My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Well, if this article is to be believed, there are more
From:Poll: Democratic Party is about as popular as toe jam
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/27/2018 - 03:45am 1 Fri, 04/27/2018 - 06:02am
Actually, you left out the role Occupy played in
From:Poll: Democratic Party is about as popular as toe jam
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/27/2018 - 03:35am 0
And here's Caitlin Johnstone's take on that Fang revelation:
From:Poll: Democratic Party is about as popular as toe jam
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/27/2018 - 03:15am 1 Tue, 05/08/2018 - 03:51am
Ahhhh, Pee Wee Crayton
From:The Evening Blues - 4-26-18
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 11:25pm 0
I think you might be right.
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:36am 0
Absolutely correct!!
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:28am 5 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 07:21am
Well, that has often been the deal, hasn't it?
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:21am 0
Well, in light of what you've just said . . .
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:19am 3 Fri, 04/27/2018 - 12:27am
I'm curious: In your opinion did
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:12am 3 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 04:22pm
I vote for option number 1.
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 06:03am 1 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 03:55pm
Sanders has never wavered from his stance that the democratic
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 05:46am 1 Fri, 04/27/2018 - 08:32am
And consider this statement from . . .
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 02:11am 2 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 09:24am
She was being hyperbolic??
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 01:21am 1 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 04:44pm
So, for example, Tim Canova has
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 01:05am 3 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 02:59pm
Yes. . . . .
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 12:37am 0
I'm suggesting that he probably has ALREADY
From:Remember Bernie Bros Dead-Enders?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 12:14am 1 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 01:08am
All I'm going to say, in answer to your question,
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/26/2018 - 12:03am 1 Thu, 04/26/2018 - 05:35pm
"I still think he played the long game."
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/25/2018 - 08:13pm 0
I'm sorry, I no longer believe in these fairy tales:
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/25/2018 - 08:07pm 2 Wed, 04/25/2018 - 09:43pm
Respectfullly, I disagree.
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/25/2018 - 12:34am 1 Wed, 04/25/2018 - 06:13pm
Until he's willing to break with the . . . .
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/25/2018 - 12:29am 2 Wed, 04/25/2018 - 11:30am
Gore chose Lieberman as his running mate.
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 09:45pm 0
Well, if they care about all those other "progressive" issues
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 08:33pm 1 Tue, 04/24/2018 - 08:59pm
These are what passes for "progressives" nowadays?
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 05:36pm 1 Tue, 04/24/2018 - 07:43pm
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 04:50pm 1 Tue, 04/24/2018 - 04:55pm
Correct. But if I was a cynical . . . .
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 04:48pm 0
That's right: They are factotems, functionaries . . . .
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 04:44pm 0
I think you've got it wrong. "Winning" elections is not . . .
From:Non-voters are the key
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/24/2018 - 04:19pm 4 Tue, 04/24/2018 - 08:08pm
It's more propaganda and PR for the uncritical, the . . .
From:DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign et. al: colossal political mistake--what are they thinking?
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/22/2018 - 02:19pm 1 Wed, 04/25/2018 - 11:06am
It would be interesting to me to . . . .
From:DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign et. al: colossal political mistake--what are they thinking?
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/22/2018 - 02:02pm 0
First of all, anyone that reads the WaPost at this late date
From:DNC lawsuit against Trump campaign et. al: colossal political mistake--what are they thinking?
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/22/2018 - 01:56pm 2 Mon, 04/23/2018 - 02:48pm
Thanks to HBGary, Palentir, etc., I was first alerted
From:Palantir: Where the GWOT meets spying on progressives
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 04/21/2018 - 11:34am 0
Somali Kolhartar works for Pacifica, doesn't she?
From:The internet has killed trust
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/20/2018 - 07:26am 1 Fri, 04/20/2018 - 02:42pm
" F.U.K.U.S."
From:The internet has killed trust
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/20/2018 - 02:48am 2 Fri, 04/20/2018 - 01:32pm
It may be a badly kept secret for the likes . . . .
From:Pullin’ their Counterpunches? (you decide)
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 04/20/2018 - 02:02am 1 Fri, 04/20/2018 - 09:34am
In answer to your question, blackmail is always a . . . .
From:Pullin’ their Counterpunches? (you decide)
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/19/2018 - 01:26am 1 Thu, 04/19/2018 - 09:43am
You should say "alleged" pull back.
From:Israel changes trajectory of Trump/Syrian pull back
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/17/2018 - 03:46am 1 Tue, 04/17/2018 - 04:08am
It is absolutely infuriating to me how . . . .
From:Israel changes trajectory of Trump/Syrian pull back
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/17/2018 - 01:12am 1 Tue, 04/17/2018 - 03:18am
Neither state is desirable.
From:The Destruction of Philosophy
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 04:14pm 0
From:The Destruction of Philosophy
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 03:12pm 1 Sun, 04/15/2018 - 03:48pm
'such critics are dismissed as "elitists"'
From:The Destruction of Philosophy
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 01:16pm 1 Sun, 04/15/2018 - 01:29pm
Moreover, think about this:
From:Syria, the many-layered proxy war with multiple, simultaneous explanations
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 03:53am 1 Sun, 04/15/2018 - 02:18am
Well, the part about "knowing there would be . . . .
From:Syria, the many-layered proxy war with multiple, simultaneous explanations
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 03:43am 1 Mon, 04/16/2018 - 11:59pm
It is fascinating to me that not one Russian
From:Syria, the many-layered proxy war with multiple, simultaneous explanations
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 01:19am 1 Sun, 04/15/2018 - 03:26am
Perhaps there is truth to this, but . . . FUCK IT . . . .
From:The Internet is so much easier to control than radio
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/15/2018 - 12:23am 0
The corporate media is the propaganda . . . .
From:The Internet is so much easier to control than radio
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 04/14/2018 - 01:46pm 1 Sat, 04/14/2018 - 11:04pm
Google has become useless for . . . .
From:The Internet is so much easier to control than radio
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 04/14/2018 - 01:09pm 0
From:(Well, he did it): Trump orders strike on Syria in response to chemical attack
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 04/14/2018 - 12:57am 1 Sat, 04/14/2018 - 10:47am
The Intercept has really gone downhill the past two years.
From:How will Russia respond?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:50pm 1 Thu, 04/12/2018 - 07:58pm
Just for fun: Go over and respond by posting . . .
From:Have we already forgotten about Iraq?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:45pm 1 Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:57pm
Not comfortable with that site?
From:Have we already forgotten about Iraq?
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:37pm 0
TWO false flags within weeks of eachother:
From:Updates....while we wait a bit more... [Strikes on syria updated at the end]
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:22pm 0
They may have a "raging war hard on," but . . . .
From:Updates....while we wait a bit more... [Strikes on syria updated at the end]
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:17pm 2 Fri, 04/13/2018 - 04:52am
Nope. Wicker is NOT lying
From:The world turned upside down
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 02:04pm 0
DoS attacks have allegedly . . . .
From:The world turned upside down
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/12/2018 - 01:08pm 0
Actually, most of us have LOTS of other evidence
From:The Stakes Are Rising
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/11/2018 - 04:41am 1 Fri, 04/20/2018 - 01:38pm
Apparently, England is backing down from this coalition . . . .
From:There's a war party in Syria, and everyone wants to take part
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/11/2018 - 04:34am 2 Wed, 04/11/2018 - 04:54pm
Go over to
From:"Last War in the History of Mankind"
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/10/2018 - 01:27am 2 Tue, 04/10/2018 - 09:03am
"Do you think that they really believe that they can . . . .
From:"Last War in the History of Mankind"
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/10/2018 - 12:33am 3 Tue, 04/10/2018 - 11:11am
Tucker Carlson: A voice of reason and sanity?
From:"Last War in the History of Mankind"
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/10/2018 - 12:24am 2 Tue, 04/10/2018 - 12:55am
Whatever you think about him, Pat Buchanen is . . .
From:"Last War in the History of Mankind"
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/10/2018 - 12:22am 0
Well, look on the bright side:
From:"Last War in the History of Mankind"
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/10/2018 - 12:17am 1 Tue, 04/10/2018 - 07:17am
Keep getting played by "the lesser of two evils,"
From:The Perception of American Parties
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/08/2018 - 03:37pm 0
From:further virtuous & principled gifts from Bibi’s ‘most moral army in the world’©
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/08/2018 - 02:16pm 1 Mon, 04/09/2018 - 09:44pm
"I can't watch US TV anymore here in Germany"
From:Socialist Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" Speech Indicted American Imperialism, Racism, Materialism and Capitalism. One Year Later To The Day, He'd Be Killed. The FBI Killed Him 50 Years Ago Today.
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/05/2018 - 01:47pm 0
On the other hand,
From:Socialist Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" Speech Indicted American Imperialism, Racism, Materialism and Capitalism. One Year Later To The Day, He'd Be Killed. The FBI Killed Him 50 Years Ago Today.
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/05/2018 - 01:28pm 1 Thu, 04/05/2018 - 09:30pm
And yet, if anyone called Barry an "Uncle Tom" at TOP . . .
From:Socialist Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" Speech Indicted American Imperialism, Racism, Materialism and Capitalism. One Year Later To The Day, He'd Be Killed. The FBI Killed Him 50 Years Ago Today.
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/05/2018 - 10:52am 0
A summary of my history with Hopey-Changey
From:Socialist Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" Speech Indicted American Imperialism, Racism, Materialism and Capitalism. One Year Later To The Day, He'd Be Killed. The FBI Killed Him 50 Years Ago Today.
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 04/05/2018 - 02:47am 2 Thu, 04/05/2018 - 10:48am
May I recommend "Orders to Kill" by William Pepper?
From:Socialist Martin Luther King's "Beyond Vietnam" Speech Indicted American Imperialism, Racism, Materialism and Capitalism. One Year Later To The Day, He'd Be Killed. The FBI Killed Him 50 Years Ago Today.
SoylentGreenisPeople Wed, 04/04/2018 - 07:44pm 0
So, maybe the MIC "winning" money--
From:Can we finally admit that our military isn't that good?
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 04/03/2018 - 06:37pm 3 Wed, 04/04/2018 - 05:02pm
Poetically put:
From:Teachers strike is going nationwide and the union isn't leading it
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 04/02/2018 - 05:47pm 1 Mon, 04/02/2018 - 05:50pm
The problem is that most Americans
From:The Poor People's Campaign Update
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/01/2018 - 10:40am 1 Mon, 04/02/2018 - 01:15pm
Something to consider:
From:The Poor People's Campaign Update
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/01/2018 - 10:31am 0
Man, the people that whore themselves out to the . . .
From:Oppose torture? You must be sexist
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/01/2018 - 03:54am 0
Why don't we meet them half-way through compromise?
From:Oppose torture? You must be sexist
SoylentGreenisPeople Sun, 04/01/2018 - 03:42am 0
I, for one, will laud the day when . . .
From:Oppose torture? You must be sexist
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 03/31/2018 - 10:14pm 1 Sun, 04/01/2018 - 08:16am
It's not meant to achieve "victory"
From:Oppose torture? You must be sexist
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 03/31/2018 - 10:10pm 0
Gender and identity
From:Oppose torture? You must be sexist
SoylentGreenisPeople Sat, 03/31/2018 - 10:05pm 0
So, the questions I have are follows:
From:#Shamnesty International Rides Again!
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 03/30/2018 - 06:26pm 3 Sat, 03/31/2018 - 11:36am
Kind of reminds me of the events leading up . . .
From:"A new and dangerous phase"
SoylentGreenisPeople Fri, 03/30/2018 - 03:30pm 0
Are you really serious?
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 09:25pm 2 Fri, 03/30/2018 - 04:45pm
The word "martyr"
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 05:20pm 1 Thu, 03/29/2018 - 06:28pm
How do you get to the stats page you showed?
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 05:12pm 0
Think about this . . . .
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 05:05pm 2 Fri, 03/30/2018 - 04:09pm
I'd rather not disclose my user name.
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 05:01pm 0
Well, gee, doesn't the silence from . . .
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 04:33pm 0
Actually, he's stuck in
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 04:31pm 0
"I am having trouble finding the words for them."
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 02:51pm 2 Fri, 03/30/2018 - 04:33pm
From:MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
SoylentGreenisPeople Thu, 03/29/2018 - 02:14pm 1 Thu, 03/29/2018 - 02:15pm
Love Big Brother!!!!
From:Is there Hope?
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 03/27/2018 - 12:19am 1 Tue, 03/27/2018 - 01:55am
From:Is there Hope?
SoylentGreenisPeople Tue, 03/27/2018 - 12:13am 0
Although I know how to get to the Saker's and Roberts'
From:Is there Hope?
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 11:12pm 4 Wed, 03/28/2018 - 10:19pm
So, it's a good hedge against inflation.
From:“The single biggest change in capital markets, maybe of all time”
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 06:28pm 1 Mon, 03/26/2018 - 07:00pm
The United States throwing a "nuclear tantrum"
From:“The single biggest change in capital markets, maybe of all time”
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 06:23pm 1 Mon, 03/26/2018 - 07:14pm
Because the whole purpose of the . . . .
From:Where Russiagate meets Identity Politics
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 05:17pm 0
I've read the opinion that gold is a good investment now.
From:“The single biggest change in capital markets, maybe of all time”
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 05:06pm 2 Mon, 03/26/2018 - 10:53pm
Well, duh . . . .
From:Neoliberalism simply isn't popular
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 02:58pm 1 Mon, 03/26/2018 - 08:33pm
Apparently, this weekend, there was a massive . . . .
From:Refugees in our own country
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 02:43pm 4 Tue, 03/27/2018 - 08:33pm
Identity politics is the mask the rulers
From:Where Russiagate meets Identity Politics
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 03:43am 0
The American media has ALWAYS been captured . . . .
From:Where Russiagate meets Identity Politics
SoylentGreenisPeople Mon, 03/26/2018 - 03:37am 0
