The Wolfe Tones

Hellraisers Journal: Chicago Federation of Labor Pleads for Life of Irish Rebel James Connolly

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Thursday May 11, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - America Union Workers Plead for Life of Irish Rebel

Chicago Federation of Labor, A. F. of L., Org'zd Nov 9, 1896.png

In a meeting of the Chicago Federation of Labor this past Sunday, a resolution was passed that a message should be sent to London making a plea for the life of the Irish Rebel, James Connolly. Connolly is well known and much respected by the trade unionists and Socialists of Chicago, having once been a resident of the city where he was active in both movements on behalf of the working class.

WE NEVER FORGET: Irish Rebels Executed at Kilmainham Gaol Before Dawn, May 3, 1916

You cannot conquer Ireland;
you cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom.
― Pádraig Pearse


Thomas MacDonagh
Pádraig Pearse
Thomas James Clarke

Hellraisers Journal: Rebel Uprising in Dublin; Irish Republic Proclaimed from Steps of General Post Office

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday April 26, 1916
From the New York Evening World:"Irish in Dublin Rise In Revolt"

Easter Rising Dublin, NY Evening World, Apr 25, 1916.png