
Celebrating friendship

...motivated by a breakfast meeting with a close millennial friend.

Life is a set of journeys; some chosen, many forced by circumstance, fate and the wind.

Along each journey multiple paths give opportunities for choices and from the experience of those good, bad, happy and grey decisions, knowledge comes.

Hence more journeys, more wisdom, potentially...

Electron's Mate and Cherokee

Electron's Mate

Tides gripping feet
in Istanbul's pollution
dash meets night

long in sight, poison grew


born of Jane

vinging pleasures

in Botticelli

never rubbing Buddha's belly

selling radio

fox hides and


grabbing angels


If Clytemnestra knew?

Sucking corn of g m o's

stalking immigrants to go

protons sinking

Ice Cream

Marching down

the days before

pushed in dreams

of color...

Kindred of the poor

blessed in time and place

barefooted to cities of the night

taking flight

carrying Mother’s anger

and hating


a yoke of time, puritanical

Lifted, somewhat with age

infirmity at the door

wishing more delights



As I write, I worry about your futures

cause aspirations of two women, queens to be,

children of presidents,

Ivanka and Chelsea

dominate your playgrounds of artifical turf

lifted by money and the media it affords

seeping into the conscious of millions

overwhelmed by closets of red shoes

They may inherit the crown

Vegas bets so

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because, 6 heard that 7 8 9.

From the beginning, 6 pleaded with fellow numbers to celebrate the opportunity the first grade provided...

let's play

and play, 6 did

through universities, over continents

up mountains, down rivers

on stage-and-off in many languages

keeping on

enlightened more by hippie fashion and colors

6 soared.

Smoking the way into new 'oblivions' of the numerous

Vignette: A Spring Day in Febuary

Breathing easy, he relaxed. The deer and groundhog playing across the field of brown high grasses at the edge of the woods enjoyed the same warm, blue sky afternoon.

The bicycle paved pathway carried strollers, dogs, Frisbee players and the retired by the headwaters of the New River. All were called out this special day.

Calcium and blue eyes smiling

Don't take calcium if you have blue eyes

And, don't let anyone in future persuade you, otherwise

heart size does matter

old friend on the hill over tea,

perturbing, very, why

or is it a hyper state


Do people forgive,

do I?

The heart loves walking.

Which surgeon?

Surgery booked, mid-September

"Someone from the family's got to be there during the operation."

Why Mom?

vignette, work in progress and hot violins


Reaching across space newly constructed

bearing fruits unexpected

at times

old fruit, old times, great play that rhymes


Finding each other with all the bother of enqueuing minds

printed digitally with a dime's effort

mixing egos online

Forwarding 2 cents worth

like Woolworth's toys of old

bean cans making cars and fire engines, galore

bold, colorful
