Open Thread - Tuesday August 25, 2015

I am just going to post a quickie Open Thread for today. It is not my regular day and we are still in need of someone to post the Open Thread for Tuesday Mornings. It can be as little or as much as you wish.

Beautiful morning here in western NC. I did my morning walk which is now little over 3.5 miles since I added in the big hill. The big hill has not gotten any easier like I was hoping it would. Maybe with time I will not be huffing and puffing so hard when I reach the top. Walking back down it has not gotten any easier either as my left knee can attest to.

Here is one news link to start your day courtesy of Paul Krugman.

I will be adding some more after posting this. Meanwhile feel free to comment on whatever you wish this morning. Good

I just came across this article posted this morning in the Atlantic concerning the markets and where they might be heading.

The Dow jumped 300 points at the opening bell Tuesday, and the S&P 500 spiked 2 percent—a day after global markets were battered amid the uncertainty posed by signs of weakness in China’s economy.

Stock markets around the world were all looking healthier Tuesday—except in China. There, the Shanghai composite index, which fell 8.5 percent on Monday, declined a further 7.6 percent. It is now firmly in negative territory for the year.

Here's an article. originally published on Alternet on August 21 and then republished by Salon today. In it, Joseph Stiglitz discusses the Greek debt crisis and how the austerity measures inflicted upon Greece may threaten the European Union.

In Greece, where suicide rates have risen sharply in the wake of austerity measures, people lose hope.

Joseph Stiglitz, who has been following the Greek crisis closely and is recently returned from Athens, sets himself to the task of cutting through the fog. His plain English and fearless use of moral language to expose the ugliness behind economic and political abstractions lend clarity to a situation that is not just bringing a nation to its knees, but threatening to destroy the European project and bring on a future of conflict and hardship.

I just realized that everything I linked thus far concerns economic news. It was totally unintentional.

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Big Al's picture

Too late, so instead of letting it go to waste I'll post it here.

Interesting article from Jon Rappaport about Trump and his comments on trade deals and their impact on American workers. The key part is Trump indicating he would raise taxes on imports to spur domestic production. The globalists won't have that, Trump may have stepped in deep doo doo.

"Taxes on imports. Also known as tariffs.
Every significant trade-treaty negotiated since 1945 has been aimed at lowering or eliminating tariffs, in order to establish Globalist “free trade.”
Treaties like GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, for example; as well as the current TPP and its cousins.
Free trade is code for: mega-corporations and banks can roam the planet and set up shop anywhere they please. They can bankroll and build production facilities, produce cheap goods, and sell them anywhere in the world without paying tariffs.
Tariffs would make that whole operation useless. It would defeat mega-corporate greed and ambition internationally."

Here's a video of a woman named Peggy Hubbard. She criticizes the BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement for it's focus on police brutality and killings without commensurate focus on "black on black" crime. She's a black woman. This meme is coming up alot in discussions about the BLM movement and the police state, particularly from the right who use it to obfuscate the BLM focus on law enforcement. However there are obviously many in the black community who have strong opinions about where the focus should be relative to violence against blacks.

Here's an article from John Bolton at American Enterprise Institute, a noted Neocon/Zionist thinktank with many of the same cretins reponsible for Bush era crimes against humanity. In the article, Bolton argues that the only course of action relative to the Iran deal at this time is for Israel to go ahead and attack Iran, and for the U.S. Congress to pledge to have Ixrael's back.

"Accordingly, the spotlight falls on Israel, which twice before has struck nuclear-weapons programs in hostile states (Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007). Israel’s current options are hardly new or different. Jerusalem must choose between a world after a military strike and a world with a nuclear enemy whose objective is Israel’s destruction. It does not have the choice of preserving the world as it is today, because that world is rapidly becoming a world with a nuclear Iran (as before with Iraq or Syria).

Neither alternative is palatable, but in similar circumstances, Israel has not hesitated. In neither case, perhaps incomprehensibly to some, did the Middle East promptly descend into war and chaos. No other regional power wanted Saddam to have nuclear weapons (neither in 1981 nor thereafter), and, despite the flurry of anti-Israel activity at the United Nations, there were no sustained consequences following Israel’s attack. After Israel’s 2007 strike on Syria, Arab reaction was almost entirely muted, because the Arabs suspected that the al-Kibar reactor was a joint venture between Damascus and Tehran. The Sunni Arabs didn’t want a nuclear Iran in 2007, and they don’t want it now. Not only will the Arab monarchies quietly accept a preemptive Israeli military strike against Iran, some might even cooperate. This is how national interests actually work in international affairs."

"If Jerusalem strikes Iran, we will undoubtedly learn of it only after operations have commenced. Given the level of distrust between Israel and Obama, there is essentially no chance we will receive advance notice. Nonetheless, America should be immediately prepared to do two things to help Israel. First, politically and diplomatically, we should argue unhesitatingly that a preemptive Israeli strike is a legitimate exercise of Israel’s inherent right of self-defense. In an age of weapons of mass destruction and insignificant attack-warning times, this is basic common sense for us.

Second, Congress should immediately authorize and appropriate all necessary assistance for Israel to allow it to defend itself against Hamas and Hezbollah or direct Iranian retaliation. Israel’s military would probably expend significant resources and suffer heavy losses of men and matériel over Iran. To defend its civilians adequately, Israel could brook no delay in suppressing hostile activity from Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley or the Gaza Strip. Obama might procrastinate and equivocate, but Congress must do everything it can to force his hand."

Sanders supporters won't particularly like this one. It doesn't paint a promising picture for a Sanders win in the primary. However, most should be aware that it's still a long shot for Bernie to win and a guy named joe said we needed a Plan B. This is worth a read for the point of view it presents.
Can Bernie Sanders Win the Nomination?

"The evidence, in fact, points the other way: to the near impossibility of Sanders becoming the nominee. Consider that more Americans would vote for a lesbian or a Muslim than a socialist. Even if Clinton implodes, party leaders will unite behind a new neoliberal torchbearer. If Sanders miraculously wins the nomination, he will be buried in the general election by an avalanche of corporate money and a right wing that will make him out to be the second coming of Stalin, who will abolish private property, ban marriage, outlaw religion, destroy the economy, and ship you off to a forced labor camp to grow pot for brainwashing your kids in socialist indoctrination schools.

Simply put, you have a better chance of Jennifer Lawrence or Idris Elba calling you up and saying they want to be your friend with benefits than Bernie Sanders has of becoming the next president."

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gulfgal98's picture

I was hustling just trying to get something up this morning after I noticed that there was no Open Thread. Thank you for giving us some meatier links that the ones I had. Good

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

say hello to President clown car. The Democrats are going to lose without a real populace candidate. They can shovel all the hopey changey rhetoric they want, after Obama nobody will believe a word. It isn't Hillary I object to. It is what she stands for. More and more people are vowing to stay home. There should be an organized write-in protest vote, e.g., none of the above, Bernie Sanders, GFY, whatever. If we're going to put our votes in the dumpster, might as well make it say something.

I can't believe how cold it is. We turned on the heat to take out the chill. It is currently 59 with a high of 69 predicted. I hate winter, but I hate Florida more. Arizona has no water. How can a Michigander go from the great lakes to desert? What passes for a lake out west is a knee-slapper.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

I know Al hates Bernie and so do the pundits. But I honestly believe that Bernie has a better chance against the clown car than Clinton. Clinton's baggage is simply too great. Add to that, her arrogance and dismissive attitude towards the little people and I simply cannot believe she can win. Her negatives are sky high which does not bode well in the general. I am not thinking pie in the sky. I am thinking people want someone who will stand up for them and who has authenticity. And Bernie is the only candidate that meets those two criteria.

I know one thing. I will not be voting for Hillary under any circumstances.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

My distain is for the democratic party as I view it as part of the ruling class apparatus. If Bernie had
run as an indie or other third party, I may have supported him.
I just saw the article on Counterpunch and though it presented a fairly logical argument about the process.
Hillary may yet implode and then it's up in the air.

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gulfgal98's picture

I think I explained why there was no other choice except under the banner of one of the two parties. If we had a parliamentary form of government here, then we could have viable third and fourth and even fifth parties. But our system precludes even a third party. It is corrupt and needs to be changed. When I went to the link on constitutions of countries around the world, only one country has an older constitution than the United States. That country is teentsy little San Marino, a micro country of 24 square miles embedded in northern Italy. We desperately need a new Constitution here in the United States and I believe we need to look at converting to a parliamentary form of government.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

burnt out's picture

Regarding Bernie, I'm not buying it that his chances are as bad as many are claiming. I'm guessing that a lot of that talk is designed with the sole purpose of damping the enthusiasm that his candidacy is creating. Establishment Dems are worried, pure and simple. They're seeing the crowds he's drawing all over the country and they're spooked. They should be. Negative Bernie articles abound because they are trying to slow his momentum but hey, guess what, it's not working. As near as I can tell his chance of winning is already better than anyone was predicting a few months ago and I don't see anywhere for that to go but UP as more people hear him. Think about it Al, he's saying loudly and clearly what most progressives have been shouting from the sidelines for decades. The difference is he has a stage and a microphone, and they can't move in and shut him down like they did OWS. Whatever his chances are, his message is our message, the one we've been begging Democrats to talk about forever and we should all be cheering him on, every last one of us.

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

great to have you here. If that's a picture of you on your avatar you could be a double for Knucklehead! Make yourself at home, my friend.

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burnt out's picture

Yep, that's me. But don't blame me if Knucklehead takes umbrage at the comparison....

Glad to be here, followed the smart people over here to further my education after Joe pointed the way. I like this place already!

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

It looks like you are a serious photographer if that is your camera in the background. Do you do a lot of photography, perhaps wildlife photography?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

burnt out's picture

Yes on both questions. That is my camera and wildlife photography is my passion, birds are my favorite subjects but I shoot just about anything that I come across that's in range, from insects on up. I'm not a professional or anything like that, but I do love it and someday I might even figure out what I'm doing. ( :

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

post some of your photos here, burnt out.

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gulfgal98's picture

I thought of Clyde Butcher who is a well known photographer of Florida wilderness. I hope you will feel comfortable in sharing your photos and the stories behind them with us. In case you did not know, both joe shikspack and MarilynW are amateur photographers too. I am not a photographer, but I love birds and maintain several bird feeders so I would enjoy reading about your bird watching and photographs.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

burnt out's picture

But my beard is longer. ( :

I guess the open threads would be the place for posting wildlife pics? Not sure of the etiquette here yet and don't want to step on anybody's toes.

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

etiquette or being PC around here, but open threads or a photo diary (essays here) would work, or someone's essay if apropos.

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gulfgal98's picture

You can create your own thread. Go to New Essay and work from there. My advice is to use the Save and Continue button regularly. You can also schedule when you want your thread to post by using the scheduler.

We have no rules here except do not be a dick. There are no topics that are forbidden. And we very much encourage arts and ideas here. So your photos and a narrative about them would be awesome. Composing is fairly easy. If you have any problems, contact JtC.

Seriously on a personal note, I would love to see and hear about your photos. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

burnt out's picture

Seriously though, I'd be happy to post up a few now and then if no one objects. I just checked your FAQ and found how to embed photos here but couldn't find anything regarding size limitations. I'm guessing something around 500 x 500 or thereabouts?

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

give us stories behind your photographs. I want to know about the birds or other wildlife you have photographed. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

500x800, automatically resized if too large. You can post by pointing to the image url at a hosting site or by using our handy uploader and upload directly to the c99p library. Have at it, my friend, folks here love user generated photos.

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burnt out's picture

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

joe shikspack's picture

i post photo diaries here from time to time. i have a flickr account, so i use the medium size which is around 500 wide. the width is the most constrained dimension, you can post a taller photo than 500px, though i try to keep it under 700 or so, so that people using laptops don't have to scroll.

i always enjoy seeing other people's work and learning from it.

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burnt out's picture

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

Big Al's picture

It appears you would have been pretty good at it. I can see you next to Soupy Sales.

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gulfgal98's picture

when I remember seeing it on tv. I am old, but not as old as Soupy Sales. Or at least, I hope. Unknw

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

LapsedLawyer's picture

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

shaharazade's picture

are listening to Bernie. The Bernie cheering is across the fake political spectrum. I no longer 'self identity' as a progressive, I never liked the term as it seemed to be a Bush word cooked up to avoid being labeled a (gasp) liberal. When Hillary pronounced herself a progressive way back in 2007 at Netroots Nation it was co-opted. Every freaking centrist loyalist establishment Dem. started calling the policy and accomplishments of the Democratic, neoliberal, neocon warriors who own and run the party 'progressive'. It's some kind of marketing bs. But I digress. In my real world there are lots of Bernie supporters who are Indies, so called moderates, former Hillary supporters along with disgruntled Obama voters, and people who had washed their hands of the whole rigged mess.

I realize I come from a pretty liberal state, city, county, but still his appeal seems to cut across the board. I'm registering as a Democrat again to vote in our closed primary. It may like Trump's popularity a protest born out of disgust with the corrupt anti-democratic rigged party system but it's a movement that has legs, as they say. Politics has reached a point where people's lives are affected drastically on every level by the corporate takeover the global oligarchical, collectivists. This latest lurch of the disaster cappie global market probably got Bernie some more supporters. All in all I think most ordinary people are well aware of the game afoot as far as our broken economic system and the political farce were presented with as an election.

On every level local city state and national so called progressive Democratic officials are no longer even bothering to hide their nasty corrupt brutal agenda. Bernie may lose but the movement that has given him momentum will build. It's not like Joe, Hillary or what ever insider bent bought pol the Dems. run is going to get the people out to vote. That's okay with the masters of the universe as low turnout gives them cover. I hope Bernie and Corbyn's popularity are harbingers of things to come. Nothing is inevitable especially in politics. The powers that be have gone too far as they always do if left unchecked. People do have power and they need to start using it. Bernie is a continuation of the movement that got bait and switched by Obama. I'd like to see if people here in Portland can get rid of our own corrupt, corporate neoliberal city governments Democratic ruling junta.

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MarilynW's picture

about him everyday. We are looking for a counterpart and there is none to be had.

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To thine own self be true.

Big Al's picture

Yes, based on Clinton's problems I wouldn't bet him out, although the bookies are still giving heavy numbers.
I can't argue with the message much, although his message on foreign policies and imperialism are not going to cut it.
Six years ago I'd be right with everyone on Bernie, guarantee it. But Obama was my last straw. Everybody has their
last straw I guess, that was mine, and it came within his first 100 days. Ever since then I've pretty much had it with
the electoral and political systems. I believe they're corrupt beyond reform and even someone like Bernie, who if he
did win would most probably have a republican majority congress, the ruling class will still maintain full control.
To me, times wasting, people are dying and it's time to go for the gusto.

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burnt out's picture

The political system we have now is so openly corrupt it's a wonder that anyone bothers to participate anymore. More and more people are opting out for the same reasons that you are and who can blame them? I'd already made up my mind that I'd never vote for LOTE again and things being what they were that pretty well guaranteed I'd never be able to vote for anyone with any possible chance of winning again in my lifetime. Maybe I'm kidding myself now but Sanders is saying things I'd given up ever hearing from a politician so I'm voting for him. Not expecting miracles or anything close to that but I say give him a shot. At this point I don't see where we have anything to lose. At the very least we'll be sending a message to the establishment that we're done with their bullshit.

And we don't have a lot of options anymore. Sounds like you're ready to tear it all down and start over from scratch. I get that too, lot's of other folks are coming to the same conclusion. I may get there myself someday. But there's no guarantee what the results of that would be either and we both know that going down that path could lead to a very bad place as well.

Hope this didn't sound preachy, what do I know anyway? Wish I had a dollar for every time I was wrong. Just thinking out-loud here. Good talking to ya.

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

why #BLM fopcuses so much on police abuse against blacks, but makes the outrageous levels of incarceration of blacks a secondary issue.

That's not to say they ignore the incarceration issue, but it isn't as important to them. It seems to me that the horrific levels of incarceration are destroying the AA community much, much more than police abuse.

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Big Al's picture

imbalanced educational opportunities, and the extreme poverty which breeds discontent. It's a whole ball of wax.

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shaharazade's picture

I think a lot of #BLM does tie the massive incarceration of black people into their agenda. One of the problems I see with all our politic is the breaking down of 'issues' into separate compartments. This seems to be by design part of the divide and conquer ploy used by the powers that be to keep people disconnected from the crux of the matter. They stir the culture war pot from both sides and it's easy to see why. I have a hard time understanding why any person of color would support vote for and be 'respectful' of either the Clinton's or the Democratic party establishment who imprisons for profit both immigrants and black people. I also don't understand why they don't take their righteous outrage to the DoJ and the Obama administration which has empowered the murderous goon squads. Why don't they focus on local, city and state officials, like the governors, mayors across the country and the DA's in Baltimore, St. Louis or even Seattle. I did not like one bit the deference they used when dealing with HRC.

Glenn Ford of The Black Agenda has a lot to say about this....

The greatest asset of the movement cooptation project is the Democratic Party, itself, an institution that thoroughly dominates Black politics at every level of community life. Not only are Black elected officials overwhelmingly Democrats, but virtually all of the established Black civic organizations – the NAACP, the National Urban League, most politically active Black churches, fraternities and sororities – act as annexes of the Democratic Party. Two generations after the disbanding of the Black grassroots movement and the independent politics that grew out of that movement, the Democratic Party permeates political discourse in Black America. And the Democratic Party is where progressive movements go to die.

“There are clear limits to the enticements that can be offered by an administration that is totally committed to maintenance of the Mass Black Incarceration regime.”If the emerging movement allows itself to be sucked into Democratic Party politics, it is doomed. Yet, the #BlackLivesMatter organization, a structured group with a highly visible leadership and chapters in 26 cities, is now circling the event-horizon of the Democratic Black Hole.

Former Maryland governor and Baltimore mayor Martin OMalley, whose draconian street-sweeps resulted in the arrest of 750,000 people in one year – more than the total population of the city – submitted a full-blown criminal justice system proposal after being confronted by #BLM. Will it be graded? Is #BLM in the business of rating candidates? If so, then the group is inevitably acting as a Democratic Party lobby/constituency, and is wedded to certain electoral outcomes. At that point, it ceases being an independent movement, or an example of independent Black politics. It’s just another brand of Democrat.

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joe shikspack's picture

yep, we need one. but one of the things that i was hoping to do with that diary was to point out the process value of executing plan a.

performing plan a (roughly stated: pushing all candidates for president to articulate and support certain key policy objectives that i detailed in the diary, in hopes that we'll get at least one candidate that will champion them) will bring people together around an agenda and create a demand for that agenda in a way that goes beyond just a candidate.

without that process and nucleus of support for a particular set of demands, plan b probably can't get launched.

my $.02.

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elenacarlena's picture

Obviously we have a lot of work to do, educating people on the difference between democratic socialism and fascist socialism. But that's what a campaign is for, to get people to know the candidates and the issues. Seems like the better Bernie's poll numbers get, the more people jump up to declare that he "can't win". But if we aren't smart enough to run a Democratic campaign so that any Dem beats anyone in the GOP clown car, then we deserve to lose.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

So I was watching Chris Hayes on All In as they discussed Biden's reason's for entering the contest. The consensus seems to be that he doesn't think Clinton is ideally positioned to carry the dominant theme of this election cycle, income inequality. That mouthful of words could be shortened to, "Hillary can't win." Ironic.

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gulfgal98's picture

is that she is very popular with Democrats. But her super high unfavorables show she would be very vulnerable in the general. She has a lot of skeletons in her legislative as well as personal closets that make people not want to trust her either. Further, the more people know her, the less they like her. Uncle Joe is likable on a personal level. He likes to campaign but he has skeletons in his legislative closet too. Bernie is not about likability even though his unfavorables are low. Bernie has authenticity which is something that cannot be faked or marketed. And his legislative closet is pretty clean compared to any other candidate.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

triv33's picture

they need another "establishment" Dem in case Hilary crumbles, and it looks like she might, and Biden's a whole hell of a lot more likable than her, or a lot of them for that matter. On a personal level, he's got that "up from nothing" story going for him, sympathy out the wazoo, and he's got the occasional gaffe, that only makes him more likable, plus he's smart as a whip. I don't prefer him as a candidate, but personally? Oh, I can't help liking him.

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

gulfgal98's picture


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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

he's likable enough. I am probably being wildly optimistic or pessimistic depending on ones pov but the prevailing mood of many voting people seems to fuck them all and the horse they ride in on. There is no way in hell Joe can pass himself off as a populist candidate as he is part of the establishment and the Obama administration, not to mention his corporate too big bankster ties that are obvious. Still fear of the lunatics may prevail and he does seem less arrogant and more folksy on the surface then the 'inevitable' one.

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I hired a friend once. Bigggggggggg mistake!

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

MarilynW's picture

for example he betrayed Anita Hill and made it easy for the right wing to appoint Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas has been the deciding vote in all the nefarious Supreme Court decisions like Citizens United. There are other reasons based on his decisions but that's the big one imo.

It's an ego trip on his part.

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To thine own self be true.

Shahryar's picture

he was totally unprepared for Thomas's absurd "high tech lynching" ploy.

That and the plagiarism...oh, and his record in Delaware...and his AUMF vote.

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LapsedLawyer's picture

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

LapsedLawyer's picture

for follow-through on the populist rhetoric. In other words, Biden can talk a good talk, but he's never really walked the good walk.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

The Washinton insiders fail to look beyond the beltway bubble and think they can pull another Obama on us. The young people of this country won't buy it. They want authenticity and there is only one candidate of either party who has it. And that is Bernie Sanders. He has the record to back up his rhetoric.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Hillary's campaign is in trouble, and Sanders is just a sheepdog candidacy for the left.

Plus, Jeb's campaign is struggling too. so Biden will be the Ace in the Hole.

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elenacarlena's picture


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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

burnt out's picture

In that case I guess all I can say is Baaaaaaa.

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All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon

OMG, where does he son work? Bernie or I stay home.

The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer

Company Background:
Burisma Holdings is a privately owned oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and operating in the energy market since 2002. To date, the company holds a portfolio with permits to develop fields in the Dnieper-Donets, the Carpathian and the Azov-Kuban basins. In 2013, the daily gas production grew steadily and at year-end amounted to 11.6 thousand BOE (barrels of oil equivalent – incl. gas, condensate and crude oil), or 1.8 million m3 of natural gas. The company sells these volumes in the domestic market through traders, as well as directly to final consumers.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

glad to have you posting here, make yourself at home. Any questions about the site just ask.

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shaharazade's picture

throughout his career to creating income inequality. It's his main theme as far as I can see. They are going to have a hard time passing any of the usual suspects off as economic populists or reformers. Their credibility on income disparity is shot starting in 2008 when the big switch became obvious to ordinary people who had a brain in their head. I wonder how this latest mini meltdown in the global casino will effect the election cycle. The left liberals even the 'moderates' in the UK do not seem to be buying Labour needs to be more centrist, the usual neoliberal excuse for losing to the conservatives. Enough is enough seems to reflect the mood of voters who are not delusional or just rich anti-democratic pigs everywhere.

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gulfgal98's picture

of Slate which is the article I linked above. I am pushing fair use here, but it is worth reading what Bouie says about Biden's legislative record. My bolding added.

In 1984, he worked with Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond and the Reagan administration to craft and pass the Comprehensive Control Act, which enhanced and expanded civil asset forfeiture, and entitled local police departments to a share of captured assets. Critics say this incentivizes abuse, citing countless cases of unfair and unaccountable seizures. In one case last February, Drug Enforcement Administration officers seized $11,000 in cash from a 24-year-old college student. They didn’t find guns or drugs, but they kept the money anyway.

In 1986, Biden co-sponsored the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which created new mandatory minimum sentences for drugs, including the infamous crack-versus-cocaine sentencing disparity. A crack cocaine user with only five grams would receive five years without parole, while a powder cocaine user had to possess 500 grams before seeing the same punishment. The predictable consequence was a federal drug regime that put its toughest penalties on low-level drug sellers and the most impoverished drug users.

Biden would also play an important role in crafting the 1988 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which strengthened mandatory minimums for drug possession, enhanced penalties for people who transport drugs, and established the Office of National Drug Control Policy, whose director was christened “drug czar” by Biden.

His broadest contribution to crime policy was the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, commonly called the 1994 Crime Bill. Written by Biden and signed by President Clinton, it increased funds for police and prisons, fueling a huge expansion of the federal prison population. As journalist Radley Balko details in The Rise of The Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, it also contributed to the rapid growth of militarized police forces that used new federal funds to purchase hundreds of thousands of pieces of military equipment, from flak jackets and automatic rifles to armored vehicles and grenade launchers.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

LapsedLawyer's picture

the progressive electorate doesn't trust her to follow through on her rhetoric.

And with good reason, imo.

The problem with Biden is I don't think the progressive electorate trusts him on that score either. Certainly his record in the Senate doesn't distinguish him terribly from Clinton.

The "problem" for the DLC elite of the party is that Bernie has a longer track record of following through on the rhetoric, at least when compared to Clinton or Biden, and thus engendering trust.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

With friends like these...

The kidnapping of a group of U.S.-trained moderate Syrians moments after they entered Syria last month to confront the Islamic State was orchestrated by Turkish intelligence, multiple rebel sources have told McClatchy.

The rebels say that the tipoff to al Qaida’s Nusra Front enabled Nusra to snatch many of the 54 graduates of the $500 million program on July 29 as soon as they entered Syria, dealing a humiliating blow to the Obama administration’s plans for confronting the Islamic State.

Rebels familiar with the events said they believe the arrival plans were leaked because Turkish officials were worried that while the group’s intended target was the Islamic State, the U.S.-trained Syrians would form a vanguard for attacking Islamist fighters that Turkey is close to, including Nusra and another major Islamist force, Ahrar al Sham.

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joe shikspack's picture

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”

-- Henry Kissinger

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Big Al's picture


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gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

And there's no really shortage of those.

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gulfgal98's picture

off the top of my head (yeah, I know that can be dangerous LOL). But Saudi Arabia and Israel were the two psychopaths that immediately came to mind.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

through a color revolution or manufactured civil war.

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elenacarlena's picture

Middle East again with no idea what we really ought to be doing again?

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I just checked in from work and noticed there wasn't an OT, sorry about that. I had communicated with Don midwest by Kosmail yesterday and was under the impression that he was going to do the Tues. OTs, but I guess not. Thanks gulfgal and Big Al for covering it, much appreciated. Now, back to work.

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MarilynW's picture

Let me know. I also sent a "contact us" message with my email address, in case you don't see this.

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To thine own self be true.

shaharazade's picture

I always read but often don't post on Morning Greens as I go straight to the days OT. I'm trying to limit my blogging time these days due to monetary concerns. lol. I would enjoy having Morning Greens once a week to respond and comment in. Environmental issues are on my mind a lot these days so a focus in OT on Tuesdays would be great. I loved your post about Banksy's latest art project. good and funny.

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gulfgal98's picture

Please let JtC know.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Thanks M, post time would be on or around 6:00 AM Pacific, give or take. If that's too early you can use the scheduler, schedule it for an hour early, that will guarantee it will post before 6:00 AM, IOW set the scheduler for 5:00 AM Pacific. Thanks again Marilyn, I really appreciate it.

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MarilynW's picture

I will definitely do the Greens the night before and schedule for 6 am Pacific time.

I just barely got the Tuesday Morning Greens into the "Morning" category at around 11:30 PDT. It was more complicated than I thought it would be.

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To thine own self be true.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

It's a long read, but interesting when you look at Hollywood movies today.

Then 9/11 happened, and the militarization of the superhero, like the concurrent militarization of the police, went into overdrive.

What must have been particularly grating for Morrison, was that it was spearheaded by his own protege Mark Millar, a fellow Scot who had made his name after he was selected to take over writing The Authority on Morrison’s recommendation.

In his hugely influential The Ultimates, Millar gave the Avengers (Marvel Comics’ chief super-team) an Authority makeover. Captain America cut villains in half with his shield while shouting jingoistic catchphrases. The Hulk ate innocent people while rampaging, causing little more trouble for the team than a PR headache. And the whole team was a government project.

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Big Al's picture

There are wars and conflicts going on across the planet. It's pretty sobering and sickening to read a list
of them. The below link is an article by Prof. James Petras summarizing the imperial wars and conflicts happening
in 2015.

I've been watching the Little League World Series. In a game between Uganda and Chinese Taipai, the players
were hugging, laughing, and exchanging souvenirs after the game. During the game there were similar displays of
good sportsmanship and interactions based on mutual respect. This has been a constant throughout the LL World

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elenacarlena's picture

distraction. The BLM movement was formed to protest police brutality, to say "Hey cops, you're supposed to be protecting lives and black lives matter too." It doesn't matter how much other violence there is in the world if you've been beaten or raped or shot to death by a cop. All that matters to you in that moment is bringing that cop to justice. And we are woefully bad at that. You could say, "But the polar bears are becoming extinct!" or "But lots of people die in the Middle East!" All true, but we can be concerned about more than one thing. They are all separate issues. Protest those things, along with black-on-black crime, separately. Police brutality is one issue that has come to the fore because of the relative newness of police thuggishness caught on tape. As such, it ought to be immediately fixable. When you're talking BLM, you need to stick to the subject, IMHO.

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It's a separate issue.

But you already know my issues with #BLM.
If its about "police brutality" then why not address the other races, including whites and latinos?
If it's only about our government killing blacks, then why stop at the border?

There is a line between keeping the issue focused, and missing obviously related issues and natural allies in other groups.

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elenacarlena's picture

And when the police victim is unarmed, it's always either a minority or someone who is mentally ill. I can't speak to the movement as a whole, but Shaun and some others at DKos do report with disgust on cops who attack anyone without cause. There was a diary today about a person, white and mentally ill I think, who the cop shot for "lunging at him with a serving spoon". Mighty scary, ya know, spoons. I think yesterday was Shaun's report on the Hispanic woman whose home was SWATted in error; or maybe Leslie. Shaun definitely was the one who reported on the elderly Hispanic man in Texas who nearly had his head bashed in by the big white cop because his boss hadn't renewed his dealer tags. So at least the DKos BLM bunch aren't ignoring police-on-anyone crime. But anyway, if we get good solid laws and procedures for protecting black lives from cops, then all of us will be much better protected -- although their interactions with the mentally ill still might need some additional special training. I don't know why they didn't include more disenfranchised groups in their slogan; probably just not as catchy. I don't think anybody is saying that other lives are not as important as black lives; just that the danger to black lives has been ignored for far too long.

As far as the border, that may get too far off track. The government does a lot of things it shouldn't. But we need tougher federal laws to keep the police in line. Issues beyond our border may need a whole other separate set of laws.

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When #BLM met with Hillary they asked how to "change white hearts". That sounds like a single race program to me.

Issues beyond our border may need a whole other separate set of laws.

When the police are killing brown-skinned people at home with the very same equipment that they were using to kill brown-skinned people abroad, it certainly doesn't sound like an unrelated issue. In fact, a gun-control group would say that its the exact same issue.

I seem to recall that the popular outrage started with the police using tanks and machine guns. Then it suddenly became about white racism.

In a very different way, this almost looks like a movement hijacking. Sort of like when the Tea Party protests started out as a reaction to Wall Street bailouts before it became about Obama's birth certificate, or whatever.

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elenacarlena's picture

military hardware from police departments won't help overseas misadventures. But if we tackle it from the other end and vastly decreased our military budget, that would help both.

I thought BLM started in outrage over Darren Wilson and the failure to force him to face consequences for his actions. Then was ramped up when peaceful protests were met with military force.

But yes, I think it's a small portion of the BLM total who are disrupting candidates' events, for better or worse.

That's the thing with an unstructured, decentralized movement. Anyone can claim to be part of it and act however they see fit.

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that if some smart investigative journalist could track just one weapon from Iraq or Afghanistan to the streets of America, with the blood of brown-skinned people on both ends, then this would finally make the situation clear to the average American.
the symbol would become the fact.

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shaharazade's picture

started with Zimmerman murdering Trayvon Martin. It then got national attention during Ferguson.

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mimi's picture

I can't even catch up with you in the morning. I just read through the whole thread. I think this is the best discussion so far I have read here. Very happy to read all of you.

I am going through my own personal stuff and ordeal and have little time to concentrate on anything else. I hope this will be over soon.
Thanks again to all of you for being here and contribute. It's a good place to be.

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elenacarlena's picture

I hope you get through your ordeal soon! (((((((mimi)))))))

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