - 08:47am 0
I like it, too
From:This is what I think will happen - simply common sense
TracieLynn Wed, 03/16/2016 - 09:40pm 0
From:Caucus99percent must grow quickly!
TracieLynn Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:00am 0
From:Markos is selling out and why you would too
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 03:47pm 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 04:13pm
What I've read so far jibes
From:Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 03:41pm 0
Thanks, Pluto
From:Apologies for the Non-Serious Post
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 03:27pm 0
From:Apologies for the Non-Serious Post
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:47pm 0
From:Apologies for the Non-Serious Post
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:46pm 0
Since it's a non-serious post
From:Apologies for the Non-Serious Post
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:33pm 3 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 03:24pm
Credit to
From:A nation of hope and opportunity for all
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:30pm 2 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:42pm
I find Reddit
From:A nation of hope and opportunity for all
TracieLynn Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:25pm 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:34pm