

Pour hearts out
and shout percentages
with sources solid and sound

Hesitate before the pen

begin, again.

Into the night a fight
waits obligingly
to swing a right.

Cartoon man plays the music

did you hear

why we're here

colliding mysteries of communities

in time,

histories of wisdom bled from

friends near and far

learning at the bar

tender, helping understand

Vignette, breathing


the confusion

is breathing

Common rains

bullshit reins

frustrating the veins

of gold

of childhood

of being


of being alive

How can I touch you

be with you, be you

when exchange rates flutter

pushing hearts to purchase

souls by tens of thousands at a time

or one by one in car seats


pools of high mountain water

Vignette, 'ello good people

Breaking, the big fish danced, splashing

through the dark

I thought of you

Path splits on interstates

Nashville, this-a-way…

I thought of you

Cornus greetings

Flowers needing a camera

Walking in the garden, with you

First season birds

Feeding each other

Needing peace

Billions do

I thought of you, two…


up the hill in Sherman Oaks



How ready
stands the good heart
satire, pleasing satin
the cloth that covers
the skin that
to be better than
better than
the other

Billions, and counting
yet the stars
are singular
human, even
good hearts, fail

Scenarios blossom
to hell, the preference'

the wrong path
does not lead, nor help in speed
