My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Sounds Nice - Z800 is a Beast - According to Users
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 06:50pm 0
"I haven't a clue what you're talking about,,,
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 01:12pm 0
Why yes - in fact
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 12:37pm 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 04:36pm
Midnight Mulling - building your own network - ad-free! (mostly)
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 11:07am 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 03:21pm
"Not completely on point"
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 09:27am 0
A Toast
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 09:06am 0
Just wanted to make sure
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 02:43am 0
Untested (by me) but...
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 01:20am 0
The last count I saw was over 1,100 people
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 12:12am 0
PDO Exception
From:Midnight Mulling - The Exodus Begins or SeniorLinux .001
jabney Mon, 03/21/2016 - 12:02am 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 12:39am
Suggestions for shows you like?
From:Midnight Mulling - building your own network - ad-free! (mostly)
jabney Sun, 03/20/2016 - 09:35am 0
From:Checking In
jabney Sun, 03/20/2016 - 09:10am 0
Oh well
From:Midnight Mulling - Susan Smokes (but you can't call her lazy)
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 08:25pm 1 Sat, 03/19/2016 - 08:29pm
Thanks -
From:Midnight Mulling - Susan Smokes (but you can't call her lazy)
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 07:34pm 1 Sat, 03/19/2016 - 07:46pm
How did I publish it so early?
From:Midnight Mulling - Susan Smokes (but you can't call her lazy)
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 07:17pm 1 Sat, 03/19/2016 - 09:45pm
What about Zombie Computers?
From:News Dump Saturday: Zombie Apocalypse Edition
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 12:45pm 1 Sat, 03/19/2016 - 05:54pm
Before you quit everything, recall your last power-loss
From:Open Sesame 03/19/16
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 11:45am 0
As long as I'm being honest,
From:Midnight Mulling - Shelf-Space Starvation
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 01:32am 0
You caught me
From:Midnight Mulling - Shelf-Space Starvation
jabney Sat, 03/19/2016 - 01:10am 0
From:Wonder If Kos Is Having Second Thoughts?
jabney Fri, 03/18/2016 - 07:31pm 0
And CamStudio Portable Works
From:How Big is That Circle in the Lower-Right on Your Screen?
jabney Thu, 03/17/2016 - 03:14pm 0
Better but...
From:How Big is That Circle in the Lower-Right on Your Screen?
jabney Thu, 03/17/2016 - 02:43pm 2 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 03:18pm
New to me:
From:Alpha's Super Tuesday #3 Results Live Blog.
jabney Tue, 03/15/2016 - 06:31pm 1 Tue, 03/15/2016 - 08:24pm
From:And just how rigged IS the game?
jabney Tue, 03/15/2016 - 02:17am 0
OK with point 2, but as for point 1...
From:And just how rigged IS the game?
jabney Mon, 03/14/2016 - 11:46pm 1 Mon, 03/14/2016 - 11:53pm
The Moog Instument you control by non-touching
From:We Lost Keith Emerson Today...
jabney Fri, 03/11/2016 - 08:48pm 0
I Like the Bar on the Right
From:Sidebar to the left or sidebar to the right?
jabney Fri, 03/11/2016 - 01:32pm 2 Fri, 03/11/2016 - 08:46pm
SeniorLinux was (is?) the
From:Haven't gotten your registration reply? Have you checked your Spam directory lately?
jabney Thu, 03/10/2016 - 02:15pm 0
One coincidence is nice, but two coincidences - hmmm
From:Kos Is Getting His Wish- Let The Guy Have His Echo Chamber
jabney Tue, 03/08/2016 - 05:15pm 0
Tomato Juice
From:Caucus99percent must grow quickly!
jabney Tue, 03/08/2016 - 01:17am 1 Tue, 03/08/2016 - 11:35am
From:I'm New Here - Where is my lawn to keep you kids off it_
jabney Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:29pm 2 Tue, 03/08/2016 - 12:01am
