
Do Not Mourn The Democratic Party, For It is Too Our Enemy

The Democratic party presents itself as the institution through which the left can negotiate with power. In turn, the Democratic party is the institution through which power negotiates with the left. It is thus the shield and barrier that protects the elite from the left.

Whitewashing at DKos?

So I'm picking over the carcass of my comment history over at TOP, which died last May when I finally bailed for the season.

I noticed a diary I had commented effusively about on May 22, titled "Hillary's problem with Independents".

Now wouldn't that be a very intriguing read now 6 months later? Why was I so enthusiastic about this diary? I bet there are some prognostications in there that would be helpful in our moment of deep introspection, right?

Jill Stein in Colorado - Cheers and Coloradocare Controversy

The text from my friend read: Hey want to go see Jill Stein in FoCO tonite?" I was curious about the Green Presidential candidate, and so we drove down to hear Stein speak on the back patio of Avogadro's Number, a trendy restaurant/bar in college-town Fort Collins, Colorado.

Alas, Dr. Stein has lost my support with her VP pick.

I know this will be controversial, and I welcome the discussion. IMHO, the choice of Ajamu Baraka was stupid.

Why? Because it gave a quick terminating shot through the head of any slim chance that she might have had in this election.

Why? Because now the Green ticket has zero experience in governance, and the operation and use of U.S. Military apparatus.
