My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Former ISIS jihadists now fighting in Ukraine
From:Open Thread - Friday, September 4, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:52am 0
Obama's "pantomime of outrage"
From:Open Thread - Friday, September 4, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:45am 1 Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:58am
DKos is not reality
From:Open Thread - Friday, September 4, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:04am 1 Fri, 09/04/2015 - 11:44am
The Fantasy World of Ben Carson
From:Open Thread - Friday, September 4, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 09/04/2015 - 10:54am 0
Confirmed: Russian troops are fighting in Syria
From:The Evening Blues 9-3-15
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 09:54pm 0
That says it all
From:The Evening Blues 9-3-15
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 09:15pm 0
Netanyahu wants to shoot stone-throwers
From:The Evening Blues 9-3-15
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 05:34pm 1 Mon, 09/07/2015 - 12:45am
10,000 Icelanders open up their homes to refugees
From:The Evening Blues 9-3-15
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 05:25pm 2 Thu, 09/03/2015 - 05:31pm
GOS is built on outrage porn
From:OT 9-3-15 - Outright lying by the Government and the Press
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 04:51pm 1 Thu, 09/03/2015 - 06:30pm
Another NY Times example of spinning the truth
From:OT 9-3-15 - Outright lying by the Government and the Press
gjohnsit Thu, 09/03/2015 - 10:37am 0
Former Clinton staffer to plead the 5th
From:The Evening Blues 9-2-15
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 10:49pm 0
Can The Donald Win?
From:The Evening Blues 9-2-15
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 10:18pm 1 Thu, 09/03/2015 - 02:10am
There is only one way of solving the migrant crisis
From:The Evening Blues 9-2-15
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 05:40pm 1 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 05:59pm
The new shocking image of Syrian migrants crisis
From:The Evening Blues 9-2-15
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 05:00pm 3 Thu, 09/03/2015 - 01:58am
ISIS strikes within Russia
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 04:46pm 0
Am I insane? Or is this insane?
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 02:32pm 3 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 04:21pm
The problem of negative interest rates
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 01:41pm 0
Adam smith on inequality
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 01:09pm 1 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 02:47pm
Russia putting boots on the ground in Syria?
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 11:27am 2 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 04:46pm
Taxpayers get screwed again
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 11:22am 1 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 01:13pm
The reason for the rise of ISIS: American prison camps
From:Open Thread - Wednesday September 2, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 11:07am 0
Trump is an enormous
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 09/02/2015 - 10:51am 2 Wed, 09/02/2015 - 12:58pm
I have an essay in mind
From:The Evening Blues 9-1-15
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 08:45pm 0
The End of an Era
From:The Evening Blues 9-1-15
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 06:29pm 1 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 07:50pm
Crude oil crashes 10% just today
From:The Evening Blues 9-1-15
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 06:13pm 1 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 07:52pm
U.S. Army tells Shia militias to get out of Ramadi
From:The Evening Blues 9-1-15
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 04:44pm 0
This is twisted beyond any morality or logic
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 11:15am 2 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 12:06pm
You're never too young to fear Iran
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 11:10am 0
Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 11:05am 1 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 12:02pm
The state of low-income workers and housing
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 10:38am 2 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 03:40pm
Anyone else see an opportunity here but me?
From:Open Thread - Tuesday September 1, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 09/01/2015 - 10:17am 3 Tue, 09/01/2015 - 03:34pm
An update on war in Iraq
From:The Evening Blues 8-31-15
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:12pm 0
Huge anti-war demonstrations in Japan
From:The Evening Blues 8-31-15
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 08:21pm 1 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 08:35pm
Why aren't Democrats saying this?
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 06:44pm 0
Never read it
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 06:03pm 1 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 07:39pm
No one has ever done this before: Trump
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 02:27pm 3 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 06:44pm
GOP Immigration crazies
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 01:34pm 2 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 05:39pm
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:51am 0
It's an assassination program
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:57am 1 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 11:26am
Preparing our children for war
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:49am 1 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:59am
Sanders wouldn't end drone program
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:36am 4 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 07:28pm
Ukraine nationalists throwing bombs
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:33am 1 Mon, 08/31/2015 - 01:42pm
ISIS seizes part of Damascus
From:Open Thread Monday 08-31-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:24am 0
I thought for sure
From:The Great Strike Wave of 1946
gjohnsit Mon, 08/31/2015 - 10:16am 0
Margin debt in the market
From:Evening Blues Weekend Edition Preview 08-30-15
gjohnsit Sun, 08/30/2015 - 08:29pm 1 Sun, 08/30/2015 - 09:47pm
Israeli West Bank settlers are often Americans
From:Evening Blues (weekend edition) preview 8-29-15
gjohnsit Sat, 08/29/2015 - 01:08pm 1 Sat, 08/29/2015 - 09:52pm
Psychology is not a hard science
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-28-15
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 02:44pm 1 Fri, 08/28/2015 - 02:50pm
NSA spying ruled legal because of technicality
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-28-15
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 02:40pm 1 Fri, 08/28/2015 - 07:24pm
Mom and Pop investor runs for the hills
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-28-15
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 12:50pm 1 Fri, 08/28/2015 - 02:53pm
Bolivia finds solution to cocaine problem
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-28-15
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 12:35pm 0
#BuyPens: some good news
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 28, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 11:31am 1 Fri, 08/28/2015 - 12:37pm
ISIS seizes Turkey's "ISIS-Free" zone in Syria
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 28, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/28/2015 - 10:19am 0
The last laugh
From:"Worse than Orwell'
gjohnsit Thu, 08/27/2015 - 04:29pm 0
Sanders' foreign policy
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Thu, 08/27/2015 - 02:29pm 1 Fri, 08/28/2015 - 12:28am
A new Lincoln Brigade?
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Thu, 08/27/2015 - 11:49am 1 Thu, 08/27/2015 - 02:32pm
Limberbutt has a campaign video
From:The Revenge of Deez Nuts
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 08:29pm 0
An interesting chart
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 04:27pm 1 Wed, 08/26/2015 - 04:38pm
The forgotten Palestinian exiles in Syria
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 03:44pm 0
Oil crash is a threat to War on ISIS
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 03:00pm 0
China's numbers can't be believed
From:Open Thread - Wednesday August 26, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 01:44pm 1 Wed, 08/26/2015 - 01:56pm
Yemen: there would soon be "nothing left to fight for"
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-26-15
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 01:32pm 0
Slanting of ISIS war intel finally getting examined
From:Open Thread - Wednesday August 26, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 11:38am 0
How China made a stock market bubble
From:Open Thread - Wednesday August 26, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 11:17am 1 Wed, 08/26/2015 - 01:40pm
It occured to me this morning
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Wed, 08/26/2015 - 10:20am 0
Ashley Madison leak turns very ugly
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-25-15
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 05:52pm 0
You might remember that this is where this started
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 05:01pm 1 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 06:43pm
Thank you Edward Snowden, again
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-25-15
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 04:51pm 0
I agree the black-on-black thing is BS
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 04:22pm 1 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 04:36pm
Holy Sh*t, Batman!
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-25-15
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 03:36pm 2 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 07:38pm
Biden is Plan B for the DLC
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 03:27pm 2 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 07:15pm
Comic book superheroes and militarism
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 02:19pm 0
I've been wondering
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 11:03am 2 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 12:52pm
Turkey betrayed us in Syria
From:Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015
gjohnsit Tue, 08/25/2015 - 10:30am 2 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 04:22pm
Just an FYI
From:Going into Bob Swern withdrawal......
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 09:14pm 1 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 12:17am
DOW down 1,100 points in two days
From:Going into Bob Swern withdrawal......
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 04:29pm 1 Mon, 08/24/2015 - 05:28pm
It's looking like they'll cut the losses
From:Open Thread 24-08-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:59am 1 Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:46pm
You never know who is shorting until later
From:Open Thread 24-08-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:51am 1 Mon, 08/24/2015 - 11:03am
Where does al-Qaeda stop and Saudi Arabia start?
From:Open Thread 24-08-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:48am 1 Tue, 08/25/2015 - 06:12am
It's beginning to look a lot like 1998
From:Open Thread 24-08-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:37am 2 Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:59am
Flash Crash in the stock market today
From:Open Thread 24-08-2015
gjohnsit Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:12am 1 Mon, 08/24/2015 - 10:24am
China's market support fails
From:Open Thread 08-23-15
gjohnsit Sun, 08/23/2015 - 09:53pm 0
Oil bust and its victims
From:Open Thread 08-23-15
gjohnsit Sun, 08/23/2015 - 12:48pm 1 Sun, 08/23/2015 - 01:10pm
It's part of sports
From:Open Sesame 08/22/15
gjohnsit Sun, 08/23/2015 - 12:15am 0
Worst week for DOW since October 2008
From:Open Sesame 08/22/15
gjohnsit Sat, 08/22/2015 - 01:27pm 0
Bay of Pigs 2.0
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-21-15
gjohnsit Sat, 08/22/2015 - 01:23pm 0
7 Million Are in Default to School Debt
From:Open Sesame 08/22/15
gjohnsit Sat, 08/22/2015 - 11:52am 1 Sat, 08/22/2015 - 12:37pm
Obama's Department of Injustice
From:Open Sesame 08/22/15
gjohnsit Sat, 08/22/2015 - 11:45am 1 Sat, 08/22/2015 - 01:33pm
I don't want to see her go down for this
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Sat, 08/22/2015 - 11:06am 0
And another email update
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 06:54pm 1 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 07:33pm
I finally went back over there
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 06:01pm 1 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 09:00pm
The Syrian migrant crisis in one picture
From:Evening Blues Preview 8-21-15
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 05:33pm 3 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 06:44pm
DOW down 500 points just today
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 21, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 03:07pm 1 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 03:51pm
A worthy point
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 02:53pm 0
Check out the updates to this essay
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 02:36pm 0
This point I can't get over either
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 01:01pm 3 Sat, 08/22/2015 - 03:55pm
I haven't been back to DKos today
From:Hillary might be in real trouble
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 11:37am 2 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 12:59pm
The Wall Street/MIC connection
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 21, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 11:13am 1 Sat, 08/22/2015 - 04:40am
I'm probably the only one who watches the markets
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 21, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 10:42am 5 Fri, 08/21/2015 - 03:07pm
My parents live near Portland
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 21, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 10:29am 0
failing to sign my registration
From:Open Thread - Friday, August 21, 2015
gjohnsit Fri, 08/21/2015 - 10:25am 0
