MUST-SEE 7hr Livestream, still in progress: "#ReconnectJulian Online Vigil for Julian Assange"
Don't wanna take up anymore time by writing anything.
Thought everyone here should have the chance to tune-in (h/t to Joe Shikspack)
Julian's tweet that upset the current Ecuadorian ruler, who apparently prefers to keep history covered up.
In 1940 the elected president of Catalonia, Lluís Companys, was captured by the Gestapo, at the request of Spain, delivered to them and executed. Today, German police have arrested the elected president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, at the request of Spain, to be extradited.
— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) March 26, 2018
Franco crimes and Catalan President’s murder are investigated by Argentina
The Argentinean Judiciary is investigating crimes perpetrated under Franco’s dictatorship in Spain, notably the execution of Catalan President Lluís Companys in 1940. Companys was the only incumbent president to have been executed during World War II. A few weeks ago, his political party (ERC) filed a complaint in Argentina in order for his speedy military trial to be declared null and void, as the Spanish institutions have refused to do so on numerous occasions. Spain’s Amnesty Law of 1977, which is still in force to this day, has always prevented Franco crimes from being investigated and from going to trial. In 2010, Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón, who became internationally famous for investigating Argentinean and Chilean dictatorships, was disbarred from office after trying to open a case against Franco crimes. Therefore, the plaintiffs have appealed to universal Justice, seeking restitution in other jurisdictions.

This is fascinating.
I'm so heartened by this solidarity. Moreover, by what it bodes for in the future in terms of circumventing the MSM.
First day at home for me with 2 babies. I'm ready to fall over from exhaustion here. But this mentally is the most stimulating and revealing thing I've seen in a long time.
Will probably pack it in soon, though. I really hope this is preserved for posterity, and made available in transcript.
Man, this really is fascinating. Like being at a party with all your best friends, in which there's so much to take in and exchange with one another.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I can't wait!
to buy you a beer or three!

Thx. for all you do!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
If humans survive not blowing themselves up
One day Assange is going to be recognized for the hero that he is. We all know that he is sitting in the embassy because he exposed ours and others war crimes. That people can have a problem with that says a lot about them.
I can't believe how many people are cheering that he is stuck in the embassy. Especially the ones who appreciated what he did during the Bush administration.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Help me figure something out
I knew something was wrong with the "Julian Assange is suddenly in bed with Putin/Trump/neo-Nazis" line: I can see little arguing with his repeat Twitter statements supporting Team Trump, and his appearances on FOX News...but this is the real world, and former heroes don't do heel-turns so rapidly or thoroughly. They just don't. My best guess was that he'd decided to pull a bit of an 'Ozymandias' and mole his way in with America's most corrosive elements to 'help' them destroy the American Empire from within, having resolved that that was truly best for the rest of the planet. Sad to say, I couldn't hold that against him very hard if it were true.
Is that all wrong, though? Is he really being completely, utterly defamed? How do you explain the Tweets and FOX News appearances?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Heh, I can't imagine anyone more ill-equipped pull this off than Julian Assange:
The American Empire doesn't need any help. They've already failed.
It's been my impression that Assange only deals with truth and fact and evidence. I don't think he is overly concerned who it comes from, as long as it is the real thing and it empowers the People in some way. But, then, he is scrupulous about protecting his sources, so we don't know who they are. We do know that he has never posted a phony document. We also know that both Parties hate him.
Why not post his comments that cause concern. Not all of us see that sort of thing.
@Pluto's Republic It was all from a few
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I think I recall the incidents you are referring to.
It was around the time that Don Jr. was compelled to disclose information about his meeting with that Russian woman who claimed to have some dirt on Hillary, but instead lobbied him about the Magnitsky Act and Russian sanctions. Assange had a twitter discussion with Don Jr, advising him to turn his transcripts and notes over to the media. He also told Don Jr to have his father send his tax returns to him. It's not clear whether Assange was joking or not, but I find it amusing either way.
The Atlantic immediately published a hit piece on Assange about the tweets. Below are two of the dozens of articles that deconstruct and expose The Atlantic's smear.
‘The Atlantic’ Commits Malpractice, Selectively Edits To Smear WikiLeaks
The Atlantic Caught Manipulating Quotes to Make WikiLeaks Seem ‘Pro-Russia’
You know, the ongoing brainwashing of the American People has been magnificently successful. I am simply in awe. I've been reading textbooks and monographs about state-based propaganda this year, going back to the 1930s. To me the techniques described seem over-wrought and exaggerated. "Anybody can see right through the techniques they used," I thought. "No one would buy into that nonsense. At least, not in the 21st century."
I was so wrong about that. I hope the academics are recording what's happened to the American mind over the past few years. We need to establish a new baseline in counter-intelligence.
Ditto, Pluto
I keep seeing people repeat statements about Russiagate that have been debunked for over a year. As to the type of propaganda that was being spread in the '30's that Hitler and Goebbels spouted to the Germans, remember that they learned how to do that from Wilson. That was such an excellent article you posted here.
I too am totally flabbergasted by how many people have been so duped into believing everything that they should be taking time to question. If we survive this time period will we be called the Good Americans?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Think about this . . . .
"I keep seeing people repeat statements about Russiagate that have been debunked for over a year."
How do you know that a lot of those people repeating those false statements--especially on the internet and the corporate media--aren't doing so because they are being PAID by somebody to so?
As I get older and older, I am concluding more and more that those people that have public platforms and who consistently spew publicly debunked bullshit are not sincerely deluded or uninformed, but rather, are professionally and ethically compromised.
You make a good point
Some of the people who make those comments might be paid to troll websites and insert talking points even though they were debunked. I need to keep this in mind on certain sites where I don't recognize the names. The ones I was thinking about were the ones on my local website. I can pretty much tell what news source they watch by their comments.
I agree with the names you came up with below. What was your username on DK? I was me there and recognize a lot of people here, but some have changed their names here.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I'd rather not disclose my user name.
Sufficeth to say, I haven't posted on that site since at least 2012. By that time, if and when I'd post, I was already trying wake people up to the SCAM-on-progressives that was/is the Democratic Party. As you can imagine, I got tremendous push back, as most "members of the community" did not want to hear it.
(BTW, I STARTED posting on that site in 2003.)
You are so right!
There are mass quantities of paid, military and other government/corporate trolls on the internet trying to 'shape discourse' - and perceptions.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
i've been searching my oeuvre at the café for hits on wikileaks
and assange himself, a couple from the intercept itself, the daily beast, the atlantic, and a good (if hypocritical) trouncing by greenwald and naomi klein, but they're by and large a bit on the (ahem) long side. but this is a concise account of one ingredient: ‘Obsessive and obscenity-laden’: Assange hits back at Intercept claims he backed Trump’, via RT 16 Feb, 2018
“WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has rejected claims by The Intercept that he backed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He accused the outlet of furthering one of the authors' personal obsession.
“The editorial propriety of letting Micah F Lee, of all people, instrumentalize the Intercept to further his obsessive, obscenity laden campaign against WikiLeaks must be questioned,” Assange said on Thursday.
Assange added that Lee was “formally behind cutting off WikiLeaks' US tax deductible donations,” referring to the Freedom of the Press Foundation cutting off WikiLeaks’ access to funding.
In Wednesday’s story, Lee and Cora Currier of The Intercept claimed to have seen private Twitter messages from WikiLeaks staff from November 2015 onwards.” (etc.)
DK used to appreciate what Wikileaks exposed
but that was back when they were against war during the Bush adm. Once Obama was elected and continued Bush's wars and then expanded them more, the site turned on Assange for exposing Obama's war crimes. If you had been a member on DK very long you would see how the site that basically came into being during the Bush years and especially because of the illegal Iraq war has changed since then. The site used to be the most left of the political spectrum, but that all changed during Obama's tenure and went off the rail during the last election. They refused to admit that Hillary is just as big a war criminal as Bush was, that the Clinton presidency did untold damage to the country and that Obama was just a puppet for the 1%.
Just the fact that over 400 members of the site are cheering this abhorrent action on Assange shows that they do not believe in a free press, the first amendment or human rights.
Repeating this
Assange is being target just because he has exposed country's dirty laundry which is what an open press is supposed to do. Ecuador is being pressured by other countries to do this. I hope that your are listening to this. Finally, how you watched the Collateral Murder video? IF not, please do. This one of the first war crimes exposed by Wikileaks
One comment from DK. This is not the worst one either.
I look forward to the day he dies in prison.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Actually, DK started to go off the rails and sell out to the establishment the minute the Kerry campaign, aided by behind-the-scenes DNC mucky mucks (including Robert Gibbs, Kerry operatives, the Clintons, and the discredited Senator Robert Toricelli), GOP politicians, and the presstitutes of the corporate media successfully colluded/conspired to derail Howard Dean's insurgent primary campaign in 2004 (anyone remember the travesty of the "Dean Scream" and how that was used by the corporate media to smear Dean as a nutcase, just when the general electorate was starting to pay attention to the election season?). Rather than express outrage and decide to fight the Democratic establishment at that point for unethically taking out the candidate and the principles the Dean movement ostensibly represented (and which the site supposedly supported), Kos not only brushed all this stuff off, but he then JOINED in supporting Kerry. At that exact moment, something inside me told me that Kos had no integrity, and that what was more important to him was maintaining some kind of relevance within the Democratic Party establishment. However, I soon brushed off such thoughts and bought into the "lesser of two evils" rationalization ("anyone but Bush") for supporting Kerry.
Everything that Kos has done since then, I see now as no more than calculated and self-aggrandizing moves meant to: a. Stay relevant and move up within Democratic Party circles, and b. to enrich himself financially through his site.
The guy has ALWAYS been a principle-less opportunist. He was just good at blinding people to that reality for a long time. (Now that he has become a millionaire through VOX Media, I think he no longer cares as much about maintaining the illusion(s) that succesffully built and maintained DK for so long.)
I don't know if his front-pagers get paid to post on his site (including the sad Meteor Blades.) However, if they do and they are so addicted to what Kos pays them, then they truly are a pathetic lot because a lot of them know better than the shit they've been posting since during the Obama years (anyone remember "11-dimensional chess?"), and especially since the 2016 election and up to today. They essentially qualify as paid shills or, "presstitutes." If they are in fact getting paid for the right-wing bullshit they are now writing, then I don't know whether to hold them in contempt, or to pity them, as they faithfully fall in line with and dishonestly execute the directives that come down on high from that amoral, deceptive, and greedy opportunist, Commandante Moulitsas.
(In fact, by 2012 I'd only check into that site to laugh at the idiots that were still blinded by the pro-Obama/Democratic Party group think that characterized that site, even in the face of countless numbers of Obama/Democratic Party betrayals of progressive principles. By 2015, the only reason I'd check into that site was to see what was being said about the Sanders campaign and to monitor its progress. When the March or April, 2016 directive came down from on high about "unifying behind Clinton or else," it just further cemented by negative perceptions about Kos' true motives and agendas.)
As for so many of the non-progressive and even right wing comments that other "people" post on that site who are not front-pagers, I concluded years ago--even before the Correct-the-Record shills appeared--that a lot of those people and commentors were PAID shills pushing agendas, usually those that were in line with the agendas of the Democratic Party ruling establishment. (In fact, these past few years as I've reflected on this, I have also found it telling that it was a "banable offense" to suggest that someone was a paid shill on that site. In view of my estimation of Kos' MO, and his true motives in running that site, the reason he probably made this rule was because he KNEW that a lot of the people posting right-wing or pro-establishment bullshit (usually supported by MSM talking points) on that site weren't sincere or even sincerely deluded, and to have that whole issue brought to the fore would have completely given the scam away by destroying the credibility of his site . . . as well as his traffic numbers). To make a long story short, I strongly suspect that a lot of the people now attacking Assange (as they attacked Cindy Sheehan, Glenn Greenwald, and David Sirota and a slew of others before him that adhered to progressive principles to the point of embarassing the ruling Democratic establishment) are probably paid operatives of one sort or another. In retrospect, I believe now that TOP has LONG been infested by paid trolls and operatives, probably going back to 2003 when the site first appeared.
Kos has no integrity, and his site has no integrity. It has never been a truly progressive website, and Kos has never been a real progressive. From a de facto perspective, that site is nothing but a de facto scam/subsidiary of the DNC . . . and possibly a psy-op run by the CIA (but that's a whole other issue).
I do remember that time
when they went after Dean for his Dean Scream. I thought what the f*ck? He was excited about his win and was showing it. As for Kerry, I just heard Kiraku say that he asked Kerry if he would ask Obama to commute his sentence so he could support his 5 kids and that Kerry told him not to contact him again. Dean has sold out so I don't feel bad for him. Seeing that he was part of MEK while it was still labeled a terrorist organization told me a lot about his principles.
It took me awhile to see a. Stay relevant and move up within Democratic Party circles, and b. to enrich himself financially through his site. Marcos for who he was. He is still doing that and that is why he kicked non Hillbots off his site. He was still involved in what the DLC evolved into. He is now rubbing butts with Her and Obama in their new think tank that was formed to make sure that no Bernie type candidate gets elected.
Oh absolutely!!! We saw this during the early parts of the primary where the FP was full of republican diaries and nothing on Bernie or any other candidate.
Mark Summer, Joan and Leslie write diaries that are so full of bullshit that any thinking person would be able to see through it if they didn't have their heads up their ass. They all leave out pertinent information out of their write ups just to skew their talking points the right way.
I am so disgusted by how many members there are cheering what is happening to Julian. I am having trouble finding the words for them.
Thanks for the memories.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
"I am having trouble finding the words for them."
How about (for starters), "Liars," "shills," "hacks," "whores," "venial," "deceitful," "corrupt," "craven," "soul-less," and "amoral?"
This is funny
You say that there have always been paid trolls on DK. I'm seeing us being accused of being trolls and that's why we left the site. It funny how no one remembers that a lot of us got kicked off. And that the Correct the record trolls joined the site after their paychecks ended.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I'm impressed!
Unlike mine, no swears!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Why I don't go there
and haven't even checked to see if I've been banned or still used to inflate their membership numbers. Did the odd (much earlier) time when I still had the stomach to go to support/rec and read something written by someone posting here, and still had trusted member status long after it should have expired...
Kinda wondering if various dead accounts are being used by paid trolls; still finding it hard to believe that so many people for whom I once had respect had this capacity for the support of evil all along, although I suppose that anyone can pretend to be anything on the internet, even over years. And the best left and are here and elsewhere, of course.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Are you really serious?
Who the fuck cares if he appears on FOX? Even FOX is sometimes right about things, and in fact, we are such a sad state of affairs these days, that often during the past few years FOX has reported genuine facts and taken positions that should make any conscientious and real "progressive" glad. (It has often been more accurate than CNN or MSNBC, for that matter . . . which really isn't saying much, seeing as how bad CNN and MSNBC are with their "corporate liberalism.")
You take truth wherever you can find it . . . unless of course, you are blinded by a kind of "media tribalism" that prevents you from seeing that there can be truth and facts reported on even that largely horrible place called FOX.
As for Assange appearing on FOX, I'm glad he has done it. He wants as many platforms to get his message out there into the public as he can get. (And because his message about DNC/Clinton crimes likely fit in with the FOX anti-Democratic Party agenda, they let him present his case.)
He undermined the Democratic Party by appearing on FOX? Good. More power to him. The Democratic Party NEEDS undermining.
Like I said: I really don't care, nor do I see it as a betrayal that he has appeared on FOX. Just like I don't see it as a betrayal that Glenn Greenwald has also appeared on FOX.
DO NOT get into "blinded" with me
The fact that the DP and its media apparatuses have become like FOX News does nothing to redeem the "old" FOX News. With all due respect to the teachings of Allfather Odin, the enemy of my enemy is NOT automatically my friend. Your explanation makes sense on Assange's behalf, but FOX News itself has earned its "cult" stamp. My MO is simple: Trust all by default, quarantine and develop antibodies against proven viruses.
I didn't know what was going on, and had only what I was seeing at the time to go on. As I said, I knew something was amiss. It's not a matter of "betrayal" so much as "What the hell is going on here?!?" /riker
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Does anyone there even understand
that Julian is not a US citizen or even US resident and is not subject to US jurisdiction - or in any way breaking any sane law for publishing factual information on an international platform?
Oh, right, national and international laws do not apply to the US PTB, who are above all that law stuff. I forgot...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
When did he support Trump?
I understand why he went on Fox, but I doubt that he is a trump supporter. I've seen many people going on Fox and other sites because they aren't able to get on CNN or MSDNC anymore because they are being censored.
And I very much doubt that he is a Trump supporter. If he posted something good about him it might have been the truth. He started getting vilified after he posted Hillary's emails and the DNC computers files that someone sent him and stay in people's good graces. That's why people turned on him. You don't expose the Shillmonger's crimes. This is why he is stuck in the embassy. This country wants him extradited here and charged under the espionage act. The first amendment apparently doesn't apply to people who exposed our war crimes. The only person who went to prison for torture was John Kirikau who blew the whistle on the program. And of course Chelsea Manning after she sent him the Collateral Murder tapes.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Actually, he's stuck in
It is ironic, however, is it not, that this attempt to silence him has brought even more world-wide attention to his voice, his revelations, and his plight?
The rulers, by the time they are finished, will make a martyr out of him. Showing that they are not only corrupt, and evil, but stupid and short-sighted as well.
Going by a reference made up thread,
which I believe meant that Julian had made a comment pointing out knocking out Trump results in something worse - in Pence, I suspect that that's the point intended to show that Assange had expressed support for the Trump side of the corporate/billionaire clown show.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
How true is this?
The real test of the freedom of speech. It obviously doesn’t exist especially where it matters!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Thanks for the link. I'm grateful to be a witness the real-time moral courage of Julian Assange. Like many, I have been profoundly touched by the truth he has held aloft so that we may be aware of where our government is leading us. At great cost to himself, Julian Assange is actively defending our right to a free press and providing the truths we must have if we are to become the architects of our own future.
The vigil is remarkable.
The word "martyr"
In fact, a second century "church father," once said that the "blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." Meaning that the MORE the powers-that-be persecuted the Christians, the more the church attracted converts and got stronger.
They're turning Assange into a modern-day "martyr."
Oh. I see what you mean.
Unintended consequences.
Hands full w/ babies here. But here's some stats/info abt it
I couldn't believe my eyes and ears, as one amazing radical truthseeker after another appeared on the broadcast. Some who I stayed up late into the night last to listen to were, Ray McGovern (who said it was the best 5 hours he spent in a long time), John Kiriakou, Lee Camp, Ron Placone, Tim Black (the latter three having gotten word of it and being plugged in). For me, it was like having the best of the best assembled in one place. A definite rarity, and downright revolutionary. I hope the success of this turns it into a regular thing:
Seems a couple of the first high-profile folks to release a statement were:
Will try to check back in periodically, hopefully with more drips and drabs.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
How do you get to the stats page you showed?
And where is the Australian Government in all this?
Last I heard, Assange was still an Australian citizen - so why won't his own Government lift a finger to help him? Whose underpants did he pull down in public?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well, gee, doesn't the silence from . . .
. . . the Australian government basically show you who owns and controls them?