My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
From:The Evening Blues - 8-22-22
Dalum Woulu Mon, 08/22/2022 - 04:26pm 1 0
Guess they want more
From:Jimmy Dore takes down another shitlib
Dalum Woulu Fri, 06/18/2021 - 12:25am 1 1 Fri, 06/18/2021 - 12:55am
The Snopes site got bought by some of
From:The Weekly Watch
Dalum Woulu Sun, 05/02/2021 - 07:25pm 1 1 Sun, 05/02/2021 - 07:39pm
Only "official" troops leaving
From:Afghanistan withdrawal is going to happen
Dalum Woulu Mon, 04/26/2021 - 12:59am 1 0
Well with the recent
From:Independent media getting wiped out. Plus, why we can't have nice things
Dalum Woulu Thu, 03/25/2021 - 05:37pm 1 1 Thu, 03/25/2021 - 08:28pm
Yaku Perez
From:Latin America looks ready to swing left
Dalum Woulu Wed, 02/24/2021 - 05:54pm 1 0
Robinhood? Too bad they can't be forced to
From:Congress is busy fixing Wall Street today
Dalum Woulu Thu, 02/18/2021 - 11:20pm 1 0
One article not sure if it's same guy MrWebster mentions
From:We are the generation that is likely to witness the destruction of our Earth.
Dalum Woulu Fri, 10/16/2020 - 03:01pm 1 0
Forgot who posted these
From:Ignoring the Obvious in the Navalny Poisoning
Dalum Woulu Mon, 09/07/2020 - 11:51am 1 0
Is that
From:The Coronavirus is Finishing the Collapse of America
Dalum Woulu Sun, 05/17/2020 - 02:55pm 1 1 Sun, 05/17/2020 - 03:50pm
One of the reasons
From:Bringing back the slave colonies?
Dalum Woulu Tue, 05/12/2020 - 04:29pm 1 0
From:International Criminal Court to finally expose U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan
Dalum Woulu Thu, 03/05/2020 - 08:20pm 1 0
Like the would be queen/empress
From:Chancellor Valorum Cannot Save the Republic (Biden is at Best a Band-Aid)
Dalum Woulu Tue, 03/03/2020 - 10:40pm 1 0
Mike Meyers
From:Things I learned from the Dem Debate (2/19/20)
Dalum Woulu Thu, 02/20/2020 - 08:01pm 1 0
Sort of reminded of
From:Overnight Caption Contest (XXVII)
Dalum Woulu Sun, 02/16/2020 - 02:09am 1 0
Matthews still projecting
From:The joy of watching the ruling elites panic
Dalum Woulu Mon, 01/27/2020 - 09:34pm 1 2 Tue, 01/28/2020 - 07:39am
From:Warren's people go Full Hillary
Dalum Woulu Mon, 01/13/2020 - 06:39pm 1 0
Her health bar must
From:Warren's people go Full Hillary
Dalum Woulu Mon, 01/13/2020 - 05:26pm 1 0
When I learned about his hissyfit
From:Mayor Pete topping out already?
Dalum Woulu Sat, 12/14/2019 - 03:00am 0
Not surprising
From:Warren totally bombs on Venezuela
Dalum Woulu Tue, 11/19/2019 - 01:44am 1 Tue, 11/19/2019 - 08:37am
Wonder if
From:Medusa returns
Dalum Woulu Wed, 10/09/2019 - 09:24pm 0
On a side note
From:An important question: Is this real?
Dalum Woulu Sun, 09/29/2019 - 12:17am 0
He was Paul Van Ripper
From:Get ready for $100 oil?
Dalum Woulu Sun, 09/15/2019 - 12:28am 0
From:Greenwald's life in danger for the crime of doing journalism
Dalum Woulu Wed, 07/31/2019 - 09:37pm 1 Thu, 08/01/2019 - 04:07pm
Those who accuse Trump of being Putin's puppet are
From:Wall Street voted: Russiagate is over
Dalum Woulu Mon, 07/29/2019 - 11:55pm 0
From:MSNBC's anti-Bernie bias
Dalum Woulu Sat, 07/27/2019 - 06:10pm 1 Sun, 07/28/2019 - 11:54am
Maybe a setup to a
From:And So It Begins (Epstein Found Injured)
Dalum Woulu Thu, 07/25/2019 - 03:29pm 0
From:Maxwell was Epstein's Conduit to Trump, Clintons, Prince Andrew
Dalum Woulu Thu, 07/25/2019 - 12:19am 0
One thing
From:Tulsi Continues, Slow and Steady
Dalum Woulu Fri, 07/19/2019 - 03:26am 0
Wonder if they
From:Crowdstrike: Cashing in on a scam
Dalum Woulu Tue, 07/09/2019 - 02:47am 2 Tue, 07/09/2019 - 02:50am
From:MSM says Bernie is finished
Dalum Woulu Mon, 07/08/2019 - 07:32pm 0
I feel I don't have to hold
From:Tulsi has a "presence" no other candidate can match
Dalum Woulu Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:33pm 1 Wed, 07/03/2019 - 12:07am
Once again
From:The candidate of the wealthy elite
Dalum Woulu Thu, 06/13/2019 - 07:17am 0
Ah yeah
From:Rachel Sides with Bolton on Venezuela
Dalum Woulu Sun, 05/05/2019 - 05:47pm 0
From:Rachel Sides with Bolton on Venezuela
Dalum Woulu Sat, 05/04/2019 - 10:46pm 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 01:20am
From:VIPS on Julian Assange and Freedom of the Press
Dalum Woulu Fri, 05/03/2019 - 10:51pm 0
Not sure, I could be mistaken
From:Pete Buttigieg: 2020 Democratic candidate surges to third place
Dalum Woulu Mon, 03/25/2019 - 05:40pm 1 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 07:15pm
Gollum must have the precious...
From:Hillary Discusses Undermining the Right to Vote
Dalum Woulu Mon, 03/04/2019 - 09:50pm 1 Mon, 03/04/2019 - 10:20pm
Wow mentioning Iran ironic...
From:'Aid’ tipping point or flashpoint point in VZ? updated
Dalum Woulu Thu, 02/07/2019 - 07:46pm 1 Thu, 02/07/2019 - 09:14pm
From:These ladies are slayin' it. Literally
Dalum Woulu Wed, 01/09/2019 - 05:18pm 0
So another
From:Beto O'Rourke - the next Obama Suit.
Dalum Woulu Wed, 12/19/2018 - 03:58pm 1 Wed, 12/19/2018 - 05:23pm
Ah yes, if you have a problem
From:Obama isn't even trying to hide what he did for the banks
Dalum Woulu Sun, 12/09/2018 - 01:37am 1 Sun, 12/09/2018 - 02:09pm
She is really okay
From:Maybe if Hillary hadn't overthrown Gaddafi ...
Dalum Woulu Sat, 11/24/2018 - 05:30pm 0
Like the would be Queen/Empress
From:The bullsh*t narrative that progressives failed
Dalum Woulu Fri, 11/09/2018 - 10:21pm 0
From:No I did not watch the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. (updated!)
Dalum Woulu Fri, 09/28/2018 - 09:02pm 0