Teachers strike is going nationwide and the union isn't leading it

When the people lead, the leaders will follow.
That's true for both politicians and labor union heads.

“What I'm saying is April 2 there will be teachers here, they may be saying 'thank you,' they may be pushing for additional funding,” Priest said Tuesday afternoon. “I'm not going to speak for every teacher. I speak for the Oklahoma Education Association.
"We will have to hear from our membership before we make that decision (about April 3)," Priest added.

The union leaders aren't even pretending that they are leading this labor movement. They are simply along for the ride, and that's the way it's supposed to be.
Oklahoma is a right-to-work state, and the American Federation of Teachers has only about 2,700 members out of 42,000 teachers, so it can hardly speak for the teachers.

That's a major reason that Cagle calls the unions "weak and vulnerable." He says his group has been forced to take matters into their own hands. "We are the only unified protest group," he says. Teachers represented by Cagle's group want a $10,000 raise. "We had 70 percent turnover in the last five years in my school," he says. "You're not going to stop that with a $6,000 raise."

Oklahoma is only one of the states without teachers in the classrooms today.
Kentucky is having a statewide sick-out, or wildcat strike. It's hard to say which it is at this point.

Angry teachers sparked a wave of school closures across the state Friday as hundreds called in sick to protest the controversial pension reform bill that zipped through the Kentucky legislature this week.
From the eastern half of the state bordering West Virginia to the northern region near Ohio, 29 school districts were unable to hold classes, most citing unusually high numbers of absent employees and too few substitutes to fill classrooms.

Republican politicians across the country have been so successful at cutting and slashing teacher pay for so long that there is no available supply of qualified strikebreakers to undermine the workers.
Republicans have also been so successful at crushing teachers unions that there is no corrupt or compromised union leadership with the power to sell out the strikers.
Republicans have been so greedy and rapacious that they've undermined all the normal tools and levers of control, and I seriously doubt that they have a clue what to do next.

One month after a teachers’ “wildcat” strike ended with a deal to hike pay for all West Virgina state employees, teacher strikes are spreading fast across the country, with no clear endgame in sight.
...And in Arizona, teachers last week gathered at the statehouse in Phoenix with buttons reading “I don’t want to strike, but I will.”
In each case, teachers are pushing Republican governors and GOP-controlled legislatures to hike their pay, saying declining real wages threaten to drive staff out of the public school system. Educators see leverage in tight private sector labor markets and inspiration in West Virginia, where strikers defied union leaders by holding out for a better deal.

What is interesting is how this is happening in red states. Arizona will be next.

Gov. Doug Ducey said Thursday that teachers aren’t going to get the 20 percent pay hike they are demanding – not now and not in the foreseeable future.
And he intends to continue proposing further cuts in state taxes even as teachers say that, without substantially more money, they may have no choice but to strike.

One of these days, perhaps in Arizona, the teachers strike will fail. Maybe they will accomplish this with police clubs and tear gas.
However that will be a “Pyrrhic” victory for Republicans, because it will cause a state that is already short of teachers, to see a mass exodus of teachers. Their public school system will essentially collapse, and then we will finally have a nationwide discussion that we badly need about community values.


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The Aspie Corner's picture

don't give a flying fuck. They're too busy sucking dick and swallowing hard for whatever bribes the capitalists throw their way to keep the unsustainable system going/

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner
Workers are taking things into their own hands.
This is a good thing.

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OzoneTom's picture

They were successful in sabotaging organized labor representation, so now they have to negotiate with unorganized labor.
I like this unintended consequence -- the rank-and-file types won't willingly sell themselves out the way their leadership elites would have.

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@The Aspie Corner

Indeed, music to my ears!!!

"The RepigDemocrats and their pig union lackeys don't give a flying fuck. They're too busy sucking dick and swallowing hard for whatever bribes the capitalists throw their way to keep the unsustainable system going."

I genuinely LOVE your use of vulgar metaphor. It conveys the truth succinctly and simply, with a good dose of righteous contempt thrown in.

As for unions, I've always been a supporter. However, it has only been over the past decade or so that I've come to see the truth of the historic criticism about how union leadership gets corrupted (by organized crime, or by politicians, or by corporations), and sells out the interests of its rank-and-file members. (As George Meany once unwittingly admitted by way of trying to deny the following--that many people saw union leadership as having grown "sleak" and fat with privilege and perqs.)

The time is long past for organized labor to divorce itself from the Democratic Party and form its own third/labor party. No doubt, the reason it doesn't do so is because the leaderships of various unions benefit by remaining within the Democratic Party tent, even though the Democrats have done nothing but stab working people in the back for the better part of the last 25 years, while they have also used the millions of dollars of union dues/campaign donations coming their way to help themselves remain in power. In fact, in view of the call for the formation of third party in this country by many progressives, I've always thought that the backbone of such an entity could be disaffected members/unions of the AFL-CIO

If and when the rank-and-file of the unions wake up, start breaking with their corrupt and bought off leadership, and decide to defect from the Democratic Party, it will be yet another long overdue nail in the coffin of the faux-liberal Democratic Party.

It's nice to see the rank-and-file workers taking things into their own hands.

The next thing they need to do is make it clear they will start running their own candidates for public office, especially in the districts where it is clear the the Democratic candidate is no progressive.

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The time is long past for organized labor to divorce itself from the Democratic Party

They should have done that a generation ago.
It's not like remaining loyal to the Dems has done anything good.

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QMS's picture

The elites and the politicians they paid for. Eventually our system will collapse. Choke it down in the bathtub. Less is more. BS.

Go teachers! Fight back.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Republicans are probably surprised at the support of teachers

And surprised that they are that brave

And that goes for democrats as well

Obama's scty of ed was a numbers guy from TX

Could it be that students with gun control and teachers with their efforts could force politicians to face what is going on in our country?

What if the facts about Climate destruction were taught to every student starting from kindergarten? That would overcome the Koch brothers but it would be hell for the kids and their future knowing that they will be living in a wasteland that they cannot change.

We are the generation that will be remembered for knowing about the destruction of the country and the destruction of the earth ...

and didn't do enough

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@DonMidwest @DonMidwest

Republicans are probably surprised at the support of teachers

You would hardly know it. This was the only poll I've seen about public support for teachers.
OTOH, there are literally dozens of polls regarding arming teachers. So it's not like they can't do any polls for something that matters.

Update: One finally came out today

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fake news

More than 3-in-4 of 803 American respondents, or 77 percent, said they believe that major traditional television and newspaper media outlets report “fake news,” according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, marking a sharp increase in distrust of those news organizations from a year ago, when 63 percent registered concerns about the spread of misinformation.

Among those, 31 percent said they believe those media outlets spread "fake news" regularly, and 46 percent said it happens occasionally.
According to the Monmouth findings, 61 percent of Democrats believe outlets spread misinformation, up from 43 percent from last year. Belief in the spread of "fake news" by major news outlets also rose from 2017 to now among Republicans, up from 79 to 89 percent, and independents, rising from 66 percent to 82 percent.

Americans also are increasingly wary of the motivations behind allegedly misleading coverage, with 42 percent of respondents saying they believe that major outlets disseminate misinformation to push a political agenda.

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In March of this year, Shane Patrick Boyle lost his life after his GoFundMe drive came up just $50 short of covering his life-saving insulin.
In June, 26-year-old Alec Raeshawn Smith was found dead in his apartment, having tried to ration his insulin after aging out of insurance coverage through his parents.
And now, President Trump has nominated former Eli Lilly executive Alex Azar for secretary of Health and Human Services, a man whose tenure with the firm saw the price of its biggest seller - Humalog insulin - rise from $74 per vial in 2010 to $269 when he resigned in 2017.


In the midst of all of this need, struggle, misery and deprivation, a just-created online charity fund is enjoying massive success and an extraordinary outpouring of donations from small donors. It has become one of the most successful pages on the popular GoFundMe site: a campaign to raise money for former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe (pictured, above, next to Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year). Created just 48 hours ago with the goal of raising $250,000 for McCabe’s “legal defense fund,” it has already doubled that amount — to over $500,000 — and shows no sign of slowing down, as donations continue to pour in as of publication of this article.
...That new charity campaign received a huge boost yesterday when MSNBC’s beloved-by-Democrats host Rachel Maddow tweeted a link to the new GoFundMe campaign for McCabe to her 9.4 million followers. At the time of Maddow’s tweet — which has now been re-tweeted by 4,000 people and “liked” by another 11,000 — McCabe’s fund had $100,000. Less than 24 hours after Maddow’s viral tweet, the amount quintupled to a half-million dollars.
...McCabe’s FBI salary alone put his family in the top 4-5 percentile of income for all Americans.
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@gjohnsit @gjohnsit predator / prey

the world has always been amoral and predatory

From a review of a book on Hamlet just out in NY Review of Books

Views of Hamlet have changed over the centuries (e.g., Freud made big changes and the reviewer who has taught Shakespeare for 30 years at Columbia has students scoff when told about Freud's views)

Below is from the review. The reviewer in the first paragraph and then a quotation from the book in the second paragraph and the reviewer for the last two paragraphs and ends with the predator / prey statement quoted above

I searched in vain while reading this book for what drove this grim argument—before finding a provisional answer in “Hamlet: Then and Now,” a short essay that Lewis recently posted on the Princeton University Press website. He argues there that Shakespeare

offers us an unflinchingly brilliant guide to the predicaments in which we find ourselves in Trumpland and on Brexit Island. Not by prophesying the likes of Farage, Bannon, and Donald J. Trump…but by enabling us to experience a world in which the prevalent senses of moral order (political, ethical, personal) bear only the most superficial relation to lived experience.

If I understand Lewis correctly, we have paid a steep political price for failing to heed Shakespeare’s warning in Hamlet that the world has always been amoral and predatory.

Our political situation has altered with dizzying speed of late. Somehow, we collectively absorb these changes, even if many of us refuse to reconcile ourselves to them. But resistance to change is even fiercer when it comes to radical reinterpretations of our favorite works of art, and Lewis and his antihumanist approach to Hamlet, though it suits our moment, will, I suspect, win over very few adherents, at least in the short term.

Trump and things happening like the 2 OT above show how screwed up things are.

The Question of Hamlet: Hamlet and the Vision of Darkness

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Anja Geitz's picture


I will memorize those figures so I can recite them to any idiot who defends either topic.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

They often don't have any union representation at all, and can't even count on a job lasting through the school year, should enrollment drop too far. (Too few students = laid off teachers).

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but the thing that caught my attention is only 2700 teachers out of 42000 joined the union. As you have stated Oklahoma is a right to work ( for less ) state, Which from my understanding means that one has the choice of joining the union or not and over 39000 chose not to join the union. With support like that it's no wonder the union has no power.

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OzoneTom's picture

@pro left
This is an uprising by galvanized workers and they cannot be represented by a (typically) co-opted union leadership, thanks to a states anti-labor policies.

To me it seems like both a hopeful sign and an indication of how desperate the situation has become.

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snoopydawg's picture

@pro left

for some time and it looks like a lot of them believe it. I see comments from people in Utah who are always criticizing unions because they think people make too much money, their retirement packages are why companies have to charge them more for their products and they get too many vacation days, etc. Whenever the SF Gate has an article on BART, the transportation system in SF, the comments on it are in this vein.

The PTB have been using their propaganda against unions and so many other things that used to give workers more power. I've even seen some about teachers making too much money and not having to work all year. This is one more way of dividing us from them bullcrap.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

But only when the membership is engaged.
If the membership is complacent then unions become like any other bureaucratic institution.

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@gjohnsit kind of like the democratic party.

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ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg how propaganda works pretty well for tptb


and I wonder how many of the commenter's you mention are
paid corporate trolls

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


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@gjohnsit I disagree with the second part. Republicans hate poor people because they ask for help, and that would interfere with their punishment.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

If their state constitution guarantees free public education, it's time for parents to sue their states for full-funding of public schools since they are closed due to these strikes. If lawmakers have it coming from teachers and parents, something might turn around. This might just be pie in the sky thinking, but it's a thought! Diablo

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Cassiodorus's picture

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

BrutallyHonest's picture

Just like those in power have pushed China and Russia together, thus signaling the end to the petro dollar.
The powerful are also pushing the American people into the arms of worker cooperatives, thus spelling the end to capitalism.

It truly is the brutal vs the rest of us right now. I wish we didn’t live in a capital based society because I would love to go to these strikes and educate the teachers on the benefits of worker cooperatives.

Imagine the teachers saying F u to the government and setting up worker owned cooperative “schools” ( because these wouldn’t be schools in the way we are used to, we would finally be able to address problems that those in power haven’t let us tackle) and leaving all of the disgusting administrators who have helped destroy education in our country

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Hopefully a resurgence in union activity will sweep away the dead wood at the top.

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Lookout's picture

Teachers used their sick days to call out of work and protest — sometimes called a "sick-out" — since strikes are technically illegal under Kentucky law.

a Kentucky teacher explains (10 min video or text)

Any form of protest will not be tolerated....but it sure is nice to see! Hooray for the teachers!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

orlbucfan's picture

@Lookout deal as a Right to (Make) Serfs state. I'm a retired worker who lives and worked my whole life in one. I hate Right to Work with a passion. I back the teachers and all workers who strike against these FRightwing hellholes! Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.